Clear Boundaries

Setting Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind

Setting Clear BoundariesWhat can you do to help yourself when it feels like someone or something has “gotten under your skin”? Without clear boundaries, thoughts and emotions can pass back and forth between people without their awareness. When left unchecked, this type of attachment can go underground and contribute to sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.

It’s a valuable skill to know how to close the doors or energy pathways at will. This Mind Exercise can help you learn how to consciously set clear boundaries and close off those pathways.

This visual meditation from our SOS Resolve Ebook provides a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention. Going through a quick  “game” calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for self-awareness and clear boundaries, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.

Use this Mind Exercise when you are:RESOLVE for Clear Boundaries

~ Feeling scattered or out of sync
~ Easily triggered and need better boundaries
~ Experiencing distress or separation anxiety
~ Worried, agitated or anticipating hardship
~ Feeling pressured or compulsive
~ Unable to meditate or sit still
~ Obsessed with a particular person or situation.

Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the RESOLVE symbol.

Mind Exercises for Clear BoundariesFind a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Follow the sequence of symbols while you read their accompanying instructions. Gaze gently at each Circle for about two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationThe brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. Therefore, you will want to look at each Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.

If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it Just breathe deeply and relax.

After you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart will change your perspective and make it easier to accomplish your goals.


Step 1. Balance

Begin by consciously breathing in on the count of three and slowly exhaling on the count of five. Do that three or four times while you gaze softly at the Circle. It’s helpful if you can breathe in through your nose.

Continue breathing and bring your awareness to your tailbone.


Step 2. Calm

Keep breathing with your belly soft and relaxed.
Let your shoulders drop.

Gaze softly at this Circle and imagine you can turn down the feelings or thoughts that are turned up too high, just like the volume on a radio.


Step 3. Centering

See if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.

Imagine you can close up unhealthy energy channels between you and all the noise that’s coming from the outside.

Stay with it until you feel more centered with beneficial energy flowing through you.


Step 4. Protection

Now, gaze softly at this Circle and use it to close all holes or harmful pathways that have been left wide open.

“I close the pathways that lead to distractions, disturbances and interference.”

“All holes are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Step 5. Beauty

Now that the pathways are closed, you can shift your attention away from the negative and turn towards more positive input. Breathe in again and exhale slowly.

Take your time and let this Circle help you call the most majestic scenes into your mind that you can imagine.

Notice how your body responds and relaxes into the experience.


Step 6. Expansion

Turn your attention to your breathing again and how calming it is.
You can sense the steady rhythm of your heart.
The gentle expansion and contraction of your lungs.
Breathing in and letting go. The space around you is relaxing too.

Emotional Calm


Step 7. Letting Go

There may be some especially sticky energies that don’t seem to want to let go. Let this Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Step 8. Intention

Now you’re ready to gently turn your mind to what’s in your best interests. What are your true priorities?

Slow down and take your time.


Step 9: Grounding and Coherence

This Circle will help your energy get organized and grounded. Put both your feet on the floor, place your palms on the inside of your knees and keep breathing until you feel planted.

Then, visualize a wheel spinning out any discordant energy that’s still hanging on and causing problems. When you can release excess energy, it’s much easier to think more clearly and feel like yourself again.


Step 10. Compassion

Imagine with each relaxing new breath that you can fill your heart with renewed understanding and compassion – that includes caring for yourself with clear boundaries.


Step 11. Decision

Your well-being is important. Are the any new decisions would you like to make about it?
Here’s a few suggestions:

“I decide to be loyal to myself.”
“It’s okay to have strong and clear boundaries.”

“It’s genuinely joyful to have a quiet mind and a light heart.”


Step 12. Resolution

Make a commitment to stay centered and true to yourself.

“I keep my own energy contained for my own protection.”
“I easily eject and deflect harmful thoughts, interference or expectations.”

“I resolve to create and maintain clear boundaries.”


Step 13. Nourishment

Before you get on with your day, see if there’s any helpful nutrition that would support you. Let this Circle help you tune into natural healing energy.

Are there any vegetables, fruits, herbs, teas or other healing foods that come to mind? Anything else?


