Stabilize During A Shocking Event

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for relief during extreme weather crisis or other shocking events:  

Stabilize During a Shocking Event

If you are:

  • Living through a shocking event
  • Witnessing traumatic experiences
  • Experiencing an environmental disaster
  • Disoriented by personal or environmental upheaval
  • Feeling scattered, surprised, scared or vulnerable
  • Exposed to repeated emergency situations
  • Having trouble thinking or planning clearly.

This SOS self-care formula is a form of self-hypnosis combined with energy healing that has been used for resolving shock, enhancing inner guidance and facilitating positive change since 2001. This particular formula offers a gentle opportunity to process ongoing difficult experiences, manage emotional stress and explore positive ways to respond to unexpected and shocking events.

SOS- Resolving Shock from Traumatic Events

Any person who’s going through extreme weather related events or a crisis in their environment can experience disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. Even people who are witness to traumatic experiences can get caught up in the energy of the event. That includes family members, friends, therapists, clergy and other emergency responders.

The shock response is natural and not a sign of spiritual, mental or emotional weakness. It’s an important way that the mind protects itself. Nevertheless, if a person who’s going through a shocking event doesn’t get a chance to relax and separate from the experience – or if they’re not able to – serious problems can develop, including ongoing symptoms of ptsd including nightmares, flashbacks and a chronic fear of the future. 

Scattered energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t think of anything positive,” “My life was shattered,”  “I feel so drained” or “I just don’t know what to do,” describe the experience of ongoing, unresolved shock. Alternately, a person may put on a false front of cheerfulness and optimism, only to have their health suffer later.

If any of the above seems familiar, you can go through this formula to help you stabilize your mind and access your own innate healing abilities. Simply follow the directions step by step so you can monitor your energy and take the steps that are needed to move forward safely.

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. As you go through the steps, cross and uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body when you gaze at each Circle. Use a soft focus and breathe patiently. This will help you integrate your thinking more fully so that you can be more creative. If you have any negative self-talk, let it go by breathing through it.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

Stabilize During a Shocking Event

Step One:

Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at this Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.

Imagine you can use it to focus in on a difficult or painful experience that’s blocking your way. If your mind is blank, focus on how “blank” it is. You may get a conscious image or message, or you may not.

Once you have a sense that your mind has found the blockage, imagine that it’s like an iceberg and the Sun is melting it away with a beautiful beam of light.
Allow it to melt until it’s completely gone.
Check for other blockages, worries or conflicts that you can do the same with.


Step Two:

In situations like this, there’s too much going on and you don’t want to scatter. Your mind may have too many windows open – like on a computer screen.

Let this Circle help you close the tabs in your mind to help you feel better and more contained.


Step Three:

The environment is changing and you need to protect yourself. Relax with this symbol and close down all harmful energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to. Take all the time that you need.

If you like, ask your Soul for divine protection.


Step Four:

Remember to stay hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fresh water. If you swish it around in your mouth before you swallow, the water will go where it needs to go faster and more efficiently.

Water is your good friend. Especially now!


Step Five:

Consider all that’s going on in your life. A lot is changing.
Use this Circle to gently contemplate the situation so you can gather up your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical resources.

What is the most important thing for you to keep in mind?


Step Six:

Your senses may have gotten knocked out of balance. Reconnect with them and focus on being present. Use them to become aware of your body and what you need right now.

Re-orient yourself in your environment, as it is now.

Take whatever time you need to focus on actions that will bring you back into balance and benefit your well-being. You may want to write ideas down because it’s easy to forget.


Step Seven:

Your energy probably needs some balancing. Go through this short sequence to make repairs and get back in order:

A) Get help clearing your energy field of toxins. Use this Key to relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with smoke, chemicals or other negative energies.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.


B) When a person is under extreme stress, their energy can become blocked, scattered, reversed or even shut down completely.

Let this Key help you make corrections and repair any glitches, holes or jagged energies in your system.

Keep relaxing with it until the energy smooths out and you begin to sense the calming energy of your Soul coming through.


C) Keep your wits about you. Clear away dark and heavy thoughts.

Use this Circle to imagine you can infuse your body with light and Love. Doing so will help to remove fear, negativity and darkness from your personal energy.

Dispense with the darkness by sending it to the Light for purification.


D) Bring your attention to your own heart center. Imagine you can connect with your Source and activate the Light that lives within you.
You are never alone.


