Todays Intuitive Reading

Todays Intuitive Reading Helps You Navigate Change.

Todays Intuitive ReadingTaking part in Todays Intuitive Reading makes you part of a collective movement to complete our transition from the old societal paradigm of greed and fear and step into a New Paradigm based on co-operation, equality and living in balance with Nature.

Our Mind Exercises and Transformation Games are developed to help you go within and navigate positive change! Our goal is to strengthen mindsets and behaviors that feed joy, personal responsibility and sustainable prosperity.

Todays Intuitive Reading is brought to you by Rheanni Lightwater and Soul Resources LLC. 

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Rheanni uses the I Ching or The Book of Change ~

“The I Ching may be the oldest book on the planet. Like the Old Testament, the pyramids, and the great Gothic cathedrals, The Book of Change was a cooperative effort spanning many centuries… early authors of the I Ching observed the stars and tides, the plants and I Ching Workbook - R. L. Winganimals, and the cycles of all natural events. At the same time, they observed the patterns of relationship in families and societies, the practice of business, the craft of government, the grim art of warfare, the eternal human dramas of love, ambition, conflict, and honor. They made no attempt to create a fixed chart of the cosmos. Instead, they organically grew a guide to the way things change: a marvelous, fluid, interconnected systems of relations…

The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing

The reading is accompanied by a variety of Transformation Games and Mind Exercises by Rheanni that are intended to help you get present, grounded and centered so you can actualize your heart’s desire in the New Paradigm. 

Rheanni Lightwater - Todays Intuitive ReadingRemember, the I Ching doesn’t work like horoscopes, there’s really no set way to predict what the next Hexagram might be in advance, so these readings are always a work in progress! Thanks in advance for your patience.

Universal chi flows organically and we are a part of it. What we do affects it and we are affected in return. Of course, it’s wisest to work with the cosmos and follow the flow rather than trying to control or resist it. Because of that, learning to navigate the flow consciously is what I consider the ultimate in both creativity and spiritual growth.

Gaining a Larger Perspective on the Current Flow

The I Ching energy has been in a flow of DANGER since the middle of May, fueling a variety of energetic tornadoes and poltergeists that are having very strong effects on all levels of our experience. Unfortunately, the collective mindset of CONFLICT and chaos has gone on for so long that we continue to be in real DANGER. The morass of the old paradigm has completely deteriorated and is gobbling up every spare bit of energy and attention it can find to keep itself afloat.

As a result, the I Ching Energy of DANGER remains strong through the 28th of June and may continue on past that through the heat of midsummer.

Be aware that during this time multiple factions of the collective will aggressively attempt to hijack your personal intentions and the energy you send to them. The negativity of the old status quo is desperate to survive and you may not want it to do so at your expense.

Keep a watchful eye on your own thoughts, prayers, intentions and attention.

Are you tapping into ancient and outdated intentions that are hateful and harmful to your well-being?

Are you being unconsciously drawn into a conflict that isn’t in your best interests?

Are you on track with your own priorities?

This is an unfortunate time to be pulled into a confrontation because there’s so much collective karma wrapped up in the multifarious escalating conflicts. If you try to rescue, fix or have confrontations over things that aren’t really your responsibility, you risk making the situation worse by getting caught up in the frenzy. If that were to happen, your own karma and energy could be used to create more conflict, chaos and DANGER.

Slow down and think about it. There are other ways to help without sacrificing what’s genuinely important to you.

As Kuan Yin has repeatedly referenced, “Know what you want, know what makes you feel good about your Self, know what brings you into harmony with others. These are your guidelines and principles. Other factors that assume control of your behavior or your health or that create inner discord are the obstacles that must be overcome. Be firm, unemotional, gentle, and clear in annihilating them and thereby reforming your Self and your environment.’ ~ Hexagram #21 REFORM, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Doubleday, New York City, NY, 1979.