Step 14. Completion

Finish by closing any remaining openings to the noise and distractions of the external world.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

What does your Soul advise you to do now?

Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart changes your perspective and makes it easier to accomplish your goals.

About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel concerned about your communication challenge.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Root Chakra

Root Chakra Balancing to Stabilize Your Foundation

This mind exercise has been put together to help us stabilize and get support for our lower bodies and more “feminine” energies through the First or Root Chakra.

Our root chakra governs the physical body, our instincts and the assumptions we have about life. Its color is red and is located at the bottom or root of your pelvis. Free flowing energy in your 1st Chakra is essential to generating healthy life energy and having a strong connection to Mother Earth.

Root Chakra - Reiki Chakra KeysGaze softly at the Root Chakra Key, then ask yourself:

“Do I have a strong foundation for creating physical health?” 

“Am I able to maintain a stable connection with the Earth?

If not, can you pick up any impressions as to why that might be? You may want to make a note of what comes up.

“Am I having trouble finding support for my projects?”

“Am I generating creative or destructive fire?”

Are violent or abusive experiences interfering with my health or vitality?

The health of your Root chakra could be involved with any of these issues. It’s quite easy for toxins and poisonous energies to build up in this energy center and sabotage your ability to manifest.

Continue  your inquiry with this Intuitive Learning Circle from Gifts from the Rainforest:

Do you feel that you’re entangled with others?

Does it feel like you’re out of balance because of changes in your environment?

Or, are you being affected by poisons or negative energies?

If so, you can go through this exercise for some re-organization and relief.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, go through this Mind Exercise gazing softly at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.


Bring your Root Chakra online.

Activated Chakra System for the New ParadigmBegin with this Reiki Chakra key for the 1st or Root Chakra. It’s also known as the “Base Chakra” and for good reason. It holds the foundational structure for your energetic and physical health.
When it’s out of balance, it can hold space for violence, abuse, illness and destructive energies. That’s why it’s so important to keep it cleansed and functioning in right relationship with the Earth.

As you softly gaze at this Key, get connected and balanced. Use this affirmation to help you:
“I connect with and bring my attention to my Base Chakra.”

The Base or Root Chakra


Clear violent energies, illness and debris from the 1st Chakra. 

Use the natural vibration and color of the Root Chakra to clear away toxic energies. If you are a Reiki practitioner, this is an ideal opportunity to beam Reiki into the symbol. These positive affirmations will help:

“My Root Chakra is open and clearing out toxic energies.” 

Soul Star for the Root chakra

“Destructive energies and karmic entanglements are leaving and going to the Light.”

Please note: In the Intuitive Learning Circle method, we always send what needs to be cleared to the Light, never into the Earth.
She already has too many destructive energies to handle now.
Let’s respectfully help the Earth bring herself back into balance by planting seeds of happiness, health and life instead!


Establish an intention to create healthy, proactive protection in your foundation and Root Chakra.

Use this Intuitive Learning Circle  to help you gather up the needed unconscious information.

“I ask for assistance from my Soul to create a healthy structure for protection and connection with Mother Earth.”


Integrate protection and communication from the New Paradigm.

Adapt to the new energies by using this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Protection to help you close down harmful energy channels from the past.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past or from  _________.”

Once they’re closed, you’ll find that your chakra centers are more open and receptive to the generative life force (chi) that is available in the New Paradigm. You can “install” this symbol like an adaptive filter for the lighter, quicker energy of Air.

Then, visualize opening up to generative energy channels that connect with your Soul and help you to communicate clearly.

“I connect with the  generative flow of chi’ to successfully manifest and communicate.”


Bring your Balance Chakra into the mix.

This Chakra is located right on the on the tip of the tailbone and regulates balance within the Tao (the Underlying Principles of Nature) and the dynamics of Yin and Yang energies.
It has a lot to do with keeping us stable, especially when dealing with difficult or threatening situations.
Let the Balance Key help you stabilize and make a strong connection with your First Chakra.

“I am balanced and can stabilize even in the midst of conflict.”

Install the adaptive filter for Divine Protection.


Release attachments and the damage they cause.

