Do the Right Thing – Conflict Resolution
How To Do the Right Thing and Turn Things Around
Do you ever have the feeling that you’re about to do something you’ll regret? Do you get concerned that you’re not doing something you really ought to do? If you could straighten out your thinking and do the right thing, what would that do for you?
You can help yourself find emotional healing by taking this quick quiz…
You may be having difficulty interacting with situations and relationships around you because of false information, mixed messages or unresolved issues from your past. By taking the time to go within and find out what your thinking really is, you can understand what’s motivating you and take action to resolve the situation.
Part One: Help Me Do The Right Thing!
Note: This exercise is associated with the I Ching Hexagrams #6 CONFLICT, #38 CONTRADICTION and #43 RESOLUTION:
- The way to play this game is to relax and breathe deeply while you meditate on the questions and suggestions that accompany the Circles. This first one will help you to slow down and let yourself focus on one thing at a time.
“I slow down and relax.”
“I am able to focus on my priorities.”
After you’ve gotten calmer and more relaxed, ask yourself an honest question:
“What do I really want here?”
You may want to journal or take note of the initial answers that come to you.
If you get a clear answer, skip down to STEP FOUR. If not, continue with the next step.
2. If you’re not able to focus, take a few minutes with this next Circle that helps you clear conflicting thoughts and fixations. When your mind gets fixated on a particular grievance or offense, it can be really hard to let it go.
It’s understandable, however the problem with that reaction is when the fixation hardens into a blockage that prevents you from resolving the trauma. A survival mind cannot see the opportunities that are available to help you heal and move on. It goes into a kind of tunnel vision where your nervous system freezes up around the grievance and carries it around with you, wherever you go. This is not a recipe for being joyful or happy.
Luckily, there are ways to relax and melt away the fixation.
Use the Circle to help you find that hardened thought or feeling. It will have a strong, electrical charge. Once you’ve found it, visualize a block of ice melting away under the heat of the Sun until it’s completely gone. Breathe and relax your body as much as you’re willing to.
Alternately, you can imagine the lines going in towards the center, softening and beginning to move, like cooked spaghetti noodles. Moving around often helps.
Repeat the process with other blockages that come up to the surface.
Your sub-conscious mind may have been holding onto them for a very long time. Even life times!
3. This is one of the reasons why unpreferred karma keeps coming around and never resolves. It’s an endless cycle of no win situations until you find a way to set it right and let go of the original hardened thought or seed. Imagine that you can use this Circle to go back to the very beginning of where this conflict began.
Once you find those original seeds, imagine you can lift them up out of your mind and send them to the Light. This affirmation will help:
“I let go of carrying this suffering anymore.”
Continue with any other seeds of Karma that could prolong or cause a recurrence of your suffering and send them to the Light as well.
“I release the seeds of cruelty, betrayal, deceit, resentment and revenge.”
“I am no longer a dumping ground for other people’s karma or ill will.”
“I intend to plant seeds that will RESOLVE this conflict peacefully and completely – for my own sake.”
Once you feel with complete with setting your Karma right, go back up to step 1 and see if you can focus better.
Step 4
4. Once you have an answer that feels right, continue asking yourself the questions while you gaze softly at the accompanying Circle.
Take your time, the answers might not come right away. The Circles are helping your mind to clear away mental and emotional clutter that cause you to make rash decision or resist your own best interests.
Use this Circle to observe your mind as you consider a basic question:
“What is my mind telling me to do?”
Notice how your survival mind likes to focus in on a trauma reaction or complicate things by spinning around in a dozen different directions. These kinds of decisions are unlikely to benefit you in the long run and will most likely cause more trouble.
Go back to the Circle and ask yourself:
“Am I holding onto other people’s opinions or a past decision that’s in CONFLICT with what would really be in my best interests now? If so, can I tell what it is?”
Are you holding onto an unreasonable CONFLICT yourself?
If so, are you willing to decide to let it go?
“I decide to take care of and love myself to the very best of my ability.”
5. Continue your investigation. Now is a good time to avoid emotional outbursts and extraneous tension that’s caused through cultural misunderstandings or agendas.
These behaviors are a waste of your precious resources. Through acceptance, you can learn to curb your more indulgent tendencies and redirect your energy to attend to the business at hand.
To help you do this, it would be good to uncover certain cultural agreements that may be affecting you from the shadows. Ask this Circle:
“What is my motivation here?”
“Is there an agreement I have with myself or anyone else involved that’s triggering a hate, fear or revenge based reaction?
Is it tearing me apart, shutting me down or making me feel like, ‘why bother?’
Can I tell where and from whom I learned to do this?”
“What do I need to do to heal myself?”
In most cases, part of healing requires letting go of something from the past.
Is there any part of you that doesn’t want to do that?
6. Use this Circle to shed some light on what kind of intentions you’ve been holding.
“What kind of intention am I holding about this situation?”
“If I continue to hold that intention, what am I really asking for?
“Do I need to amend my intention or let go of it completely?
Are there any parts of you that don’t want to let it go completely?
“What intention might help me respond better in this situation?”
“What would it mean if I could be kinder to myself?”
Are there other intentions that might be causing CONFLICT for you?
7. See if there are any old agreements, assumptions or grudges that could be keeping this CONFLICT going and release them. Visualize them like contracts, burning up into nothingness in a violet flame.
“I let go of outdated agreements, assumptions, contradictions, compulsions, obsessions, obligations or dogma.”
“I let go of the need to hold onto the conflict in this situation.”
“I let go of any conditioning or training that perpetuates unnecessary conflict.”
“I release any agreements to take things personally or internalize them.”
Make some new agreements that support a healthy resolution, like:
“My new agreement is to see the CONFLICT for what it really is.”
“My Soul is in charge. I accept and forgive myself for what I’ve done in the past. “
“I choose my words and actions wisely now.”
“I decide to accept the other party as they are and respond with integrity.”
“I decide to use the cooperative, life affirming energies of the New Paradigm to RESOLVE this situation effectively.” Etc.
8. Ask what sort of messages are being projected in your situation.
“Is it possible that someone is just trying to get a reaction out of me? Am I getting trapped in a nightmare of projections?”
