Clear Distractions – Tutorial VI

Using Gifts from the Rainforest to Clear Distractions

Clear DistractionsAnimal Energy Medicine for Healing the Modern Mind – Tutorial VI

  • Enhance your intuition and self-healing abilities
  • Heal negative karmic and energetic patterns
  • Change destructive attitudes, habits and behaviors
  • Create new templates for self-love and joy
  • Guided meditations to hear your inner guidance


Rheanni Lightwater - Releasing Soul Contracts
w/ Rheanni Lightwater

As you learned in the previous Tutorials, each Circle has a different healing action or medicine and is often used in sequence with positive affirmations to help you focus your intent and support the positive changes that you’re asking for.

When the Circle are put together in different sequences, they can help us accomplish different mental and emotional tasks. In this case, let’s go through a short sequence that will help you clear distractions and focus on your own objectives more effectively.

Mind Body IntegrationRemember as you go through this visualization, each Circle is working with your breath and Inner Guidance – helping you to shift and change in just the way that’s best for you.

You are in charge of your attention, unless you’ve given that power away!

Access and Utilize Your Natural Creative Abilities.

Sometimes people are overstimulated or have learning difficulties that interfere with their ability to focus and productivity. Sometimes, a more creative and instinctual approach will help. Use these positive affirmations with the Circles to access your intuition, gut instincts and the creative power of Nature through #31 Dragonfly.

“I actively seek out the wisdom of my Animal Instincts and the Natural World.”

“I accept help from the generous, abundant resources of life and listen to their promptings.”

“I connect to the natural protective and creative abilities of my Psyche and Soul.”

Ask your Power Animal to help you see your objective from your Soul’s perspective:
– Are there any distractions interfering with your ability to focus?
– Do you need to detach from any harmful intentions, extremes or expectations?
– Are you heading the wrong way?


When you have a lot of noise or buzzing going on in your head, Mosquito Medicine can help you. Imagine that you can open up a window and let in some fresh air to clear up your mind.

“I relax and allow the buzzing and excess noise to move out of my head
on a gentle gust of wind.”


Now imagine that your mind just has too much information coming in, like having too many tabs open on your computer.
Piranha Medicine #8 will help you close those extra tabs out. Use these positive affirmations to help:

“All extraneous openings are closing down.”

There could be hundreds of them, so be sure to repeat each visualization both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.

“Pathways to distractions are sealed up and healed.”

“I turn my attention to the direction of my Soul’s intention.”


Once you’ve closed out the noise, let Praying Mantis help you refocus your attention on whatever your current priority is.

“I am able to pull my energy and attention in so I can focus on what I’m doing.”

Again, do that both crossed and uncrossed so the correction is complete.

“What is the next step for my priority?”


Remember all that you learned from Raccoon in Rainforest Tutorial #V? This is an excellent example of when and how old agreements you’re holding onto could be interfering with your well being.

“I release all agreements to automatically give my power away or
allow my mind to be distracted.”

“I let go of second guessing myself or doubting my own priorities.”

Be sure that your new agreements confirm who is in charge, what you’re doing and how you get it done.

“My Soul is in charge of how my energy is used – even when I’m distracted by ____________.”

“I reclaim my power and attention.”

“I focus on what’s important.”


If you need more help, use Wasp Medicine #5 to pull your energy away from negative situations or encounters. Include worries about the future or even old memories of painful experiences.

“I pull myself and my energy out of negative spaces and experiences that are detrimental to me.”

The Wasp also reminds you to keep yourself protected. Do you have proper protection now? If not, what might help?

“I stop operating under the influence of this energy.”

“I find other, more positive ways to move forward.”


It’s possible that you’ve been taking your projects a little too seriously and the energy around them has gotten too heavy.

Gather yourself in your center with #14 Otter Medicine and bring some fun and lightness into whatever you’re doing. Include “having some fun” as part of your intention!

“I want to bring a healthy sense of fun into what I’m doing.”


You might also have lost track of what the purpose for your original intention was. Garden #44 can help you place it again.

Use the Circle to remember what this activity has to do with your life and the personal dream you hold for yourself.

“The purpose of this activity is to ______________.”

Is your heart in the right place? If it isn’t, what might help?


You may have some particularly harmful intentions affecting you, conditioned from past experiences or expectations. Be sure that your mind isn’t holding contradictory or outdated intentions that would bring chaos and confusion into what you’re doing and what kind of results you’re getting.

“My Soul is in charge of where I put my energy and how I use it –
even when I’m distracted by ____________.”

 “I let go of intentions that are rigid and inflexible.”

 “I stop sending energy to the idea that what I’m doing has to be perfect.”

Creativity, flexibility and adaptability are important priorities to send energy to under our current circumstances.


Butterfly Medicine #34 can help you remember to tap into the most positive energies available to you, no matter where you are.

“I relax and use the most beneficial energies possible to manifest my true objectives successfully.”


Now that you have the proper focus, position, agreements, purpose and energy, let #47 Starlight Medicine help you put it all together. Use this affirmation: 

“I have successfully organized my objectives around the priorities of my Soul.”

Get up and move around a bit to help this settle and get integrated. When you come back, you can ask yourself:

“What is the next best step I can take to help me with my objectives?”

Congratulations! You’ve just pulled yourself back from the dangers of a distracted mind. Get up and move around a bit to help this settle and get integrated.

Next Time:

In the Seventh Tutorial, you’ll get an opportunity to experience how Gifts from the Rainforest can help you take aim at the concept of reciprocity.

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The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described in Gifts from the Rainforest or this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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