Karmic Entanglements With Adversity

A Transformation Game for Handling Karmic Entanglements ~

Rheanni Lightwater - Karmic Entanglements
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP, Reiki Master Teacher

TKuan Yin's Transformation Games - Karmic Entanglementsransformation Games can help you to identify problems, navigate change and clarify what’s really important to you. Simply relax and gaze at the Intuitive Learning Circles while contemplating the accompanying questions and positive affirmations. Let them help you clear karmic entanglements that pull you into harmful situations.

Relax and follow the directions… your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek!

Welcome to our Transformation Game for clearing karmic entanglements that tap into the Tarot card, Nine of Swords and the I Ching Hexagram #47 ADVERSITY.

Transformation Game - Karmic Entanglements
* Illustration by Norbert Losche’ – Cosmic Tarot

This process is much like a past life regression. You will have the opportunity to clear karmic entanglements that have outlived their purpose and become a burden to your evolution.

It’s important to clear all Soul Contracts and agreements. If they aren’t resolved completely, the karma is still entangled and your mental continuum continues to behave as if the agreement were still in force. This causes a lot of unnecessary suffering for you and those around you.

What Are Karmic Entanglements?

Let me give you an example: A woman who was having trouble feeling settled in her life decided to try playing the game. While going through it, she glimpsed impressions from another life, seeing bare feet and a beat up old suitcase. Later on while she was dreaming, she saw herself clearly living a past life as a Hungarian orphan in Nazi Germany.

In her dream of that life, she was continually used as a slave and moved from place to place without being able to feel safe. She was eventually turned in to a work camp and lost her life without having any control at all.

As the woman brought herself back into her present life, she realized she was still operating under the cultural agreements that were in force back at that time.

Through the safety of this simple Transformation Game, she could release the shame, guilt and collective karma that was forced upon her. Gently, it brought her patterns of lack and uncertainty into consciousness so that she could relax and choose to move into a happier, more productive life.

Easy Steps to Play the Game:

  1. Select an issue that’s causing a blockage in your mental continuum. Use it as a springboard to accelerate your spiritual growth and prepare you for your next step on your healing journey.
  2. Follow directions to release your connection to negative influences from the past.
  3. Read each step with its question or affirmation, one at a time.
  4. Think about it while looking with a soft gaze at the Intuitive Learning Circle that goes with it. Make notes about the answers you get. That information will help you unravel your entanglement effectively.
  5.  Remember to RELAX! The Circles and symbols help you to access a light hypnotic trance where you can access your akashic records and gently clear harmful karmic entanglements so you can make room for positive, proactive change.
Old Sol - Karmic Entanglements
“My Higher Self is in charge of this healing.”


Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.


When you gaze softly at the Intuitive Learning Circles, you are using self-hypnosis to clear out interference and reorganize how you use your energy. You may experience subtle energies running through you, or the Circles may move, rotate or even change color. That means that they’re working! Just keep breathing and relax. When you release your agreement with negative karma, fear or falsehood, you could be detaching from old family patterns, outdated religious vows, or even a larger, collective entanglement like racial slavery. Not only will you feel better in the days and weeks that follow, you’ll be clearing away obstacles to happiness!

So, let’s get started!

Step One:

What is a situation in your life that is causing you adversity? Gaze softly at the Circle below and relax as you contemplate the thoughts that come…

“What is harming me? What do I find particularly upsetting?”

Chigger Medicine - Karmic Entanglements

Are you taking this too personally? If so, would you like to let it go?
Remember to make notes, even if they don’t make sense at first.


Step Two:

As you gaze at this symbol, imagine that you’re scanning for information in your unconscious mind.

“Is this situation interfering with me on a karmic level?”

“Am I interfering with others on a karmic level?”

“Am I taking on karma from others?”

“Is this actually my issue? Someone else’s? Is this a collective pattern? Am I willing to let it go?”


Step Three:

It can help to identify the possible players in your entanglement more clearly. Use Snake medicine to help you call the information out from your unconscious mind…

“Can I tell who might be involved with this situation?”

Karmic Entanglements


Step Four:

Use this Intuitive Learning Circle that accesses agreements being held deep within your nervous system. With it, you can release karmic agreements you may have with others that keep you entangled with them. Imagine that the agreements are like contracts being thrown into a violet flame where they can burn up and diffuse the situation safely.

“I release all cultural agreements that connect me with harmful patterns such as racism, sexism, hatred, death and prejudice.”

“I release any vow, debt, curse or obligation that is secretly affecting me.”

“I let go of any judgement, shame, blame or self-harm I’m unwittingly participating in.”

“I release my agreements with ________________,” etc.


