Protected: Jealousy In a Relationship
Sort Out Blame and Responsibility
Whose Problem Is It? Sorting out Blame and Responsibility in Relationships
In today’s society, it’s common to pass the buck by putting the blame and responsibility on others or deny that a problem even exists, especially in dysfunctional or co-dependent relationships.
When that happens, responsible people tend to get thrown off balance. If you’re one of those people, you believe in dealing with problems, rather than ignoring them or unloading them onto someone else. After all, if you own it, you can solve it, right? Under normal circumstances that would be true. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way if the problem you’re worrying about isn’t really yours to solve.
This simple game is for you if you tend to take on blame and responsibility for others to your own detriment. Especially during these times of upheaval and DETERIORATION, it’s essential to clear out all the confusion without making it only your problem. We can find more balanced ways to come up with solutions together.
Use this mind exercise when you are:
SOS Symbol Not clear where your responsibility lies in a given situation
- Pressuring yourself to solve someone else’s problem
- Lacking energy for your own projects
- Aware that someone is overly dependent on you
- Wanting to change the dynamics of blame and responsibility in a relationship
- Being used as a scapegoat or dumping ground for negative energy.
Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the SOS symbol.
If your efforts to solve a problem are causing you to become overwhelmed and frustrated, follow the directions for each step of this game and watch how your perspective changes! By playing, you’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on and receive constructive guidance on how to effectively come to a solution, at least for yourself.
You’ll probably feel some energy moving while you go through the exercise. That’s all right, because it means the Circles are working with your mind to unlock a fixated pattern and help you get some positive answers to your dilemma.
Once you’ve completed the game, your energy will be more your own and you’ll have a much clearer idea of what’s actually going on, including what to do about it.
Whose Problem Is It?
1. While looking at this Circle, think of a person, a problem or a plan that‘s bothering you.
What is it specifically that bothers you about this situation?
Have you experienced this problem before?
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!
2. Answer “yes” or “no” to these questions about what’s happening:
“Is this my problem?”
“Is it a projection that’s coming from elsewhere?”
“Is it something I’m projecting on myself?”
“Am I projecting this problem onto someone or something else?”
If you are dealing with any projections, you can use this Circle to help you burst them, just like a bubble or lots of little bubbles.
After all, projections are just illusions and don’t really exist, so why waste your precious time and energy on them?
3. Continue answering “yes” or “no” to these questions about your true relationship to this problem:
“What is my relationship to this problem?”
“Is it a problem I’m taking on for someone else?”
“Am I obsessing or worrying over something that I have no control over?”
“Is this just a troublesome habit that I keep rerunning in my head?”
Additional questions you can ask yourself:
“Am I taking what others say and do (or don’t say and do) personally?”
“Am I being respectful to myself in this situation?
How about being respectful and understanding of others?”
“What is my part in this situation and how can I handle it?”
“Am I in the best position to make a positive change?”
4. How is this problem affecting you?
If it’s having a negative affect, release any unconscious agreements you may be holding. You can change them by imagining you can tear up old contracts or burn them up in a violet flame like these:
“I release the agreement that I don’t matter or that I have no choice in this situation.”
“I release any unconscious agreements to be rigid or keep repeating harmful habits.”
Replace those agreements with some new agreements:
“I respect and take good care of myself.”
“I exist. I get present. What I say and do matters.”
“I choose to express my needs and cooperate with others in finding genuine solutions.”
Are there any other agreements you would like to change or update?
5. It could be that you’re tapping into a recurring pattern of control or traumatic stress that’s blocking positive energy.
Relax into this symbol and imagine you can close up destructive energy channels between you and all that negative energy.
“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past.”
“I close them down because they aren’t helping anything.”
Next, open up to more hopeful and beneficial energy.
Gather up your newfound awareness and imagine you can plug it into the center of this symbol for improved communication.
“I am open to receiving generative life force available to me in the present.”
Take a few minutes to feel more centered with more positive energy flowing through you, both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
6. Now it’s time to turn your attention towards possible solutions to the problem.
Make a choice to be in charge of your decisions and how you respond to this problem:
“I am in charge of what I do in this situation.”
“What new decisions do I need to make about myself?”
“What decisions do I need to make about others?”
“What decisions do I need to make about this situation?”
If you feel stuck, use the Circle to unstick and remove mental obstacles from your thinking process so you can do your best in this situation.
See if you can get all the gears in your mind moving together.
7. In order for you to be more objective, dissolve any mental or emotional blueprints that may be contributing to the problem.
Gaze softly at this symbol and allow the patterns to dissolve like dark clouds hanging overhead or off in the distance. These positive affirmations will help:
“I dissolve the blueprints for internalizing and taking on other people’s problems.”