Projections are usually particular emotions or conflicts that your mind is already wrestling with.
Pull back and imagine that the situation is like being trapped in a maze or house of mirrors.
Release your agreement to perpetuate it, then, consciously shatter the mirrors and deconstruct the trap. Clear it all away until there’s nothing left to hold onto.
9. Refocus your senses onto what’s really happening – without distractions.
What is the truth in this situation?
How would you describe it?
Ask yourself:
“Where can I find the real solutions to this CONFLICT?”
Make note of the answers that come to you, even if they don’t make sense at first.
10. Use this Reiki Chakra Key to connect into your Heart Center and the Light that Shines from within.
“What would help me to turn around and move towards understanding so that I can do the right thing?”
It may help to intend that all fourteen of your meridians are feeding it directly and that the energy of your heart is radiating out – rather than pulling in.
ADVANCED CORRECTIONS for Interfering Energy
Sometimes CONFLICTS involve entanglements with cursing energy, mental illness, herd mentality or violent thought forms. These can be tricky and often need to be deconstructed safely from a variety of angles. The following CORRECTIONS are included to help you RESOLVE the issue on a deeper level so you can be free to do the right thing!
This particular Soul Prayer Chart can help you get to the bottom of what may be going on and identify what actions you can take to help yourself without wasting too much time.
“Is a trickster or other false design obscuring my true blueprint?”
“Am I unwittingly operating under a curse?”
“Do I need to let go of a false imprint?”
If so, on what level or levels?
Physical, etheric, mental, emotional, astral or spiritual?
If it’s spiritual, is it on the level of how you see yourself spiritually or how you see others?
Correction – Damage to the Auras
There may be energies from others that have attached to your aura. The damage creates pockets in your energy field where you unwittingly store “baggage” that prevents you from being able to let go. Use this Soul Prayer Chart to help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.
Imagine that the energy around you is expanding and filing up with Light so that those energies just lift right up and off of you.
If you are a Reiki practitioner, this is an excellent time to beam Reiki into the Chart with these positive affirmations:
“I easily and effectively remove toxic and heavily charged energies.”
“They are lifting and being neutralized safely by the Light of the Sun.”
CORRECTION – Neutralize Toxic Entanglements
Get help clearing your energy field of toxins. Use this key to relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with negative attachments, psychic attack, heavy metals, electro-magnetic poisoning or viral energies.
Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.
“My chakra system can easily and effectively neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.”
Continue to beam Reiki into the Chart until the energy subsides.
When a person is experiencing CONFLICT, anxiety or has been exposed to viruses and other destructive energies, it’s not uncommon for their chakras and/or meridians to start running in reverse or shut down entirely.
Relax and let this Correction Key help you make corrections to problems including addictions, allergic reactions, deformations, reversals and misdirections.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my energy system.”
Sometimes the CONFLICTING energy is in our environment contributes to glitches or reversals in our energy fields.
Use it to smooth out any rough energy until you can begin to feel the calming energy of your Soul coming through.
CORRECTION – Detach from Destructive Mindsets & Groupthink
Early Morning Storm can help you detach from harmful emotional constructs, irritations and motivations that are shared collectively.
Make sure that you’re not inadvertently attached to an external CONFLICT or adversarial state of mind.
“My mind and Essence stops feeding CONFLICT, interference or __________.”
For electro-magnetic attachments, use The Essential Human. Ask for numbers between 1 and 42 to help you detach from destructive mindsets and agendas.
You can also use Divine Nature Activated for ancestral/epigenetic clearing.
Ask for numbers between 1 – 73.
Keep asking for numbers until the Circle reflects a clear slate.
11. Now you’re ready to bring RESOLUTION to the various mental and emotional behaviors that have fed your CONFLICT. Use this symbol to dissolve destructive blueprints that have been causing you harm.
“I release the mental/emotional patterns of reacting out of fear, obligation, dread, revenge or disdain.”
“I let go of the underlying triggers of worry, guilt or ___________ and send them to the Light.”
Take your time and visualize them dissolving like dark clouds into the pure, light of the Sun.
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!
12. Once the patterns are dissolved in your mind, seal and heal any leaks or attachments that may lead you back into CONFLICT.
“All holes are sealed and healed. All pathways that lead to CONTRADICTIONS and CONFLICT are closing.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection and intended path.”
Congratulations! Letting go is one of the hardest things for us to do. Yet, they say that when one door closes, another can open. When you’re willing to make a change for the better – anything is possible!
It’s best now to take some time away and rest so that you can ingrate and really let go. Taking a walk or being out in Nature is always and excellent way to process…
Once You’re Ready, You Can Continue with Part Two: How to Turn Things Around!
This is where you get to empower the RESOLUTION.
These Mind Exercises are Part of Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing
Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!
You are invited to Sign Up for the Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine
Transformation Games have been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, CKP.
Do the Right Thing should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Resolving Shock and Confusion
This self-care formula from RESOLVE uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for resolving shock.
Many people who are experiencing unresolved shock get confused or shut down and are unable to explain what’s happening to them. That’s because one of the main symptoms of being in shock is not being aware of being in shock.
Why is that? During a shock, the mind goes blank as a form of protection.
Resolving Shock can help if you’re experiencing any of these symptoms:
- Feeling stuck, immobilized, lost or helpless
- Unable to relax tension from a startle response
- Caught in a blank or confused state of mind
- Waking up at night worried, with obsessive thoughts
- Reliving painful experiences
- Alternately feeling trapped and shattered.
Note: If you are going through a serious physical disruption or environmental crisis, please go to Stabilize During a Shocking Event.
Any person involved in a traumatic event could experience disorientation, mental confusion or get lost in wishful thinking. They might fragment out of their body and then not remember what they did. These are all ways that the unconscious mind protects us during a traumatic event and that includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way.
Contrary to popular opinion, having a shock response is not a sign of weakness or something to be ashamed of. It is a physiological event. Nevertheless, if the person doesn’t get a chance to get grounded in their body again – or if they’re not able to – serious problems may develop. Blocked energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t relax,” “I don’t know what to do,” “I feel disconnected” or “I just check out,” describe the experience of unresolved shock.
If any of the above seems like it may apply to you, go through this mind exercise to help you access your own innate healing abilities.
