Clearing an Overwhelmed Mind

If you need help clearing an overwhelmed mind, the Intuitive Learning Circle method offers quick and easy support.

This self-care formula for clearing an overwhelmed mind is especially useful for handling day to day stresses, like when you’re feeling:

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions - Overwhelmed
SOS – Soul Oriented Solutions
  • Exhausted
  • Pressured
  • Confused
  • Out of balance
  • Taking on too much
  • Doing too much
  • Going too fast and need to slow down.

You are not alone and you can easily get some relief by going through the Overwhelm Help Exercise #4 out of Navigating Loss and Compassion Fatigue from our Soul Oriented Solutions series.

Directions: Confirm this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.

SOS - Clearing An Overwhelmed MindFind a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty – thirty minutes. Begin by reading the first message and then gaze gently at the Circle or chart that goes with it for approximately two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working with the positive affirmations to bring your mind and body back into balance.

Some emotions might come up as well. That also means the Circles are working. If you’re being hard on yourself or afraid you aren’t “doing it right,” give yourself permission to continue relaxing and let go of anything that’s causing you pain or suffering. You could be releasing a mindset that’s caused you quite a bit of suffering for some time now. Resolve to patiently keep breathing and let it go.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration - Self-care for lossFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

If someone is with you, talk to them about some of the feelings that you’re having. It could help you to gain perspective on your situation. Having perspective allows you to make the best decisions about what will help you now.

After you’ve finished going through the entire formula, let yourself rest for a little while. You’re doing very well with such a difficult circumstance. Be sure to take things one at a time.


1. Gaze softly at the Circle and take a few moments to breathe deeply.
Pay special attention to those places in your body where you’re feeling pain or discomfort.
Just let them relax.
Move around or stretch if you need to.



2. Ask for peace to come into your heart and awareness.

See if you can move your energy out of your head and pull it down into your center heart and solar plexus area.



3. You may need a minute to get your bearings.
Bring your energy into your body so that you can get centered.
Notice what is to the right of you and to the left of you.
You are okay.



4. You don’t need to be perfect or be everything to everyone.
Are you being too hard on yourself? If so, give yourself a break and let it go.
What really matters in this situation?
What’s most important to you?



4. You may feel like you’re stuck or being pulled in the wrong direction. Relax and meditate on this Circle for as long as you like.
Imagine that a loving coat of of peace and comfort is pouring down over you – gently releasing you from all that dark, heavy energy.



6. You are ready and able to let go and make the changes necessary for you now. Are you willing to let go and release the chains of the past?

Release any agreements to hold onto things that aren’t working. What a relief that is.



7. Go back to your center and listen to your heart beating – nice and steady.
It’s okay to ask for help. You are alive and need to take good care of yourself.

What do you need to help you take good care of yourself?

Make a list so you can remember.



8. Focus your energy on taking good care of yourself now.
You are important and other people care about you.
Your choices matter.



9. Gaze gently at the Circle while you think about something that you love very much.
Relax and let yourself feel what matters to you.
Take all the time you like. It’s okay to let go and feel the love returning to you.



10. Take a moment and let your body and mind connect with Hope.
True hope is an expression of Love that reunites you with your soul and its resources.



11. Now it’s time to sweep the clutter out of your mind and send it to the Light.
Sweep it all up and away… and close the doors on scary places that overwhelm you.

Notice how much better your body feels when your mind gets clear.



12. Close the harmful pathways in your mind – like too many open tabs on a computer. Your mind and body are not here to be a dumping ground.
Close the holes and seal the leaks wherever they are.

Closing pathways that have been left open between you and others will help you feel much better.



13. Relax with this symbol until you feel safe and clear.
You are protected and positive life force is flowing through your body and mind.

New and life affirming communication lines are coming together to help you.



