Challenged By Obstacles

Intuitive Reading from the I Ching or Book of Change: Challenged by Obstacles on the Road to Freedom.

Rheanni Lightwater - Obstacles on the Road to Freedom
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher & Feng Shui Consultant

In this intuitive reading, Soul Resources offers a variety of SOS formulas and Transformation Games using the Intuitive Learning Circles and the I Ching to offer constructive advice when we’re challenged by OBSTACLES as we keep moving forward on the Road to Freedom. 

The I Ching

I Ching Workbook - R. L. WingThe original intent of the I Ching was based on an Eastern philosophy of observation and marking changes in natural and human events. Through many centuries and contributions from shamans and master teachers, including Lau Tzu and Confucius, the Book of Change was developed into a full philosophy for applying beneficial human conduct to varying circumstances. The Art of Feng Shui is part of that philosophy. We use The I Ching Workbook, by R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979 as our preferred translation.

The I Ching Energy ~

Throughout much of late spring and summer, the I Ching energy flow for the United States was in a general state of DANGER, Hexagram #29. Then, on July 21st, the full moon ushered in a surprisingly active flow pattern of CHANGING (Hexagram #49) that opened up a series of unexpected opportunities and positive energy to make significant advances towards freedom.

Now, the flow of CHANGING has switched to the flow of #39 OBSTACLES. As a part of this path we have chosen, we are challenged by a massive wave of collective karma that needs to be met with compassion and thoughtful awareness. Extravagant flights of fancy and wishful thinking are being crushed by the realities facing us. Although the OBSTACLES are daunting, the I Ching offers some useful guidance:

“When flowing water, the image of the tao, meets with an obstacle in its path, a blockage in its journey, it pauses. It increases in volume and strength, filling up in front of the obstacle and eventually spilling past it. These OBSTACLES do not spring suddenly in the way of the rushing water but are, in fact, inherent in the chosen path.

Such is the nature of the obstacle facing you now. It is part of the path you have taken and must be overcome before you can continue. Do not turn and run, for there is nowhere worthwhile for you to go. Do not attempt to push ahead into the danger. If you had the strength to do so, you would not have consulted the oracle. Instead, emulate the example of water: Pause and build up your strength until the obstacle no longer represents a blockage. To increase your strength you must rely upon others. The original text states: “It is advantageous to see the great man.” Bring together those who can help you, seek advice from appropriate sources, get in touch with your divine nature. If you then follow through with persistence and correctness, you will meet with remarkable progress and success.

In all worldly paths, OBSTACLES appear naturally throughout the course of time. In matters of power and politics, obstructions must be overcome as they arise if you are to continue on your way. The correct approach requires a certain amount of cunning, for you must either organize a following or align yourself with established leadership in order to prepare an assault. In business concerns, now is an excellent time to hire those who can help you. Or perhaps you should consider joining forces with another. Look for qualities of leadership in these people, qualities that can surmount OBSTACLES standing in the way of longterm objectives.

A more conscientious approach to social matters is required now. The ability to be in the right place at the right time has never been more useful. If you have the opportunity to join with others who inspire you or can help you with your endeavors, do so. Also, turn your attention inward in social situations and notes those OBSTACLES you create for yourself.

Many of your external OBSTACLES are, in fact, internally generated. Whether you create them in the process of acting out internal conflicts, or instinctively choose paths fraught with certain difficulties, they must nevertheless be overcome. These struggles will take place within the Self. Often referred to as inhibitions, such OBSTACLES will block your progress. Yet if you focus your awareness on them and persevere in constructive and positive thoughts, you will experience great good fortune as your developing character strengthens and prepares itself.” ~ Hexagram #39 OBSTACLES, The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979

The whole purpose of studying the I Ching in the first place is to help us recognize different life flows, learn how to use them and plan appropriately, so that we may cooperate with the planet and each other more effectively. Hopefully, our study will help us unite and make effective plans when we are challenged by the OBSTACLES we face.