Read about the I Ching advice for Navigating DANGER:

“The situation is one of real DANGER, caused by and manifested in the affairs of man. This DANGER is not inspired by overwhelming tendencies within the cosmos, or by conflicts in your innermost attitudes. The real DANGER that confronts you is brought about by your immediate environment. It will take skill to overcome the difficulties, but managed properly, this time of challenge can bring out the very best in you. The Chinese text points out that if you can act with confidence and virtue whatever you do results in success.

Do not avoid confrontations in any difficult or threatening situations; you must now meet and overcome them through correct behavior. Maintain a continued resolve. Hold to your ethics and principles and do not for a moment consider compromising what you believe to be right. Acting with integrity and confidence is the key to surmounting the DANGER.

In business or political affairs, stick to approved policy. When making judgements regarding matters of leadership, neither bargain with your principles nor attempt to avoid the issue, for such actions would render meaningless all that has been achieved thus far. In social interactions, remain true to your nature. If possible, convince others of the soundness of your ideas by demonstrating the good effects of your actions. If they will not support you, you do not need them. Keep moving. Do not dally in the DANGER. In personal relationships, do not allow passions to lead you into peril. If the difficulties cannot be resolved without sacrificing your principles, the relationship may be irresolute.”

The Second Changing Line Holds the Key to Navigating Danger During This Time:

“The danger is great and cannot be surmounted with one single action. Small, consistent efforts to stay afloat in a sea of difficulties are all that are possible at this time.” ~ Hexagram #29 DANGER, The I Ching Workbook, Ibid.

Chinese Horoscope ~

2024 is the Year of the Yang Wood or Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac.

Positive Qualities: Energetic. Confident. Ambitious. Intelligent. Generous.
Challenging Qualities: Unstable. Intolerant. Lack of persistence. Unrealistic.

The Dragon’s Feng Shui Mandala below can give you a sense of what the archetype of the Dragon is about and how it may influence you. If you’re interested, gently contemplate its center and relax. When you’re ready, ask yourself these questions and journal the answers that come:

“What is the most important thing I can focus my energy and effort on during this time in the Year of the Dragon?”

“What is the direction? Why is that important?
How can I utilize the energy of the Dragon to my best advantage?
Is there something I’m wasting time on? Something I’m not aware of?
If so, can I tell what they are and what would be the best thing to do?”

Allow your intuition to come forward and bring guidance from your innermost Self. 

What Is the I Ching Remedy for Navigating Danger?

The Flow of Hexagram #15 MODERATION is the most advantageous flow to follow when navigating DANGER.

Kuan Yin - Finding ModerationThe ancient Chinese text recommends following MODERATION to help you disengage from confusing extremes or opinionated attitudes and instead, follow the guidance that comes from within. That flow might be difficult to find, however, it’s always available.

Kuan Yin has been helping us to follow the middle road and find MODERATION over the last few years with this Transformation Game.

She says, “In almost any situation, if you are able to communicate without resorting to extremes, you will find improvement in whatever you undertake.”


What other processes does she recommend when we’re navigating DANGER?

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions
SOS Symbol

As always, Kuan Yin has offered her assistance through a specially chosen collection of Transformation Games, Mind Exercises and Self-care Formulas. During this time she is advising us to keep an eye on our immediate environment through the support of several Plant and Animal Totems from Gifts from the Rainforest.

She says, “It is much easier to do the right thing when you are in good company. Following good examples will lead you to success.”

Gaze softly at the SOS symbol and ask for a number between 1 – 9.

Scroll down to that number in the list of games and exercises below and check out what that process has to offer you.

Transformation Games and Mind Exercises ~

1. Detach from Toxic Energies and People.

Snake MedicineIn times of DANGER, you may come face to face with a variety of hazardous materials. This exposure can cause great damage to your energy system and knock it out of balance, leaving you much more vulnerable to illness, emotional imbalances, mental confusion and even exploitative, narcissistic people.