“I release the patterns of confusion or putting too much pressure on myself.”
“I dissolve my tendencies to project problems onto myself or others.”
Take all the time you feel you need for the patterns to dissolve into pure sunlight and clear, blue skies. Feel free to move around until the heaviness is completely gone.
“I release the fear of failure and being too hard on myself.”
Please note: Make sure you don’t send destructive energies down into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of health, happiness and life – not illness, unhappiness and death!
8. Take a few minutes with this Circle to infuse your body with courage and determination. Imagine that you can surround yourself with a sphere of protection with affirmations like these:
“I am protected and in charge of my own space.”
“I allow others to be in charge of their own space and handle their own problems.”
“I can easily deal with my problems with courage and determination.”
Are there any aspects of your Essential Self that need to be encouraged to take care of this problem with respect – both for yourself and for others?
Redirecting how you’re using your own energy is one of the most powerful ways to solve your part of the problem.
If you have a copy, use The Essential Human manual to help you make simple corrections. Ask for numbers between 1 – 42 and make corrections to each number chart in the order they come to you.
9. What does your heart want to tell you about this situation?
Keep looking at the Circle and ask yourself this question until you hear a clear answer.
“My heart is telling me to ________________________.”
Let that quiet voice of your intuition give you answers to simple questions.
Include the basics like, who is involved? What is going on? Where is it happening? When is it happening? Why is it happening and what is its purpose?
What and how would I best respond to this situation?
10. Take a few moments and see yourself letting go of other people and their problems.
“I surrender other people’s issues, karma and emotions.”
“I send them to wherever they need to go to heal.”
Once that feels complete, call back what ever belongs to you.
“If it’s truly mine and I own it, I can resolve it.“
“I call back what belongs to me so that I can set things right.”
11. Now it’s time to get centered and ask yourself this question:
“What is the most important thing I can do to take care of myself?”
Take the very first answer that comes to you, then place your answer in the center of the Circle like a bull’s eye.
Imagine you can send your attention and energy directly to your answer and then allow the energy to return to you.
Do that for several rounds to start a new pattern.
12. Finish the exercise by asking your Inner Wisdom for some good advice:
“What will help me to follow through on making
a positive difference in this situation?”
Congratulations! Being realistic about whose problem it is and what you can actually do about it is often the missing piece to coming to a resolution.
Now would be a great time to relax and contemplate the advice you have given yourself. Take a walk if you can to help you integrate your thoughts.
Please note: Self-care Formula #4 Grounding in Your Power and Truth will often deepen your conviction and ability to follow through.
Blame and Responsibility is a Mind Exercise in Our PTSD Workbook
You are invited to Sign Up for the Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine
About the Author
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you want more help sorting out your relationships.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui Space Clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Whose Problem Is It? should not be considered as an exclusive method of mental / emotional stress. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Clear Boundaries
Setting Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind
What can you do to help yourself when you’re unable to focus on important tasks that really need to get done? Is your line of thinking clear? Has someone or something gotten under your skin and you can’t seem to let go? Clear boundaries may be the answer.
Without strong boundaries, thoughts and emotions can pass back and forth between people without their awareness. When left unchecked, this type of attachment can go underground and contribute to sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.
It’s a valuable skill to know how to close the doors or energy pathways at will. This Mind Exercise can help you learn how to consciously set clear boundaries and close off those pathways.
This visual meditation from our SOS Resolve Ebook provides a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention. Going through a quick “game” calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for self-awareness and clear boundaries, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.
Use this Mind Exercise when you are:
~ Feeling scattered or out of sync
~ Easily triggered and need better boundaries
~ Experiencing distress or separation anxiety
~ Worried, agitated or anticipating hardship
~ Feeling pressured or compulsive
~ Unable to meditate or sit still
~ Obsessed with a particular person or situation.
Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the RESOLVE symbol.
Find a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Follow the sequence of symbols while you read their accompanying instructions. Gaze gently at each Circle for about two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible.
Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Mind Body Integration
The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. Therefore, you will want to look at each Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it Just breathe deeply and relax.
After you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart will change your perspective and make it easier to accomplish your goals.
Step 1. Balance
Begin by consciously breathing in on the count of three and slowly exhaling on the count of five. Do that three or four times while you gaze softly at the Circle. It’s helpful if you can breathe in through your nose.
Continue breathing and bring your awareness to your tailbone.
Step 2. Calm
Keep breathing with your belly soft and relaxed.
Let your shoulders drop.
Gaze softly at this Circle and imagine you can turn down the feelings or thoughts that are turned up too high, just like the volume on a radio.
Step 3. Centering
See if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.
Imagine you can close up unhealthy energy channels between you and any interference that’s coming from the outside.
