Healing Emotional Shock

Any person who is going through serious loss could experience emotional shock.

The symptoms of emotional shock are disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. A person may even disconnect and leave their body. This includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way. 

These are all ways that the unconscious mind protects us during a traumatic event.

Note: If you are going through a serious physical disruption or environmental crisis, please go to Stabilize During a Shocking Event.

This self-care formula can help when you are: 

  • Feeling stuck, immobilized, detached or trapped
  • Unable to rest, relax and let go
  • Caught in a blank or fixated state of mind
  • Waking up at night worried, with obsessive thoughts
  • Reliving painful experiences
  • Alternately feeling trapped and shattered.

Using the Intuitive Learning Circle method for healing emotional shock ~

Sometimes people who’ve received bad news or experienced a traumatic event will tell you that they’re fine and not to worry about them. They may get confused or shut down and not be able to explain what’s happening to them. That’s because one of the main symptoms of being in shock is not being aware of being in shock. Why is that? During a shock, the mind goes blank as a form of protection.

The Brain and Emotional Shock

Any person who’s going through serious loss could experience emotional shock. The symptoms are disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. A person may even disconnect and leave their body. This includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way. These are all ways that the unconscious mind protects us during a traumatic event.

The shock response is natural and not a sign of spiritual, mental or emotional weakness. It is a physiological event. Nevertheless, if the person doesn’t get a chance to get grounded in their body again – or if they’re not able to – serious problems may develop. Blocked energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t think straight,” “my life was shattered” or “I feel disconnected” describe the experience of emotional shock. 

If any of the above seems familiar, you can go through this formula step by step to help you access your own innate healing abilities and bring yourself back into balance.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration

For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Be sure to go through the entire formula and at the end, give yourself time to rest and integrate.

Healing Emotional Shock

Step One:

Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at Condor’s Medicine Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.

Imagine you can use it to focus in on a conflict or painful experience that’s been difficult to move on from. Somehow, it’s always blocking your way. If your mind has gone blank, relax into how “blank” it is. You may get a sense of what it’s about, or you may not.

Once you find the fixation, sit back and relax. Take several deep breaths.
If emotions come up, relax into them. Imagine that whatever’s happening – the darkness, the chaos or heaviness is also relaxing.
Let it soften and melt away, like ice under a beautiful beam of Sunlight.
Keep your attention on it until it’s completely gone.

Repeat the process with other blockages or conflicts that come up.


Step Two:

While you’re relaxing, use this Soul Prayer Chart to remember another time when you were very happy or feeling good about an important physical goal.
What color or felt sense relaxes you and feels good?
If you can increase the color or sensation to be stronger and more vibrant, you’ve found your personal Soul Color or vibration.

Now you can tap into your personal power and naturally bring it into balance, which gives you protection and relieves stress.
Being in balance makes everything easier! Take a few minutes to relax and enjoy that feeling.


Step Three:

The next step is to bring your senses into balance with River Medicine so that you can see, feel and hear things without the distortion that often accompanies shock.

As you breathe deeply, let the Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level for you.
Not too high – and not too low.

Soon you will be able to hear that “calm, gentle voice” inside that reminds you to pay attention to what matters the most for you.
You have greater awareness of things as they actually are.
You are present and sensing your surroundings much more clearly.


Step Four:

When a person is recovering from emotional shock, their energy may express some instability like being scattered, reversed or even shut down completely.

If that’s happening for you, let this Correction Key help you repair any glitches, holes or blockages in your system.

Keep relaxing with it until you feel the jagged energy smoothing out and the calm energy of your Soul coming through even stronger.


Step Five:

 If your gut feels tight or uncomfortable, use this Reiki Chakra Key for your Solar Plexus Chakra to help you relax and get back into balance there.
Your solar plexus is that soft place in your belly where your ribs go up. Just take some nice breaths and feel the tension melt away again.

It’s safe. You feel safe and more relaxed with every breath.

It’s okay to be in your body.
Allow time to let your energy settle.


Step Six:

Now you can let your heart center recover. This Reiki Chakra Key helps you to reconnect with your Heart Chakra energy and unwind any residual tightness.
Breathe deeply and take your time.
Your balance is returning. You can feel the tightness unwinding.

Allow any heaviness to lift up out of your heart and send it to the Sun where it can be transformed.

You are gaining the strength and resilience you need to let your Light shine.


Step Seven:

Sometimes a person who’s healing from an emotional shock will be disoriented and feel a bit “out of their body.” In case that’s happening with you, take a few minutes with Starlight Medicine to consciously bring yourself back into your body.
You are back at home in your heart and solar plexus.

If you’re having trouble, notice the time and where you are. You can open and close your hands into fists. Move your fingers and wiggle your toes around.

Or, you can turn your eyes to the right of you and then to the left. Notice what is above and below – in front and behind you. Then, close your eyes and rest for a moment.
These actions all help you reorient after an emotional shock.


Step Eight:

Now, it’s important to make sure that your energy can synchronize and ground in the new paradigm of Common Ground for the Common Good. Without proper grounding, you could get distracted and confused enough to go back to the deterioration and chaos of the old paradigm.

That’s not what you want. Deciding to move with Mother Nature rather than against her matters now more than ever!

Let Electric Eel’s Medicine help you. Place both feet on the ground and your hands on each knee while you meditate on getting grounded.
Your energy is getting more and more coherent and the Earth supports you.

Again, take all the time you need with this.


Step Nine:

At this point, you’ll want to make sure you don’t fall back into any old holes or get sucked into destructive habits.

Fly Medicine will help you deconstruct those habits and rabbit holes that have been causing you harm for good! Imagine them collapsing like old sewer lines.
Then, close up any energy drains so that you can recover your strength.

Once the holes are collapsed, ask for the leftover empty space to be filled in with healthy, life affirming energy.


Step Ten:

As you gaze at this symbol for Divine Protection, let it help you adapt to the new energy channels that affirms life through the Element of Air.

Begin by closing down old, harmful energy channels from the past.
Then, allow the beneficial chi’ to flow through you and support you going forward.

Notice that this energy is much lighter and quicker than the chi of the old paradigm, which has turned stagnant and toxic to life.

Finally, you’re ready to connect with new channels of communication.
Visualize all the lines coming together and connecting into the center circle.


Step Eleven:

Oftentimes, letting go of emotional shock requires a significant change in priorities. There may be certain systems, plans, ideas or habitual patterns that have become negative and are no longer relevant or constructive. Your understanding of things may get suddenly reversed. 