Shed the skin of hyper-sensitivity using the Snake Guide.

2. Don’t Let Irritations Undermine Your Health.

If you keep scratching the itch of your irritations, it may be that you’re still pulling your experience from dangerous or nightmarish experiences you’ve had in the past. Or it could be that you’re not protecting yourself properly in this new energy. This informative journaling exercise can help you let go and bring in better resources.

Regain your cool, calm and collected Self with the Jaguar Guide.

3. Let Go of Herd Mentality and Harmful Group Attitudes.

These are times when there is just too much group think and outside interference. Right now, there’s probably some form of group communication that’s contributing to the irritation, conflict or even sadness within you. Use this Mind Exercise to help you follow your heart back to the truth that can never be completely undone by false agendas and destructive attitudes.

Enhance your mind body healing with the Condor Guide.

4. Stop Negative Thoughts that Keep You Stuck.

Llama Medicine

You may be ready to let go of an old mental pattern that’s been sabotaging your happiness and prosperity for a long time. By rerunning a memory over and over in our minds, we feed a karmic feedback loop and continue to suffer as if that memory were actually existing now in the present. You may want to go through this mind exercise several times around other negative thoughts or memories that are troubling you.

Get distance from negative self-talk with the Llama Guide.

5. Handle the Changes in Your Environment

Right now is a good time to rearrange things in your home and keep an eye on how well the energy is moving. This Feng Shui exercise will help you reorganize your intentions to adapt to the changes in your environment and circumstances. By taking the time to close the doors on what was, you create the circumstances for new things to come in and help you be more healthy and prosperous.

Create your highest good in your home or office with the Plant Spirits Guide.

SOS Help for Navigating Danger ~

“Only struggle as much as necessary to extricate yourself from your problems. Overly ambitious persons who attempt more than they should may create further difficulties.” ~ Hexagram #29 DANGER, The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing

SOS Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises can help you stay in balance and hone your true guidance in chaotic times:

Navigating Compassion Fatigue

6. Dispel Self-doubt and Projections. People are sensitive to eachothers thoughts and emotions more than ever, and it’s especially easy to tap into negative thoughts that you grew up with as a child because they’re so familiar.

7. Help Your Overwhelmed Mind. Many of us are completely exhausted by recent events – and it just doesn’t seem to stop! If you are experiencing any symptoms like overwhelm, exhaustion or collapse, this is the quickest way back to some balance.

8. Use Clear Perception and Your Gut Instincts. With so much going on, staying on top of what you need to do is much easier when you follow direction from your gut instincts. This exercise works incredibly well to help you tune into your inner guidance system – warning you to slow down and get your feet back under you.

Chakra Healing and Clearing ~

Recommended Transformation Games and Mind Exercises to Keep You Moving with the Flow, Rather than Against it.

Advanced Chakra Healing for Nourishing Personal Responsibility9. Advanced Chakra Healing.

The sheer amount of chaos swirling everywhere indicates that we need to find innovative methods for handling radical energy overloads and reversals.

Kuan Yin has helped put together a whole medicine cabinet of Transformation Games and Self-care Formulas that specifically address our chakras and their accompanying psychological challenges.

See the full selection and explanation here>


Our Community Learning programs and memberships are being developed now and will be coming soon!

Thank you for joining with us for Todays Intuitive Reading and creating a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good!

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.


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About the Author of Todays Intuitive Reading

Rheanni Lightwater - Adapting to Change

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT specializes in online mind body healing using Reiki Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Dream Tending and the Intuitive Learning CirclesSpecialized protocols include Advanced Energy Recalibrations for:

  • Enhanced Immune Response
  • Respiratory and Circulatory Health
  • Overstimulated Nervous System and Immune Response
  • Digestive and Intestinal Health
  • Sleep Difficulties and Nightmares
  • Chemical Sensitivities and Static Electro-magnetic Clearing
  • Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Todays Intuitive Reading should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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