Inner Guidance

14. Take some deep breaths and listen to that calm, gentle voice that comes from your heart.
What is it telling you?

Old Soul


New Beginnings

15. Let a calm feeling come from your heart and fill up your entire body – all the way to your fingertips.

It’s time to rest. Remember to take good care of yourself.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Clearing An Overwhelmed Mind
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Clearing An Overwhelmed Mind has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel exposed, lost, or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Clearing An Overwhelmed Mind is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Future Pacing and Hypnotherapy

Future Pacing for Excellence

Future pacing is an extra-intuitive activity that isn’t required, but can really help you excel by anchoring positive outcomes into your Learning Mind…

Rheanni Lightwater - Hypnotherapy and Future PacingIn our hypnotherapy and energy medicine classes, we talk about the importance of future pacing. What is that?

Future pacing is a way to deepen the effects of any mind body healing by projecting a preferred outcome into the future. Let’s use that idea to solidify what you’ve just learned.

Start Future Pacing by Getting Calm and Relaxed

Use River Medicine to relax and adjust the volume on your senses.

Future Pacing with River MedicineRemember that when your senses are out of balance, it’s easy to get lost and fall out of your natural flow. 

River Medicine beckons us to calm down and flow with the river of life. When we allow this experience, we can hear the truth of the heart and Soul more clearly.

One way to do that is to gaze softly at the Circle and imagine that you’re floating on a calm, benevolent body of water. Take the time to breathe deeply. Once you feel calmer, you’re ready to open your senses to new solutions and gifts. 

Gently remind yourself about your objective:
“What am I proposing to do?”
Then, follow up with,
“If I follow the course of that action, what’s most likely to happen?”

Once you feel more relaxed and calm, use this sequence of Intuitive Learning Circles and positive affirmations to help you future pace with the very best qualities to follow through on what you’ve learned. 

Future Pacing from Intuitive Learning in the New Paradigm


Use this affirmation to recalibrate:

“I willingly release harmful ingredients and access beneficial ingredients*.”

*“Ingredients” include energies, nourishment, guidance, support, etc. Anything that goes into the creation of your experience.

Future Pacing with The Essential HumanIf you need to use the symbols and positive affirmations from The Essential Human to help you access the very best qualities to nurture your intuitive talents, this is a good time to do it.

Choose from numbers 1 – 42 with the same affirmation:

“I willingly release harmful ingredients and access beneficial ingredients.”


Here are a couple of examples of how you might do that. The first line is about what you want to let go of or close the door on:
“I release harmful, outdated or extreme thinking patterns.”

The second line is about what you want to open up to:
“I now make a commitment to cultivate beneficial thoughts that come from my Soul.”


You might also want to confirm that all parts of you know to utilize the beneficial flow of chi’ or life force that’s available in the New Paradigm.

“I project the idea of me using this generative energy out into the future – helping me to manifest my objective successfully in the New Paradigm.”


Set Yourself Up for Success

Imagine that you can access your seeds of karma that will help you actualize your objective. Gather the seeds of your good deeds in the center, blank area of this Circle.

“I access my beneficial karma for actualizing balanced and helpful _________.”

“I plant new karmic seeds for the conditions I need to be happier, healthier and to actualize my heartfelt objectives.” 


Make sure you plant them in your personal garden that lives in your heart.

“I plant beneficial seeds in my garden and ask for blessings in accordance with the highest good. I am securely included in the equation.”

If your garden needs a little tending – weeding, watering, re-organizing, etc. -this is a good time to see it happening in your mind’s eye.


Clear Obstructions

Let go of any harmful or inappropriate energies or mental/emotional patterns that no longer serve you. Release them to the Light to be set free and purified.

“I gather destructive patterns or energies and release them to the Light.
I dissolve my connection to them, so that they may be set free and purified.”

Please note: Never send pain or harmful energies into the Earth to be neutralized, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of life, health and happiness – not death, illness and unhappiness!

Visualize any hidden channels or sewage pipes for negative energies collapsing in on themselves.

“Old channels of ______________ are collapsing.”


Close all holes or leaks that lead back to illness, suffering or disappointment.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Now you’re ready for your Soul to connect you with the grail of gratitude located in your heart center / personal garden and use it to empower your highest good.

“I use my Soul’s divine connection to nourish what’s in my highest good.”