You can restore your wholeness and reunite with self-love. Simply follow the directions and see if you can free up some of the confusion and conflict that comes from shock.
Here’s an example of how it works.
Simply relax and gaze softly at the Circle while you contemplate each of these positive affirmations:
“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”
“I focus them to be present and aware of my body.”
“I use them to become aware of my environment and what’s important to me right now.”
“I focus on life affirming actions that benefit my well-being and happiness.”
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete. The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed or uncrossed.
Use a soft focus and let yourself relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Be sure to go through the entire formula and at the end, give yourself time to rest and integrate.
Resolving Shock and Confusion
Step One:
Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at this Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.
Imagine you can use it to focus in on a conflict, a thought or a painful experience that’s blocking your way. If your mind is blank, relax into how “blank” it is. You may get a conscious image or message, or you may not.
Once you have a sense that your mind has found the blockage, sit back and take a couple more deep breaths. Imagine that the lines going into the center are relaxing and going soft, like cooked spaghetti noodles.
Or, you can visualize that the darkness or heaviness is like an iceberg and the Sun is melting it away with a beautiful beam of light. Stay relaxed with it until it’s completely gone.
Repeat the process with other blockages or conflicts that come up.
Step Two:
The next step for resolving shock is to bring your senses into balance so that you can see, feel and hear things without the distortion that often accompanies shock.
As you breathe deeply, let this Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level for you.
Soon you will be able to hear that calm, gentle voice inside that reminds you about what matters the most to you:
“I see things as they really are. My senses are balanced.”
“I can perceive clearly what matters the most.”
Step Three:
When a person is ready to pull themself out of a shocking event, their mind needs to have a safe idea of where to go.
This template for Common Ground will help you find a place to re-organize around that is aligned with your Soul, Nature and the Common Good.
If you gently meditate on this image you can begin to connect with a new environment that has room for equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity.
Step Four:
Relax with this symbol to connect with life affirming energy flow.
“I adapt to the positive flow of chi’ and protection available through the Element of Air to the best of my ability.”
“I close down harmful energy channels from the past.”
“I connect to helpful, life affirming channels of communication.”
Step Five:
It’s important that you pull your energy completely out of the past so you can get present and grounded again. Your well-being is important.
Use this Chart for the Earth Element to pull your roots out of old, stagnant, trapped or stuck places.
Once you’ve freed yourself, place both feet on the ground and your hands on each knee while you use these affirmations:
“I decide to get present and ground in Common Ground.”
“I am safe and the Earth supports me.”
Step Six:
If your gut feels tight or uncomfortable, use this Reiki Chakra Key for your solar plexus to help you relax and get back into balance there. Your solar plexus is that soft place in your belly where your ribs go up. Just take some nice breaths and feel it relax as you affirm to yourself:
“It’s safe. I feel safe and more relaxed with every breath.”
“I can reconnect with my resources again.”
Take your time and move around if you need to. Stay with it until you feel centered again.
Step Seven:
Take some more time and let your heart recover. This Key will help you to reconnect and balance your Heart Center so you can clear away any residual heaviness. Breathe deeply and be gentle.
“I take the time to reconnect with my heart.”
“I release any heaviness to the Light where it can be transformed.”
“I choose to reconnect with life and _________.”
Eventually, your Heart Center will be able to radiate out like a star.
“I integrate my true Self with a compassionate and radiant heart.”
Step Eight:
Sometimes a person who’s coming out of shock will have difficulty getting their bearings and feel a bit shaken or unstable. In case that’s happening with you, take a few minutes to consciously reorganize your awareness back into your body.
“I am at home in my center. I am inside my body.”
Close your hands into fists and then stretch them out wide several times. Wiggle your toes around. Move in whatever way helps you feel good and more present in your body.
Notice the time and where you are. These actions all help.
Step Nine:
Get back in touch with the familiar vibration of your Soul.
To do that, relax with this Circle. Remember a time when you were very happy or had successfully accomplished an important physical goal.
What color or felt sense relaxes you and feels good?
If you can increase the color to be stronger and more vibrant, you’ve found your Soul’s unique vibration. Now you can sync up with the Universe correctly, which puts you back in the flow.
Being in a balanced flow makes everything easier! Take a few minutes to relax and enjoy that feeling.
Step Ten:
Oftentimes, resolving shock and confusion requires a change in priorities. There may be certain intention or expectations that have contributed to your confusion.
Use this Circle to identify and remove old intentions that are no longer appropriate for you to hold or send energy to.
Imagine you can clear away any outdated intentions or societal motives that are harmful to your health, prosperity and happiness.
Now that they’re gone, what new intentions do you want to set or strengthen?
Step Eleven:
There may also be negative or outdated plans, blueprints and habitual patterns that are suddenly reversed. They may no longer be relevant or constructive and are now obstructing your way forward. You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is confusing you.
Actively imagine that the negative patterns in your mind are like heavy clouds or a jumbled maze of fears, dead ends and nightmares.
Once you have the image, bring the pure light of the Sun in and dissolve the maze completely.
You’ll know that you’re done when you can see yourself standing in a beautiful open field with clear blue skies all around.
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!
Step Twelve:
Be sure to include harmful karma that you may still be carrying.
Release any seeds of karma that could prolong or cause a recurrence of your suffering and send them to the Light.
Also, surrender any seeds that are not yours so they can return to wherever they belong and be healed!
“I surrender other people’s karma and take responsibility for my own.”
These steps are often overlooked when resolving shock, which causes a lot of repeat and unnecessary suffering.
Later, once the karma has been set right, consider planting new seeds for healthier and happier outcomes.
Step Thirteen:
When one door closes another can open, so be certain to seal and heal any holes, leaks or harmful pathways that may have come open in your energy field during this process. Open pathways can leave you vulnerable to danger by allowing harmful energies to pass back and forth between you and others.
As you gaze at the Circle, affirm that harmful leaks and open holes are closing up completely. See it happening in your mind’s eye.
“All holes are healed and sealed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Step Fourteen:
Finally, you’re in a place where you can successfully surround your Self with a sphere of courage, strength and protection. Shamans call this a “ring of fire”.
With it, you feel safer and more confident with every breath.
