Clear Boundaries

Setting Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind

Setting Clear BoundariesWhat can you do to help yourself when it feels like someone or something has “gotten under your skin”? Without clear boundaries, thoughts and emotions can pass back and forth between people without their awareness. When left unchecked, this type of attachment can go underground and contribute to sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.

It’s a valuable skill to know how to close the doors or energy pathways at will. This Mind Exercise can help you learn how to consciously set clear boundaries and close off those pathways.

This visual meditation from our SOS Resolve Ebook provides a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention. Going through a quick  “game” calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for self-awareness and clear boundaries, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.

Use this Mind Exercise when you are:RESOLVE for Clear Boundaries

~ Feeling scattered or out of sync
~ Easily triggered and need better boundaries
~ Experiencing distress or separation anxiety
~ Worried, agitated or anticipating hardship
~ Feeling pressured or compulsive
~ Unable to meditate or sit still
~ Obsessed with a particular person or situation.

Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the RESOLVE symbol.

Mind Exercises for Clear BoundariesFind a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Follow the sequence of symbols while you read their accompanying instructions. Gaze gently at each Circle for about two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationThe brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. Therefore, you will want to look at each Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.

If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it Just breathe deeply and relax.

After you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart will change your perspective and make it easier to accomplish your goals.


Step 1. Balance

Begin by consciously breathing in on the count of three and slowly exhaling on the count of five. Do that three or four times while you gaze softly at the Circle. It’s helpful if you can breathe in through your nose.

Continue breathing and bring your awareness to your tailbone.


Step 2. Calm

Keep breathing with your belly soft and relaxed.
Let your shoulders drop.

Gaze softly at this Circle and imagine you can turn down the feelings or thoughts that are turned up too high, just like the volume on a radio.


Step 3. Centering

See if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.

Imagine you can close up unhealthy energy channels between you and all the noise that’s coming from the outside.

Stay with it until you feel more centered with beneficial energy flowing through you.


Step 4. Protection

Now, gaze softly at this Circle and use it to close all holes or harmful pathways that have been left wide open.

“I close the pathways that lead to distractions, disturbances and interference.”

“All holes are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Step 5. Beauty

Now that the pathways are closed, you can shift your attention away from the negative and turn towards more positive input. Breathe in again and exhale slowly.

Take your time and let this Circle help you call the most majestic scenes into your mind that you can imagine.

Notice how your body responds and relaxes into the experience.


Step 6. Expansion

Turn your attention to your breathing again and how calming it is.
You can sense the steady rhythm of your heart.
The gentle expansion and contraction of your lungs.
Breathing in and letting go. The space around you is relaxing too.

Emotional Calm


Step 7. Letting Go

There may be some especially sticky energies that don’t seem to want to let go. Let this Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Step 8. Intention

Now you’re ready to gently turn your mind to what’s in your best interests. What are your true priorities?

Slow down and take your time.


Step 9: Grounding and Coherence

This Circle will help your energy get organized and grounded. Put both your feet on the floor, place your palms on the inside of your knees and keep breathing until you feel planted.

Then, visualize a wheel spinning out any discordant energy that’s still hanging on and causing problems. When you can release excess energy, it’s much easier to think more clearly and feel like yourself again.


Step 10. Compassion

Imagine with each relaxing new breath that you can fill your heart with renewed understanding and compassion – that includes caring for yourself with clear boundaries.


Step 11. Decision

Your well-being is important. Are the any new decisions would you like to make about it?
Here’s a few suggestions:

“I decide to be loyal to myself.”
“It’s okay to have strong and clear boundaries.”

“It’s genuinely joyful to have a quiet mind and a light heart.”


Step 12. Resolution

Make a commitment to stay centered and true to yourself.

“I keep my own energy contained for my own protection.”
“I easily eject and deflect harmful thoughts, interference or expectations.”

“I resolve to create and maintain clear boundaries.”


Step 13. Nourishment

Before you get on with your day, see if there’s any helpful nutrition that would support you. Let this Circle help you tune into natural healing energy.

Are there any vegetables, fruits, herbs, teas or other healing foods that come to mind? Anything else?


Step 14. Completion

Finish by closing any remaining openings to the noise and distractions of the external world.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

What does your Soul advise you to do now?

Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart changes your perspective and makes it easier to accomplish your goals.

About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel concerned about your communication challenge.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Returning to Danger

Are You Returning to Danger or Ready to Advance?

Rheanni Lightwater - Returning to Danger
Rheanni Lightwater

Transformation Game - Returning to Danger Kuan Yin’s guidance about returning to danger springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. She has been helping us through these Transformation Games to transition from the old economic paradigm based on greed and fear to a new paradigm of co-operation, equality and balanced prosperity. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours.

To help you better connect with her assistance, she uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to communicate with you through meditation, affirmations and visualization.

Kuan Yin’s I Ching Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for: Hexagram # 24 – Returning and #28 Danger

Returning to Danger
Are you RETURNING to a dangerous, old pattern or ready to advance forward into a new beginning?

“At the time of RETURNING to new beginnings is the implied end of an old cycle. Study the phase you are now exiting. It is a cycle. It had a beginning and you are experiencing its end.

The reason for certain things that may have been unacceptable or confusing to you are now apparent. The contemplation of the return of the these cycles can lead to profound inner knowledge.

The Chinese refer to this hexagram as the apparent pattern of the intelligence of Heaven and Earth.

You are aware of the need for a new beginning and have the courage to make the change. By observing your faults with objectivity and resolution at this time you will gain the strength of character necessary to overcome them.  ~The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.


Returning to Danger – A Transformation Game

This Game uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to help us understand what’s causing us to RETURN to habits that lead us into danger time and time again. Why are we not learning from it? You can use this game to explore what that’s about and see if there’s something you can do to transcend your own harmful habits.

Step One: Access Your Gut Instincts.

Relax and gaze softly at this Reiki Chakra Key that opens and balances your Third Chakra located at your Solar Plexus (the soft area in the front where your ribs go up). This chakra gives you access to your gut instincts and essential nature.

Returning to Danger

When people talk about the second brain that’s in your gut, this is what they’re talking about. Give yourself plenty of time to strengthen your connection.


Step Two: Adapt to the Generative Energies of the New Paradigm.

This symbol provides an interface and filter to assist us in making the functional transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) to the New Paradigm governed by Air (Aquarian Age).

“I close down any harmful energies from the old paradigm that I might still be open to. I access Divine Protection now.”

“My mind and body are open to receiving generative life force. 
I use this beneficial energy to protect myself and manifest life.
I connect with new channels for communication.”


Step Three: Clear Attachments that Block Clear Perception.

In times of DANGER, you may come face to face with a variety of hazardous materials. This exposure can cause great damage to your energy system and knock it out of balance, leaving you much more vulnerable to exploitation from predatory or narcissistic individuals.

Are you exposed to this dangerous energy?

If you ever wondered why narcissists are so attracted to fossil fuels and other toxic pollutants, one reason for it has to do with the sticky and toxic manner in which their own toxic energy field can glom onto other people and take them over. Pollution effectively makes it easier for them to do this. Pollution also makes it easier for them to engender more narcissistic followers.

There Are Things That Can Be Done To Help

Let the Star Chakra Detachment Key below help you clear your energy field of toxins. Relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with toxic materials such as smoke, chemicals, carbon monoxide or viruses. Allow your energy to neutralize and detach from toxic energies or those who would take advantage of your weakened state.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Clear Attachments - Returning to Danger


Step Four: Balance Your Senses.

When you are in danger of RETURNING to a harmful pattern, It’s essential to see things as they really are. See if you can remedy any “blind spots” or confusion by gazing softly at this Reiki Chakra Key for the five senses, together with these positive affirmations:

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I use them to be present and make sense of my current conditions and environment.”

“They help me to clear blind spots and confusion.”

“I use them to be aware of DANGER and find helpful solutions.”

“I sense things as they are really happening.”

Note: You may want to go back up to the Chakra Key for Detachment to strengthen the clearing action.


Step Five: Activate Your Instinctual Nature and Gifts.

Tune into your psyche, your instincts and your connection to the natural world. Doing so will help you pay attention to signals from Nature and learn to respect the power of Mother Earth’s energies.

“I connect with my natural instincts, my timing and Soul resources.”

“I pay attention to my environment and allow it to inform me about elements of concern.”


Step Six: Repair Jagged Energy Reversals and Blockages.