“I am empowered to learn how I can strengthen ________ and _________.”


Being grounded helps you bring what you’ve learned “down to Earth” so you can increase productivity and actualize your objective. Get yourself grounded in the New Paradigm before you complete this process.

Place both feet on the floor and put your hands on your knees if you can. Gaze softly at the Circle and repeat the affirmation until you feel your body has fully settled in the present.

“I am present and grounded in the New Paradigm.”


Future Pacing – Projecting Success into the Future

Now you’re ready to tune into the Center of your being. Go within and ask your heart:

How will it feel to actualize my objective in the future?

What about later today or tomorrow?
A month from now?
How does it feel a year from now?


The mind intuitively appreciates closure. Finish it all up now by sealing and healing any holes that lead back to old, harmful pathways of suffering.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s intended path.”

Closure for Mind Body Healing


You can thank yourself for taking the time today to learn how Future Pacing can accelerate your learning and ability to manifest your objective in the New Paradigm – a gift that will surely keep on giving!

Be sure to rest now and do something nice for yourself!

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


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About the AuthorRheanni Lightwater - How to Trust Your Gut Instinct

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in learning difficulties and mind body healing using Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning CirclesReiki as a Master/Teacher, and other Shamanic Clearing Techniques.

Schedule with Rheanni online via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Email your request to: [email protected] or text her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday.

This Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website and in our materials are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

New Decisions with Llama

New Decisions and Beginnings with Llama

Crossing Over Into a New Paradigm

Welcome to Your Self Healing Journey with the Llama Spirit Animal 

The unconscious mind uses symbols like maps to help it navigate through uncharted territory. In order to make new beginnings and decisions with Llama, it’s very helpful for our minds to have signs and maps to assist us as we navigate the new terrain. The Intuitive Learning Circles and symbols are designed to help your mind get a grasp on the larger picture.

“Common Ground for the Common Good” is a template based on the concepts of equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity. This imprint gives us an energetic framework to work with Mother Nature and each other for a better future.

Animal Spirit Tracks - Common Ground for the Common Good

There are so many environmental shifts happening and conditions are changing rapidly. If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp on how it can re-organize itself effectively in the New Paradigm we’ve entered.

If you have chosen Llama to be your Guide…

New Decisions with Llama

“Your heart is asking you to be open to the great unknown, yet you’re finding it hard to take a chance and give your all to your hearts desire. Perhaps the shock of past events has deterred you from making a commitment because your ego is afraid that what happened before will happen again…

… make a more conscious choice through the help of your Soul, rather than your critical mind. Ask, ‘What needs to happen?’ Possibilities are always available to those who follow their heart and Soul.” ~ Gifts from the Rainforest by Rheanni Lightwater

Choosing Your Games for the Common Good –

What Process Is Best for Me – Right Now?

Note: Some Games require a password. Full access to Spirit Animal Tracks is through Paid Membership in our Intuitive Learning Circle Community! Coming soon…

Balancing with Plants SpiritsMany of you have asked,  “There’s so many Games and Exercises here in the Intuitive Learning Circle – how do I know which one is right for me?

Since we’re here to help you develop your intuitive guidance, it’s only natural that we would come up with a simple & fun way to decide – using your intuition!

First of all, it’s true that we have quite a few self-healing offerings, so below you’ll find a list of games that explore exciting New Decisions with Llama.

Llama Medicine

There are 6 categories to choose from ~

I: Cosmos
II: Family
III: Environment
IV: Livelihood
V: Self
and new
VI: Romantic Love

Each category has a selection of games listed underneath which are numbered 1, 2 and 3.

The first step is to take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then look at Llama Medicine and ask your heart:

“What category would be most useful for me to look at now?”
Once you have the category number, ask yourself:
“Which number in that category represents the best self healing process for me right now – or is the best place to start?”

Remember to take the very first number that comes to you, because that is your Inner Wisdom speaking or your intuition. If more than one number comes up, write them all down in the order they came to you.
Once you have your number, scroll down the list and check out that process. You might be surprised at what you chose, because intuition doesn’t always makes sense at first. However, I suggest that you trust your first response and explore the exercise anyway. See if it pertains to your situation and feels right.
This is the intuitive way to determine which exercise is best for you right now!

