Learning from Danger

Increase Your Awareness by Learning from Danger

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater

Transformation Game - Learning from DangerKuan Yin has been helping us through these Transformation Games to transition from the old economic paradigm based on greed and fear to a new paradigm of co-operation, equality and balanced prosperity.

Today, her advice about learning from danger springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours.

To help you better connect with her assistance, she uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to communicate with you through meditation, affirmations and visualization.

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.


Kuan Yin’s I Ching Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for: Hexagram # 29 – Learning from Danger

Learning from Danger

“There are times when none of our efforts to solve a problem have been effective and the way out of DANGER is blocked. Often, all that you may do is wait. Yet, even when that is the case, there are still things that you can do to become more aware of yourself by learning from DANGER

‘Frequent encounters with DANGER are a part of life. Beyond making you inwardly strong, familiarity with DANGER, like the near brush of death, can instill in you a profound awareness of the life force and the mysterious nature of the cosmos. Such heightened awareness can bring new meaning, determination and richness into your life.’ ~The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

Generally, the text from Hexagram #29 talks about DANGER that exists in your immediate environment. Responding correctly is really about Right Action – knowing when and how to take action with clarity of mind. Sometimes it’s best to take minimal action or do nothing at all. Awareness and keeping your wits about you are really the keys.”

Learning from Danger – A Transformation Game

This Game uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to help you gain a deeper understanding of the dangers facing you. You may know that something’s wrong and not be able to specify the details of what you need to be aware of. This game can help you identify it.  Or, you may have awareness of the danger, but not know what to do about it. In addition, your desires could be leading you into danger time and time again and you’re not learning from it. You can use this game to explore what that’s about and see if there’s something you can do to transcend the habit.

Step One: Access Your Gut Instincts.

Simply relax and gaze softly at this Reiki Chakra Key to open and balance your Third Chakra located at your Solar Plexus (the soft area in the front where your ribs go up).

In times of danger, it’s not unusual for the chakra system to get pulled out of balance. Let this Soul Star Detachment Key help you clear your energy field of toxins. Relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with toxic materials such as smoke, chemicals, heavy energies or viruses. 

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Step Two: Balance Your Senses.

When DANGER is present, It’s essential to see things as they really are. See if you can remedy any “blind spots” or confusion by gazing softly at this Reiki Chakra Key for the five senses, together with these positive affirmations:

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I use them to be present and make sense of my current conditions and environment.”

“They help me to clear blind spots and confusion.”

“I use them to be aware of DANGER and find helpful solutions.”

“I sense things as they are really happening.”

Note: You may want to go back up to the Chakra Key for Detachment to strengthen the clearing action.


Step Three: Connect with Your Instinctual Nature.

Tune into your psyche, your instincts and your connection to the natural world. Make a commitment to pay attention to signals from Nature and learn to respect the power of Mother Earth’s energies.

“I connect with my natural instincts, my timing and Soul resources.”

“I pay attention to my environment and allow it to inform me about elements of concern.”

Dragonfly Medicine


Step Four: Slow down.

Danger often comes from being in too much of a hurry and trying to push our way through. Sometimes, it’s the opposite – we’re not taking action when we know in our hearts that it’s in our best interest to do so!

Gaze softly at the Circle to help you slow down and unwind any confusion around what’s really important. Take several deep breaths. Keep inhaling and exhaling until you’ve relaxed and your mind has slowed down.

“I slow down and allow my true priorities to reveal themselves.”

Sloth Medicine


Step Five: Uncover Your Awareness of the Danger.

Gently contemplate this Circle that accesses your intuition and unconscious awareness of a danger you are facing now. Imagine that you can gather up that inner library of experience and see what kind of knowledge comes forward.

Take your time and let the information emerge. Ask yourself:

“What is the real danger about? Is something about to happen? Is there anything or anyone in my environment that is dangerous to me or others? If so, where are they and what affect are they having?”

Vulture Medicine

“How much harm is this situation causing for me and for others?”

“Are there any extreme or narcissistic behaviors that I need to be aware of? 