Because of the sheer amount of tragic and heart breaking events we’re encountering everyday, we need to address the possibility that our energy is probably damaged and/or struggling with attachments.
Use this Soul Star Detachment Key to relax and meditate on for as long as you like. Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

“My energy system is easily and effectively neutralizing interfering energies and detaching from them.”


Correct reversals and blockages.

When our system are under extreme stress, the chakras and/or meridians can start running in reverse or shut down entirely.
Relax and let this symbol help you make corrections to problems including allergic reactions, reversals and misdirections.

“I repair any glitches, holes or blockages in my energy system.”

Take all the time you need to let the energy smooth out to where you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through.


Make sure your Soul is in charge of this balance and your healing.

Confirm that you’re using your own Soul vibration to construct your new foundation based on energetic autonomy and integrity.
Allow the energy of your Soul to come in and fill your consciousness with its life giving vibration. While gazing at this Soul Prayer Chart, think about physical activities that you genuinely enjoy doing. Then ask yourself:

“What color, feeling or vibration comes to mind?”

This is your Soul Color. Let it fill your body, your mind and into your aura.


Clarify your Soul signature. 

Just like when we sign our names, each of us has an energy signature that identifies us and whatever we have created. If that signature is marred, obscured or out of balance, we become susceptible to increased projections, confusion, fraud and mistaken identities.

Don’t let that happen to you. Clear and balance your energy signature to deflect these issues with this chart.  Visualize erasing any false markings or “graffiti” out of your energy field.

“I clear away any energy signatures that are not mine.” 

“I know who I am. My signature is distinct from the signature of others.”


Connect with the Earth Chakra.

Activated Chakras - Earth and Root ChakraThe third energy center to include in this balance is the Earth Chakra, located directly below your feet. This is your natural energetic connection point to Mother Earth.
The old foundation has used the Earth primarily as a commodity to be exploited or as a dumping ground. Repair your personal power by establishing a healthy connection with this Earth Chakra Key:

“I activate and empower a respectful Earth connection.”


Again, strengthen your connection and communication channels through the Divine Protection chart.


Having a Clear Root Chakra Works with Your Agreements to Help You Create Vitality and Healthy Support.

That includes the contracts or agreements around support, stability, strength and vitality. Look deeply into the Circle and consider the people, the places and the organizations that could be affecting you in a negative way. Those relationships may not be over, but surely they are going to change! Free up your energy with this Circle by letting go of those agreements.

“I let go of all Soul Agreements that are complete – over and done with.  I allow the necessary changes to take place.”

Release sub-conscious agreements to hold space for dangerous or violent energies. Clear out destructive entanglements that contribute to illness and low energy. See completed debts, vows and resentments burn up like old contracts in a beautiful, violet flame.

You may want to surrender your involvement with a  project,  a person, an organization or a special place that’s no longer serving your needs. Surrender it by releasing that Soul contract into the fire.

“I have completed my experience with you. It was an important experience and it’s time now to be done with it.”

Release Agreements with the old paradigm or status quo.

When these chakras are unified and communicating with each other, it’s possible to access deep seated cultural and religious agreements that keep our bodies enslaved to the status quo.
Look deeply into the the Circle and release agreements that are harmful to your wellbeing and vitality:

“I detach from destructive foundations and energy patterns.”

If you’re a Reiki Practitioner, beam the Distant Healing Symbol into the Circle to help you unlock the chains clear them out. Visualize them collapsing like old structures crumbling into nothingness.
Continue until the space is cleared.


Connect with a map of creating common ground for the common good.

Now, you’re free to organize your new foundation into this template for the new paradigm based on common ground for the common good.
Meditate on this template for a few moments and when you’re ready, gently lower your new “roots” to  connect with the elements of this map.

Connect with the communication channels of Divine Protection to help you stabilize this new foundation.


Integrate your new foundation with your Essence at the Third Chakra.

It’s important that your foundation get integrated with your “home base” template located in your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Relax with your 3rd Chakra at your solar plexus (the area where your ribs go up in the front).
Your Essential Self is most efficiently located there to help you manifest, create happiness and maintain health.
When your Essential Self is clear about where it’s new foundation is and how to communicate with it, you’ll have a much easier time getting grounded and staying that way.