“I decide to source my responses from a place of Joy and Gratitude rather than greed, fear or vengeance.”

Karmic Entanglements


Step Five:

Now it’s time to become aware of the thoughts and energies behind what you’re experiencing.

Use Mosquito Medicine to gather past thoughts and beliefs about this situation. 

Are the thoughts your own?

Are you tapping into someone else’s thoughts or emotions in any way? Some of both?

Can you tell what the nature of those thoughts are?

Do you need to go back and release any agreements about what you just discovered?


Are you resonating with an energy that’s causing you harm?

If you are, use Stingray Medicine to bring your attention to the low vibration of that energy in your field.




The next few steps will help you to detach from it… 


Step Six:

Are you tapping into beneficial energy that will support you and your experiences? Gaze softly at Butterfly Medicine to help you tap into a more nourishing connection with your environment.

“I utilize beneficial energy from my environment to nourish myself and create my experience.”

“I intend to create joyful and life affirming experiences and learn from them.”


Step Seven:

If there are any parts of you that are still hanging out in that harmful experience, use Wasp Medicine to pull yourself out of that space completely.

“I pull myself back and out of this experience of adversity. I am present and in my own space.”

“I take ownership for my true experiences and learn from them.”


Step Eight:

Are any parts of you still stuck? Could you be tapping into other people’s pain?If so, Condor Medicine can help set you free. Relax with this Circle and bring your attention to the sensation of “stuckness.” Once you find it, imagine it’s like an iceberg in the ocean and that the heat of the Sun is melting it away until it has completely disappeared.

Once it’s gone, there may be others. Keep crossing and uncrossing over the midline of your body until all the icebergs have melted away and the ocean is clear sailing.


Step Nine:

Empower your ability to respond and detach from the ADVERSITY and karmic entanglements in an effective, peaceful way. Use Divine Connection from Soul Prayer Charts to connect in with the personal power that comes from your Source.

“I exist and am empowered to control my actions for my protection and benefit.” 

“I come from a place of Gratitude and Joy, rather than fear, greed or vengeance.”

“I am empowered to detach from the ADVERSITY and the ways that I am entangled with it.”

“I decide to set my karma right and use it to help, rather than hurt me.”

“I learn from my mistakes and turn it around.”


Step Ten:

Use Early Morning Storm Medicine to visualize a clear slate.

“I detach from the ADVERSITY and the ways that I perpetuate it.”

“I move forward with joy and gratitude, rather than wallowing in fear or adversity.”


The Essential Human You may need some help from The Essential Human (1 – 42) or Divine Nature Activated (1 – 73) to clear away the shadows completely.

Going through this process will help you draw on the kinds of spiritual / emotional ingredients that will redirect your energy towards creating true joy, freedom and prosperity that’s manifested through gratitude rather than greed.

Step Eleven:

Now that your energy is clear, take a few minutes with Starlight Medicine to center yourself. This affirmation works well:

“I am inside of my body. Everything else is out side of me.”

Once you feel centered, ask yourself:

“Rather than ADVERSITY, what would I rather organize my karma to create?”

Place the answer that comes from your Soul in the center, open space of the Circle and allow your mind to reorganize itself for a few minutes, both crossed and uncrossed.


Step Twelve:

Are you currently using your karma to create what you just came to? If not, take a few minutes to sort things out.  

“I detach my energy and karma from this karmic entanglement. I release any commitment I had to feed it, store it or utilize it.” 

“I take ownership of my own karma and make a commitment to utilize it for the benefit of my Soul’s purpose instead.”


Step Thirteen:

Continue sorting things out by tending your own karma and allowing others to handle theirs. Imagine that you can untangle from other people’s emotions and return their issues and karma by surrendering them to the Light. That way they can find healing.

“I release other people’s karma to the Light. To each their own.”

“I tend to my own karma instead and clear my burdens by sending karmic seeds of ADVERSITY to the Light for purification.”


Step Fourteen:

It’s time to make certain your karma is properly placed in your own personal garden that lives in your heart using Sacred Garden Medicine.

“I utilize beneficial energy from my environment to nourish myself and create my experience.”

“I intend to create joyful, life affirming experiences and learn from them.”


Step Fifteen:

Before you move on, relax with this symbol for a few minutes to help you integrate the generative and protective flow of energy of the New Paradigm into your personal garden.

“I close down any harmful energy flows from the past.”

“I am open and clear to receive generative life force.”

“I connect to the new, life affirming channels of communication to help me manifest my personal dream.”


Step Sixteen:

Use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to send the mental and emotional patterns of ADVERSITY to the Light to be purified. Include societal blueprints related to sexism, racism, violence and hopelessness.

