Stabilize During A Shocking Event

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for relief during extreme weather crisis or other shocking events:  

Stabilize During a Shocking Event

If you are:

  • Living through a shocking event
  • Witnessing traumatic experiences
  • Experiencing an environmental disaster
  • Disoriented by personal or environmental upheaval
  • Feeling scattered, surprised, scared or vulnerable
  • Exposed to repeated emergency situations
  • Having trouble thinking or planning clearly.

This SOS self-care formula is a form of self-hypnosis combined with energy healing that has been used for resolving shock, enhancing inner guidance and facilitating positive change since 2001. This particular formula offers a gentle opportunity to process ongoing difficult experiences, manage emotional stress and explore positive ways to respond to unexpected and shocking events.

SOS- Resolving Shock from Traumatic Events

Any person who’s going through extreme weather related events or a crisis in their environment can experience disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. Even people who are witness to traumatic experiences can get caught up in the energy of the event. That includes family members, friends, therapists, clergy and other emergency responders.

The shock response is natural and not a sign of spiritual, mental or emotional weakness. It’s an important way that the mind protects itself. Nevertheless, if a person who’s going through a shocking event doesn’t get a chance to relax and separate from the experience – or if they’re not able to – serious problems can develop, including ongoing symptoms of ptsd including nightmares, flashbacks and a chronic fear of the future. 

Scattered energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t think of anything positive,” “My life was shattered,”  “I feel so drained” or “I just don’t know what to do,” describe the experience of ongoing, unresolved shock. Alternately, a person may put on a false front of cheerfulness and optimism, only to have their health suffer later.

If any of the above seems familiar, you can go through this formula to help you stabilize your mind and access your own innate healing abilities. Simply follow the directions step by step so you can monitor your energy and take the steps that are needed to move forward safely.

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. As you go through the steps, cross and uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body when you gaze at each Circle. Use a soft focus and breathe patiently. This will help you integrate your thinking more fully so that you can be more creative. If you have any negative self-talk, let it go by breathing through it.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

Stabilize During a Shocking Event

Step One:

Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at this Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.

Imagine you can use it to focus in on a difficult or painful experience that’s blocking your way. If your mind is blank, focus on how “blank” it is. You may get a conscious image or message, or you may not.

Once you have a sense that your mind has found the blockage, imagine that it’s like an iceberg and the Sun is melting it away with a beautiful beam of light.
Allow it to melt until it’s completely gone.
Check for other blockages, worries or conflicts that you can do the same with.


Step Two:

In situations like this, there’s too much going on and you don’t want to scatter. Your mind may have too many windows open – like on a computer screen.

Let this Circle help you close the tabs in your mind to help you feel better and more contained.


Step Three:

The environment is changing and you need to protect yourself. Relax with this symbol and close down all harmful energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to. Take all the time that you need.

If you like, ask your Soul for divine protection.


Step Four:

Remember to stay hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fresh water. If you swish it around in your mouth before you swallow, the water will go where it needs to go faster and more efficiently.

Water is your good friend. Especially now!


Step Five:

Consider all that’s going on in your life. A lot is changing.
Use this Circle to gently contemplate the situation so you can gather up your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical resources.

What is the most important thing for you to keep in mind?


Step Six:

Your senses may have gotten knocked out of balance. Reconnect with them and focus on being present. Use them to become aware of your body and what you need right now.

Re-orient yourself in your environment, as it is now.

Take whatever time you need to focus on actions that will bring you back into balance and benefit your well-being. You may want to write ideas down because it’s easy to forget.


Step Seven:

Your energy probably needs some balancing. Go through this short sequence to make repairs and get back in order:

A) Get help clearing your energy field of toxins. Use this Key to relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with smoke, chemicals or other negative energies.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.


B) When a person is under extreme stress, their energy can become blocked, scattered, reversed or even shut down completely.

Let this Key help you make corrections and repair any glitches, holes or jagged energies in your system.