Step Eight:

Now it’s time to turn down the volume on all the noise from outside. As you breathe deeply, let this Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level.

Not too high and not too low – just right.

Soon you will be able to hear that calm, gentle voice inside that reminds you about what matters the most to you.

Let yourself be sad if you need to be. Tears are a sign of letting go of shock.


Step Nine:

It also helps to open and close your hands to get more present. Move your fingers and wiggle your toes around. Notice the time and where you are. These actions all help whenever you want to stabilize during a shocking event. 


Step Ten:

Now you can let your nervous system calm down too. Slow down and listen to the rhythm of your heart.
You’re feeling better with every breath you take.

Stretch or move around in any way that you instinctively feel you need.


Step Eleven:

Oftentimes, going through a shocking event requires a change in priorities. There may be certain plans, ideas or thoughts that take you back into extreme distress. You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is distressing you.

Simply imagine that the negative patterns in your mind are like dark clouds or a tangled maze of confusion.

Surrender the darkness into the pure light of the Sun and let the maze dissolve completely.

You’ll know that you’re done when your mind feels clear enough to imagine standing in a beautiful field with the Sun shining down upon you.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Twelve:

Before you finish with this formula, take a minute to seal and heal any holes, leaks or passageways that have opened up during this process.
All harmful openings are sealed and healed.

Closure for Mind Body Healing

Do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Your mind and nervous system need closure.


Step Thirteen:

Finally, let your heart recover. This Key helps you balance your heart energy and clear away any residual heaviness. Breathe deeply and take your time.


Feel any remaining heaviness lifting up and out of your heart. Let it radiate out to the Light where it can be transformed.

Take care of yourself and remember that you are loved.

Personalized Energy Clearing with the Author of Shocking Events

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need more assistance, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Stabilize During A Shocking Event is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Reiki Basic Training – FAQ

Reiki Basic Training – FAQ: Your Questions Answered

The Japanese word Reiki describes different types of healing and spiritual work. 

   REI is interpreted as meaning divine knowledge or spiritual consciousness. 

        Ki is life force and that energy which permeates all living things. 

Therefore, Reiki is spiritually guided life force energy that is non-religious, yet supports a lifestyle that incorporates the Reiki Ideals of Dr. Usui and the individuals need for their own spiritual growth.

The principles or Reiki Ideals are as follows:

  • Reiki is a vibrational or subtle energy therapy, facilitated by light touch or no physical contact.
  • The World Health Organization, (WH0), has recognized Reiki as an alternative therapeutic modality.
  • The National Institute of Health Center for Complementary and Alternative Medicine (NCCAM), classified Reiki as a biofield modality, affecting energy fields that surround and penetrate the human body. It works in harmony with allopathic medicine and other complementary health techniques. It can be used to enhance other techniques according to the highest good of the client.
  • Reiki produces deep relaxation, harmonizing the emotional, mental, and spiritual fields. Reiki promotes health at the level needed. It is good for people, animals and plants.

Reiki Basic Training and Attunements Certified through Soul Resources LLC

Ist Degree Reiki Training in Santa Fe – Using The Energy Medicine of Reiki for Self Healing

Activate your self-healing abilities and integrate body, spirit and mind. Learn about the history of Reiki and the Usui Lineage, self-treatment, the chakra system and receive an advanced chakra activation and integration to prepare you for your first Reiki Attunement.

Included is Part One of Rheanni’s award winning self-healing manual, Reiki Chakra Keys that will help you clear emotional and energy blockages while you develop your intuition.

Reiki Training Tips for After Your First Degree Attunement ~

#1 Begin with Self-healing.

Great benefits await those who utilize Reiki self treatments in their regular self-care routine. Daily treatments (anywhere between 5 – 25 minutes) are ideal, especially for those who may be experiencing toxic overload, burnout or high stress. During a treatment, Reiki has its own innate intelligence and will go where it’s needed.

#2 Be Open to Receive Healing and Proper Instruction.

Those who have been properly Attuned to the First Degree of Reiki Basic Training have a Reiki Guide who is there to help you learn how to use Reiki for yourself using your unique gifts and talents.

#3 Remember to Ask for Help.

I think the saying is, “riding on the wings of angels” and that’s just what we’re doing when we get our first Attunement and allow ourselves to accept help from our Reiki Guides and Teachers. 

It’s a good idea to regularly ask for help from enlightened beings and you can easily do that with #17 Divine Grace from Soul Prayer Charts.

