Intuitive Reading from the I Ching or Book of Change – Midwinter Transition.
In this intuitive reading, Soul Resources offers guidance through the I Ching to support your midwinter transition in 2025.
Chinese Zodiac
There are 12 archetypal animal energies or zodiacal signs that govern each Chinese Lunar New Year. January 29th, 2025 marked the transition into the New Year of the Yin Wood Snake.
Finding Balance in Times of Transition ~
The Chinese usher in their New Year with over 15 days of carefully orchestrated celebrations. Our society doesn’t invest the same time or care in ceremony, however, I have found that it’s profoundly valuable to take a pause and acknowledge important rites of passage. Let’s take some time to respectfully acknowledge the transition of one archetypal energy to the other.
The Dragon’s energy is taking his leave and will be completely gone shortly after the Lunar New Year.
Just like this past year, the Dragon is quick to come and go. So, quickly take a moment to say goodbye and thank you. His intelligent and generous nature has helped us to rise above the many obstacles and dangers that bedeviled us in 2024. In addition, his endurance and ability to travel great distances in a short time motivated us to envision higher aspirations and exposed the folly of acting too quickly without forethought. If you ask respectfully, perhaps he will leave some final advice for this midwinter transition on his way out…
If the past year has exhausted you, Dragon recommends that you Exit Deteriorating Situations, then Reclaim and Ground in Your Power as quickly as possible.
Getting to Know the Energy of the Snake ~
Year of the Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037…
The positive qualities of Snake are: Energetic, Sociable, Graceful, Wise, Perceptive and Determined. However, the negative qualities that you can encounter are: Jealousy. Unapproachable. Suspicious. Sly and Inconsistent.
Complimentary Zodiac Signs are Ox and Rooster.
The Snake’s Secret Friend is Monkey and she is decidedly repelled by Boar/Pig.
Important Note: Two 12 year cycles ago, the Year of the Snake was 2001, a time of huge transformation in the U.S. and throughout the World.
If the past is any indication, 2025 promises similar levels of change, whether we like them or not. However, the Snake isn’t all bad news. She holds the energy for greater wisdom and perceptive determination to take good care of herself and the Earth. After all, she is a mother too. Under her cool and watchful gaze we have the opportunity to shed any lies that we may have been telling ourselves, both individually and collectively.
Snake is a great advocate for the truth, being cautious and dealing with things as they really are, which makes it a good year for letting go of rash behaviors and extreme ideas.
At first glance, Snake confirms that we’re going to need plenty of help Setting Clear Boundaries to keep our minds quiet.
Obviously, there’s plenty of trouble afoot. She recommends Developing Precognition or “intuitive hits” to help you stay out of danger as much as possible.
You may be confronted with extreme situations that you need to drop quickly and distance yourself from. Find out what’s going on and shed those old skins with Stuck in the Past.
As soon as you can, turn your attention to how you can improve your sense of stability and safety in your personal space using Creating Internal Safety.
Guidance from Kuan Yin and the I Ching
Kuan Yin has been helping us to transition into a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good since 2009 and has some direct words to share with us:
“When the foundation of a building is collapsing, it’s natural for the people caught up in it to go into emergency and cling to something they think will save them. However, those who grab onto a part of the old paradigm structure that’s already falling apart are putting themselves in danger and actually working against their own best interests.
You may not be aware of how you’re clinging to your own past. It may seem, in your mind, that because things used to work in a certain way, they still do. You may even insist that what you understood to be real then is true now. When strong mental connections are challenged, strong emotions rise up. You may even grip harder and search for others who share your point of view. This is a classic survival response and completely understandable.
You may feel safer initially, because the group gives energy to the old deteriorating structure and that helps you feel more secure. However, the underlying framework is still unstable.
This midwinter transition provides an important opportunity to build a new structure in the present that could actually support you and others going into the future. Once you let go of the fear and other things that keep pulling you into the past, you can open to something much more hopeful.”
The I Ching

Stay Calm and Steady Through MODERATION
The I Ching energy has been traveling in multiple highway patterns for some time and it’s likely to continue that way.