“I am surrounded and filled with strength, courage and determination.”
Give yourself permission to rest and restore your wholeness before you move on from this exercise. Then, in your own time and in your own way, you can gently return to conscious awareness.
Congratulations! Now is a good time to take a nice walk outside or do something completely different!
Personalized Energy Clearing with the Author of Resolving Shock
If you feel that you need more assistance, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!
Resolving Shock and Confusion is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Protected: Cultivate Discernment
Protected: Gateway to Peace
Adapting to Success – Move Beyond Limitations
Are You Having Trouble Adapting to Success Because of Old Conditioning from Your Past?
You might be able to clear limitations faster and simpler than you think!
Kuan Yin has been helping us through these Transformation Games to transition from the old paradigm based on greed and fear to a New Paradigm of co-operation, equality and balanced prosperity. This game “Adapting to Success” springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours.
Kuan Yin’s Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!
Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for Hexagram # 17: Adapting to Success
“If you sincerely insist upon the very best, the chances are that you will get it. Set your sights high. Good fortune.” ~ The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing
Experiences from your past or family of origin have shaped your imagination and fostered limiting beliefs about what is possible.
If you look around you right now, you may realize that most everything you see has been influenced by the tastes and tendencies that began in your childhood.
In your adult life, you will need to expand your imagination to find a new way to create the happiness you desire.
Check In: Are You Tuning Into the Kind of Emotional Energy That Will Take You Where You Really Want to Go?
Sometimes people have been conditioned so deeply to be afraid or negative, they aren’t really sure what to do when things are going well. The way you view yourself and what you think you’re capable of is colored by habitual behaviors learned in early love relationships as well as childhood experiences. You may simply be dealing with an old program or you could be struggling with more serious entanglements with hatred and other destructive tendencies.
Regardless of how it came to be, there is a simple way to change the emotional energy you’re tapping into using these Intuitive Learning Circles with your imagination!
Step One: Adapting to Success Begins with Awareness
Think about how things were communicated to you when you were little. Use this symbol to help you tap into the problem so that you can clear it out. Ask yourself:
“Is there a pattern of unhappiness or dysfunction that’s coming to the surface for me now? If so, is it related to family, society, career, religious upbringing or an old relationship?
The fact that it’s coming up could mean that you’re ready to ADAPT to a healthier mindset and REFORM how you’re doing things. Is that the case here? If you’re not ready, are you willing to respect your healing process and step back?
Step Two: Examine Fixated Thoughts and Beliefs
Childhood memories can often bring up a lot of confusing and conflicting information. That’s important because what you believe about life, you awaken around you. Let this symbol for clearing out shock and fixations help you sort things out a little. Relax and gaze softly at the symbol while you breath deeply both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body. Once the energy around the symbol calms down, you will find that you’ve calmed down as well!
Step Three: Slow Down and Clarify What Success Means For You Now
Even if you aren’t ready to clear the energy, you may be able to use your awareness in some other way to benefit you. For example, do you need to protect yourself in some way? Do you need a boost of self-confidence? Would it be good to take a few breaths and slow down? Would some movement be helpful? Gaze at the Circle from Tree Sloth with soft eyes and ask yourself:
“What does adapting to success mean to me in this situation?”
Notice how you’re reacting to that question, then continue your inquiry.
“What’s really important here? What will help me?
Am I just getting sucked into an old habit?”
Make notes. Your responses are important.
Step Four: Access Your Inner Wisdom
Empower yourself to follow your own advice. Let this Circle for Old Sol help you come up with the very best scenario that you can imagine.
“What is the very best thing I could ask for?”
Step Five: Recalibrate Your Energy for Empowerment
Let this symbol help you connect deeply with your heart center. While you contemplate it, affirm that you exist and that your spirit can empower your highest good.
Step Six: Clarify What Would Genuinely Be Helpful
In the New Paradigm, we are coming to the realization that many things we used to think of as “helpful” actually were not or would not be now. Use Mermaid Medicine to help you sort through any watery emotional confusion about what is actually needed. Ask this question for more clarification:
“How can I genuinely be of service to myself and others in this situation?”
Step Seven: Activate Your Heart Center
Tune into the wisdom of your heart. It will let you know whether you’re on track or not. When you’re ready, write down your intention or request, stated in the affirmative, in present tense and in your own words. Keep it simple and easy to remember…
Take all the time you need to really let those words resonate with your heart center.
Keep playing with it until it feels right and aligned.
Step Eight: Detach and Heal Old Patterns from the Past
Give yourself a moment to imagine a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you. This medicine is like a healing balm that melts away attachments to the past and mends all wounds.
Be sure to imagine that both crossed and uncrossed.
Step Nine: Raise Your Energy
Use the lighter, quicker generative life force of the New Paradigm to help you process your emotions and bring your request into being.
“I close down heavy, harmful energy channels from the Status Quo.”
“I am open and clear to utilize generative life force.”
“I adapt to the positive flow of chi’ available in the New Paradigm
to the best of my ability.”
“I connect to the new, life affirming channels of communication.”
Step Ten: Seal Energy Drains
Make sure your physical energy isn’t getting drained or that you aren’t getting sucked into a toxic habit or pattern from the past. Leave behind harmful habits and energy drains:
“I deconstruct old habits and close down toxic energy drains.”
“I shut them down completely.”
Once they’re closed down, use Fly to find where the voids are and fill them with loving, life affirming energy!
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”
Note: If you’re a Reiki practitioner, this is a great time to beam Distant Healing into the Circle!
Step Eleven: Balance Your Perception
Relax some more and consciously bring your senses into balance. You don’t have to keep going back to any old, uncomfortable places any more. You are in the here and now.
Affirm to yourself:
“My senses are balanced.”
“My emotions are calm.”
“I’m perceiving my intention clearly, accurately and honestly.”
Then, imagine your intention as you requested it. See it, hear it, taste it, smell it and feel it as specifically as you can.
Step Twelve:
If you’re having trouble imagining anything or your mind is going blank, you have probably accessed an inner conflict. Gaze softly at this Circle, relax and let the lines get all wavey.
“I release all the conflicts I have around this.”