Keep relaxing with it until the energy smooths out and you begin to sense the calming energy of your Soul coming through.


C) Keep your wits about you. Clear away dark and heavy thoughts.

Use this Circle to imagine you can infuse your body with light and Love. Doing so will help to remove fear, negativity and darkness from your personal energy.

Dispense with the darkness by sending it to the Light for purification.


D) Bring your attention to your own heart center. Imagine you can connect with your Source and activate the Light that lives within you.
You are never alone.


Step Eight:

Now it’s time to turn down the volume on all the noise from outside. As you breathe deeply, let this Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level.

Not too high and not too low – just right.

Soon you will be able to hear that calm, gentle voice inside that reminds you about what matters the most to you.

Let yourself be sad if you need to be. Tears are a sign of letting go of shock.


Step Nine:

It also helps to open and close your hands to get more present. Move your fingers and wiggle your toes around. Notice the time and where you are. These actions all help whenever you want to stabilize during a shocking event. 


Step Ten:

Now you can let your nervous system calm down too. Slow down and listen to the rhythm of your heart.
You’re feeling better with every breath you take.

Stretch or move around in any way that you instinctively feel you need.


Step Eleven:

Oftentimes, going through a shocking event requires a change in priorities. There may be certain plans, ideas or thoughts that take you back into extreme distress. You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is distressing you.

Simply imagine that the negative patterns in your mind are like dark clouds or a tangled maze of confusion.

Surrender the darkness into the pure light of the Sun and let the maze dissolve completely.

You’ll know that you’re done when your mind feels clear enough to imagine standing in a beautiful field with the Sun shining down upon you.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Twelve:

Before you finish with this formula, take a minute to seal and heal any holes, leaks or passageways that have opened up during this process.
All harmful openings are sealed and healed.

Closure for Mind Body Healing

Do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Your mind and nervous system need closure.


Step Thirteen:

Finally, let your heart recover. This Key helps you balance your heart energy and clear away any residual heaviness. Breathe deeply and take your time.


Feel any remaining heaviness lifting up and out of your heart. Let it radiate out to the Light where it can be transformed.

Take care of yourself and remember that you are loved.

Personalized Energy Clearing with the Author of Shocking Events

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need more assistance, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Stabilize During A Shocking Event is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Challenged By Obstacles

Intuitive Reading from the I Ching or Book of Change: Challenged by Obstacles.

Rheanni Lightwater - Obstacles on the Road to Freedom
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher & Feng Shui Consultant

In this intuitive reading, Soul Resources offers a variety of SOS formulas and Transformation Games using the Intuitive Learning Circles and the I Ching to offer constructive advice when we’re challenged by OBSTACLES. 

The I Ching

I Ching Workbook - R. L. WingThe original intent of the I Ching was based on an Eastern philosophy of observation and marking changes in natural and human events. Through many centuries and contributions from shamans and master teachers, including Lau Tzu and Confucius, the Book of Change was developed into a full philosophy for applying beneficial human conduct to varying circumstances. The Art of Feng Shui is part of that philosophy. We use The I Ching Workbook, by R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979 as our preferred translation.

The I Ching Energy ~

Throughout much of late spring and summer, the I Ching energy flow for the United States was in a general state of DANGER, Hexagram #29. Then, on July 21st, the full moon ushered in a surprisingly active flow pattern of CHANGING (Hexagram #49) that opened up a series of unexpected opportunities and positive energy to make significant advances towards freedom.

Now, the energy has gone through a series of CONTRADICTIONS and moved into the flow of #39 OBSTACLES. As a part of this path we have chosen, we are challenged by a massive wave of collective karma that needs to be met with courage and realistic thinking. Extravagant flights of fancy and wishful thinking are being crushed by the realities facing us. Although the OBSTACLES are daunting, the I Ching offers some useful guidance:

“In all worldly paths, OBSTACLES appear naturally throughout the course of time. In matters of power and politics, obstructions must be overcome as they arise if you are to continue on your way. The correct approach requires a certain amount of cunning, for you must either organize a following or align yourself with established leadership in order to prepare an assault. In business concerns, now is an excellent time to hire those who can help you. Or perhaps you should consider joining forces with another. Look for qualities of leadership in these people, qualities that can surmount OBSTACLES standing in the way of longterm objectives.