Stay with it until you feel more centered with beneficial energy flowing through you.
Step 4. Protection
Now you’re ready to close all holes or harmful pathways that have been left wide open, like too many tabs that have been left open on your computer. It’s time to set this right.
“I close the pathways that lead to distractions, disturbances and interference.”
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Step 5. Beauty
Once the pathways are closed, you can shift your attention away from the negative and turn towards more positive input. Breathe in again and exhale slowly.
Let this Chart help you call the most majestic scenes into your mind that you can imagine.
Notice how your body responds and relaxes into the experience.
Step 6. Expansion
Turn your attention to your breathing again and how calming it is.
You can sense the steady rhythm of your heart.
The gentle expansion and contraction of your lungs.
Breathing in and letting go. The space around you is relaxing too.
Step 7. Letting Go
There may be some especially sticky energies that don’t seem to want to let go. Let this Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.
Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.
Step 8. Intention
Now you’re ready to gently turn your mind to what’s in your best interests. What are your true priorities?
Slow down and take your time.
Step 9. Decision
Your well-being is important. Are there any new decisions would you like to make about it?
Here’s a few suggestions:
“I decide to be loyal to myself.”
“It’s okay to have strong and clear boundaries.”
“It’s genuinely joyful to have a quiet mind and a light heart.”
Step 10. Resolution
Make a commitment to stay centered and true to yourself.
“I keep my own energy contained for my own protection.”
“I easily eject and deflect harmful thoughts, interference or expectations.”
“I resolve to create and maintain clear boundaries.”
Step 11.. Nourishment
This is a good opportunity to see if there’s any helpful nutrition that would support you. Let Plant Medicine help you tune into natural healing energy.
Are there any vegetables, fruits, herbs, teas or other healing foods that come to mind? Anything else?
Step 12: Grounding and Coherence
Electric Eel will help your energy get organized and grounded. Put both your feet on the floor, place your palms on the inside of your knees and keep breathing until you feel planted.
Then, visualize a wheel spinning out any discordant energy that’s still hanging on and causing problems. When you can release excess energy, it’s much easier to think more clearly and feel like yourself again.
Step 13. Compassion
Imagine with each relaxing new breath that you can fill your heart with renewed understanding and compassion – that includes caring for yourself with clear boundaries.
Your energy is rising up into a lighter space.
Step 14. Completion
Finish by closing any remaining openings to the noise and distractions of the external world.
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
What does your Soul advise you to do now?
Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart changes your perspective and makes it easier to accomplish your goals.
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
About the Author

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel concerned about maintaining clear boundaries and other learning difficulties.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]
Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Protected: Root Chakra
Protected: Renegotiating Soul Connections
Protected: Roots of Hate
Protected: Energy Clearing Techniques
Develop Determination with Jaguar
Develop Determination and Courage with Jaguar
Crossing Over Into a New Paradigm
Welcome to Your Self Healing Journey with the Jaguar Spirit Animal
The unconscious mind uses symbols like maps to help it navigate through uncharted territory. In order to develop determination and courage with Jaguar, it’s very helpful to give your mind signs and maps to assist you as you navigate the new terrain. The Intuitive Learning Circles and symbols are designed to help your mind get a grasp on the larger picture.
“Common Ground for the Common Good” is a template based on the concepts of equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity. This imprint gives us an energetic framework to work with Mother Nature and each other for a better future.
There are so many environmental shifts happening and conditions are changing rapidly. If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp on how it can re-organize itself effectively in the New Paradigm we’ve entered.
If you have chosen Jaguar to be your Guide…

“Your creativity and special talents will benefit from an influx of courage and trust in yourself. It’s time to stand tall and unflinching, regardless of what others are saying…
… Ask: Are you accessing open-hearted courage? In what ways do you need to protect yourself and stand up for what you believe in? Reclaim your courage, strength and determination and apply it to your true heart’s desire.” ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater
Choosing Your Games for the Common Good
What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?
Note: Some Games require a password. Full access to Spirit Animal Tracks is through Paid Membership in our Intuitive Learning Circle Community! Coming soon..
Many of you have asked, “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?
Since we’re here to help you develop your intuition, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!
First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that pertain to Developing Determination through the Jaguar.

There are 6 categories to choose from ~
I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood
V: Self and new
VI: Romantic Love
Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.
The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at Jaguar Medicine and ask your heart:
“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”
Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your intuitive guidance speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!
Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Jaguar, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!
Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more private coaching. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…
I: Develop Determination with the Cosmos
Approach the Universe proactively and with courage.
1. Make certain you’re changing with the changes.
2. Stay connected with courage and your natural instincts.
3. Recalibrate for balanced prosperity in the midst of DETERIORATION.
II. Develop Determination with Your Family & Ancestors
Redefine who you are in relationship to your family.