You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is confusing you.

Actively imagine that destructive or negative patterns in your mind are like heavy clouds or a jumbled maze of confusion, fears and nightmares.

Once you have the image, bring the pure light of the Sun in and dissolve the maze completely.
You’ll know that you’re done when you can see yourself standing in a beautiful open field with clear blue skies all around.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending negative emotions to the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Twelve:

Seal and heal any leaks or openings in your energy field. Leaky energy can leave you open to danger or allow harmful energies to attach to you. Open pathways that lead back to past suffering can also leave you feeling drained and exhausted.

As you gaze at Piranha’s Medicine Circle, imagine dangerous leaks, doors and pathways are closing as if they were never there.

All holes are healed and sealed. You are following the direction of your Soul’s protection.


Step Thirteen:

To complete your healing for emotional shock, take your time with this Soul Prayer Chart that helps you repair and refocus the auric field around you.
Bring your attention back to your body and the space that surrounds it.

Make an intention to repair all rips or tears in your aura and then strengthen it with your Soul Color for greater confidence and autonomy.

Continue until you feel protected in your body and safe in your own space.



Now that you’re finished with the formula, consider taking a nice walk outside. Nothing grounds you like being in nature after an emotional shock.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Healing Emotional Shock
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Healing Emotional Shock has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: rheanni@soulresourcesllc.com.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

The use of these self-care formulas and mind exercises are not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

SOS – Overwhelm Help

If you’re feeling lost, out of balance or wanting overwhelm help – welcome! You are in the right place! 


Overwhelm Help

SOS offers 24/7 support for your journey through challenging times…

What are the main reasons a person may need overwhelm help?

The first reason would be that there’s simply too much happening. Overwhelming events or information is coming at the person and their mind is not able to filter priorities properly.

Overwhelm Help #1 - Too much information

The second reason would be that the person has placed too much of their  attention and energy on a particular goal or solution that is unrealistic or cannot be accomplished under the current circumstances.

Overwhelm Help #2 - Unrealistic expectations

The third reason why a person could need overwhelm help would be that the way forward has become obscured. The circumstances are dark, dim, uncertain and hard to understand.

Overwhelm Help #3 - Future is unclear

The fourth reason could be that the environment has become too toxic or chaotic for a person to be able to cope in the way that they normally would.

Overwhelm Help #4 - Toxic, chaotic environment

All of these reasons have a negative effect on your physical health and can put extreme stress on your mental / emotional health as well.

Unfortunately, people are becoming more and more overwhelmed by sudden emotional or environmental changes, toxic environments and extreme weather events. These challenges can easily trigger PTSD episodes.

A person needing overwhelm help could experience:

  • Sudden and extreme exhaustion.
  • Fight or flight panic attacks.
  • Unexplained feelings of emergency; anxiety, depression and fear.
  • Increased irritation and frustration causing increased susceptibility to emotional outburst, illnesses, viruses or colds.

It’s not a good idea to remain in a fight or flight state for long. When a person is caught in a state of overwhelm, the stage is set for chronic depression, illness or paranoia to set in. If these symptoms are already present, the person may experience an overload or energy collapse.

The self-care formulas from SOS Soul Oriented Solutions have been put together to gently interrupt experiences of shock and overwhelm so that they can be replaced with a calmer sense of presence. What follows is more constructive thoughts and balanced energy flow.

Connecting with Hope

They are simple and easy to follow by design. When going through a formula, think of it as being gently led from a dark place into the light where you can connect with Hope. 

The Intuitive Learning Circles stimulate the central nervous system in order to assist it in its natural healing process of expelling trauma and the stuck energy that surrounds it. Using SOS as a daily practice is a powerful form of self-healing with affirmations where you can easily slow down, communicate with your unconscious and reorganize how you’re taking care of yourself.

SOS Overwhelm Help offers you support at any time
of the day or night ~

Fortunately, the five Self-care Formulas listed below are designed to help “reboot” your energy and put you back in balance when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking a few minutes to go through the appropriate formula will give a person immediate help for coping with emotional stress.

Introducing the SOS Symbol ~

SOS - Soul Oriented SolutionsSOS stands for Soul Oriented Solutions. The SOS symbol itself helps you tap into your Soul and get unconscious information about what is causing imbalance in you. 

The SOS symbol and formulas have been helping the public since Hurricane Katrina. Please SHARE with anyone you feel could benefit.


Since the Intuitive Learning Circles are all about self-discovery and learning to use your intuition, it makes sense to use a simple and natural way to decide – using your intuition!

Below there’s a list of the Self-care Formulas numbered 1 – 5.
Take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then gently gaze at the SOS symbol. Relax for a moment or two.
When you’re ready, let the SOS symbol help you access a simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question:

“Am I overwhelmed or experiencing an energy overload?

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions
SOS Symbol

If “yes,” which formula will help me?  1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?”

Whatever number comes to mind, go to that formula and read what it’s about. If it fits, click on the link and follow the directions.

Each formula is designed to gently lead you back into balance using positive affirmations and images that will help you recover.

1. Healing Emotional Shock:

Overwhelm Help Healing Emotional Shock

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for getting your mind, body and emotions “unstuck” from a recent traumatic experience and you are:
~ Feeling stuck, numb, lost or helpless
~ Caught in a blank or fixed state of mind
~ Waking up at night worried, with obsessive thoughts
~ Alternately feeling trapped and shattered.

2. Resolving Shock During Traumatic Events:

Overwhelm Help - Resolving Shock from Traumatic Events

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to resolve shock when your life has been upended and you are:
~ Feeling scattered, surprised, scared or vulnerable
~ Dealing with an environmental disaster or its aftermath
~ Reliving painful experiences
~ Having trouble thinking or planning clearly.

3. Recovering From a Traumatic Experience:

Overwhelm Help - SOS for Collapse

Use this PTSD self-care formula when you are:
~ Feeling lost, scattered or out of balance
~ Anxious or upset by an experience that’s overwhelmed you
~ Weakened and want to regain your strength
~ Disoriented due to a radical change
~ Triggered by body memories of a traumatic event
~ Having a flashback or out of body experience
~ Going through a major reorganization of consciousness.

4. Clearing an Overwhelmed Mind:

Overwhelm Help - Clearing an Overwhelmed Mind

Use this formula when you’re overwhelmed by day to day stresses and feeling:
~ Exhausted, overwhelmed or confused
~ Out of balance
~ Taking on too much – doing too much
~ Going too fast and need to slow down.

