Dispelling Self-doubt and Projections

This exercise, Dispelling Self-doubt is an excerpt from the Soul Oriented Solutions PTSD Workbook by Rheanni Lightwater ~

 Use this mind exercise for dispelling self-doubt when you are:

  • Suddenly overcome with distrust or confusion
  • Sorting out what’s really going on in a relationship
  • Having trouble distinguishing what’s true and what’s not
  • Caught up in the past and need to clear the slate
  • Wanting to let go of triggers, thoughts or beliefs that cause you harm.

Dispelling Self-doubt Mind Exercise PTSDIt’s so important to understand that sometimes we’re tapping into a collective fear or the judgements of those around us – even if we’re in a basically healthy situation ourselves. Empathic abilities are more prevalent than most people would have you believe.

People are sensitive to each others thoughts and emotions more than ever, and it’s especially easy to tap into negative thoughts that you grew up with as a child because they’re so familiar. Yet, you don’t want to live in the past or under the shadow of other people’s projections.

When making decisions about what’s best for you now, you want to be able to distinguish between a thought, a fragment of a dream or a memory and the reality of what’s really happening in the present.

Dispelling Self--doubt Projection-ReflectionThis mind exercise for Dispelling Self-doubt is here to help you clear away some of those projections and see things more clearly, from your own viewpoint. When your efforts to solve a problem are causing you to become overwhelmed and frustrated, go through this exercise and watch how your perspective changes! By playing, you’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on and access your intuition, which will give you constructive guidance on how to effectively come to a solution, at least for yourself.

Here’s how it works:
Start with both feet flat on the floor and keep your arms and legs uncrossed. Gaze softly at the Circle in Step One while you repeat the affirmations that go with it for several minutes. 
If you feel a lot of energy moving while you do this exercise, that means you’re doing it right! The Circles are working with your mind to unlock a fixated pattern and help you change your perspective. 

You’ll know you’re done with a particular Circle when the energy calms down and you can think clearly. Then, you can move on to the remaining Circles with each of their affirmations to complete the process.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Once you’re done, your energy will be more your own and you’ll have a much clearer idea of what’s actually going on and what you can do about it.

After you’re done, be sure to take a walk or get some exercise to help you release pent up energy.

Dispelling Self-doubt and Projections

Step One:

Relax and gaze gently at this Soul Circle while you ask yourself this question:
“Is there someone or something in my life today that I don’t trust?”


Step Two:

Tune into this Circle to help you identify what’s involved.
Who or what is it about? There may be more than issue.
Is this real or a projection?
Is it a memory that seems real to you? Are you tapping into a familiar dream or nightmare?


Step Three:

Make a mental list of the fears, assumptions and judgements that come to you. Include any beliefs about yourself, others or the situation in general that’s having a negative effect on you.

Examples: Is there something about the physical situation? Is there an emotional component? Are you unclear about your role or responsibilities? When was the last time you felt this way?

“I assume ______. I’m afraid ______. My judgment is ______. I believe ______.”


Step Four:

Now that you have your list, go back through the answers and ask yourself:

“Are these things really true?”
“Do they have to be this way?”

Whether they are or not, see if you can move them further away in your mind, so you can detach a bit and and see them more objectively.
You don’t have to take them personally.
If they’re projections, you can use the Circle to pop them like bubbles that are filled with nothing but hot air.


Step Five:

Imagine that your list of thoughts and beliefs can be gathered up and thrown into a fire of violet flames where they are burning away until there’s nothing left but lingering smoke. Go ahead and see that happening in your mind’s eye right now…

Now that they’ve been extinguished completely, is your mind clearer and more calm?


Step Six:

 Is there any other mental or emotional garbage that needs to be cleaned out?
Are you willing to let it go? If not, why not?
Is it still serving you in some way?
Would it help to go through the formula again specifically around this garbage?

If you are willing to let it go, imagine a broom sweeping all that garbage up to the Light. Then be sure to close the doors that have been letting all that clutter in.


Step Seven.

Once the garbage is gone and you feel clear, you’re ready to focus on productive activities that will help you create a happier life.

“I shift my focus to connect in the center with productive thoughts and solutions.”
“I close down harmful energy channels from the past and use generative life force to create effective intentions.”

Are there any parts of you that need help connecting with more positive forms of communications?

Once they are reconnected, make a list of things to do that will help you now.


Step Eight.

Focus your attention and energy on these genuinely helpful activities, like aiming at a bull’s eye.


You have freed yourself from the grip of projections, paranoia and self-doubt. Now would be a good time to explore the possibilities that you’re open to now.

Dispelling Self-doubt: Continuing Your Journey ~

The purpose of the Soul Oriented Solutions series is to give you additional resources to turn to when you are going through difficult times and need to stay strong. You are encouraged to share this information with others whom you feel might benefit from it.

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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning CirclesReiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule.

Dispelling Self-doubt should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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