Then, surrender the cultural patterns you’ve been using to take on other people’s issues or intrude on other people’s business.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Seventeen:

Bring closure to the karma by closing any pathways that lead back to the past or the collective pattern of ADVERSITY.

“All holes are sealed and healed. 

I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Congratulations! You’re ready to approach your situation more objectively, with a different perspective – without all those karmic entanglements!

Extra-intuitive Activities - Karmic Entanglements

If you like, you can optimize this process by consciously shifting your focus to what you want to do now. Use the following sequence of Circles to help you. Simply gather your energy into the center of each Circle to facilitate the change:

“I focus my thoughts on productive activities that are in my positive self interest.”


“I connect to balanced prosperity, which is flexible and adapts to what is.”

Balanced Prosperity


“I forgive myself completely and reclaim my innocence.”

“I forgive others so I can move beyond the illusion of separation.”


Seal and heal all remaining pathways that are open between you and the entanglements associated with ADVERSITY and ignorance.

Congratulations! Your new awareness makes it more possible for miracles to occur! Be sure to take some time to integrate. Go for a walk. Enjoy the healing that comes from Nature.

*Please note that we are all infinite beings in an infinite universe – as new circumstances or events change, we may encounter new karmic entanglements and Soul Contracts, even with the same people we just cleared. However, you can use this process as many times as you need to.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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Rheanni Lightwater - Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you are still experiencing difficulties with your boundaries.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected]. 

This Transformation Game is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Creating Internal Safety

Learn How You Can Tap Into Your Second Chakra for Creating Internal Safety in Your Environment ~

The 2nd Chakra Is Deeply Connected with how well we Nurture and protect ourselves.

Primary Chakra LocationsYour 2nd chakra is located approximately 2-3 inches directly down from your navel.

It’s the energy plexus where emotions, digestion and immunity all come together. When it gets out of balance or entangled with toxic pollutants, your physical, emotional and spiritual health can be impacted in very negative ways.

Gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key below to help you balance and gather up physiological information that will organize your space in a way that will promote your health and safety.

The internal environment of your second chakra is very important to your self-care and emotional healing.

If it becomes stagnant, goes into shock or gets caught up in emotional entanglements, your physical, emotional and spiritual health suffers. In today’s environment, that’s something many of us are experiencing.

Second Chakra - Creating Internal SafetyWhen it’s balanced and healthy, it transmits a vibrant orange energy that is hopeful and attracts belonging and support.

It’s also your creative center, the place where you generate your personal mana or creative energy.

This simple feng shui exercise is designed to help you go within and come up with important resources for staying healthy.

When you’re ready, pull out a piece of paper and something to write with so you can make notes as we go along…

Creating Internal Safety is part of SOS Navigating Loss and Compassion Fatigue ~

Creating Internal Safety by Setting Up a Safe Space

Your environment is very important to your emotional health. It gives you a sense of belonging and support. It also gives you a place to center yourself and be grounded in. If you’re not experiencing that where you are now, you can do something about it or at least open up to some helpful possibilities. 

Oftentimes implementing very simple changes can make a world of difference. Good questions to ask yourself about your space would be:

  • Do you feel safe?
  • Does it feel peaceful?
  • Can you have fun, relax & be comfortable?
  • Are people getting along well?
  • Is it orderly & convenient?
  • Is the atmosphere welcoming, warm & cheerful?
  • Do you sense an openness or flexibility to grow & expand?
  • Does it feel healthy?

Go through this mind exercise by reading each step and then gazing softly at the Circle that goes with it to gain insight about what creative changes you can make in your internal and/or external environment that will help you.

In Creating Internal Safety, you’ll be utilizing your intuitive insight to implement very simple changes that can make a world of difference in how you’re creating stability and safety in your personal space. You’ll discover that your intuition and unconscious mind are much more aware of what’s going on than you realize!

Step One: The goal of Creating Internal Safety is for you to get clarity about how well your personal space is supporting you and what you can do to make improvements. You might get insights about your body or your external environment. After all, they are connected and this is an important time to become aware of them.

First, take some time to slow down while you gaze softly at the Circle for Sloth Medicine. Breathe in and out several times. Drop your shoulders. Relax your jaw. 

Move around and stretch if you need to.


Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.


Once you’re feeling relaxed, bring to mind the space that you’re inquiring about. Imagine that it’s moving in slow motion.


Step Two: Next, shift your attention to your own body, imagine you can see the space within your Second Chakra (remember, that’s located about 2″ below your navel).

Zoom in, like a camera. See or sense it moving in slow motion.

What do you notice?
Go ahead and make notes about what you sense.
As you journal, interesting ideas and impressions will come to you.