5. Self-care for Loss in Uncertain Times:

Self-care for Loss

You can use this formula like a prayer whenever you are:
~ Stressed over a lost job or income
~ Grieving a loss of any kind
~ Recovering from an abusive experience – past or present
~ Dealing with a serious or long-term illness
~ Preparing for surgery
~ Coming to terms with tragedy, loss or death.

SOS is a hopeful self-care practice you can give yourself anytime or share with others ~


SOS - Overwhelm Help

Helpful Tips

It’s important to take plenty of time with each question and continually breathe with full breaths. Shallow breathing inhibits the healing process and taking plenty of time counteracts the feeling of emergency.

In just a few minutes a person can get reconnected so that their energy feels balanced again. Cognitive function improves, negativity is dispelled and hope can return!

Whether you are living with someone who has PTSD or suffer from it yourself, these five formulas are powerful tools to keep handy.

For more information, visit our FAQ page. Or, you can Explore the Intuitive Learning Circles and go through a short Mind Exercise to Clearing Up Your Blind Spots.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Overwhelm Help
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Overwhelm Help hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel exposed, lost, or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: info@soulresourcesllc.com.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Overwhelm Help is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Managing Anxiety

If you are managing anxiety, feeling dissatisfied or unhappy – Welcome! You are in the right place! 

Soul Oriented Solutions - Managing Anxiety

SOS for Managing Anxiety is a collection of online resources that will help you calm down and gently untangle symptoms of neurodivergence, high sensitivity and unhappiness.

Managing AnxietyIf you are someone who easily gets overstimulated or have learning difficulties that interfere with your ability to focus, here is my personal list of Mind Exercises for managing anxiety.

By calming your thinking down and tuning into your inner guidance through the Intuitive Learning Circles, it’s all lot easier to set yourself up for a genuinely successful outcome.

I was raised in a time before ADD, ADHD or Dyslexia had names. In the fifties and early sixties, kids like me didn’t have learning difficulties, we were simply labelled slow, troublemakers or stupid. Judging from the amount of time I spent in the principle’s office, I was probably put into the troublemaker category pretty early on!


Learning Difficulties: The Genius of Thinking Differently

Learning Difficulties - Left HandedI remember when I was just beginning to learn how to write my name in cursive. I was trying to figure out which hand worked better making all those loops and curly-ques. While experimenting with my left hand, my second grade teacher came over to me and plucked the pencil right out of my hand. “You don’t want to use that hand,” she barked, “only bad people are left handed.”

I didn’t like that teacher much so, at that moment I made a decision. I was going to be left-handed just to spite her! Like any choice, the decision I made had its downsides. For example, I’ve learned over time that being motivated out of spite and anger does nothing to help my level of happiness.  On the upside . To this day, I am quasi-ambidextrous – I write with my left hand and do just about everything else with my right.

rejection dysphoria

In the first half of my life, it was important to be right about how unfairly I was treated. For me, being “right” masqueraded as being powerful and justified my anger. And yet, as time went by, the malaise of distrust, dissatisfaction and unhappiness continued to engulf me. began to turn against me.I know that most of the time, advice from teachers, family and friends was meant to help. They just couldn’t understand why I was so unhappy and didn’t know how to help me.

Blockages to HappinessMuch later in life, I started to accept that doing things the way that other people did them just wasn’t going to work for me. I eventually came to realize that my unhappiness had a lot to do with what I was paying attention to and how I was treating myself.

Later on in life, I decided that it was more important to be happy than to be right. I decided to listen to my discomfort rather than fight with it. When I changed my response I found myself, my voice and my peace of mind. Not all at once, but over time and gentle patience.

I stopped being so hard on myself and started to embrace the things that came naturally to me. I went into bodywork and somatic education together with hypnotherapy, Reiki and mind/body energy work. I began to experience a satisfaction and success that I had never known before. Finally, I was allowing the way I was wired to stimulate new ways of thinking and being in the world!

I set to work learning about and putting together techniques from many different disciplines to help me and my clients, many of whom were highly sensitive people with similar issues. I developed a whole system of tools for better focus and concentration using muscle testing. I’ve also found that they can help with emotional healing, reducing stress and providing a way to activate advanced states of intuition and creativity.

Taking back your power is an essential part of developing human potential.

The mind looks for what it has agreements to look for. If we want to create peaceful and coherent minds, we need to train ourselves to look for it. Our agreements with this selection of games are:

Agreements for Managing Anxiety are:

♦ Go for Joy and Happiness, rather than dissatisfaction and criticism
♦ Learn to stop internalizing early childhood messages of inadequacy 
♦ Get present in stressful situations and stay centered
♦ Slow down and take things one step at a time
♦ Accept yourself and your innate gifts, skills and talents.

Agreements for Managing Anxiety

If you are open to managing your anxiety and what I’ve described resonates, the following collection of Mind Exercises, Self-care Formulas and Transformation Games can help you change your agreements with yourself. 

With the Intuitive Learning Circle method, you will work with these new agreements to create a new relationship with yourself. You’ll be using the symbols and the questions or answers that go with them to gather unconscious information, organize awareness and illuminate solutions that come directly from your Soul. You are in charge and can become your own best friend!

Intro ~

Start by Clearing Up Your Blind Spots ~

Find out how the the Intuitive Learning Circles work by experiencing a short exercise for focusing your attention, energy and senses. This is a great place to start – not only because it’s a great introduction to this work – but also because it can help you clear up an important blind spot that’s blocking your awareness.


Innovations Self-care Personal Growth-Physical

Introducing the SOS Symbol:

This is the SOS symbol that we use for the Soul Oriented Solutions processes. When you gaze softly at it (let your eyes relax) it can help you make choices, fine tune your intuition and listen to your gut instincts – even if you’re stressed out.

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions

Once you’ve relaxed with it a bit, go through the list of four categories below and then, ask your gut instinct for a number between 1 and 8 to help you select the specific protocol that’s best for your situation.


Caution: Be sure to take it slowly. This kind of work can be deceptively powerful. Be sure to get plenty of rest, drink adequate water and eat healthy. You can take a hot epsom salt bath or get some gentle exercise. 

Make sure your energy is well settled before you go through another exercise. 


 1. Retrain Your Mind to Go for Joy ~

Stopping the critical mind before it starts it’s shame and blame requires training. We try so hard to win, to look good, to escape punishment or to be “right.” Sadly, many of us are taught that we’re supposed to be perfect, so that’s what we’ve trained the mind to go for. What if we could learn to go for Joy instead?