Suggestion: Early on in your journey with Llama, go through Open Your Heart and Make Friends to develop a truly co-operative relationship!

Of course, if you want, you can always get help with Rheanni if you want more personal mentoring. Her contact info can be found at the bottom of this page…

I: New Decisions About the Cosmos

Open up to your true potential about this new beginning.

 1. Apply your life force towards solutions rather than problems.

2. Overcome indecisiveness with tolerance and patience.

3.  Let go of misunderstandings about the way things work.


II: New Decisions About Your Family & Ancestors

Lighten up and leave behind what doesn’t work for your journey.

1. Clear projections and expectations from your family or extended family. 

2. Decide to set healthy limitations on negative family relations.

 3. Do the right thing and turn things around with a significant family member.

III: New Decisions About Your Environment

Many things are unknown about climate change. Stay disciplined, clear & conscious.

1. Make sure you’re oriented in the New Paradigm in the most beneficial way.

2. Incorporate Soul Healing so you can create greater harmony in your environment.

3. Adjust the Feng Shui in your home to create greater harmony. 

IV: New Decisions About Your Career & Livelihood

Getting help on your journey can set you on an amazing new path.

1. Make positive decisions about doing the right thing in your livelihood.

2. Establish clear boundaries so you can get things done.

3. Get help from your intuition when you’re making a decision about the details in your plans.

V: New Decisions About Your Self

Make sure your timing, efforts and direction are guided by your Soul.

1. Decide to let go of karmic patterns of adversity.

2. Keep asking for the best and setting your sights high.

3. Release agreements and assumptions that cause sabotage and inner conflict.

VI: New Decisions about Your Love Relationship

Confirm that your decisions are based on what you really want for yourself.

1. Renegotiate Soul Contracts with your lover or past lovers.

2. Deal with jealousy firmly and decisively.

3. See your relationships clearly and bring them into the New Paradigm.


    1. Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

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Spirit Animal Tracks

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Read the Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest

Rheanni Lightwater - Spirit Animal Tracks - Llama
Rheanni Lightwater, Author and Guide

During a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001, Rheanni and her partner joined a small band of travelers to work with traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains of Machu Picchu.

In Gifts from the Rainforest, she shares spiritual growth and wisdom from the many plant, animal and nature spirits that they encountered through the Intuitive Learning Circles and their messages. 

Inquire with Rheanni about your self-healing journey. Complementary consultations with Rheanni are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of stress management. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Emotional Stress and Memory

Can Emotional Stress Affect Your Memory?

Especially when the stakes are high, you need to remember the important things. However, it’s not unusual for people to have temporary memory problems or glitches in their thinking when they’re under a lot of emotional stress, especially if they’re highly sensitive.

Emotional Stress It could be that you’ve become overwhelmed by the uncertainty of life and the future. Or, you may have gotten ungrounded by the sheer amount of information that you feel you have to process.

You might also be

  • Disoriented due to grief or sudden loss
  • Going through a major emotional transition
  • Having difficulty processing new information 
  • Feeling weak or mentally exhausted
  • Picking up on other peoples pain
  • Noticing an increase in forgetfulness
  • Getting confused more easily than usual.

If this sounds like, you’re not alone and it’s possible to get some relief by going through Emotional Stress that Affects Memory from our Soul Oriented Solutions series. The process will help you get a better idea about what’s happening in your case and what you can do to re-orient yourself.

Directions: Start by confirming that this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions for Emotional Stress
SOS Symbol

Next, read the directions in each step and then gaze softly at its accompanying Circle for several minutes. Going slower gets better results.

Give yourself permission to look at the Circles in any way or from any angle that you like. All you have to do is stay relaxed. If you’re drawn to focus on the center of a Circle, that’s fine. There is no wrong way to view them.