Understanding the Larger Picture ~

There are a lot of hidden aspects of how we interact with ourselves, others and the planet that are still being processed within a patriarchal lens or mindset. The status quo is understandably the framework that our habits, perceptions and beliefs are built around. However, the New Paradigm that we’ve entered requires us to stay vigilant about how unconscious patterns may be poisoning our ability to create Common Ground for the Common Good. 

Air - Challenged by Obstacles
Archetypal Energy of Air

Since we are no longer being governed by the Water based Element of the Piscean Age, a profusion of CHANGING life force no longer has the buffer of Water to smooth, soothe and slow down events. We are now in the Age of Aquarius where the primary movement comes through the Element of Air, which is much faster, lighter and quick to change.

This paradigm shift means our encounters with OBSTACLES will continue to be much more abrupt and “in your face” than they have been in the past. However, if you can stay centered and remember that you don’t have to do everything that every one else wants, you will be able to determine what actually best for you.

Meeting Obstacles with The Chinese Zodiac

2024 is the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac.

Positive Qualities: Energetic. Confident. Ambitious. Intelligent. Generous.
Challenging Qualities: Unstable. Intolerant. Lack of persistence. Unrealistic.

The Dragon’s Feng Shui Mandala below can give you a sense of what the archetype of the Dragon is about and how it may influence you. If you’re interested, gently contemplate its center and relax. When you’re ready, ask yourself these questions and journal the answers that come:

“What is the most important thing I can focus my energy and effort on during this time in the Year of the Dragon?”

Todays Intuitive Reading - The Year of the Dragon

“What is the direction? Why is that important?
How can I utilize the energy of the Dragon to my best advantage?
Are there things I’m wasting time on? Something else I need to know?
Is there something important for me to do?
If so, can I tell what it is and how I would best go about doing it?”

Allow your intuition to come forward and bring guidance from your innermost Self. 

Did you know that Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Governor Tim Walz are both DRAGONS – born in 1964. They are both in their Sexegenary Cycle (60 years), which in Chinese Astrology is an important age of completion and coming together of life experiences. What are their combined energies likely to inspire?

Invite the Dragon archetype and his dynamic energy to advise you as you navigate change and the OBSTACLES in your own life. 

Yang Wood DragonA) Any new path can have distractions and dangers that you just cannot see clearly. However Dragon warns, “This is too important a time to get stuck or fall into a hole. Get back in the saddle and stay on your Soul’s journey. If you need extra help, call on my energy and confidence. I have plenty to spare.”

Clear Up Your Blind Spots.

B) Transforming change has given us the opportunity to be motivated by Joy and Freedom, rather than fear and dread. That’s a wonderful thing. However, it’s far too easy for old habits and conditioning to sneak back in and mess things up. Dragon wants to share some important insights about how to prevent Joy from getting hijacked by your own mind! Keep Going For Joy – Rather than Perfection.

C) The current high energy might encourage you to rush or take chances that aren’t in your best interests. Prevent unnecessary OBSTACLES by staying safe and out of troubles way by using your extra-intuitive senses. Develop Precognition and Stay Out of Trouble.

D) Finally, there may be others who are threatened by your new sense of confidence. If someone is undermining you or trying to throw you off your game, get them out of your space Immediately: Ground in the Truth and Your Power.

What kind of advice is recommended when we are challenged by OBSTACLES?

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions - Todays Intuitive Reading
SOS Symbol

As always, Kuan Yin has offered her assistance through a specially chosen collection of Transformation Games, Mind Exercises and Self-care Formulas. During this time she is advising us to pay particular attention to how we’re keeping our boundaries, balance and stability.

She has joined forces with the help of several Plant and Animal Totems from Gifts from the Rainforest and says, “It is much easier to do the right thing when you are in good company. Following good examples will lead you to success.”

Gaze softly at the SOS symbol and ask for a number between 1 – 9.

Scroll down to that number in the list of games and exercises below and check out what that process has to offer you.