2. Clear Distractions From Your Mind ~

If you are someone who easily gets overstimulated or have learning difficulties that interfere with your ability to focus, Tutorial VI from Gifts from the Rainforest will provide a more creative and instinctual approach to help your productivity.

3. Setting Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind ~

This visual meditation from our RESOLVE Ebook provides a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention when you’re feeling scattered or out of sync. Going through a quick  “game” calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for clear focus and boundaries, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.

4. Access Intuitive Guidance for Decisive Action ~

You can use the Circles to help you work out what decisions are best for you to make under your current circumstances. Tutorial IX from Gifts from the Rainforest will help you center yourself and establish objectivity, especially if you’re all up in your head or have experienced a recent trauma. By calming your thinking down and tuning into your inner guidance, it’s all lot easier to set yourself up for a genuinely successful outcome.

5. Learn to Trust Your Gut Instincts ~

People say that being present is super important and it’s true. Yet so often, it’s  much easier said than done. If you’re jumping ahead of yourself and need to stay present, this particular exercise is especially useful when you’re experiencing performance anxiety.

6. Managing Anxiety about Success ~

If you have been conditioned to be afraid or negative by experiences early on in life, you may have trouble knowing how to handle what to do when things are going well. The way you view yourself and what you think you’re capable of is colored by habitual behaviors learned in early love relationships as well as childhood experiences. You may simply be dealing with an old program or you could be struggling with more serious entanglements with hatred and other destructive tendencies.

7. Simplify Your Life ~

This Transformation Game is a more advanced process made up of Intuitive Learning Circles, pertinent questions and positive affirmations that will give you a new perspective activate your heart wisdom and help you ADAPT to a simpler mindset by clearing up mental and emotional clutter. When life has become too complicated or you’re trying to do too many things, this is your go- to game.

8. Managing Stress That’s Connected to Herd Mentality ~

This Transformation Game can help you let go of anxiety about what other people think about you. Being clear about what’s true for you as opposed to what the social herd mind thinks is it’s own reward.


About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you need more help managing anxiety.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 MST, or email: info@soulresourcesllc.com

The formulas and exercise in Managing Anxiety should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments. 

Self-care for Loss In Difficult Times

Soul Oriented Solutions: A Gentle Meditation about Emotional Stress and Self-care for Loss ~

SOS - Self-care for LossMany people are experiencing deep levels of anxiousness, distress and fear around our current situation due to a variety of events. These feelings can come on suddenly and be very overwhelming.

You might have lost a relative, a job or an important friendship. You could be facing a health challenge or even a loss in your purpose and sense of self.

Or, you may be standing on the sidelines, watching the world you love suffer while you feel at a loss for something helpful to do.

In situations like these, it can take a while to regain your balance. What are some ways to provide self-care for loss and bring some level of emotional relief?

If you can find a way to tune into your deepest resources, you’ll discover that you’re never completely alone, even in your darkest hours.

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP Self-care for Loss
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master/Teacher

To help out, I’d like to share this self-care formula that uses positive affirmations and the Intuitive Learning Circles. You can use it day or night, whenever you are:

  • Asking for help in a difficult situation
  • Stressed over a lost job or income
  • Grieving a loss of any kind
  • Feeling pulled into a negative state of mind
  • Recovering from an abusive experience – past or present
  • Dealing with a serious or long-term illness
  • Preparing for an arduous challenge or surgery
  • Coming to terms with tragedy, loss or death.

Here’s an example of how the Circles can prepare you restore balance.

Simply gaze softly at the image while you contemplate the positive affirmations that go with it for for a minute or so. Relax and breathe:

“I bring my senses into balance.”

“I focus them so to help me be calmer, more present and aware of what’s important.”

“I use my senses to be more aware of where I am and what I’m doing.”

“I focus on thoughts and actions that are genuinely helpful and productive.”


Next, you can continue to prepare for Self-care for Loss by allowing this Reiki Chakra Key to open your heart center. It helps to place your right hand over the center of your chest while you gaze at the symbol.  Here’s a a couple of suggested affirmations:

“I understand and have compassion for the suffering of myself and others.”

“I have peace and balanced prosperity in my heart. I choose life.”

Strong emotions or insights may come up. The image may move, rotate, vibrate or change color. Don’t worry. That happens sometimes. It just means it’s working to help you feel better. Once the energy calms down a bit, you can move on to the remaining Circles with each of their affirmations to continue the process.

Your heartfelt intention is important and needs to be communicated. Use this Reiki Chakra Key to help you connect your prayers with your heart. Become aware of the Master Chakras located on each hand between the thumb and the index finger. Let them get open and balanced. Then, imagine you can connect them with your heart. These affirmations can help:

“My prayers are connecting with my heart center.”

“I ask to receive guidance, clarity and healing from my Inner Wisdom.”

Self-care for Loss

You might want to journal some of your thoughts so that you can talk about what comes up later with a trusted counselor or friend. If so, get out some paper and something to write with as you go through the steps.


To finish this first part, it takes energy to get better. You may have the feeling that your life force is being drained right out of you. You could be sending energy to the past or old habits that have been harmful to you. Relax and gaze softly at the Fly’s Circle from Gifts from the Rainforest. Let it help you deconstruct those old mindsets and close the drains that are exhausting you.

“I shut down all drains or holes that are causing me to lose energy.”

Now you’re ready to begin the main part of Self-care for Loss.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration - Self-care for lossFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

Self-care for Loss

Step One: Ask for Help

Breathe in deeply, all the way to your belly while you reflect on this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Assistance.

If you could ask for something that would genuinely be helpful, what would it be? Place your request in the center, open space of the chart and imagine you can send your breath to it.

Divine Assistance - Self-care for Loss

Continue with your breathing until you feel a friendly and pleasant exchange of energy.


Step Two – Support

Imagine that you can bring relief and relaxation into all parts of your body, mind and spirit while you continue to breathe.

Miracles - Self-care for Loss


Step Three ~ Peace

What do you think is the main question, difficulty or burden you’re dealing with right now? Take a few moments and put it into your own words.
If there’s a blockage or resistance, are you ready to let go of whatever it is and find a solution?
If not, why not?


Step Four – Release

If you can, imagine that difficulty or burden is beginning to melt and soften up. You can release the tension around anything that’s bothering you right now. Your shoulders are dropped. Your jaw is relaxed.

Hardened thoughts are melting like ice under the light of the Sun.
Keep softening the tension until it’s all gone.