Whenever that happens, instability is exaggerated. The best way for you to find your own balance is to find and follow the flow of Hexagram #15 MODERATION or “the Middle Road.” The original text offers explicit warnings and advice for keeping your balance during this Midwinter Transition.
“In social relationships, avoid extremes. People who are overly intelligent or overly ignorant tend to extremes in their behavior and attitudes…
Your inner development now requires a modest and sincere attitude. Do not indulge in extremes of any sort, and instead strive for MODERATION in all that you do… In this way you use the balancing tendency of the current forces to center yourself. This inner equilibrium aligns you with the tao, thus bringing you into harmony with forces that can work for you…”
CH’IEN, firmness in the upper trigram of cosmic ideals is full of its own strength while the mountainous KEN, stillness, is immovable in the lower trigram of human affairs. Each is an extreme, yet the existence of each moderates the other. Without changing lines, the hexagram MODERATION reflects a need for temperance in dealing with the object of your inquiry. Carefully measure your reactions by disengaging from opinionated attitudes. Only in this way can you begin to make progress.” ~ Hexagram #15 MODERATION, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979
Another prominent Energy Highway is described in Hexagram #23 DETERIORATION.
” There is an impressive display of DETERIORATION in nearly every aspect of the current affair. These lesser elements and those who represent them have gained complete control over the situation…
In political affairs and matters of power the time may be thought of as a rapid DETERIORATION or overthrow. There exists now an abundance of incompetent persons in positions of authority to help bring this about…
The text continues to warn against forging ahead at this time. Your best course is to wait out the difficult times and protect yourself by generously providing for those close to you.“
There exists a brief time where the flow of Hexagram #49 CHANGING is available.
If, at all possible, you see an avenue open for positive change, take advantage of the opportunity.
“The forces at work in the situation are in conflict, leaving the path open to change. Yet the work of bringing about such a change is as difficult as it is important. People fear change because of its unknowable effect upon the future; so when a real need for CHANGING makes itself felt, it is a serious matter indeed. Clarity, forethought, and great devotion are now required to achieve your purpose. If correctly handled, however, the results can lead to a progressive new era.”
To clarify, Kuan Yin teaches that each of the Hexagrams has a distinct flow that you can come into sync with and use to your benefit.
When you don’t see any benefit in following a particular highway, the flow for MODERATION is always available, it just takes effort and experience to stay in balance with it.
“Your inner development now requires a modest and sincere attitude. Do not indulge in extremes of any sort, and instead strive for MODERATION in all that you do… In this way you use the balancing tendency of the current forces to center yourself. This inner equilibrium aligns you with the tao, thus bringing you into harmony with forces that can work for you…” MODERATION, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979
Numerology and the Tarot
The Tarot Major Arcana Card for 2025 is #IX The Hermit (2+ 0 + 2 + 5 = 9)
The Hermit represents the ONE IDENTITY, or IAM. Whether it be the consciousness of a man or a woman, the Soul who has attained enlightenment stands upon the mountain peaks as a light bearer for those below on the path. He or she is solitary, alone. This symbolism contradicts the fact that in reality, the central Self of every one of us, which seems to us to be separate from every other Self, is that same ONE IDENTITY.
The number 9 is about completion – the completion of a cycle. The neutral color of his robes suggests the ability to neutralize the opposites of black and white. Therefore, the Hermit is a guide for when one needs inner clarity and to shine light on the furthering of one’s Soul or Soul’s purpose. However, following just any light in the darkness can be hazardous. False lights and bedazzlements obstruct inner development and enlightenment.
When our actions are illuminated by the Soul, rather than the status quo, important information about timing, reversals or polarity are available and will serve us going forward.
Assistance for Those Experiencing Extreme Stress ~
Soul Oriented Solutions offers assistance through Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises that have been designed to help those who are exhausted, still in shock, overwhelmed or emotionally drained due to extreme weather events and socio-political change.
If you or someone you know is experiencing extreme stress and needs quick assistance for overwhelm and other symptoms of PTSD, this resource can help…
Access Overwhelm Help Here
Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.
About the Author
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 26+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
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