Installing the Divine Protection filter in the solar plexus will help the information and energy channels get integrated for the benefit of your “gut instincts.”


Clear debris out of your Solar Plexus Chakra.

Use the Soul Star for the 3rd Chakra to clear out any old energies or interference from that area.
It may take some time, so go ahead and relax into it using Reiki to assist. Be sure to send them to the Light as well.

 “I expel toxic energies and old junk from my Third Chakra and send them to the Light.”


Repair and/or strengthen hara lines for improved communication and healing

The hara lines are like tiny webs of light that connect the chakras throughout your body. Sometimes they’re broken or damaged because of trauma, illness, toxicity or sudden changes in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). This Circle gives extra energy to the hara lines that are involved with this balance.

“I repair and strengthen my hara lines.”
“My chakras are connected with my Soul properly through a golden web of light.”

This Circle also helps us navigate where we are and to organize our consciousness around being present. “I am inside of my body. Everything else is outside.”


Clear away the shadows with Divine Light.

Beam Reiki into this Soul Prayer Chart to radiate Universal Light and Love throughout your energy field.
Stay with it until all heaviness and darkness has completely disappeared into the Light.

Be sure to close out this healing with the Reiki Power Symbol.
“All pathways that lead back to harm or toxic energies are
sealed and healed.”


Detach from any allegiances with violence and confusion.

A necessary part of protection is about making sure that we’re no longer taking in harmful substances or energies that connect us with people or places we don’t want to go anymore.
Allow this Circle to help you drop any harmful ties, cords or entanglements.

“I release all harmful connections, cords and obligations with dangerous or abusive people, organizations or situations.”


Embrace closure and completion.

Be sure to close out this healing with the Reiki Power Symbol.

“All pathways that lead back to harm or toxic energies are sealed and healed.”

 “I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection and intended path.”

Close the pathways both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.


You are learning to manage your energy in a conscious, balanced and nourishing way!

Now would be an excellent time to go for a walk out in Nature or exercise.

Be sure to breathe deeply!

About the Author of Clear Your Crown Chakra ~

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater – Reiki Master Teacher

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT live and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].


Disclaimer: This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Roots of Hate

Healing the Karmic Roots of Hate:

More answers to the question: How do we relieve the stress and suffering that comes with the mindset of hate?

In Resources for Healing Hate, we explored what’s involved with freeing your heart and mind from the grip of hatred and now you have chosen to Kuan Yin’s Transformation Game: Liberation from the Karmic Roots of Hate to get even more centered and find out what would work better for you.

LIBERATION from the Karmic Roots of Hate.

How can you sort yourself out of the roots of hate compassionately? Especially if you’re a good Samaritan or employed in one of the helping professions, confusion around hateful attitudes can easily escalate into dramas of monumental proportions.

Without even realizing it, you can get seriously off track from priorities that are vital to your health and well-being. Plus, it can happen so quickly, you might not even notice it until you’re up to your eyeballs in confusing and toxic emotions!

Step #1: Unearthing the True Cost of Hatred.

Find out what’s going on for you, now. As you look at the Circle below, ask your gut instinct: 

“Am I internalizing someone else’s problem?”

“Am I being dumped on?”

“Is my power being compromised?”

“Am I letting someone else’s expectations take over?”

“Am I living someone elses life?”

“Are harmful attitudes interfering with my health and well-being?”

If the answer is yes to any of those questions, use the Circle to gently begin a process of separating yourself from the roots of hate. Is there a number between 1 and 42 from The Essential Human that needs some extra help? Does a symbol from Divine Nate Activated come up with a number between 1 – 73?


You’ll want to feel like you’re centered in your solar plexus area.

Again, if you need help from The Essential Human, keep asking from numbers between 1 and 42 and make corrections until you feel completely centered.



Expel any harmful and toxic energies that may have accumulated in your solar plexus or Third Chakra.

Step 2: Choose to Empower Love Over Hate.

They say that misery loves company. With this exercise you are being given a choice to go another way – by creating a feedback loop for Love and Compassion. If a connection with Love is what you’d like to choose, spend a few minutes to connect with your heart center. 