Remember to do that both crossed and uncrossed.


Step Five – From Self-care for Loss to Divine Blessings

Continue to relax and let your mind turn to helpful channels of generative life force that are available through the Element of Air.
Use this symbol to help you close old, stagnant, erratic and unstable channels of energy.

Divien Protection - Self-care for Loss

Next, you can open to a lighter flow of chi that gives protection and increases positive life force.
Finally, connect with new communication channels by imagining the lines all coming together and connecting into the central spoke.

Step Six – Soul Vision

Now it’s much easier to connect with the wisdom of your Soul. Under this new light you have access to expanded awareness and perception of what’s possible.
Consider what your life could be without this difficulty you’re concerned about. What would it be like if the burdens were lifted? Can you imagine it?

Sense the experience as much as you can in detail.
See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and feel it.


Step Seven – Remove Your Burdens

Visualize sending all those burdens to where ever they need to go to resolve themselves. Surrender them completely and feel the heaviness lifting up and off of you.

You have done the best that you can under the circumstances.

If you can, reclaim your faith and other important Soul Resources.


Step Eight – Inner Direction

Gently contemplate this symbol to help you gain insight and spiritual direction about appropriate things to do in this situation.

Imagine you can call upon Love and your Ancestors for support.
Is there something that Love would tell you to do?

Self-care for Loss

Ask to be instructed by Love as you continue along your journey.


Step Nine – Let Go

Breathe again and gaze on this Detachment Chart for a few minutes while it helps you let go of toxins or interfering energies that may be attached to you.
Feel a calmness coming over you.
Like a healing balm, imagine a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.


Step Ten – Cleansing

Send away any illness or pain that’s associated with this situation.
Send it to the Light or wherever it needs to go to heal.


Step Ten – Repair

Continue to let it go and allow your energy to repair itself.
Relax with this Correction Chart until things smooth out and you can begin to sense the energy of your Soul coming through.


Step Twelve: Divine Connection

You have a Divine Connection to Joy and Gratitude in your Heart Center.
Make that connection and fill yourself with the strength and knowledge that you are loved.

You exist and what you do matters.


Step Thirteen – Closure

In your mind’s eye, close the doors to any pathways that keep the pain and suffering open. Take all the time you need to be sure they’re all closed.

You are connected through Love now and are following the path of your Soul. 

Let this healing be sealed with Love and Light.


Self-care for LossSome people have gotten a lot of extra support out of going through this self-care for loss formula every day for twenty-one days. It helps to retrain your mind to think more positively and keep you on track toward recovery.



Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Healing Emotional Shock
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Self-care for Loss has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: rheanni@soulresourcesllc.com.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Self-care for Loss is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Handle Irritations Before They Handle You

Is the Way You Handle Irritations Working for You or Impairing Your Health?

Mind Exercise - Handle IrritationsDo you handle irritations by flying off the handle, cursing out loud, or is it more like a slow burn? Some people are able to ignore their feelings, put on a happy face and set their grievances aside only to wind up paying for it much later with serious health problems.

Certainly, it seems that everywhere and every day, there are plenty of things to be irritated about. However, are you letting them drain your energy or sour your mood? Do they keep you up at night? Are you dangerously close to lashing out at others, even those that you hold most dear?

Well, if that’s happening, you’re certainly not alone. These are all ways that we keep “scratching the itch” and make bad situations worse.

This is a great subject to journal about for your own personal growth. You can turn irritations into positive progress, and this Mind Exercise is here to help you do that.

Simply relax and gaze at the Intuitive Learning Circles while contemplating the accompanying positive affirmations and questions. Going through the process will help you discover how well you’re handling irritations and what you can do to improve. 

So, get out a pen and paper and let’s get started…

An irritation is there to alert you of a problem. Use Chigger Medicine to slow down and tune into what’s bothering you.

What is a problem that’s been irritating you? Pick one and write it down.

Often, an irritation communicates on several levels. Ask yourself:

“How is this irritation affecting me physically?



What about spiritually?”

Does it remind you of something that has happened before? If so, how far back does it go?

In what ways do you keep “scratching the itch?”

Is that working for you? If not, are you open to an alternative path?

Keep writing until you feel confident you’ve gotten all the information.


Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Engage in a Change in Perception to Help You Handle Irritations.

Because of recent changes in your life, It’s possible that your sense of this irritation needs a shift in focus. Look at your situation from a different angle or through a different filter. You can get some help with that by relaxing with these affirmations:

Rational Thought Chakras

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I use them to become aware of how my environment or situation has changed.”

“I focus them to be present and aware of my current needs.”

“I gain clear awareness of alternative paths that hold beneficial resources, solutions, opportunities and _________.”


At any point In this exercise, you may need to handle blockages or reversals in your chakras or energy field.

Heal Blockages & Reversals

Use this symbol to help you smooth out any reversals, glitches or jagged edges.

“I bring my energy system back into balance and flow.”

This may take several minutes, however, it’s well worth whatever time it takes.
You will know you’re done when you can take regular, deep breaths.


Relax and let this Circle help you adjust the volume on your senses so you can handle irritations from a more balanced point of view.


Some may be turned up too high, causing anxiety, tension and/or misinformation about what’s really going on. That happens most often with the senses of feeling and hearing. You can use this Circle to help you adjust the volume up or down to just the right level.

Relax and allow your mind to adjust to the best level for clear perception:

Bring your senses into balance and perceive your situation with clarity.


Check in with Fly Medicine to see if your energy is getting drained by this situation.

If so, can you tell how often it happens? Does something seem to trigger it? What goes on mentally?

It probably wouldn’t surprise you if a lot of what’s irritating you is the fact that it’s so draining! Take a few moments to consciously take apart old habits and close down the drains to your energy – like old plumbing lines that need to be closed down completely.


Check Into Emotional Patterns with Alligator Medicine.

Are there other emotional constructs such as compulsions, obsessions, attitudes, addictions, phobias or allergic reactions involved?

In this new energy, you might just be able to collapse them.

Emotional constructs don’t have the same power over you that they used to. What you decide about them has more importance now.

Go ahead and see what happens when you decide to collapse the emotional structures that are jumping around in your mind and causing you harm.


It will help a lot if you make sure that you are re-establishing your energy and positioning yourself in the New Paradigm.

It’s amazing how much it helps to organize your mindset in a new foundation that can actually support your goals.

If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of how it can reorganize your energy in the New Paradigm we’ve entered…

This template called “Common Ground for the Common Good” is based on the concepts of equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity. This imprint encourages us to establish a mindset where we can work with each other and the Planet going into the future.