Snake Medicine

“Am I returning to harmful energy patterns from the old paradigm that are interfering with my ability to handle this situation to my best ability?” 

“Is anyone trying to exert control over me or my environment?”

Amazon Ant Medicine

“Is there some kind of negative influence hovering over one of my projects?”


“Am I allowing my emotional reactions to pull me out of balance?”
“If so, how is that affecting me?”
“Does that tendency put me in any DANGER?”

WATER – the Emotional Element

It can help to remember that emotions are merely energy in motion and they don’t belong to anyone. They just exist.
Whatever you decide about an emotion or group of emotions is what gives you agency over them. If you decide that you have authority over how you respond to emotions you also have power over your actions and the consequences of those actions.
If you decide that you are powerless over emotions, you are like a rudderless boat in a sea of chaos.


Six Six: Ask for Empowerment from Your Source.

Empower your ability to respond to emotional energy and the DANGER that may be present in an effective way.
Use Divine Connection from Soul Prayer Charts to tap into the personal power that comes from your Source.

“I exist and am empowered to control my actions for my protection and benefit.”
“I come from a place of Gratitude and Joy, rather than fear or vengeance.”


Step Seven: See it Calmly and With Discernment.

First, let’s make a couple of corrections that will improve your awareness of your situation…

Is any part of you getting caught up in harmful power games? If so, breathe deeply and gaze at this DNA symbol from Kuan Yin. The more relaxed you are, the better these work. Use the positive affirmations to help:

“I let go of harmful manipulations and power ploys.”

“I decide to accept responsibility for my own decisions.”


If you’re having trouble seeing your way or understanding the DANGER, relax with this symbol.

“I cut through the smoke screen that blocks clear perception.”


Do you have a tendency to make things harder than they need to be? If so, imagine a wall of thorny tangles surrounding you and blocking you in.
Then, just imagine them dissolving or melting away..
Remember to relax and gaze at the symbol softly, both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body for best results.
“I release thorny complications and conflicts.”
“I stop trying to make things more complicated than they are.”

“I decide to allow simple solutions for my problems.”
“I am open to and embrace simplicity.”


Imagine that you are surrounded with a soft blanket of protection.

“I receive a divine sense of safety from the Divine Masculine and Feminine In all aspects of my life.”


Imagine that a beautiful, golden DNA strand is connecting in with your heart, giving you strength and resilience. Keep relaxing with these affirmations:

“I ask the Divine Feminine and Masculine to assist me in times of
fear and violence.”

DNA - Guidance from Angelic Realms

“I hold the victory of Love in mind.”


Step Eight: Dissolve Destructive Blueprints.

Imagine that the symbol below can help you clear destructive patterns that may be blocking or threatening you. Lift them completely off of you and send them to the Light.

“I dissolve the dangerous imprints of ________ and any connection I have ever had to them. I clear my field of destructive habits and the mental / emotional patterns that cause them. I send them all to the Light.” 

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Nine: Apply Clear Perception to What’s Happening Now.

The DANGER may be upsetting. Don’t get carried away (remember that viruses and other destructive energies feed off of strong emotions). 

So, breathe with this Circle and let it help you adjust the volume and bring your senses back to a comfortable level. They could have bumped up too high, too loud or intense. If it helps, you can use these affirmations:

“I calm down and get back into balance. I connect with my common sense. I perceive things as they are.”


Step Ten: Adapt to the Changes In Your Environment.

This symbol provides an interface and filter to assist us in making the functional transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) to the New Paradigm Air (Aquarian Age).

“I close down any harmful energies that I might still be open to. I have Divine Protection.”

Divine Protection

“I am open to receiving generative life force. I connect with new, improved
lines of communication. I am learning to apply this beneficial energy to my life.”

This would be a good time to take a break. Get some water. Walk around. Stretch. Let this integrate before you continue…


Step Eleven: Clarify the Right Action(s) to Take.

Use this Circle to help you identify possible solutions that you can honestly take upon yourself without placing yourself in further, unnecessary danger. Explore different scenarios until you find a response that makes sense.