Transformation Games and Mind Exercises ~

1. Get Unstuck from Painful Experiences in Your Past.

Navigating Obstacles - Snake MedicineAs the quintessential transformer, Snake wants to remind us that once we ask for something we’ve never had before and take action on it, the Universal Law of Cause and Effect swoops in and presents you with all the reasons why you haven’t been able to manifest it before. Past karma, both collective and individual is likely behind many of the OBSTACLES you’re now facing.

Move forward without all that baggage with the Snake Guide.

2. Courageously Face the Changes that are Necessary.

Navigating Obstacles - Jaguar MedicineHow well are you keeping up with change and are you letting it work for you, rather than against you? There very well could be something you need to change about how you’re dealing with your situation. Play this Transformation Game to help you look at the overall situation and gain a deeper understanding of what’s really needed.

Acquire the courage to change with the Jaguar Guide.

3. Learn to Gracefully Let Go So You Can Move On.

Navigating Obstacles - Condor Medicine

You could be experiencing a situation where there is a great deal of arguments, incompetence or downright refusals to participate in cooperative ventures. Sometimes an environment gets so toxic that it starts to affect your mental or physical health. This game offers some good advice from the I Ching that will help you move on safely. 

Exercise your freedom with the Condor Guide.

4. Let Go of Herd Mentality and Harmful Group Attitudes.

Navigate Change - Llama Medicine

These are times when there’s just too much group think and outside interference to make a clear decision. Very often, there’s some form of media communication that’s contributing to the noise. Use this Mind Exercise to disentangle from false agendas and destructive attitudes so you can follow your heart back to the truth.

Reclaim personal authority with the Llama Guide.

5. Keep Your Mind and Memory Sharp.

Navigating Obstacles - Plant Medicine

In times of increasing and accelerated stress, remember your mental health! You could get thrown off by a sudden loss or relocation. Or, you might get disoriented because so many other things are changing. Stabilize with this exercise to get a better idea about what’s happening in your case and what you really need to remember.

Release mental / emotional stress with the Plant Spirits Guide.

SOS for Help When We’re Challenged by Obstacles ~

The Top Line states:
“Although it seems that you may ignore the turmoil around you and proceed with your own affairs, you will not be able to do so. You will inexorably be drawn into the struggle. Look to the paths of the wise for guidance in this matter. This brings good fortune to all concerned.” ~ Hexagram #39 OBSTACLES, The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing

SOS Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises can help you stay in balance and hone your true guidance in chaotic times:

Navigating Compassion Fatigue

6. Whose Problem is It? Sometimes blockages occur because we’ve gotten a bit mixed up and are taking on important issues that aren’t really our responsibility. This exercise will help you sort things out and clean up any tangled messes.

7. Dispel Self-doubt and Projections. If you’re feeling overcome with distrust and confusion or trying to sort out what’s really going on in a given situation, this mind exercise will help you let go of triggers, false thoughts or beliefs that are clouding up your judgement.

8. Get Help for Shock and Extreme Stress. Any person involved in, or witness to a traumatic event could experience disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. This SOS formula offers an opportunity to gently process difficult experiences, heal emotional stress and explore positive ways to respond, especially when it comes to climate change and environmental disasters.

Chakra Healing and Clearing ~

Recommended Transformation Games and Mind Exercises to Keep You Moving with the Flow, Rather than Against it.

9. Advanced Chakra Healing.

The sheer amount of blocked or stuck energies indicates that we need to find innovative methods for handling radical energy reversals and be conscious about it.

Kuan Yin has helped put together a whole medicine cabinet of Transformation Games and Self-care Formulas that specifically address our chakras and their accompanying psychological challenges. See the full selection and explanation here>

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Thank you for joining with us for Todays Intuitive Reading and creating a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good!

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.


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About the Author of Challenged by Obstacles

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you need more help managing anxiety.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Challenged by Obstacles on the Road to Freedom should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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