A more conscientious approach to social matters is required now. The ability to be in the right place at the right time has never been more useful. If you have the opportunity to join with others who inspire you or can help you with your endeavors, do so. Also, turn your attention inward in social situations and notes those OBSTACLES you create for yourself.

Many of your external OBSTACLES are, in fact, internally generated. Whether you create them in the process of acting out internal conflicts, or instinctively choose paths fraught with certain difficulties, they must nevertheless be overcome. These struggles will take place within the Self. Often referred to as inhibitions, such OBSTACLES will block your progress. Yet if you focus your awareness on them and persevere in constructive and positive thoughts, you will experience great good fortune as your developing character strengthens and prepares itself.” ~ Hexagram #39 OBSTACLES, The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979

The whole purpose of studying the I Ching in the first place is to help us recognize different life flows, learn how to use them and plan appropriately, so that we may cooperate with the planet and each other more effectively. Hopefully, our study will help us unite and make effective plans when we are challenged by the OBSTACLES we face.

Understanding the Larger Picture ~

There are a lot of hidden aspects about how we interact with ourselves, each other and the planet that are being processed within a patriarchal lens or mindset. The status quo is understandably the framework that our habits, perceptions and beliefs are built around. However, the New Paradigm that we’ve entered requires us to wake up about how unconscious patterns and self destructive habits are poisoning our ability to create Common Ground for the Common Good. 

Air - Todays Intuitive Reading
Archetypal Energy of Air

Since we’re no longer being governed by the Water based Element of the Piscean Age, a profusion of fast moving chi’ no longer has the buffer of Water to smooth, soothe, complicate or slow down events. We are now fully in the Age of Aquarius where the primary movement of life force comes through the Element of Air, which is much faster, lighter and quick to change.

In this paradigm shift, the Law of Karma or cause and effect is amplified and very quick to manifest. That means that the old “rules” about fighting – attack and defense – no longer work and are actually pulling us deeper into the chaos and confusion that we so wish to avoid.

By engaging in emotionally based behaviors such as casting spells, spewing curses, or organizing movements based on hatred for the other, we continue to manifest our own OBSTACLES that are increasingly more abrupt, irrational and “in our face”. This is called karmic backlash and will continue to be a profound source of the many OBSTACLES we’ll meet in the coming months.

Is it possible to find more productive ways to organize your own intentions and energy so that something more peaceful and prosperous can happen?

If you can manage to stay present and centered within yourself, you’ll have a much better chance of determining what’s actually best for you. By objectively observing what’s working and what’s not, you’ll build the courage to choose differently – to stand up for yourself so you can take genuinely productive actions without all the karmic backlash. The keys here are to develop self-care habits that strengthen good boundaries, balance and stability.

Meeting Obstacles with The Chinese Zodiac

2024 is the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon in the Chinese Zodiac.

Positive Qualities: Energetic. Confident. Ambitious. Intelligent. Generous.
Challenging Qualities: Unstable. Intolerant. Lack of persistence. Unrealistic.

The Dragon’s Feng Shui Mandala below can give you a sense of what the archetype of the Dragon is about and how it may influence you. If you’re interested, gently contemplate its center and relax. When you’re ready, ask yourself these questions and journal the answers that come:

“What is the most important thing I can focus my energy and effort on during this time in the Year of the Dragon?”

Todays Intuitive Reading - The Year of the Dragon

“What is the direction? Why is that important?
How can I utilize the energy of the Dragon to my best advantage?
Are there things I’m wasting time on? Something else I need to know?
Is there something important for me to do?
If so, can I tell what it is and how I would best go about doing it?”