“What is an action I could take that would be genuinely helpful to me?”

Seed Medicine

“Is there something in particular that I need to refrain from?”


“Is there something else I need to learn from danger in this situation?”

Wasp Medicine


“What else do I need to nourish myself appropriately?”

Butterfly Medicine

Make a note of the suggestions that come. Times of danger can be filled with distractions that make it easy to forget. 


‘Am I centered and putting out the kind of intention that will bring the results I really want?”

River Otter Medicine

If not, use this affirmation with the Circle and see if you can change it:

“I put out __________ in alignment with my highest good and __________ is returned to me.”



Step Twelve: Repair and Refocus Your Auras.

At the end of a game like this, it’s important to make sure that any holes or tears in your auras are repaired and refocused, especially when there are so many chaotic toxins floating around!

“My auras are sealed, repaired and refocused.”
“The healing protection for my body is strengthened.”

Gaze at this chart both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to make sure they are completely repaired.


Step Thirteen: To manage yourself well in dangerous times, be sure that you are grounded and centered in the New Paradigm.

Get your feet on the ground and connect with the positive energy of Mother Earth.


Step Fourteen: Close the Doors to Actions that Would Invite Further Danger.

Your unconscious mind knows what’s helpful and what’s harmful to your body, mind and spirit. It’s time to close the door on any harmful pathways that are still open in your mind. See them disappear, as if they were never there.

“All harmful pathways are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Congratulations on your newfound awareness about learning from danger!

“The time of DANGER can be especially good for inner development. By holding to fixed and virtuous ethics, by maintaining your inner vision and ideals, all things fall into a steady, tangible perspective. You will know your relationships to your environment, and in this way you can accomplish your aims. Although subjective, this perspective is now in accord with the problems facing you.” ~The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing


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Rheanni Lightwater - Learning from Danger

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family, environment and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning CirclesReiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Energy Medicine Techniques.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Rheanni Lightwater, CKP, CHT offers online stress management sessions and Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Services include: Reiki, Hypnosis, Energy Medicine, Medical Intuition, Dream Tending, Applied Kinesiology, Trauma Resolution, Feng Shui & Epigenetic Healing.

Mind Body Healing with Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP Rheanni Lightwater is an award winning author, hypnotherapist and practitioner of mind body healing in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is the co-founder of Soul Resources LLC and has been in the healing arts since 1991. Her background is in trauma resolution, somatic education, shamanic and energy healing using Reiki and Energy Kinesiology. She has spent the past twenty-three years writing, researching and developing the Intuitive Learning Circle method in private practice, medical clinics, workshops, classes and school rooms. Her unique approach to energy medicine and mind/body integration has allowed both children and adults to free themselves from limited thoughts and behaviors that can contribute to serious illness, learning disabilities and emotional distress. Highly sensitive people learn to develop healthy boundaries and access their creative talents.  

New Mexico Arizona Book Awards WinnerThe inspiration for her award winning books and games come from her studies of Hypnosis, Reiki and Somatic Education techniques together with indigenous healing through Hawaiian Huna, Tibetan energywork, Peruvian shamanism and feng shui principles.


In 1991, Ms. Lightwater began her basic bodywork training and quickly expanding into Hawaiian Huna, Cranial Sacral Therapy, BioSomatics and Structural Integration. Later, she received certification in Hypnotherapy, Touch for Health, Kinesiology and became a Master Teacher in Reiki and Karuna® Reiki and Grail Reiki.

Being a consultant and teacher to alternative health professionals, business owners, patients and their families has given her a broad perspective of dealing with stress induced symptoms and the mind body connection. Her first hand experiences with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and environmental sensitivities make her approach compassionate, practical, expert and keenly felt.

Exploring the mystery of ch’i or life energy continues to be a joy for Ms. Lightwater as she shares her knowledge about mind body healing with those who want to strengthen their own intuitive skills and empower their highest potential.

Testimonials for Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Learn more about Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe or Online with Rheanni

To schedule an initial consultation, call (505) 271-4612 or you can send an inquiry to [email protected].

Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal or Square.


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Disclaimer: An intuitive consultation is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

Santa Fe Intuitive Consulting

Intuitive Consulting with Rheanni Lightwater

You can have a private intuitive clearing or consulting session with Rheanni Lightwater online using Zoom or you can meet her in person in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Mountain Standard Time).

Rheanni Lightwater - Animal Totems

Rheanni Lightwater is a Hypnotherapist, Award Winning Author and Intuitive Energy Medicine Practitioner. She is co-owner of Soul Resources, LLC and is Certified in Hypnosis, Regression Therapy, Biosomatics, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Integrative Kinesiology, Feng Shui Space Clearing and is an Advanced Reiki / Energy Medicine Teacher.

She has been in the Healing Arts since 1991. Rheanni sees her role in the healing process as a teacher who can guide you through some of the more difficult transitions of your life. She offers a safe, learning space for you to discover how powerful and capable you are.

Her specialties include Reiki Attunements, intuitive energy clearing, trauma resolution and Feng Shui energy clearings that recalibrate and connect you with your highest potential. Private Sessions and Tutorials are available online through Zoom or in person when you come to visit Soul Resources in the City Different – Santa Fe, New Mexico.

To schedule an initial consultation, call (505) 271-4612 or you can send an inquiry to [email protected]

Santa Fe Intuitive: In My Words,  Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP

“The phrases I use most often when describing what I do are ‘freedom and choice,’ ‘being joyful,’ ‘personal responsibility’, ‘balanced prosperity’ and ‘planting the seeds for happiness’. During an initial consultation, I’ll want to know what you want to have happen and if I can assist you in getting there. I see my role in the healing process as a mentor who can guide you through some of the more difficult transitions of your life. I offer a safe, learning space for you to discover how powerful and capable you are.”


Ms. Lightwater’s background is primarily in the creative arts and alternative health field utilizing Hypnotherapy, Bio-Somatic Education, Feng Shui, Applied Kinesiology, Reiki and Energy Medicine.

Due to her interest in trauma resolution, Ms. Lightwater began her healing practice as an integrative bodyworker in 1991. She quickly immersed herself in Hanna somatic education, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Lomi Lomi, BioSomatics and Structural Integration. Later, she received Certification in Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology and became a Master Teacher in Reiki, Karuna® Reiki and Grail Reiki.

As an educator, Rheanni has taught extensively about mental, emotional and spiritual issues relating to trauma resolution, PTSD, abuse and how they are reflected in our subtle energetic fields.

Gifts from the Rainforest and Trauma Resolution As a result of studying the indigenous healing practices of Tibet, Japan, Hawaii and Peru, Ms. Lightwater developed a unique understanding of the subtle human energy field. During a visit to the Amazon in 2001, she participated in numerous ceremonies with the Shipibo shamans. Her experiences there gave birth to the Intuitive Learning Circles and other healing symbols. Gifts from the Rainforest and Reiki Chakra Keys are the primary collections in the series.

In 2008, Ms. Lightwater received First Place in the New Age Category of the New Mexico Book Awards for her first edition of Soul Oriented Solutions. She has won awards numerous times since then.

As part of her pioneering work over the years, Rheanni has developed hundreds of healing symbols and researched various applications for them in medical clinics, detox centers, business settings, workshops, schoolrooms, online classes and in individual sessions. She has extensive experience helping people deal with serious illnesses, heavy metal poisoning, chemical sensitivity, immune deficiency and a wide range of trauma and stress induced disorders.

The positive response to the Intuitive Learning Circles show them to be effective in shifting dysfunctional brain patterns in both children and adults, freeing them from destructive thoughts and behaviors that contribute to serious illness, learning difficulties and emotional distress.

In addition, Rheanni has taught other Somatic Educators, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Naturopathic and Allopathic Physicians about Energy Medicine and how to develop their own clairvoyant skills.

Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal or Square.


Find out more about Intuition Training for Personal Growth >

Disclaimer: Santa Fe intuitive consultations are not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

 I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

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