It’s also very useful to utilize the new quality of life force or chi that’s available through the Element of Air in the new era of Aquarius.

Let this symbol for Divine Protection help you to close down harmful energy channels from the past.

Once they’re shut down, open up to a positive flow of chi’ and connect up with helpful communication channels.


Get centered with Starlight to make sure that you’re navigating your own situation correctly.

See yourself in the center, open space of the Circle and re-orient yourself.

Are you beginning to understand your irritation differently now?
Do you need to reorganize your thoughts? If so, how?
Are you going in the right direction to solve the problem?
What really matters here?


Let Praying Mantis help you focus on solutions.

This is a good time to write down specifics to help you clear away extraneous mental and emotional clutter. Get all that stress off of you by getting it down on paper.

What are some potential solutions in this situation that would really make a difference?

It might help to move, stretch, draw, doodle or journal via a stream of consciousness. Art often brings in creative inspiration and self-care from your Soul!

Let Rat Medicine help you get specific about what needs to happen to clear the irritation.

Is this situation genuinely detrimental to your physical, mental, emotional health? What about the spiritual level?

Is there something that needs to be cleared out? Re-arranged? Moved? Added? Does something need to be reorganized or removed entirely?

This could be internal or external in your physical environment.


The Essential Human* If you have a copy of The Essential Human, now would be a good time to use the process on page 10 to help you make corrections for a healthy and full expression of the power that comes from your Essential Self. Choose from The Essential Human charts #1 – 42.

Detach from harmful emotional patterns and connect with beneficial qualities that will help you in this new energy. 

Emotional Calm


Check in with Armadillo to see if any parts of you are still pulling your experience from dangerous or nightmarish experiences you’ve had in the past.

Are you protecting yourself appropriately?

If you are, Congratulations! You can be done with this exercise.

If you’re not, is there a number from The Essential Human between #1 – 42 that would help you make the correction?


To continue: Clear attachments and residual toxic energies.

There may be something attached to you that you’re not aware of. It could be an irritation that comes from toxic exposure or an emotional attack that could cause allergies and even addictions.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Attachments and conflicts are melting away. Relax. Breathe. Take your time and move around if you need to.


Make sure that your energy isn’t scattered or being drained anymore.

If it’s not complete, what else do you think is needed?

Make a note of what that is so that you remember to follow through.

Handle Irritations

Pull back any parts of you that are getting sucked into a negative situation.

Close the drain for good.


Realign with your Soul.

Are you open to the positive vibration of your Soul?

Are you willing to slow down and let your Soul help you in this situation?

Most importantly, are you willing to forgive yourself so that you can let go of your irritation?


If so, this is a good time to let a white light of forgiveness clear away any darkness from around you. Stay with it until it’s cleared completely. Be sure you feel at peace with yourself.

“I forgive myself for getting irritated.”

If you are Attuned to Reiki, this is a perfect time to use it!


Bring closure by closing any leaks, holes or pathways that might leave you open to that irritation and the problems it brings.

“All holes are sealed and healed. 

I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


It’s time to get yourself grounded.

Notice how much better you feel. You will feel even better if you are grounded. What do you need to do to get yourself fully grounded in the New Paradigm? 

Handle Irritations by getting grounded.

You may need to go for a walk, rub your feet or ground spiritually.

Congratulations! You now have a way to handle irritations more objectively, with a different perspective and without the intense energy drain! Now is a good time to make sure you follow through on grounding yourself.

The Animal Totems in this exercise come from Gifts from the Rainforest ~

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who wants to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

♦ Find emotional balance  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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About the Author ~

Rheanni Lightwater - Herd Mentality

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: info@soulresourcesllc.com.

Disclaimer: Handle Irritations is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Changes in Your Environment – Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui Tips for Handling Recent Changes in Your Environment:

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater

When going through a radical change, it’s a great help to clean out certain areas of our homes and keep an eye on how well the energy is moving. While we’re rearranging things, we can reorganize our intentions to adapt to the changes in our environment and circumstances. When we take the time to do that, we’re allowing a physical and psychological space to open up for new things to come in and help us adjust both inwardly and outwardly.

Changes in Your Environment - Crystal CleansingFor example, I have a lot of crystals and a prayer pipe that I consider sacred. Early on in my Feng Shui practice, I got a strong message that I need to regularly clear out my pipe, cleanse those crystals and rearrange other significant objects to accommodate the changes in the I Ching flow. Why is that so important?

— Because crystals, prayer containers and other significant personal objects can hold onto a great deal of energy and old intentions.

In order to keep my mind and energy flexible, I don’t want to be held back by the gravity of those old energies, including those that marked the end of the Piscean Age. Since the Winter Equinox of 2022, the nature of chi’ or life force flowing through the Tao has changed to an Air based flow (Aquarius) rather than the previous Water based flow.

Let this symbol help you make the adjustment needed.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the old paradigm.”

Divine Protection for Difficult Beginnings
Divine Protection in the New Paradigm

“I allow my mind and body to acclimate to this lighter, quicker life force.”
“I learn to receive generative life force and use it to communicate with  my environment.”



Also, I don’t want to be blocked by old intentions and outdated agreements that aren’t relevant anymore. They only perpetuate inner conflict or confusion, especially now that we’re obviously in a very different space!

For example, when the pandemic started, I got the strong guidance to “change with the changes and still stay grounded.” In the early summer of 2020, my inner guidance was to “bring light and balanced prosperity into my mindset and environment.” at the Winter Solstice I was guided to pray for “safe transition into the New Paradigm”. Now my intention is “I am firmly grounded in the New Paradigm and have Divine Protection.” These are pretty big changes, and I’m sure there will be many more to come!

Big changes in your environment can be supported with the help of Reiki, strong intention and clear crystals.

To cleanse crystals, I gather them up from around my house and property and then place them in a bowl of water mixed with sea salt. Around the full moon, I’m guided to set them outside for a day or two to cleanse. That way, they will get really clear through an infusion of both Sun and Moon light. Then, I set a new strong and focused intention with those crystals, based on what is needed now.

Notice that I didn’t say, “please keep the coronavirus away,” or “please be sure that civil war doesn’t break out.” If I were to set intentions based on things I don’t want to happen, my whole mindset would start to unconsciously fixate on all the uncertainty and fear that these things attract. To make things even worse, the energy in my environment should start to organize around the fixation. That’s exactly opposite of what I want!

