Grounding in the Truth and Your Power

A Mind Exercise for Grounding In The Truth ~

Grounding in the Truth

Many people realize how important grounding in the truth is because external power struggles can so easily uproot us from the truth about what’s best for us.

Staying centered requires that you know how to use the power of your mind to control your own energy.

Use this Mind Exercise when you:

  •  Are having difficulty getting grounded
  •  Feel caught up in a power struggle
  • Are wasting energy on the past
  •  Feel trapped by harmful agendas and assumptions
  •  Are worrying or fearful about the future
  •  Can’t access dependable guidance.

Here’s how Grounding in the Truth works:

Meditate on each image with it’s affirmations for a minute or two. Notice how you start thinking about your situation differently and re-organize your relationship to the problem. You’ll probably feel a lot of energy moving – that’s all right, it simply means the Circles are working to cleanse and balance your energy in accordance with the intention you’ve set for yourself. Stay with it until the energy calms down and then move on to the next step.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!


Keep in mind that you don’t have to look at the images in any particular way as long as you’re relaxed. If you’re drawn to the center, go to the center. If you intuitively want to trace over the lines, let yourself do that. If you get an image or unusual thought, let your imagination play with it. There are no mistakes.

Next, prepare to let go of what’s falling apart in the old ‘status quo’…

Once you’re done, your energy will be more your own and you’ll have a much easier time staying grounded. A person whose energy is balanced and grounded benefits everyone.

Afterwards, take some time to relax and unwind. Movement or gentle stretching can help to release tension and excess energy.

Step One – Authenticity

Begin by establishing a strong intention stated in the positive. You might want to write it down. Examples:

“I maintain my integrity and am true to myself.”

“I reclaim my strength and Soul resources.” etc.

“I ________________.”

Step Two – Integrity

Gaze softly at the Sub-conscious Chakra Key while affirming these thoughts:

“I detach from manipulations and harmful agendas.”

“I stop feeding unproductive projects and inappropriate people.”

“I let go of subconscious agreements to tap into other people’s energy or to allow them to tap into mine.”


Step Three ~ Self-determination

Engage with your potential and bring it into positive balance. Breathe deeply with the Life Path Chakras and these affirmations: 

“I open up to my positive potential.”

“I follow my true life path.” 

“I bring ease and flow into my relationship with _________.”


Step Four – Soul Guidance

Continue to relax and breathe. Affirm with your Soul Chakra:

“I reclaim the energy, power and gifts of my Soul.”

“I use them to be aware, objective and ___________.”

“I integrate them to create my Soul’s true purpose.”

“I am present and resonating with my Soul’s unique vibration.”


Step Five – Centering

Bring your awareness to your Heart Chakra and keep breathing:

“I am centered and connected to my core.”

“I open to my inner guidance and am present with it.”

“My heart center radiates Love, Joy and Gratitude.”

“I am protected and my energy is my own.”


Step Six – Balance

Take your time with the Earth Chakra to feel more stable and calm.

“I plant my feet firmly planted on the Earth.”

“I slow down and step carefully.”

“I am present and grounding in the truth.”

Grounding in the Truth

“I am partnering with the Earth, rather than working against her.”


Step Seven: Direction

Use this Soul Prayer Chart to Identify what you truthfully need to move forward from a place of Love. Ask yourself: 

“Am I positioned correctly?
Is something blocking me or am I blocking myself?
Am I in someone else’s way?
Am I using the kind of emotions or energies that will take me where I want to go?”


Step Eight – Truth

Connect with your Heart Center to empower the changes you need to make:

”I exist and come from a place of Joy and Gratitude.” 

“I have the power to create and maintain healthy boundaries.”

“I  empower my Soul’s true purpose and path.”

Step Nine: Integration

Use Divine Protection to improve how you’re utilizing life force:

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past.”

You’ll know that the harmful channels are closed when the emotional chaos and mental chatter stops. Check all directions, then confirm:

“I connect with generative chi’ and life affirming channels of communication.”

Cross and uncross your hands over the midline of your body as many times as you like until the transformation feels complete.


Step Ten: To Each Their Own

Gracefully release the issues, emotional baggage and karma that no longer belongs with you. Send it all to the Light:

“I surrender all karma, issues and baggage that belongs elsewhere.”

Once that completed, call back what genuinely belongs with you:

“I set things right and accept what’s mine so I can ground in the truth and move forward in peace.”


Step Eleven: Completion

Close down any leaks, holes or harmful pathways that might have come open during this exercise. You can be finished and done with anything that leads you away from your Soul’s true path.

“All completed holes and pathways are healed and sealed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Congratulations! Your energy is more your own and you’ll have a much easier time staying grounded now. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and grounded benefits everyone. Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.


This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal

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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Herd Mentality

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Disclaimer: Grounding in Your Power is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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