If you come up with a message, an image or instinctively want to trace over the lines, let your imagination guide you. A playful approach reduces stress and opens up possibilities so you can look at your situation from different perspectives.

Developing intuition in this way enhances your personal growth and can keep those creative juices flowing for better mind function.

Caution: the use of this exercise is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of memory loss, seek the appropriate medical help.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration - Self-care for lossFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

Before beginning, it helps to be aware of the new channels of life force that are available to help us adapt to all the changes going on.

Divine Protection is a gift from Reiki that provides a protective interface with those new channels. Most of us need assistance in making the transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) into the new Paradigm of Air (Aquarian Age). Relax and close down all heavy or destructive energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to.
Stay with it until you feel more protected and centered with beneficial life force flowing through you.

Divine Protection

Then, see if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.

The chakras, in particular, benefit from this lighter and quicker energy flow. So, at any point during this exercise, you may want to “install” it to improve energy flow and integration.

Now you’re ready to go through the exercise…

Emotional Stress That Affects Memory ~

How Are You Experiencing Disorientation?

1. We’re going to look at several possible reasons why emotional stress could effect your memory. One reason could be that you’re disoriented due to a sudden recent change. Or, you might be tuning into destructive energies in your environment, which includes picking up on other people’s emotional states. Another possibility could be that you’ve been exposed to an overwhelming amount of information, chemicals or static energy.
It helps to be aware of what’s involved.

Let Stingray Medicine help you gather up any important information about your experience. Your unconscious mind knows what’s pertinent and what’s not.

You might want to jot down any impressions you get. However, don’t be surprised if nothing definite comes to you. There may not be any words because the unconscious mind is not linear. 

Just make note of what your experience is for now.


What is a Clear Intention That will Help?

2. To help bring your body, mind and Soul into a cooperative focus, establish a simple and clear intention for this exercise:

“I improve my brain function and mental acuity which includes thought, memory, and my senses, especially vision and hearing.”

Go ahead and meditate on the center open space of this chart with that intention in mind. It may help to gently bring the energy in towards the center.
Breathe deeply and relax.
A relaxed mind will lead you to a more relaxed body!

When the energy of the chart balances out, you’re ready to move onto the next step.


What Would You Like to Shine Light On?

3. The pineal gland is an important part of your brain because of its main function of regulating light and darkness through the production and secretion of melatonin. In addition, the pineal contains light-sensitive cells that control your equilibrium through the circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
Melatonin also supports healthy memory function and reproductive cycles.

Relax and breathe for a minute or two. Let this Chakra Key help you clear toxins from your pineal gland and make repairs so that your natural rhythms and cycles can come into better balance.

Utilize Divine Protection to install improved access to generative life force.


Does It Feel Like Your Energy is Struggling?

4. Emotional stress can cause significant internal and external changes. Sudden reversals, blockages and changes in momentum can cause your energy to react in unusual ways. 

You might also have an awareness of rough or reversed energies around you.

Relax with this Correction Key for a few minutes until things smooth out and you can begin to feel the calming energy of your Soul coming through. If you need to use it again later, feel free to do so.
Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.



How Would You Like to Feel?

5. The hypothalamus is a part of your brain that regulates homeostasis. Through it, you have the ability to maintain inner balance and a calm state of mind. It also regulates a variety of functions including your physical development, digestive health and metabolism.

What kind of support would you like with those things?

Allow this Chakra Key to help you clear and balance your hypothalamus.


What Would You Like to Remember?

6. The hippocampus is actually two structures located on either side of the temporal lobe that are involved with memory development, verbal, spacial and directional skills.

Repeat what you just did in the previous steps. Relax and breathe while you gaze at this Chakra Key to clear out toxins and bring both areas of your hippocampus into balance.

Once the energy has calmed down, check in with these questions:

“Is there something I’ve forgotten that’s important? More than one?”
“Is there something I need to forget?”

Remembering too many things can also cause stress. Make a note of what comes to you and continue with your mind exercise.


What Would Bring You More Ease?