Continue to breathe while you gently release the conflict(s). Once the energy calms down, you will either know what you want or know what to do to help you get there.
What is the best thing to do next?
For example, you could go back to Step Four* and ask the question again until your request becomes clear or you could Retrain Your Mind To Go for Joy.
Congratulations! You now know what the pattern is and how you would like it to change. This is an important first step in the process of ADAPTING to success.”
If you are a Level Three student, there are several other steps you could take that would really improve how you handle success and empower your transition to the New Paradigm.
This Game is Part of Animal Totem Tracks for Self-healing
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About the Author
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or Email: [email protected]
Adapting to Success should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Help For Learning Difficulties
Do You Struggle with Learning Difficulties?
I’ve learned from experience that what others may call a disease or disability can become the foundation for brilliance, innovation and thinking outside the box.
I was raised in a time before ADD, ADHD or Dyslexia had names. In the fifties and early sixties, kids like me didn’t have learning difficulties, we were simply labelled slow, troublemakers or stupid. Judging from the amount of time I spent in the principle’s office, I was probably put into the troublemaker category pretty early on!
Learning Difficulties: The Genius of Thinking Differently
I remember when I was just beginning to learn how to write my name in cursive. I was trying to figure out which hand worked better making all those loops and curly-ques. While experimenting with my left hand, my second grade teacher came over to me and plucked the pencil right out of my hand. “You don’t want to use that hand,” she barked, “only bad people are left handed.”
I didn’t like that teacher much so, at that moment I made a decision. I was going to be left-handed just to spite her! To this day, I am quasi-ambidextrous – I write with my left hand and do just about everything else with my right.
Similarly, I had learning difficulties getting my b’s and d’s right. They always seemed to get mixed up in my mind. I was restless in class because I had trouble concentrating and following what the teacher said was unbearable to me. In my early 20’s I even experienced stuttering because I literally couldn’t think of anything to say when in conversation. My mind would go completely blank, which was humiliating to me.
I know that most of the time, advice from teachers, family and friends was meant to help. They just couldn’t understand why I had learning difficulties or what to do about them. Unfortunately, having a mind that’s wired differently meant that techniques that worked well for others, didn’t work well for me.
Much later in life, I started to accept that doing things the way that other people did them just wasn’t going to work for me. I was eventually forced to accept that my learning difficulties had to do with early childhood trauma when a family crisis put me into a full-fledged case of PTSD.
It took me quite a while to get my bearings again, but once I decided that it was okay to be different – outside of the approval of my family – my life took a sharp turn for the better. I stopped beating myself up and started to embrace the things that came naturally to me. I went into bodywork and somatic education together with hypnotherapy, Reiki and mind/body energy work. I began to experience a satisfaction and success that I had never known before. Finally, I was allowing the way I was wired to lead me into exciting new fields of discovery and innovation!
I set to work learning about and putting together techniques from many different disciplines to help me and my clients, many of whom were highly sensitive people with similar learning difficulties. I developed a whole system of tools for better focus and concentration using muscle testing. I’ve also found that they can help with emotional healing, reducing stress and providing a way to activate advanced states of intuition and creativity.
Today, I use those tools to find solutions together with my clients and students – whether the issue is in their body, their thinking process or their environment. I call them the Intuitive Learning Circles and now I’m making them available to other people, like you – so that you can also experience the beauty and genius of thinking differently.
Find out about Rheanni’s many creative projects by checking out her
PTSD Workbook
Mind Exercises
Soul Resources Intuition Trainings
Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal.
Gift Certificates are Available
The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described in Gifts from the Rainforest or this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Creating Internal Safety
Learn How You Can Tap Into Your Second Chakra for Creating Internal Safety in Your Environment ~
The 2nd Chakra Is Deeply Connected with how well we Nurture and protect ourselves.
Your 2nd chakra is located approximately 2-3 inches directly down from your navel.
It’s the energy plexus where emotions, digestion and immunity all come together. When it gets out of balance or entangled with toxic pollutants, your physical, emotional and spiritual health can be impacted in very negative ways.
Gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key below to help you balance and gather up physiological information that will organize your space in a way that will promote your health and safety.
The internal environment of your second chakra is very important to your self-care and emotional healing.
If it becomes stagnant, goes into shock or gets caught up in emotional entanglements, your physical, emotional and spiritual health suffers. In today’s environment, that’s something many of us are experiencing.
When it’s balanced and healthy, it transmits a vibrant orange energy that is hopeful and attracts belonging and support.
It’s also your creative center, the place where you generate your personal mana or creative energy.
This simple feng shui exercise is designed to help you go within and come up with important resources for staying healthy.
When you’re ready, pull out a piece of paper and something to write with so you can make notes as we go along…
Creating Internal Safety is part of SOS Navigating Loss and Compassion Fatigue ~
Your environment is very important to your emotional health. It gives you a sense of belonging and support. It also gives you a place to center yourself and be grounded in. If you’re not experiencing that where you are now, you can do something about it or at least open up to some helpful possibilities.
Oftentimes implementing very simple changes can make a world of difference. Good questions to ask yourself about your space would be:
- Do you feel safe?
- Does it feel peaceful?
- Can you have fun, relax & be comfortable?
- Are people getting along well?
- Is it orderly & convenient?
- Is the atmosphere welcoming, warm & cheerful?
- Do you sense an openness or flexibility to grow & expand?
- Does it feel healthy?
Go through this mind exercise by reading each step and then gazing softly at the Circle that goes with it to gain insight about what creative changes you can make in your internal and/or external environment that will help you.
In Creating Internal Safety, you’ll be utilizing your intuitive insight to implement very simple changes that can make a world of difference in how you’re creating stability and safety in your personal space. You’ll discover that your intuition and unconscious mind are much more aware of what’s going on than you realize!
Step One: The goal of Creating Internal Safety is for you to get clarity about how well your personal space is supporting you and what you can do to make improvements. You might get insights about your body or your external environment. After all, they are connected and this is an important time to become aware of them.
First, take some time to slow down while you gaze softly at the Circle for Sloth Medicine. Breathe in and out several times. Drop your shoulders. Relax your jaw.
Move around and stretch if you need to.
Once you’re feeling relaxed, bring to mind the space that you’re inquiring about. Imagine that it’s moving in slow motion.