Allow your intuition to come forward and bring guidance from your innermost Self. 

Invite the Dragon archetype and his dynamic energy to advise you as you navigate change and the OBSTACLES in your own life. 

Yang Wood Dragon - Todays Intuitive ReadingA) Any new path can have distractions, dangers and opportunities that you cannot see clearly. However Dragon warns, “This is too important a time to get bogged down or fall into a hole. Gather your courage and ability to see straight. If you need extra help, call on my energy and confidence. I have plenty to spare.”

Clear Up Your Blind Spots.

B) Transforming change that’s motivated by Joy and Freedom, rather than fear and dread is a wonderful and worthwhile pursuit. Especially when you’ve met with OBSTACLES that make it easy for old habits and conditioning to sneak back in and sabotage any progress that’s been made. Dragon wants to share some important insights about how to keep Joy in the forefront of your mind. Keep Going For Joy – Rather than Perfection.

C) The current OBSTACLES might ensnare you into taking actions that aren’t in your best long term interests. Keep yourself out of trouble’s way by using your extra-intuitive senses. Develop Precognition and Stay Out of Trouble.

D) Finally, there may be others who are threatening you or trying to erode your  confidence. If someone is getting to you, get them out of your space immediately: Ground in the Truth and Your Power.

What kind of advice is recommended when we are challenged by OBSTACLES?

Once we ask for something we’ve never had before and take action on it, the Universe presents us with all the reasons why we haven’t been able to manifest it before. Past karma, both collective and individual is likely behind many of the OBSTACLES we’re now facing.

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions - Todays Intuitive Reading
SOS Symbol

As always, Kuan Yin has offered her assistance through a specially chosen collection of Transformation Games, Mind Exercises and Self-care Formulas. During this time she is advising us to pay particular attention to how we’re keeping our boundaries, balance and stability.

She has joined forces with the help of several Plant and Animal Guides from Gifts from the Rainforest and says, “It is much easier to do the right thing when you are in good company. Following good examples will lead you to success.”

Gaze softly at the SOS symbol and ask for a number between 1 – 9.

Scroll down to that number in the list of games and exercises below and check out what that process has to offer you.

Transformation Games and Mind Exercises ~

1. Detach from Problems – Align Your Energy with Solutions.

Snake MedicineFocusing on problems is an energy drain that saps our ability to find real solutions. This Mind Exercise will help you realize why our problems can’t be solved from the same mental position they were created from. Actualize positive help that’s available by aligning with the new energy.

Shed the skin of hyper-responsibility using the Snake Guide.

2. Handle Irritations Before They Handle You.

Navigating Obstacles - Jaguar MedicineThere’s more than enough things to be irritated about. Don’t let them get you down or drain your energy. This exercise is for when you’re ready to figure out what you need to do to stop making a bad situation worse and head in a healthier direction.

Acquire the courage to change with the Jaguar Guide.

3. Learn to Gracefully Let Go So You Can Move On.

Navigating Obstacles - Condor Medicine

You could be holding onto a deteriorating situation that’s filled with arguments, incompetence or downright refusals to participate in respectful ways. Sometimes an environment gets so toxic that it starts to affect your mental or physical health. This game offers some good advice from the I Ching that will help you move on safely. 

Exercise your freedom with the Condor Guide.

4. Slow Down and Do the Right Thing For You.

Navigate Change - Llama Medicine

You may be having difficulty interacting with situations and relationships around you because of false information, mixed messages or unresolved issues from your past. By taking the time to go within and find out what your thinking really is, you can understand what’s motivating you and take action to resolve the situation.

Reclaim personal authority with the Llama Guide.

5. Adapt to the Changes That Are Necessary.

Navigating Obstacles - Plant Medicine

How well are you keeping up with change and are you letting it work for you, rather than against you? There very well could be something you need to change about how you’re dealing with your situation to keep yourself healthy. Play this Transformation Game to help you look at the overall situation and gain a deeper understanding of what’s really needed.