You may want to put your right hand on your heart center to feel your breath and heart beat.


Your heart connects you with your true Source of Power.

“I empower my connection with Love.”


Step #3: Utilize the Elements Properly to Help You.

Water was the predominant style of energy flow in the old paradigm or Piscean Age. Air is now the dominant element in the Aquarian Age, or the New Paradigm. The Water element moves slower than the Air element and requires more effort to shift direction and transform. Attitudes that are processed through Water are far more easily misconstrued, diverted, ambiguous, distorted and wishy-washy than those that are processed through Air.

If you have a desire to be free of the roots of hate and head in a direction that will bring you greater happiness, you will want to renegotiate how you process emotions and attitudes.

Stagnant Water VS. Clear, Fresh Water

When water doesn’t move, it gets STAGNANT, apathetic and toxic. This stagnant condition relates to our current social “stuckness” in attitudes like apathy, resistance, self-pity and laziness.

You would be wise to release your agreements to utilize such a stagnant energy flow. This DNA symbol can help you release your tendencies on an epigenetic level.. Relax into it with this affirmation:

“I am empowered to dissolve the aspects of dread and inadequacy from the Element of Water.”


Instead, make a conscious choice to activate a new relationship with the Element of Water – fresh and purified to offset the imbalances and SHOCKING effects of past indifference and abuse.

With this DNA symbol, you can open up to and make an actual adjustment in how you utilize this blessed and precious resource.

“I ask for assistance from the pure life force energy of the Element of Water in all aspects of my life.”


Step #4: Choose to Utilize Generative Energy Flow.

The adjustments we need to make won’t just happen on their own. It will help to be proactive and intentional with what you want to set up for yourself to replace the destructive energy and roots of hate.

“I close down all harmful energy channels.”
I am open and clear to receive generative life force.”

The Divine Protection symbol provides an interface and filter to assist us in making the functional transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) to the New Paradigm of Air (Aquarian Age). It is helpful to gradually integrate all energy systems with Generative Life Flow.
Finish by sealing and healing any heavy or destructive energy channels that might still be open to the energy of hate and “install” this filter.

Divine Protection

“I connect with healthy channels of communication for my highest good.”


Step #5: Release Conditioning to Sacrifice Your Wellbeing.

The out-dated system of the Patriarchy currently holds the space for quite a bit of greed and hatred. You can release your agreements with that system and create healthier circumstances in the New Paradigm that include Common Ground for balanced prosperity, equality and personal responsibility.

“I release hidden agreements with the Patriarchal imprint and choose to ground in the New Paradigm.” 

“I release agreements to source from or ground in the patriarchal imprint.”
“I now organize around and ground in the Common Good.”


Once you feel that shift in awareness, use this Soul Prayer Chart for the Element of Earth to release any outdated agreement that contributes to the problem of being stuck in old ways of being disloyal to yourself.

“I uproot any conditioning to tap into the roots of hate in any way.”

“I unearth all patterns of being a dumping ground of any kind for other people.”

“I dig up the old dumping grounds where I have allowed others to dump and send the debris to the Light for purification.”

“I uproot my conditioning to let other people or their agendas to get in the way of my own higher good.”

“I detach from toxic emotions, unrealistic expectations or harmful attitudes and send them to the Light.”



Civilized people have long been disconnected from the powerful energy of the Earth and, in most cases have used her mostly as a resource to be exploited or as a dumping ground. Increase your personal power by establishing a healthy connection with this Earth Chakra Key: 

“I place my feet on the Earth to empower my Earth connection.”

“I release any hidden agreements to disrespect or abuse my Earth connection.”

“I detach from doing or supporting things that harm my relationship with the Earth.”

“I discharge any interference or destructive energy patterns that obstruct a natural and beneficial connection with the Earth.”


Step #6: Prepare Your Root Chakra to Detach from the Roots of Hate.

When you feel ready, you can stabilize and clear the energy in your First Chakra, which is also known as the Root Chakra.

“I discharge any destructive energies that interfere with a healthy, generative flow of life force.”
“I seal and heal any leakages that drain my life force using Divine Protection.”


Continue with this Reiki Star Key for your Root Chakra to help you expel harmful energies that keep pulling you back to the karmic roots of hate.