Step Two: Next, shift your attention to your own body, imagine you can see the space within your Second Chakra (remember, that’s located about 2″ below your navel).
Zoom in, like a camera. See or sense it moving in slow motion.
What do you notice?
Go ahead and make notes about what you sense.
As you journal, interesting ideas and impressions will come to you.
Step Three: In response to sudden challenges we’ve experienced in our environment, let’s use one of our Soul Star Keys to repair any damage due to pollutants, smoke, viral or destructive energies, which could cause reversals, allergic reactions, addictions, deformations, reversals and misdirections.
Let this symbol help you make corrections. Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels jagged or disjointed, stay with it until your energy smooths out.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my chakra system.”
Do this both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Step Four: Since you’ve cleared your internal energy up a bit first, now you can get a better awareness of your external environment.
Feeling safe is a major priority. Innocent happenings such as loud noises, flashing lights, repetitive motion or high frequencies can cause unpleasant reactions in you without your being consciously aware of them.
Gaze at this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Grace and ask for help so you can get more aware.
Let’s start with very simple questions that we take one at a time…
- Is there anything in your personal space or immediate environment that could be triggering an unsettling reaction in you? Is anything irritating?
- Is there a flashing light? Sudden movements?
- A sound? Are there disturbing frequencies?
- Are toxic influences present? Anything else?
Step Five: You could be preoccupied by other things that are causing you to be anxious. You may be reorganizing your work/living arrangements or in the middle of a move or repairs. Let Butterfly Medicine help you relax and answer questions about how you need to nurture yourself now, under your current circumstances.
Are you tapping into nurturing, beneficial energies? If not, take a few moments with the Circle to help you do that.
Is there any clutter or something to let go of that would help ease the situation? Are there any pockets of negativity or stagnant energy?
If so, what is it and where is it located? Does something need to be added?
Is there anything else?
Step Six: Physical objects in your environment carry a lot of energy through them, especially if they’ve been gifted to you or are second hand pieces.
These could be books, equipment, furniture, pictures and other objects of art.
Electric Eel Medicine can help you scan for sharp or conflicting energies.
Are there any objects in your home or office that are having a disturbing or negative effect on you? If so, can you identify them?
What would remedy the situation?
Does something need to be moved, rearranged, cleaned or removed completely?
Can something be brought in that would remedy the situation?
Step Seven: Since our recent transition out of the Piscean Age of Water into the Aquarian Age of Air, a new, generative form of life energy (chi’) has become available for us to use. Take several moments now to meditate on this symbol for you and your environment. Do that as often as you need to.
These positive affirmations will help:
“I access Divine Protection and close down all harmful energy channels left over from the past.”
My mind is open and clear to receive generative life force through the Element of Air.”
Step Eight: Now is a good time to check back in with your body. Take a minute and use Yarrow Medicine to tune into yourself:
What emotion(s) are running through you? Does that throw you off balance?
Is that dynamic helpful or harmful to you?
Step Nine: If it’s harmful, you might be internalizing an emotional complex – a compulsion, attitude, obsession or phobia from the collective unconscious.
If that’s happening, go through this short sequence to let it go. First, call on Chigger Medicine to release your agreement to carry it any longer.
Let the energetic structure for it collapse and then visualize expelling all that negative energy and emotions up to the Light.
There could be more than one. Check both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to get them all.
You might want to burn a smudge stick or palo santo to uplift and purify the space. Read more about that by following the link at the end of this exercise.
Step Ten: Are there any other old habits or misunderstandings that need to be deconstructed? If so, imagine them collapsing in on themselves so any drains to your personal energy are being shut down.
Once they’re closed down, use this Circle to fill in the holes with loving, life affirming energy!
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”
Step Eleven: Now you can turn your attention back to your external environment. Is there anything else about it that’s irritating you?
Identify it if you can.
What will remedy the situation?
Do you need to pull your energy back from external situations or disappointing events from the past?
Are you inadvertently tapping into harmful or distracting energies?
If so, use Wasp”s Circle to pull your energy back and close off destructive energies.
Is there anything else about that?
Step Twelve: The River Otter wants to know if there’s anything that you could bring into your space that would help you be happier, more hopeful or more creative?
Would anything increase your good health, emotional stability or physical security?
Could anything be done to increase your experience of prosperity?
What might you add that would bring more beauty into your space?
What vision or experience would you like to project out into the world?
Is there anything else you need to know?
Step Thirteen: You can finish the game today by closing the energetic doors that might keep you open to the suffering of the past and the old paradigm.
Piranha Medicine reminds you that your personal space belongs to you and how you take care of it has a profound effect on your health and the rest of your life!
Congratulations! Be sure to thank yourself for taking the time to go through Creating Internal Safety – a gift that will make your life a whole lot better!
Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate.
Purifying the Space – When dealing with emotional challenges, it’s often a great help to rearrange or clean out certain areas of the home – and that includes cleaning crystals. Read more about that here…
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
If you feel that Creating Internal Safety has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!
This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Feng Shui
Discover the Art of Space Clearing and Feng Shui in Santa Fe ~
Since 2002, Rheanni Lightwater has been combining her medical intuitive skills with Feng Shui to create greater health and prosperity to help us as we evolve into the energy of the New Paradigm. Today, Soul Resources is excited to offer this form of Feng Shui in Santa Fe and New Mexico!
Feng shui (pronunced “fung shway”) is a Chinese term that means “wind and water” symbolizing the natural flow of “chi” or life energy that flows through our environment and supports life. Predating Taoism and Confucianism, this ancient art of flow and placement in one’s environment has been used to facilitate balance and well being in every important aspect of life.
Feng Shui in Santa Fe can make a real difference in the ch’i of your home and the success of your business by:
- Creating a more balanced and harmonious atmosphere.
- Grounding a sense of safety and stability.
- Clearing your space of stagnant, toxic or disturbing influences.
- Freeing your property of any old baggage and negative history from the past or previous occupants including: bankruptcy, criminal activity, death, illness, divorce, etc.
- Accessing a generative flow of life force to support life-affirming goals.
In addition, Rheanni can provide simple, effective recommendations about placement, balance, colors, or any elements to add, move or take away.