Your energy may be having a difficult time adjusting to all the significant internal or environmental changes that are taking place. Sudden reversals, blockages and changes in momentum can cause our subtle energy fields to react in unusual ways. This Correction Key can help you correct any blockages, rough static, glitches or reversals that may come up.
Relax for a few minutes until things smooth out.

Stay with it until you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through.


Step Seven: Uncover Your Awareness of the Danger.

Gaze at this Circle that accesses your intuition and unconscious awareness of an old pattern you are in danger of RETURNING to now. Imagine that you can gather up that inner library of experience and see what kind of knowledge comes forward.

Take your time and let the information emerge. Ask yourself:

“What is the real danger about? Is something about to happen?
Is there something in my environment that’s a DANGER to me or others?
If so, where are they and what affect are they having?”

“How much harm is this situation causing for me and for others?”


Step Eight: Slow Down to Find Solutions.

RETURNING into DANGER often comes from being in too much of a hurry or trying to force something to happen.
Then again, sometimes it’s the opposite – we’re not taking action when we know in our hearts it’s in our best interest to do so!

Gaze softly at the Circle to help you slow down and pull together what’s really important. Take several deep breaths. Keep inhaling and exhaling until your mind has slowed down and you feel ready to approach your situation differently.

“I slow down and allow a solution to reveal itself.”

Step Nine: Apply Clear Perception to What’s Happening Now.

The DANGER may be upsetting. Don’t get carried away (remember that viruses, narcissism and other destructive energies feed off of strong emotions). 

Breathe with this Circle and let it help you adjust the volume and bring your senses back to a comfortable level. They could have bumped up too high, too loud or intense. You can balance yourself out.

Next, place the word “Solution” in the center of the Circle and imagine that you can send your energy in towards it. This teaches you to nurture genuine solutions rather than problems, by reframing your more positive intention with conscious, aware attention.

If you’re having trouble, you may need to make a couple of corrections that will improve your awareness of your situation…


Step Ten: Empower Your Divine Connection with Your Highest Good.

Set a strong intention with this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Connection:

“I am empowered by my Soul to nurture genuine solutions and my highest good.”


Step Eleven: Clear Dangerous Patterns and Power Games.

Most power games are based on gender, socio-economic status, ancestral lineage or religious beliefs and fueled by a need to be liked. Is any part of you getting caught up in harmful power games?

If so, breathe deeply and gaze at this DNA symbol from Kuan Yin. The more relaxed you are, the better these work. Use the positive affirmations to help:

“I let go of other people’s agendas, manipulations and power ploys.”

“I decide I’m okay the way I am and accept responsibility for my own decisions.”


“I cut through the smoke screen that blocks clear perception.”



“I dispel falsehood, lies and deceptions.”



“I let go of self-pity and humbly take responsibility for
how I manage my energy and my life.”



“I choose to connect with the consciousness of Hope that comes through my Soul.”


Step Twelve: Dissolve Destructive Blueprints.

Imagine that the symbol below can help you clear destructive patterns that are still blocking or threatening you. Lift them completely off of you and send them to the Light.

“I dissolve the dangerous patterns of ________ and any connection I have ever had to them.
I clear my field of destructive habits and the mental / emotional patterns that cause them. I send them all to the Light.”

Clear Destructive Blueprints - Returning to Danger

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Thirteen: Close the Doors to Actions that Would Invite Further Danger.

Your unconscious mind knows what’s helpful and what’s harmful to your body, mind and spirit. It’s time to close the door on any harmful pathways that are still open and might lead you back into DANGER. See them disappear, as if they were never there.

“All harmful pathways are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Step Fourteen: Repair and Refocus Your Auras.

Finish the game by making sure the protection of your auric field is all sealed and healed – a finishing step that will increase your strength and focus even more!

“I put out __________ in alignment with my highest good
and __________ is returned to me.”

Step Fifteen: To manage yourself well in dangerous times, be sure that you are grounded and centered in the New Paradigm.

Get your feet on the ground and connect with the positive energy of Mother Earth.


Congratulations on your newfound awareness!

Thank yourself for taking the time today to stop and consider how you might be returning to danger. You’ve taken action to clear destructive habits and energies and as a result, saved yourself a lot of time and trouble. Not only that, you’ve let go of some epigenetic patterning that’s been jamming up meaningful progress. This is a positive step in the right direction!