I also don’t want to make intentions frivolously or ask for so many new things that I unwittingly create chaos, conflict and confusion.

So, when I set intentions in turbulent times, I calm myself down first. Once the shock is abated and my mind is clear of anxiety, I ask for a life affirming experience that’s general enough to allow positive change to occur and that makes sense under my current circumstances. That part is especially important since we know the changes we’re going through are liable to continue for some time. Then, I set up the energy in my living space to organize around the new intention by mindfully placing the crystals and/or sacred objects as I’m guided.

Once I’ve set my intention in the space, I pay attention to what I start to attract.  If I start attracting chaos, conflict or confusion, I know that I need to reassess my intention and reorganize it.

I don’t waste my time beating myself up for having made a mistake or not doing it “perfectly”. After all, this is a whole new energy we’re in. We’re at the very beginning of one Age, while the other has departed entirely! It’s going to take a while for our minds to adjust. Mistakes are going to happen. Just get back up, clear your mind and be willing to let go of your assumptions about how you thought things were going to be.

If you’re interested in this process of reassessing and reorganizing your intention, You might be interested in an extra intuitive exercise I’ve put together.

If you would like more in depth help for setting up your space, contact Rheanni.

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

Changes in Your Environment has been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, Reiki Master Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

If you would like more help, find out about Rheanni’s Feng Shui Consultations and Clearings (Long Distance or Visit Santa Fe)

Online consultations are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Learning How to Change

Are You Changing with the Changes?

If you’re like many, you’re overwhelmed by the speed and amount of alarming changes that are taking place. So much of what used to provide stability has been threatened by dissolution without any sensible notice or plan for the future. Each day, life seems to be moving in several directions and then, in a flash, something new has been added to the mix! What is the best way to handle all this chaos? How can we keep our own balance when everything is happening so fast? What do we need to learn to know how to change with all these changes?


If you’re feeling emotionally drained and anxious, it’s understandable. Under these conditions, it’s easy to bounce between outrage, fear and deep sadness about what’s actually happening around us.

Our attention is getting pulled this way and that. Our bodies are worn out and our hearts and minds are split in far too many directions!   

The 64 Hexagrams in the I Ching or Book of Change have much to teach us about the importance of being flexible and knowing how to change. 

For example, we get a poignant warning from the Third Line in Hexagram #49 CHANGING:
Do not step into change hastily, for this will bring misfortune. Yet if you hesitate or deny the possibility of change you will put yourself in danger. Rely upon openness and self-control to guide you. When the necessity of CHANGING has made itself perfectly clear, and when you have thoroughly contemplated its effect, you may then proceed.”

Hexagram #29 DANGER, offers more information: “In social interactions, remain true to your nature. If possible, convince others of the soundness of your ideas by demonstrating the good effects of your actions. If they will not support you, you do not need them. Keep moving. Do not dally in the DANGER. In personal relationships, do not allow passions to lead you into peril. If the difficulties cannot be resolved without sacrificing your principles, the relationship may be irresolute.”

Hexagram #23 DETERIORATION says:
There exists now an abundance of incompetent persons in positions of authority to help bring this about… 

The time should be contemplated with great care in all financial and business matters… The situation is in the hands of persons lacking in vision. Wait until things change and concern yourself, meanwhile, with insuring your own position. Reach out benevolently and consolidate your relationships with those below you. This will provide for you a secure foundation while you wait.  ~ The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Doubleday, New York City, NY, 1979.

Transformation Game: Learning How To Change in a Changing World.

You can discover how to change more gracefully while keeping your integrity by going through this Transformation Game. When you slow down and take the time to go within, you gain a deeper understanding of what you’re really struggling with. Not only that, you can find the motivation from within to change how you’re responding in a more effective way!

Part One: Getting Out of Fight or Flight ~

Directions: Start by gazing softly at the Circle for River Medicine while contemplating the positive affirmations that accompany it. As you breathe deeply, let the Circle help you adjust the volume and pitch to just the right level of calm.

“I turn down the volume on all the noise from outside.”

“Not too high and not too low.”

An important note about Mind Body Integration ~ 

Retrain Your Mind for Mind Body IntegrationThe brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. As you work with the Circles, cross and uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body. Use a soft focus and breathe patiently. This will help you access more information from your unconscious mind. Let any negative self-talk go by breathing through it.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you let go!


Next, allow this Mandala for Prosperity to help your mind get into a more balanced flow of how to change in a beneficial way.

Balanced Prosperity


You might also be experiencing a tremendous shock to the system. Take several breaths and imagine you can use the Circle to help you find that difficult or painful experience.

Relax and imagine that whatever’s happening – the darkness, the chaos, the fight or flight is also relaxing. Let it soften and melt away, like ice under a beautiful beam of sunlight.

Stay with it until it’s completely gone.

Once you feel ready, see if you can slow down and let yourself focus on your true priorities. Ask for spiritual guidance that comes from within.

“I slow down and breathe while I turn my attention to what matters most.”

Gently notice the important aspects of your life that need your attention and some extra help.
It might help to pull focus into the center open space of the Circle.
Take all the time that you need until tangible actions begin to take form. Do you need to make a list?
Get out a pen and paper to make note of what’s coming to you.

Part Two: Reclaim Your Power and Soul Resources

Contemplate the medicine from Butterfly for a moment or two:

“I ask my Inner Wisdom for details about what needs to change and how to do it in the most beneficial way.”

What needs to happen? Are you tapping into the most beneficial energies available to you?


There may be toxins or destructive energies sticking to you. Let this Detachment Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.


Hopefully, you’re freed up enough to bring your attention to the center of your chest. Let your heart be involved in this conversation. Are you willing to listen to what your heart is telling you?


Release any old agreements, assumptions or obligations that are keeping you stuck or pulling you into danger. Visualize them like contracts, burning up into nothingness with a violet flame. Here are some suggestions:

“I let go of ________________.”

“I reclaim _________________.”

What new agreements would you like to make? For example:

“I maintain my center, my inner balance and stability.”

“I am willing to change when needed and am determined to find what works.”


Empower your ability to choose in this situation.

“I exist. What I say and do matters.”
“I connect with the Gratitude and Joy that lives in my heart.” 

“I am empowered center myself and bring my intentions into alignment with my highest good.”

“I reclaim my power and ability to protect my Self and my ____________.”


This is a good time to let your energy and mindset utilize the generative flow of the New Paradigm. Use this symbol to help you access it:

“I am willing and able to change with the new flow of the Cosmos.” 
“I appreciate that I’m doing the best I can.” 
“I close down all harmful energy channels.”
“I am open and clear to receive generative life force.” 