Feng Shui in Santa Fe Creates Common Ground
Recent changes in the Earth’s electro-magnetic grid have challenged us by causing a collapse in the electro-magnetic fields that support our buildings and community infrastructures.
We now have a unique opportunity to detach from the old patriarchal grids and reset our internal and external Feng Shui grids to generate Common Ground for equality, personal responsibility, co-operative action and balanced prosperity!
If you are:
- Easily overwhelmed by having too much to do
- Feeling unstable and having trouble staying grounded
- Running around in circles, getting little constructive done
- Experiencing rough communications and emotional volatility
- Having difficulty staying on track with your goals, or alternately
- Feeling very stuck and unable to move
Rheanni Lightwater specializes in helping you clear the static and make a change for the better. She offers Covid-safe space clearing and Feng Shui in the counties of Santa Fe and Bernalillo in New Mexico.
If you have had your Feng Shui set up by Rheanni in the past, it’s highly recommend to have it reset on an annual basis.
Contact Rheanni at [email protected] to discuss your needs.
If you are too far away for her to come to your space, you can schedule a private online Feng Shui Reset, available through Zoom or FaceTime.
Rheanni also provides emotional support and self-care techniques through Medical Intuition, Reiki, Energy Medicine and Hypnotherapy…
Success Stories
FAQs for Feng Shui Appointments ~
The objectives of each Feng Shui consultation are unique, based on your individual needs. For that reason, Rheanni offers a complimentary 15 minute interview to determine if this kind of session would be effective for you. After that, you will be asked to fill out a Client Feng Shui Intake Form to clarify your concerns and goals.
Clearing and Set Up Sessions are $145.00 per hour, + NM Sales Tax. An average session takes between 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Follow up recommendations are billed at $80.00 per hour.
If a property is being prepared for selling, Realtors need only be present to open up the house and provide any pertinent information. Owners are encouraged to be present.
Properties outside of the Santa Fe area require a reasonable fee to accommodate the time and distance traveled.
Some services can be provided online over Zoom. Call Rheanni at (505) 271-4612 (Mountain Standard Time) to see if this option will work for you.
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP
business (505) 271-4612
Soul Resources, LLC – Santa Fe, New Mexico email:
Gift Certificates are Available
Navigate Your Karma
Navigate Your Karma: Understanding How the Root Cause is the Answer to Resolution ~ with Rheanni Lightwater
Your Root Chakra Is Deeply Connected to Personal and Collective Karma that Influences your Physical Conditions.
Your chakras are part of how you use your energy to manifest your goals and your root energy provides a foundation for your basic physiological and biological needs. This includes your needs for air, food (nourishment), water, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and method(s) of communication. This exercise is designed to help you navigate your karma, especially around these basic needs by gently reprogramming your Root Chakra.
In these exercises, what is meant by “karma”?
Being human at this time and on this planet is your karma (as well as mine) and we share that karma collectively. In my experience, the most useful explanation of karma is simply the physical and spiritual law of cause and effect. “For every action, there is a reaction.” “What I put out comes back to me.”
Karma = thoughts, decisions and actions that you’ve followed through on.
Whenever you have a thought, decide to follow through on it and then take action, you have created karma. As far as the Cosmos is concerned, there is no judgement about it or suffering assigned to it, only consequences. In other words, for anything that’s put into motion, there will be some kind of effect.
Let’s use the example of your birth. Certain thoughts, decisions and actions your grandparents took caused them to create the circumstances for your parents to conceive you. Congratulations, you incarnated! Your karmic seeds for being a human have ripened, for better or for worse! That goes for me too, both good and bad, or as I like to put it – preferred and unpreferred.
There is always a mixture of preferred and unpreferred karma. It’s never all bad or all good. Even the terms “good” and “bad” are only relevant to your goals and point of view. You may say that your job situation is bad karma, yet to another person, having any job at all could be seen as good karma to them. The individual’s perspective makes all the difference.
Timing and circumstances are also important considerations. For example, you may see that new car as good karma today and tomorrow you get into a bad accident by driving too fast in it. Is it “good,” “bad,” a punishment? No, simply the natural consequences of actions you’ve taken. However, if you decide that it’s a punishment and then you act on that decision, you are technically creating the karma for “punishment.” The Cosmos is neutral, but you have condemned yourself.
Now, let’s say you decide to deny your responsibility for your part in that accident and continue to lie to yourself about it, a karmic pattern begins to form (or continues). Denial only plants the karmic seeds for more denial and lies which then leads to punishment, then more denial, which then creates more lies… and so it goes – on and on and on. In Buddhism, it’s called samsara – the cycle of suffering.
The Way Out – You Can Navigate Your Karma by Setting It Right.
Situations are neutral and more often than not, our unpreferred situations actually can help us to learn and propel us further on our spiritual journey.
Another more poignant example is our karma as it pertains to something collective, like the coronavirus. The overall atmosphere of the pandemic and its accompanying financial upheaval has undeniably been a group experience and therefore a clearcut example of collective cause and effect.
Yet the disruption provides valuable experience as it assists us in understanding why we need to deal with social injustice or climate change. We might also discover ways to create more preferred financial structures or ways to live and communicate more peacefully.
How can we navigate our karma as individuals in the midst of this collective karma?
There are many choices people made during the pandemic and subsequent consequences. Some people made a decision to ignore safety recommendations and follow through by going out without protection. “I went out. I got sick. I should have listened!” Some went out and had little or no immediately perceivable consequences. “I went out. I didn’t catch the virus. I’m all that.” Others might have done everything right and still have a terrible time. “I did everything right. I still got the virus. Why am being punished?”
The structures of the status quo tell us that we are “sinners” and that we need to be obedient to an angry, male god. However, the Cosmos is neutral. We are really our own judge and jury. Our perception and what ideas we buy into are the key factors for how we either resolve the karma or intensify it.
So here we all are, sitting in the middle of our collective karma. What’s the best thing to do? For me, the initial answer is to come clean with it. Accept my part in what’s happening and learn from it. Be open to more life-affirming thoughts and decisions and then take action on them.
Sounds simple, yet so very difficult. After all, there are those pesky consequences to consider!