“The time of DANGER can be especially good for inner development. By holding to fixed and virtuous ethics, by maintaining your inner vision and ideals, all things fall into a steady, tangible perspective. You will know your relationships to your environment, and in this way you can accomplish your aims. Although subjective, this perspective is now in accord with the problems facing you.” ~The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

For More Help Navigating the Flow – Return to Todays Intuitive Reading >

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that this exercise has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom, FaceTime or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Soul Healing for Clarity and Wholeness

A New Perspective on Soul Healing from an Old Friend.

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater Reiki Master Teacher Medical Intuitive

Transformation Games - Soul Healing and Energy Tune Up

Kuan Yin is a Time Honored and respected spiritual guide in the Healing Arts. She has been helping us to transition from the old paradigm based on greed and fear to a new paradigm of equitable co-operation and balanced prosperity for the Common Good. Her guidance about Soul Healing comes from the SOS series of self-care formulas and mind exercises in RESOLfeelingVE For Staying True and Following Through in Difficult Times.

Soul Healing for Clarity and Wholeness

Use Soul Healing when you’re feeling anxious and uncertain because you:

Soul Healing for Clarity and Wholeness
  • Feel blocked about an important decision
  • Want to expand your awareness
  • Have doubts about how to proceed
  • Are confused in a chaotic situation
  • Are experiencing a creative block
  • Feel you’re being pulled in contradictory directions
  • Desire clearer guidance from your Soul.

When a person is feeling uncertain about the best thing to do, it can significantly raise the level of anxiety they’re experiencing. Getting relief can sometimes be as simple as being open to a different perception about what’s going on. When one consciously calls upon their inner wisdom and aligns their instincts with intuition, amazing insights can emerge.

If you’re getting nervous about a delicate situation or feel that you may not be seeing it correctly, explore how you can reorient yourself and open up to new ideas with Soul Healing.

Set aside about fifteen to twenty minutes. Go through each step by reading its directions and then gazing at the Circle that goes with it for approximately two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working.

Your emotional state might change as well. That also means the Circles are working. Just keep breathing and let the energy move. Once it calms down you’ll be ready to continue to the next Circle.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!

After you’ve gone through the exercise, consider taking a brisk walk or exercising to help you discharge excess energy.

When you’re ready, see if you can take action on some of the ideas that come to mind.

Soul Healing for Clarity and Wholeness

1. Let’s start by setting an intention to protect yourself in this situation. Take a few moments with Jaguar Medicine to imagine yourself safely surrounded by a sphere of strength and courage.

You are protected and able to take care of yourself.


2. Old Sol will help you to connect with your inner wisdom and Soul guidance. Let it help you get to the Source of what’s happening and how you might increase your awareness.
Relax and breathe deeply.

What is the core of your issue?

Soul Healing - Old Sol

What other information do you get?
If your mind has gone blank and you don’t get any ideas, go directly to the next Circle.


3. You may feel a lot of conflict over this issue or you might even have experienced a shock that blocks your ability to perceive things clearly. Take several deep breaths and relax while you gaze softly at Condor Medicine to release shock and inner conflict.

“I relax and allow any tense thoughts to melt away.”

Once you have a sense that your mind has found the blockage, imagine the lines are relaxing, like cooked spaghetti noodles.

Keep relaxing with other blockages or conflicts and do the same with them.


4. Bring your senses into balance by gazing softly at this Reiki Chakra Key that accesses your Rational Senses.

Imagine you can adjust the volume for seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling the things that are in your immediate surroundings.

“I bring my senses into balance.”

“I focus them so I can feel calmer and aware of what’s important.”
“I use my senses to help me be more aware of where I am and what I’m doing.”
“I focus on actions that are genuinely helpful and productive.”


5. There may be some especially sticky energies that don’t seem to want to let go. Let this Soul Star Detachment Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Soul Healing - Soul Star for Detachment

“I easily and effectively detach from harmful, sticky energies.”


6. You might also be having a difficult time adjusting to all the significant environmental changes that are taking place. Sudden changes can cause the subtle energy fields to react in unusual ways.

As you look at this Soul Star Correction Key, do you notice any rough glitches or reversed energies going on?