Take good care of yourself with the Plant Spirits Guide.

SOS for Help When We’re Challenged by Obstacles ~

The Third Line states:
“If you abandon your present concerns in order to struggle with an external obstacles you are in danger of jeopardizing the security of those close to you and, perhaps, undermining the structure of your life. It would be a good idea to return to your center and reconsider your path.” ~ Hexagram #39 OBSTACLES, The I Ching Workbook by R. L. Wing

SOS Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises can help you stay in balance and hone your true guidance in chaotic times:

Navigating Compassion Fatigue

6. Get Help for Shock and Symptoms of PTSD. Any of us who are feeling shock could experience disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. This SOS formula offers an opportunity to gently process difficult experiences, heal emotional stress and get centered again.

7. Keep your Mind Clear of Overwhelm. If, for any reason, you’re feeling exhausted, out of balance or pressuring yourself to do too much, this simple self-care formula will help you to calm down a think clearly again..

8. Develop Clear Perception in a New Reality. After such a stressful election season, it’s easy to feel like you’re heading in the wrong direction or having trouble navigating the new terrain. Go through an exercise that will help you tune into your inner guidance system so you can sort things out.


Chakra Healing and Clearing ~

Recommended Transformation Games and Mind Exercises to Keep You Moving with the Flow, Rather than Against it.

9. Advanced Chakra Healing.

The sheer amount of blocked or stuck energies indicates that we need to find innovative methods for handling radical energy reversals and be conscious about it.

Kuan Yin has helped put together a whole medicine cabinet of Transformation Games and Self-care Formulas that specifically address our chakras and their accompanying psychological challenges. See the full selection and explanation here>

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Thank you for joining with us for Todays Intuitive Reading and creating a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good!

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.


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About the Author of Challenged by Obstacles

Rheanni Lightwater - Todays Intuitive Reading
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you need more help.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call, text (505) 271-4612 or email: [email protected]

Challenged by Obstacles should not be considered as an exclusive method of stress management. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Clear Distractions – Tutorial VI

Using Gifts from the Rainforest to Clear Distractions

Clear DistractionsAnimal Energy Medicine for Healing the Modern Mind – Tutorial VI

  • Enhance your intuition and self-healing abilities
  • Heal negative karmic and energetic patterns
  • Change destructive attitudes, habits and behaviors
  • Create new templates for self-love and joy
  • Guided meditations to hear your inner guidance


Rheanni Lightwater - Releasing Soul Contracts
w/ Rheanni Lightwater

As you learned in the previous Tutorials, each Circle has a different healing action or medicine and is often used in sequence with positive affirmations to help you focus your intent and support the positive changes that you’re asking for.

When the Circle are put together in different sequences, they can help us accomplish different mental and emotional tasks. In this case, let’s go through a short sequence that will help you clear distractions and focus on your own objectives more effectively.

Mind Body IntegrationRemember as you go through this visualization, each Circle is working with your breath and Inner Guidance – helping you to shift and change in just the way that’s best for you.

You are in charge of your attention, unless you’ve given that power away!

Access and Utilize Your Natural Creative Abilities.

Sometimes people are overstimulated or have learning difficulties that interfere with their ability to focus and productivity. Sometimes, a more creative and instinctual approach will help. Use these positive affirmations with the Circles to access your intuition, gut instincts and the creative power of Nature through #31 Dragonfly.

“I actively seek out the wisdom of my Animal Instincts and the Natural World.”

“I accept help from the generous, abundant resources of life and listen to their promptings.”


“I connect to the natural protective and creative abilities of my Psyche and Soul.”

Ask your Power Animal to help you see your objective from your Soul’s perspective:
– Are there any distractions interfering with your ability to focus?
– Do you need to detach from any harmful intentions, extremes or expectations?
– Are you heading the wrong way?