Here’s what I do, and it seems to work pretty well. I offer it up for your consideration:
- I accept what’s happening and how I feel about it (personal responsibility).
- I become open to new thoughts about hope and forgiving myself.
- I gather my courage and awareness to make a new decision based on what I would now prefer to experience.
- I take action on steps 1, 2 and 3 with care and patient consideration.
If you find all this interesting and would like to explore it further, you’re invited to go this Mind Exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles…
Navigate Your Karma by Taking Care of the Root Cause
Let’s begin by changing our agreements around punishment and being so very black and white, good and bad about everything. Your nervous system holds the energy of those agreements. To let go, start at the bottom of the line and the bottom of your spine. Imagine you can get to the root cause of the very first agreements you made about punishment. As you move up, you can imagine locks unlocking – each vertebrae is being freed from the chains of outdated, oppressive agreements. Go up all the way up to the top of your spine.
“I release my agreement with being a”bad” person. I forgive myself completely.”
“I let go of any agreements I have that karma is ‘bad’ or ‘good’.”
“I surrender other people’s decisions about what’s right or wrong.”
“I give up shame, blame and punishment.”
“I release the stress of all that judgement and let myself off the hook.”
“I decide that karma is neutral. It’s what I decide about it and do with it that matters.”
“I decide to accept what’s happening and learn more life-affirming ways of being, based on what’s needed now.”
“I decide that I’m safe and _____________.”
What other agreements would you like to change?
Consider a current experience you’re having that you would like to navigate differently. One experience might be your fears around astrological events such as Mercury in Retrograde. This regular occurrence is often collectively thought of as “bad” where negative experiences and breakdowns in communication happen more often.
Take a few minutes with this next Circle to turn down the volume and pay attention to how you’re perceiving your current situation.
Once you’ve calmed down, ask yourself:
What karmic experience is a concern to me right now? How am I perceiving the situation?
Is there any opportunity to perceive it differently?
What are my fears?
Am I present in my body?”
Note: You may want to go back and renegotiate some more agreements…
It’s important that you be fully present to make effective corrections.
Continue to relax and let your 3rd Chakra get connected, open and balanced at your solar plexus (the area where your ribs go up in the front).
Your Essential Self is the embodiment of your instinctual nature and the keeper of your personal energy. It’s most efficiently located in the 3rd Chakra to help you manifest, create happiness and maintain health.
In times when you’re experiencing unpreferred Karma, it’s pretty common for the Essential Self to go into a fight or flight response. It may get angry and resist or it could run away, go into hiding or even dissociate. Are you experiencing one of those responses now?
Remind your Essence that you have given up punishment, that it is safe and that you have completely forgiven yourself.
“I decide to stay present, in my body, even when I am afraid.”
Imagine that you can pull yourself back into your center. You can return from places where you are still stuck in fight or flight or “punishment.”
Next, decide to utilize life affirming ingredients to create more preferred life affirming experiences.
“I decide to utilize life affirming thoughts, words, decisions and actions to create my experience.”
“I decide that I will clear life destructive patterns of karma and set them right.”
“My actions are life affirming.”
Integrate Divine Protection into your Root Energy.
“I close down harmful energy channels.”
“My mind and body are open to receive generative life force.”
“I connect with life affirming communications.”
Now, turn your attention to your Root Chakra at the base of your pelvis to check out the energy there. It may feel stuck, detached, wobbly, reversed or clogged. If that’s the case, don’t worry! You can clear it through your intention and attention with the help of the next few Circles…
It helps to imagine the Root Chakra as a brilliant, red vibration swirling in a clockwise direction. Breathe deeply and let this Reiki Star raise your vibration there.
Feel free to move at any time in any way to embody your experience. Take all the time you need to do that.
Repair any damage or reversals in your Root Chakra.
Parts of your subtle energy system might be shut down entirely.
Allow this symbol help you make corrections. If your energy feels jagged or disjointed, stay with the Key until the energy smooths out.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my energy system.”
“All shut downs and reversals are gently corrected.”
If you need to, go back to the Red Reiki Star and raise your vibration some more. Continue until you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through.
Make room for Joy
Visualize the energy of Joy being placed in the center of your Root Chakra.
Let a joyful, life affirming foundation replace the old, collective foundation of sin, punishment and burden!
This foundation is becoming a base for new preferred decisions and life affirming karmic flow.
Now meditate on the Earth Chakra located just below your feet.
Establish your personal healing connection with Mother Earth.
When you’re ready, visualize the energy of the Earth Chakra connecting with your Root Chakra. Let this connection bring strength, hope and positive grounding.
Note: You may need to return to the Root Chakra to strengthen your connection.
Clear a space for preferred karma to be planted within the Self.
Like clearing a field before planting, use this symbol to dissolve destructive mental and emotional patterns. Visualize letting go of all the punishment, guilt, shame and fight or flight responses you may be holding. See those karmic patterns like dark clouds that you can dissipate into sunlight and clear blue skies.
“I dissolve destructive patterns that interfere with my health and happiness
and send them to the Light to be purified.”
Notice how much more aware you are about how your health and happiness is deeply interconnected with the health and happiness of others.
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!
Take some time to close any pathways that lead back to punishment, suffering or other people’s karma.
All holes are sealed and healed.
I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
“I’m learning to recognize how spirit guides me through events.
Finish by Checking Back Into How You’re Perceiving Your Situation.
Breathe and balance out your senses again. Once you’re ready, ask:
“What is the karmic experience I’m concerned about again?
How am I perceiving the situation now?
What are my fears?
Am I present in my body?”
Note: You may want to go back and renegotiate some more agreements…
Now that you’ve opened up to more productive ways to navigate your karma, you have the opportunity to experience life in a whole, new way!
You are invited to Sign Up for the Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine
Contact Us ~ Online Sessions are Available
If you feel that this Mind Exercise has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP is an expert in the art and science of soul retrieval, chakra clearing and transmuting past life karma. She has 25+ years experience in Reiki, energy medicine and environmental energy clearing. Contact her if you still feel stuck, confused, or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission as a Mind Body Healing practitioner is to assist people in creating vibrant health, happiness and prosperity. 505-271-4612 or email:
[email protected]
This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul ResourcesLLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.