Relax with it for a few minutes until things smooth out and you can begin to sense the energy of your Soul coming through.

Repair any jagged or disjointed glitches in your sensory system.


7. Elevated emotions are often caused by distressing experiences that knock the senses out of balance.

When you’re relaxed, your senses can balance out and create a more harmonious state of mind. This softer, lighter way of being has a way of untangling problems and blockages.

Use this simple affirmation with River Medicine to help you slow down in a way that helps you to reduce feelings of anxiety and overwhelm.

“My mind is calm and relaxed – like a boat floating on the water.”


9. Take a few moments to clarify your intention through the Fifth  Chakra, also known as your Third Eye. Focus inwardly on what’s most important for you. Remember to keep breathing!

Soul Healing - Sixth Chakra

If you direct the energy in towards the center open space of the Key, you can bring your true intentions more fully into the center of your conscious awareness.


10. Clear perception using Soul guidance is an internal communication. Focus in on your heart center and wait for the energy get connected and balanced.

Again, it initially helps to direct your attention in towards the center open space of the Chakra Key.

Once you’ve found the connection, breathe and relax. Allow the energy to shift and open. Eventually you’ll be able to sense positive energy radiating out.
It may take a minute or two to connect with your inner Light.

Take a few minutes to help the energy clear even more with this Soul Star for the Heart Chakra. Breathe and relax until you sense positive energy radiating out.


11. Make sure you’re centered and balanced in your solar plexus as well (your solar plexus is that soft area in the front where your ribs go up).

When the Third Chakra gets clogged up, your sense of Self can suffer. Clearing it out boosts self-confidence and cheerfulness.

“My Solar Plexus Chakra is open and balanced.”

The correction is made when you can palpably feel more present and calm in that area.

There could be a lot of old, even non-existent connections there that need to be expelled to facilitate soul healing.

If the energy around your solar plexus feels stuck or heavy, use this chart to help you gently clear them out.

“I release and clear out toxins and entanglements that are interfering with my clarity.”

Soul Healing - Soul Star for Third Chakra


12. Whenever working with chakras, you may need to repair and/or strengthen their hara lines for improved communication and healing. Let Starlight Medicine help you visualize all these chakras connecting through a golden web of light, together with the vibration of your Soul.

Iather my consciousness and refocus on the truth that lives in my center.

Your energy is now reconnected and aligned with the Source of your being which, in this method, is called the Central Plexus.


13. Continue with this symbol to close unhealthy energy channels between you and all the chaos that’s been confusing you.

Stay with it until you feel even more centered and protected with beneficial energy flowing through you.

Soul Healing - Divine Protection

Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to access life affirming channels of communication.
Visualize all the communications lines coming together into the center of this symbol.


14. Now you can reunite with your natural instincts, gifts, talents and connection with the natural world.
If you’re open to it, include your power animal, animal totems, plant helpers and nature spirits. Ask Dragonfly Medicine to help you see your situation from your Soul’s perspective.

Knowing how to access, trust and utilize your natural instincts, gifts and self healing abilities is a large part of what needs to happen when navigating confusing situations.


15. Sometimes, things that could be joyful become twisted and out of whack because we over-complicate them. If that’s been happening in this situation, see if you can use Hummingbird Medicine to visualize any twisted or perverse ideas gently unfolding and unwinding.

Once the strings have relaxed and unwound, ask your Soul to help you find genuinely joyful ideas about yourself and others.

What actions would be truly joyful and of service?

Make a note of what comes to you for future inspiration.


16. Finish with Snake Medicine by allowing it to help you shed old ideas, integrate your new perspective and transform how you’re utilizing your core energy.

You’re ready to ask yourself with greater awareness:

“What is the truth about me and my situation? What do I need to do?”

The answers you get now will help you free yourself of the indecision and confusion that’s been at the core of your anxiety. Your personal power is strengthened and reinforced so you can move forward with greater confidence.


Allow yourself to rest and relax or continue with Moderation and your Health

Go through this exercise as often as you need to – especially at the beginning. That way you’ll set a template for Soul Healing for Clarity and Wholeness make a habit of being centered and balanced in the New Paradigm.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing

Explore Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing

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Personalized Energy Clearing with Rheanni Lightwater

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need more assistance, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you have questions or need special help.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Disclaimer: This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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