When you have a lot of noise or buzzing going on in your head, Mosquito Medicine can help you. Imagine that you can open up a window and let in some fresh air to clear up your mind.


“I relax and allow the buzzing and excess noise to move out of my head
on a gentle gust of wind.”


Now imagine that your mind just has too much information coming in, like having too many tabs open on your computer.
Piranha Medicine #8 will help you close those extra tabs out. Use these positive affirmations to help:

“All extraneous openings are closing down.”


There could be hundreds of them, so be sure to repeat each visualization both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.

“Pathways to distractions are sealed up and healed.”

“I turn my attention to the direction of my Soul’s intention.”


Once you’ve closed out the noise, let Praying Mantis help you refocus your attention on whatever your current priority is.

“I am able to pull my energy and attention in so I can focus on what I’m doing.”

Praying Mantis

Again, do that both crossed and uncrossed so the correction is complete.

“What is the next step for my priority?”


Remember all that you learned from Raccoon in Rainforest Tutorial #V? This is an excellent example of when and how old agreements you’re holding onto could be interfering with your well being.

“I release all agreements to automatically give my power away or
allow my mind to be distracted.”

“I let go of second guessing myself or doubting my own priorities.”


Be sure that your new agreements confirm who is in charge, what you’re doing and how you get it done.

“My Soul is in charge of how my energy is used – even when I’m distracted by ____________.”

“I reclaim my power and attention.”

“I focus on what’s important.”


If you need more help, use Wasp Medicine #5 to pull your energy away from negative situations or encounters. Include worries about the future or even old memories of painful experiences.

“I pull myself and my energy out of negative spaces and experiences that are detrimental to me.”


The Wasp also reminds you to keep yourself protected. Do you have proper protection now? If not, what might help?

“I stop operating under the influence of this energy.”

“I find other, more positive ways to move forward.”


It’s possible that you’ve been taking your projects a little too seriously and the energy around them has gotten too heavy.

Gather yourself in your center with #14 Otter Medicine and bring some fun and lightness into whatever you’re doing. Include “having some fun” as part of your intention!

River Otter

“I want to bring a healthy sense of fun into what I’m doing.”


You might also have lost track of what the purpose for your original intention was. Garden #44 can help you place it again.

Use the Circle to remember what this activity has to do with your life and the personal dream you hold for yourself.


“The purpose of this activity is to ______________.”

Is your heart in the right place? If it isn’t, what might help?


You may have some particularly harmful intentions affecting you, conditioned from past experiences or expectations. Be sure that your mind isn’t holding contradictory or outdated intentions that would bring chaos and confusion into what you’re doing and what kind of results you’re getting.

“My Soul is in charge of where I put my energy and how I use it –
even when I’m distracted by ____________.”


 “I let go of intentions that are rigid and inflexible.”

 “I stop sending energy to the idea that what I’m doing has to be perfect.”

Creativity, flexibility and adaptability are important priorities to send energy to under our current circumstances.


Butterfly Medicine #34 can help you remember to tap into the most positive energies available to you, no matter where you are.

“I relax and use the most beneficial energies possible to manifest my true objectives successfully.”



Now that you have the proper focus, position, agreements, purpose and energy, let #47 Starlight Medicine help you put it all together. Use this affirmation: 

“I have successfully organized my objectives around the priorities of my Soul.”

Get up and move around a bit to help this settle and get integrated. When you come back, you can ask yourself:

“What is the next best step I can take to help me with my objectives?”

Congratulations! You’ve just pulled yourself back from the dangers of a distracted mind. Get up and move around a bit to help this settle and get integrated.

Next Time:

In the Seventh Tutorial, you’ll get an opportunity to experience how Gifts from the Rainforest can help you take aim at the concept of reciprocity.

Return to the Tutorial List for Gifts from the Rainforest ~

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described in Gifts from the Rainforest or this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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