Emotional Stress and the Third Eye7. There’s another part of your brain that taps into the wisdom of your Soul. Some call it the Third Eye Chakra. Through it, the pineal, hippocampus and hypothalamus can connect and work together to enhance learning and create coherent thoughts. Intuition and common sense can then blossom and communicate meaningful insights to your Heart Center.

Keep relaxed and gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key with each affirmation:

“My common sense and intuition are connected and working together.”

“I receive meaningful insights about my situation.”
“My mind helps me to reduce stress and integrate joy into my life.”


Where is your Attention?

8. Things are working differently now. Energize and balance the Chakras for your senses to help you get a clear perspective on what you want and need to do.

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I fine tune them so I can concentrate my attention on what matters.”

“My senses help me to be aware of interference, obstacles and mistaken ideas.”

“I can easily sense beneficial opportunities, solutions and ________.”


What Else Needs to Get Connected?

9. Starlight Medicine helps you repair the subtle hara lines that connect your chakras, like a beautiful web of Light and consciousness. Keep relaxed and gaze softly at the Circle with each affirmation:

“My mind and body are connected and balanced to create improved mental acuity and brain function.”

“I improve my awareness, comprehension and understanding.”
“I connect with solutions.”


What Would Support You?

10. It’s possible that you’re dehydrated or not getting the right nutrition. While you gently focus on this Circle, ask yourself:

“Is there something I could eat or drink that would help me?”
“Is there something I’m eating or drinking too much of?”


 Is There Something That You Need To Let Go Of?

11. If there is, let Chigger Medicine help you open up and let it go.

Just keep letting go and release all that emotional stress.
See yourself relaxing under an afternoon Sun.
Take all the time you like. It’s okay to let go and rest.
Move around if you need to.


What Would Genuinely Help Your Emotional Stress?

12. Is there something else that you could do to help your mental / emotional stress?
Is there something you’re doing that would be best to stop or slow down with?
Use Mermaid Medicine to consider what helpful actions you could take to genuinely improve your situation.

Is there anything you could do or stop doing that would be genuinely helpful to others?


What Is Your heart Saying?

13. It could be that things are just moving too fast and your mind is trying to keep up. Take a moment to slow down and tune into your Heart Center.

Bring it into balance first.

Once you feel balanced and connected, ask yourself:

“What is my Heart Center telling me?”
“Am I worried about something (physical, financial, family issue, etc)?”
“What have I been doing? Has that helped? What do I feel?”

If you need to, go back to Step 8 and connect your Heart Chakra with Your Third Eye Chakra. Then, make sure they both have their Divine Protection filters.


How Will Life Be Better Without This Emotional Stress?

14. Your physical body is the foundation for your vitality and your instinct to take care of yourself. Clearing the energy around the Root Chakra in your lower body, will give you strength and support to make necessary changes.

“I strengthen my connection to my physical health.”

Once you feel stronger, ask yourself:

“What, if anything, am I forgetting about my physical health?
“Is there something I need to remember?”
“Do I need to install Divine Protection in my Root Chakra?”

If you need to go back to Step 8 and connect with your other chakras, do that now.


What Would Keep You Grounded?

15. A strong connection to the Earth through your Earth Chakra gives you support to make the necessary changes and stay balanced at the same time. Put both feet on the floor to help you ground.
If needed, go back to Step 8 and connect with your other chakras.
Take whatever time you need.  

Once you’re centered and grounded, ask yourself:

“What do I need remember?
“Do I need to change anything?”
“Do I have the connections and resources I need to resolve this stress?”
“What would be involved? Is anything missing?”


Ask For Blessings On Your Life Path.

16. Finish by balancing out your Life Path Chakras. They help you stay on your path and tune into your own karma and the promptings of your Soul – a very important thing to remember!

“I open up to my potential and stay positive.”

“I stay true to my Soul’s path.”

You may want to sit with this for awhile or soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts or Sea Salt to detox.
Make a plan to exercise or take a relaxing walk out in Nature once you feel ready. Releasing emotional stress takes patience, time and space.



Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Emotional Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Emotional Stress that Affects Memory has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel confused or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

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Emotional Stress 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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