Liberate Yourself with Condor

Liberate Yourself with the Soaring Spirit of Condor

Liberate Yourself with Condor

If you have chosen Condor to be your Guide…

“You have experienced a serious shock that prevents you from having balance around this situation. Consequently, you are affected in ways that you don’t even know and growth is stunted on account of it…

If you are in a rut, frozen with fear, or stuck in the past, it’s time for a breakthrough. Liberate yourself. Create new horizons of courage and acceptance.”      ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater

Note: Full access to Animal Totem Tracks is through Paid Membership for your Self Directed Journey or our Learning Community! Coming soon – Spring 2024

What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?

Balancing with Plants SpiritsMany of you have asked,  “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?

Since we’re here to help you develop your intuition, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!

First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that pertain to the Soaring Spirit of the Condor.

Liberate Yourself through Condor
Condor Medicine

There are 5 categories to choose from ~

I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood and
V: Self 

Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.

The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at Condor Medicine and ask your heart:

“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”

Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your Inner Wisdom speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!

Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Condor, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!

Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more private coaching. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…

Innovations Self-care Personal Growth-Mental

I: Liberate Your Relationship with the Cosmos

Reconnect with the creative spark of pure life force.

  1. Free yourself from survival patterns that prevent MODERATION in communication.

  2. Let go of deteriorating situations – it’s time to move on. 

  3.  Ground in the truth and your power.

II: Liberate Your Relationship with Your Family & Ancestors

Learn to be gentle, loving and forgiving with yourself about family issues.

    1. Release pent up childhood emotions that keep you stuck.

    2. Understand the dynamics of jealousy in family relationships.

    3. Clear up confusion about your role in your family’s dynamics.

III: Liberate Your Relationship with Your Environment

Be mindful of how you tend to your personal space.

  1. Cut through STAGNATION in your space – your home, office or business.

  2. Help for when you’re having difficulty keeping your space grounded.

  3. Know when it’s time to let go and move on.

IV: Liberate Your Relationship with Career & Livelihood

Meet the challenge of interacting with people when you’re under stress.

    1. Do the right thing to resolve conflict at work.

    2. Quieting a busy mind helps with anxiety at work.

    3. Be ready and able to change with the changes.

V: Liberate Your Relationship with Your Self

Re-organize what you think and how you feel about yourself.

  1. Improve your health and wellbeing by following the Middle Road.

  2. Facilitate a shift in consciousness by balancing your Crown Chakra.

  3. Release inner conflict about a challenge you’re facing.

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Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest

Rheanni Lightwater - Animal Totem Tracks - Snake
Rheanni Lightwater, Author & Guide

During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.

In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages. 

Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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