Step Three: In response to sudden challenges we’ve experienced in our environment, let’s use one of our Soul Star Keys to repair any damage due to pollutants, smoke, viral or destructive energies, which could cause reversals, allergic reactions, addictions, deformations, reversals and misdirections.

Let this symbol help you make corrections. Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels jagged or disjointed, stay with it until your energy smooths out.

“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my chakra system.”

Do this both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.


Step Four: Since you’ve cleared your internal energy up a bit first, now you can get a better awareness of your external environment.

Feeling safe is a major priority. Innocent happenings such as loud noises, flashing lights, repetitive motion or high frequencies can cause unpleasant reactions in you without your being consciously aware of them. 

Gaze at this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Grace and ask for help so you can get more aware.

Let’s start with very simple questions that we take one at a time…

  • Is there anything in your personal space or immediate environment that could be triggering an unsettling reaction in you? Is anything irritating?
  • Is there a flashing light? Sudden movements?
  • A sound? Are there disturbing frequencies?
  • Are toxic influences present? Anything else?


Step Five: You could be preoccupied by other things that are causing you to be anxious. You may be reorganizing your work/living arrangements or in the middle of a move or repairs. Let Butterfly Medicine help you relax and answer questions about how you need to nurture yourself now, under your current circumstances.

Are you tapping into nurturing, beneficial energies? If not, take a few moments with the Circle to help you do that.

Is there any clutter or something to let go of that would help ease the situation? Are there any pockets of negativity or stagnant energy?
If so, what is it and where is it located? Does something need to be added?
Is there anything else?


Step Six: Physical objects in your environment carry a lot of energy through them, especially if they’ve been gifted to you or are second hand pieces.
These could be books, equipment, furniture, pictures and other objects of art.
Electric Eel Medicine can help you scan for sharp or conflicting energies.

Are there any objects in your home or office that are having a disturbing or negative effect on you? If so, can you identify them?

What would remedy the situation?
Does something need to be moved, rearranged, cleaned or removed completely?
Can something be brought in that would remedy the situation?


Step Seven: Since our recent transition out of the Piscean Age of Water into the Aquarian Age of Air, a new, generative form of life energy (chi’) has become available for us to use. Take several moments now to meditate on this symbol for you and your environment. Do that as often as you need to.

These positive affirmations will help:

“I access Divine Protection and close down all harmful energy channels left over from the past.”

My mind is open and clear to receive generative life force through the Element of Air.”


Step Eight: Now is a good time to check back in with your body. Take a minute and use Yarrow Medicine to tune into yourself:
What emotion(s) are running through you? Does that throw you off balance?

Is that dynamic helpful or harmful to you?


Step Nine: If it’s harmful, you might be internalizing an emotional complex – a compulsion, attitude, obsession or phobia from the collective unconscious.

If that’s happening, go through this short sequence to let it go. First, call on Chigger Medicine to release your agreement to carry it any longer.

Let the energetic structure for it collapse and then visualize expelling all that negative energy and emotions up to the Light.

There could be more than one. Check both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to get them all.
You might want to burn a smudge stick or palo santo to uplift and purify the space. Read more about that by following the link at the end of this exercise.


Step Ten: Are there any other old habits or misunderstandings that need to be deconstructed? If so, imagine them collapsing in on themselves so any drains to your personal energy are being shut down.

Once they’re closed down, use this Circle to fill in the holes with loving, life affirming energy!

“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”


Step Eleven: Now you can turn your attention back to your external environment. Is there anything else about it that’s irritating you?

Identify it if you can.
What will remedy the situation?

Do you need to pull your energy back from external situations or disappointing events from the past?
Are you inadvertently tapping into harmful or distracting energies?
If so, use Wasp”s Circle to pull your energy back and close off destructive energies.

Is there anything else about that?


Step Twelve: The River Otter wants to know if there’s anything that you could bring into your space that would help you be happier, more hopeful or more creative?

Would anything increase your good health, emotional stability or physical security?

Could anything be done to increase your experience of prosperity?
What might you add that would bring more beauty into your space?
What vision or experience would you like to project out into the world?

Is there anything else you need to know?


Step Thirteen: You can finish the game today by closing the energetic doors that might keep you open to the suffering of the past and the old paradigm.

Piranha Medicine reminds you that your personal space belongs to you and how you take care of it has a profound effect on your health and the rest of your life!

Closure for Mind Body Healing

Congratulations! Be sure to thank yourself for taking the time to go through Creating Internal Safety – a gift that will make your life a whole lot better!
Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate.


Purifying the Space – When dealing with emotional challenges, it’s often a great help to rearrange or clean out certain areas of the home – and that includes cleaning crystals. Read more about that here…

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Creating Internal Safety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Creating Internal Safety has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

This mind exercise 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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