Remember that Angels and your Reiki Guides respect your free will and will not ever try to force you into anything! Therefore, if you want their help, ask for it.

#4 Make a Commitment to Developing Your Highest Good.

What might be possible if you were to make a new agreement with your Higher Self that you are ready, willing and able to receive genuine help and support in accordance with your highest good? I suggest that your agreement include being respectful in your requests and appreciative towards those who help you.

Old Soul

Most importantly, make a Soul Contract with yourself to be kind and patient with yourself and to get more comfortable about asking for genuine help as you continue your Reiki journey. Would you be willing to sign your name to a contract like that?

#5 Remember to Follow Your Soul’s Intention.

The Intuitive Learning Circles have been developed by Rheanni Lightwater through Reiki to assist in the basic training and effective transmission of Reiki energy for self-healing and to others through distant healing. They can be especially helpful in clearing away those blockages to intentions and trusting your inner guidance.

Emulate the gentle and patient Tree Sloth. Slow down and gaze softly at her Circle and ask yourself:

Reiki Basic Training - Tree Sloth and Intentions
Click here to read more about Sloth Medicine…

“What is the most important thing I could do for myself at this time?”


#6 Keep Up with How the  Energy is Flowing with Our Regular Feature:

Todays Intuitive Reading - Reiki Basic Training

Additional Trainings Available

Second Degree Reiki Training and Attunement – Facilitating Reiki as a Practitioner 

The next step in your journey with Reiki will be Second Degree. This is another one day course in which the Reiki symbols are given to you and you are taught how to use them.

Learn how to facilitate hands-on Reiki Treatment with your friends, loved ones & clients. Develop intuition and the ability to sense subtle energies. Receive the Second Level Attunement and learn how to use Reiki for protection, distant healing, scanning, beaming, chakra balancing and creating sacred space for healing and meditation.

Included is specialized mentoring to help you develop your “Reiki Team” and enhance your relationship with the Power Symbol, the Mental/Emotional Symbol and the Distant Healing Symbol. 

3rd Degree Reiki Training and Attunement – Using Reiki at the Master Level*

Study advanced forms of energy healing such as “Psychic Surgery”, using Reiki Grids with crystals and clearing entities from spaces. Participants receive the Master Symbol Attunement and are taught how to use it to enhance manifesting abilities and facilitate high levels of transformation.

*The “Master Level” refers to self-mastery only. There is no mastery over others.

Master/Teacher Reiki Training

For those Master Level students who have completed all the previous levels and are well enough experienced in their practice to Attune and teach other students. This training can be done in conjunction with the Third Degree Training or separately.

Note: All completed levels include a Certificate of Completion. Because of the personal nature of this kind of work, a brief, initial consultation with one of the instructors is required to make certain that the course you’ve selected is appropriate for you. Initial consultations are free and can be conducted over the phone, Zoom or in person.

Interested in private coaching or learning more about how to use the Intuitive Learning Circles for self-healing, personal growth or manifesting your heart’s desire?

The Happiness Power Circle and Creating Your Path of Joy is offered by Soul Resources LLC as a dynamic mentoring course that will support your inner journey.

If you’re new to Reiki and looking for intuition training, the Power Circle will give you insight and interactive exercises to give you first hand self-healing experiences.

Study at your own pace as Rheanni guides you through Ten Stages of Physical Manifestation. Each stage is designed to help you co-create with Nature using the Intuitive Learning Circles to help you raise your frequency, awareness and personal power.

If you’ve already been Attuned to Reiki and are looking for advanced support, the Power Circle of Happiness and Creating Your Path of Joy will instruct, inform and encourage your highest potential.

Each session or Circle has inspiration from Kuan Yin, the Goddess of Compassion that’s chosen specifically to help you develop your healing skills and navigate your journey as a energy practitioner.

Rheanni Lightwater is the author of Reiki Chakra Keys and experienced Reiki, Karuna Reiki and Grail Reiki Master/Teacher with shamanic healing experience since 1998.

Rheanni Lightwater - Reiki Basics
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Teacher and Mentor

If you are interested in a private energy clearing, your next Reiki Attunement or mentoring, contact Rheanni Lightwater.

Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee) is the Author of Gifts from the Rainforest. In her private practice, she conducts Reiki Attunements / Trainings, Mind Body Healing sessions and Feng Shui Environmental Clearings

Sessions with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. To schedule an initial consultation, contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].


Reiki and the Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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