“I use new cooperative channels of communication that connect me to my center and the Common Good.”


To help you pull yourself out of chaos, your mind needs to have a safe idea of where to go and how to organize your energy. This template for Common Ground will help you re-organize around a place that’s aligned with your Soul, Mother Nature and the Common Good.

If you gently meditate on this image, you can connect with an environment aligned with Nature that includes room for equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced equality.


Part Three: Working Through the Details

Now you’re ready to go through the rest of the game in the same way by asking yourself questions while you gaze softly at each accompanying Circle. Doing so will help you assess where you’re at and improve your connection with the Common Good.

Take your time, the answers might not come right away. The Circles are helping your mind to clear away mental and emotional resistance to change.

“In this particular situation, how am I dealing with change?

Is that working for me? Is there something I need to change about how I’m dealing with the situation? Am I doing the best I can?” 

Animal Totems for Inner Guidance - Raven

Am I stuck on something? Shut down? Unwilling? Is it possible that I’m being too hard on myself? What is the concern? What don’t I understand?”


If you’re stuck around a particular detail, you might be able to release it fairly easily by using Condor Medicine to clear conflict, resistance and fixated thinking.  

Imagine that you can use the Circle like a bull’s eye to send healing energy to any conflicts or fixations you may be experiencing. Let go by imagining that the lines are going all limp and loose like spaghetti noodles. Or, you can imagine an iceberg melting away under the Sun.

Either way, be gentle with yourself. If you’re judging yourself too harshly, use the Circle to help you loosen up those rigid thoughts. If you’re shut down, use the Circle to bring your energy back to life! If you need to open up to creativity or dissolve toxic emotions, see yourself doing that.
Move around and stretch in any way that you like.


Continue with your investigation about how to change…

“Am I holding onto past experiences that are no longer relevant?”

You can usually tell if you’re internalizing something because you’ll start to feel physical, mental, emotional or even spiritual irritation. If that’s happening, see if you can stop taking it personally and let it go.
“I surrender these old experiences to the Light and turn to more proactive ways of dealing with change.”


There is no doubt that what we’re going through is challenging. The best thing we can do in difficult situations is to think about what we can learn from them.
“The most important take away for me in this situation is ________.”
“I am learning ____________.”
Be sure to write this down.

For a much deeper integration, trace around the Circle clockwise with your eyes, while you consider your take away thought.

Then, do the same as you trace your eyes around the square in the same direction, both crossed and uncrossed.

How To Change our Experiences – Choose New Ingredients

If we keep choosing ingredients from the past, the soup we call our lives will keep repeating itself over and over.  For example, if we were born into a family that keeps choosing shame or blame, we will be liable to keep choosing those ingredients ourselves until we can become conscious of what we’re doing. If we want to change the flavor of our soup, it will help to change the ingredients we’re using!

By choosing ingredients such as self-worth, self-love or self-confidence, we can learn how to change and create a better future.

The Essential Human*Note: if you have an updated copy of The Essential Human, you might want to go through Future Pacing (on page 140). Choose from the archetypes #1 – 42 to help you choose beneficial “ingredients” for creating your life. Ask yourself:
“What ingredients am I choosing? Are there some ingredients that I would like to change?”

“I release harmful ingredients and access beneficial ingredients instead.”


Release any old agreements, assumptions or obligations that are keeping you stuck or pulling you into danger. Visualize them like contracts, burning up into nothingness with a violet flame. Here are some suggestions:

“I let go of outdated agreements that keep me stuck in old patterns or to take on someone else’s conflicts, issues, principles or karma as my own.”

“I let go of being controlled by emotions or external manipulations.”

“I am willing to change when needed and let go of anyone or anything that is causing me harm.”

“I let go of my resistance to ________. I detach from ________. I remove myself from ________.” Etc.

What new agreements would you like to make? For example:
“I maintain my center, my inner balance and stability.”


New Decisions

Make some new decisions that support how to change more appropriately. Here are some suggestions:

“I decide to stay positive in this situation to the best of my ability.” or…
I am capable and my Spirit helps me to handle change…
I am free to change in accordance with my highest good…
I allow other people the space to handle their own issues…”, etc.

“I decide to __________ and _______________,”

See if you can get all the wheels in your mind turning in a clockwise direction.


Renewed Presence

Connect with the Third Chakra at your Solar Plexus and let it open up. Relax and let the tightness go. Deep breathing and presence are your best friends in times of accelerated change! Move around or stretch again if you like.


Courage and Confidence

Keep breathing and give yourself a good dose of courage with the help of Jaguar Medicine:

“I surround myself with courage, confidence and strength.”


Seed Medicine can help you find any karmic seeds you may be holding that are causing you harm. They might not even be yours! It’s time to set things right. Send them to the Light so they can return to wherever they belong.

Reclaim whatever is yours – your ideas, your power, your own beneficial seeds of karma. Bring them home and nurture them gently.

When you’re ready, apply your karma to your own safety and well-being. Nurture those experiences that bring you genuine joy.


Now it’s time to dissolve your connection to any underlying abuse, confusion or conflict. Use this symbol for Dissolving Destructive Blueprints and allow the Light to dissolve and lift them off of you.

“I let go of the mental, emotional and spiritual connections I still have to harmful patterns.”

Take your time and visualize them disappearing like dark clouds into the Light!

Please note: It’s time to stop sending destructive energies and emotions into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not unhappiness and death!


Considering what you’ve learned from this situation, you may have made some decisions about certain situations that you want to close the door on. Use this Circle to seal and heal all leaks, holes or pathways that lead to back to any resistance or unnecessary suffering:

“All holes are sealed and healed.” 
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Imagine that your mind is like a computer where you can close all the tabs and windows that have been open for far too long!


Before you finish this process, are you grounded in the New Paradigm of cooperation and balanced prosperity? If not, put your feet flat on the ground and let your energy organize around it now.


It’s rarely easy to make changes of this magnitude, but once you know how to change with the changes, your situation is bound to improve! The I Ching leaves you with this thought:

“Remove discordant elements as they appear, throw out outmoded or stifling policies when they once again create problems, and establish far-reaching clarity about the future whenever the opportunity presents itself.” ~ The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

If you feel that How to Change has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Rheanni Lightwater - Hypnotherapist, Reiki Teacher

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: info@soulresourcesllc.com.

This Transformation Game 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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