“I uproot my connection to the attachments and roots of hate so I can establish a healthy sense of wellbeing.”

Take all the time you need and scroll back and forth between these symbols until you feel complete.


Step#7: Release the Karmic Seeds of Hate.

In the Intuitive Learning Circle method, Karma refers to thoughts, decisions and actions that you’ve followed through on. In other words, Cause and Effect. This could mean either personal actions made or group karma that you’ve participated in. That’s quite a puzzle to sort out!

Use this Reiki Chakra Key to gently open up and detach from other people’s karma and whatever negative path they’re heading down. 

Imagine you can sort through and release any karmic paths that are not part of your path. Wait until you feel positive about the path you’re heading down and that your Soul is directing you.


Next, use Seed Medicine to imagine you can sort through and release any seeds of karma that contribute to the situation you’re dealing with. Include any group karma that may have come through ancestral, religious, political or societal connections.

Once the entangled karma feels  cleared, you can gently release any karmic seeds of your own that are weighing heavily and need to be purified.

Gently, release them to the Light by forgiving yourself for any mistakes, miscommunications or mis-understandings that may have caused them.


Step #8: Make New Choices.

Once the old seeds are cleared, you are ready to plant seeds that would help to heal the wounds of hate and create something different as an expression of Love.

Use the Garden Medicine to help you locate your own personal and sacred garden that lives in your heart. What would you prefer to grow there?


Plant seeds that would empower living in balance with Nature in the New Paradigm.

In this new environment based on Common Ground, having integrity in thought, word and deed will help us move beyond hate and work with the Earth in the best way that we can.

If you agree, plant seeds that will help you manifest good health, genuine happiness and balanced prosperity in the New Paradigm.


Step#9: Integrate Sacred Feminine Principles.

Use Kuan Yin’s Mandala for Balanced Prosperity to help you reorganize your intentions. Lovingly plant life affirming karmic seeds for everything you would need to prosper and grow in the New Paradigm!

Balanced Prosperity

Plant Seeds for other Sacred Feminine Principles found here>


Step #10: Clear the Underlying Blueprints that Support Hatred.

We all have family patterns and conditioning that contribute to our tendencies to get caught up in all of this. You can use this symbol to identify mental and emotional blueprints in your unconscious mind and clear them. Just imagine the entangled thoughts, attitudes, expectations and emotions are like a massive cloud of curses that are being released to the Light.


If you’ve been internalizing anything, have you let it go yet?

If not, imagine you can open up and release whatever it is to the Light.

You may also need to go back to Step 4 or 5 and close unhealthy energy channels from the old paradigm.


Step #11: Close the Energetic Pathways to Suffering.

Now you’re ready to seal and heal the pathways that have been connecting us to the feedback loop of hatred.

“I close the pathways that lead back to hate.”
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


You’ve given yourself some freedom from the roots of hate. Go out and take a walk in Nature, stretch or play a word game. Relaxing will help you to integrate what you’ve learned.

Whatever you do, be sure you use it to help you relax!

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Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel concerned about your communication challenge.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Develop Determination with Jaguar

Develop Determination and Courage with Jaguar

Develop Determination with Jaguar

If you have chosen Jaguar to be your Guide…

“Your creativity and special talents will benefit from an influx of courage and trust in yourself. It’s time to stand tall and unflinching, regardless of what others are saying…

Ask:  Are you accessing open-hearted courage? In what ways do you need to protect yourself and stand up for what you believe in? Reclaim your courage, strength and determination and apply it to your true heart’s desire.” ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater

Note: Some Games require a password. Full access to Animal Totem Tracks is through Paid Membership in our Learning Community! Coming soon – 2024

What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?

Balancing with Plants SpiritsMany of you have asked,  “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?

Since we’re here to help you develop your intuition, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!

First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that pertain to Developing Determination through the Jaguar.

Jaguar Medicine

There are 5 categories to choose from ~

I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood and
V: Self 

Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.

The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at Jaguar Medicine and ask your heart:

“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”

Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your Inner Wisdom speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!

Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Jaguar, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!

Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more private coaching. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

I: Develop Determination with the Cosmos

Approach the Universe proactively and with courage.

  1. Connect with courage and your natural instincts.

  2.  Be okay with letting go and moving on – better things are on the horizon.

  3. Stay empowered to keep following the Light.

II. Develop Determination with Your Family & Ancestors

Redefine who you are in relationship to your family.

  1. Find MODERATION in how you deal with family members.

  2. Handle your irritation and open to a more constructive path.

  3.  Release the karmic roots of hate in your family relationships.

III: Develop Determination with Your Environment

Face your environment proactively and with courage.

  1. Staying Grounded is essential to personal growth and healing.

  2. Connect with courage and your natural instincts.

  3. Change your perspective about a problem in your environment.


  1. IV: Develop Determination with Career and Livelihood

Invest in your creativity and special talents.

  1. Review the identity you hold for yourself and your career aspirations.

  2. Simplify your intentions and actions at work.

  3. Improve your ability to communicate through MODERATION.

V: Develop Determination with Your Self

Reclaim your personal power and apply it to benefit your higher good.

    1. Incorporate Soul Healing – Energy Tune Up for Wholeness and Integrity.

    2. Stabilize and protect your foundation with Root Chakra balancing.

    3. Quiet your busy mind and improve your boundaries.


Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Are You Ready to Sign up?

Explore Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

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Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest

Rheanni Lightwater - Animal Totem Tracks - Snake
Rheanni Lightwater, Author & Guide

During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.

In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages. 

Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Transmuting with the Snake

Transmuting Limitations with the Snake Totem

Transmuting through Snake

If you have chosen Snake to be your Guide…

“You’re ready to go beyond the extreme ‘either/or’ mentality and graduate to the ‘and’ consciousness of balance and unity… Like the snake, you have transcended the limitations of who you thought you were…

Ask: Is there a fundamental change in yourself or a relationship that needs to be consciously attended to? What extreme behavior are you ready to shed?”   ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater

Note: Some Games require a password. Full access to Animal Totem Tracks is through Paid Membership in our Learning Community! Coming soon –  2024.

What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?

Balancing with Plants SpiritsMany of you have asked,  “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?

Since we’re here to help you develop your intuition, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!

First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that will help the Snake in you shed her old skins.

Snake Totem

There are 5 categories to choose from ~

I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood and
V: Self 

Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.

The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at the Snake Totem and ask your heart:

“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”

Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your Inner Wisdom speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!

Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Snake, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!

Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more private coaching. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

I: Transmuting Your Relationship with the Cosmos

Clear obstructions that prevent you from following your own path.

      1. Shed extremes by following the Middle Road.

      2. Set your sights high and ask for the very best.

      3. Stop and pay attention to DANGER in your environment.

II: Transmuting Your Relationship with Family & Ancestors

Reveal a new, more vibrant version of yourself by moving beyond limitations.

        1. Create healthy boundaries in family relationships.

        2. Let go of blame and handle projections from your family.

        3. Simplify complicated family relationships by looking at them through your Soul.

    1. III: Transmuting Your Relationship with Your Environment

      Learn to adapt to environmental extremes and take care of yourself.

          1. Don’t ignore your needs when you’re getting overwhelmed.

          2. Recover quickly during and after traumatic environmental disasters.

          3. Adjust the intention for the Feng Shui in your home. 

      IV: Transmuting Your Relationship with Career & Livelihood

      Consciously attend to fundamental changes that have occurred in your work.

        1. Make a decision so you can get off the fence.

        2. Stop buying into disaster thinking and go for genuine solutions instead.

        3. Let go of lost causes and dead ends.

      V: Transmuting Your Relationship with Your Self

      Transform and peel away the mask that hides your beauty.

        1. Incorporate Soul Healing – Energy Tune Up for Wholeness and Integrity.

        2. Examine your intentions to shed extreme or unintended consequences.

        3. Face any lies you’ve been telling yourself with honesty and courage.

      Are You Ready to Sign up?

      Explore Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing

      Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

      Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

      Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest

      Rheanni Lightwater - Animal Totem Tracks - Snake
      Rheanni Lightwater, Author & Guide

      During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.

      In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages. 

      Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

      Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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