1. Handle irritations before they handle you.
2. Know when you’re being lied to and what you can do about it.
3. Stay grounded in the New Paradigm energy.
III: Develop Determination with Your Environment
Face your environment proactively and with courage.
1. Create an atmosphere of safety and emotional protection in your home.
2. Pray for healthy priorities and respect for Earth.
3. Keep your mind clear during shocking environmental events.
IV: Develop Determination with Career and Livelihood
Invest in your creativity and special talents.
1. Clarify your perception of your conditions so you can move forward correctly.
2. Do the right thing to resolve inner conflicts about work.
3. Regain personal power by deflecting projections and emotional drama.
V: Develop Determination with Your Self
Reclaim your personal power and apply it to benefit your higher good.
1. Protect yourself from anxiety with Soul Healing.
2. Stay on the Middle Road and follow your inner guidance.
3. Keep monitoring your need to handle shock and ptsd when it comes up.
VI: Develop Determination with Your Love Relationship
Deal realistically with protection and false ideas about Love.
1. Pray for Love and healing in your Love Relationship.
2. Show up for Love and yourself.
3. Communicate from your heart when you need to make a difficult request.
Are You Ready to Sign up?
Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest
During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.
In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages.
Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of conflict resolution. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Transmuting with the Snake
Transmuting Limitations with the Snake
Crossing Over Into a New Paradigm
Welcome to Your Self Healing Journey with the Snake Spirit Animal
The unconscious mind uses symbols like maps to help it navigate through uncharted territory. In order to transmute with Snake, it’s very helpful to give your mind signs and maps to assist you as you navigate the new terrain. The Intuitive Learning Circles and symbols are designed to help your mind get a grasp on the larger picture.
“Common Ground for the Common Good” is a template based on the concepts of equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity. This imprint gives us an energetic framework to work with Mother Nature and each other for a better future.
There are so many environmental shifts happening and conditions are changing rapidly. If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp on how it can re-organize itself effectively in the New Paradigm we’ve entered.
If you have chosen Snake to be your Guide…

“You have activated your spiritual will and are ready to be done with disloyalty toward’s your Soul’s purpose, like co-dependence and petty dramas. Come back into your power. … Like the snake, you have transcended the limitations of who you thought you were…
Ask: Is there a fundamental change within you or a relationship that needs to be consciously attended to? What extreme behavior are you ready to let go of?” ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater
Choosing Your Game for the Common Good
What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?
Note: Some Games require a password. Full access to Spirit Animal Tracks is through Paid Membership in our Intuitive Learning Circle Community! Coming soon…
Many of you have asked, “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?
Since we’re here to help you develop your intuition, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!
First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that will help the Snake in you shed her old skins.

There are 6 categories to choose from ~
I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood
V: Self and new
VI: Romantic Love
Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.
The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at Snake’s Circle and ask your heart:
“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”
Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your intuitive guidance speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!
Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Snake, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!
Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more private coaching. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…
I: Transmuting Your Relationship with the Cosmos
Clear obstructions that prevent you from following your own path.
1. Get clear guidance and protection with Soul Healing.
2. Find balance and MODERATION by following the Middle Road.
3. Reconnect with the original communication channel of INNOCENCE.
II: Transmuting Your Relationship with Family & Ancestors
Reveal a new, more vibrant version of yourself by moving beyond limitations.
1. Drop negative family thinking.
2. Trust your instincts about healthy vs. toxic relationships.
3. Handle change effectively for happier family relationships.
III: Transmuting Your Relationship with Your Environment
Learn to adapt to environmental extremes and take care of yourself.
1. REFORM your relationship with your environment.
2. Recover quickly during and after traumatic environmental disasters.
3. Clear up an inner conflict that’s blocking your relationship with the Flow.
IV: Transmuting Your Relationship with Career & Livelihood
Consciously attend to fundamental changes that have occurred in your work.
1. Ground in your power and deflect negativity.
2. Retain your integrity by deflecting projections and emotional drama.
3. Stay moderate when encountering extremism and cult-like behavior.
V: Transmuting Your Relationship with Your Self
Transform and peel away the mask that hides your beauty.
1. Set your sights high for personal success.
2. Decide that you’re worth having healthy, strong boundaries.
3. Take care of your needs if you’re getting overwhelmed.
VI: Transmuting Your Relationship with Love
Be willing to change what you believed Love would be.
1. Align intentions to shed misunderstandings and unintended consequences.
2. Pay attention to subtle signs of trouble before things get bad.
3. Retain your integrity by deflecting projections and emotional drama.
Are You Ready to Sign up?
Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest
During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.
In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages.
Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of conflict resolution. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.