Llama Medicine

Navigate Your Soul’s Journey with Llama Medicine

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:

Llama Medicine

33. Llama Medicine – llama is a sure-footed guide with an uncanny sense of timing and direction. His advice is to lighten up and leave behind whatever doesn’t work for the journey.

Are your decisions unclear? Is your timing  off? What direction are you going? Are you stuck?

What do you think would help?

Healing Action: Center yourself so spirit can guide you rather than your ego. Free your mind of rigid, old decisions. Trust your inner compass to follow your new path.

The Llama’s Journey North

There is a proper position for new beginnings
that requires humility and trust in the Soul.
Just as the adventurer must trust her Llama
on the journey to the mountain tops.
Make clear and conscious decisions
about this new beginning.
There are many things that are unknown
because this is an entirely new path.
Accept what you don’t know
and discipline your mind firmly and consistently.
This will help you on your journey.
The time is ripe for action.
A new cycle is beginning –
Infuse it with trust, enthusiasm
and a dedicated devotion to life.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Llama Medicine:

Llama Medicine
Llama Medicine

Your heart is asking you to be open to the great unknown, yet you are finding it difficult to take a chance and give your all to your hearts desire. Perhaps the shock of past events has deterred you from making a commitment because your ego is afraid that what happened before will happen again. However, you can make a more conscious choice through the help of your Soul, rather than your critical mind.

Ask Llama’s Circle, “What needs to happen?” 

Free yourself of domineering, limited beliefs. Be determined and decide to change by nurturing your connection with Soul. Use your common sense, stay alert and follow your truth. Possibilities are always available to those who follow their heart and Soul. 

If you’re having trouble making a decision, confer with Llama’s Circle and contemplate your situation for some navigational advice: 

1) Knowing where you genuinely want to wind up is a key factor in any journey. It’s not just what you want to get away from. Ask your Soul, “Where do I really want to go? What kind of person do I want to be on the way and once I get there?”

2) Once you have answers, follow up with, “Am I heading in the right direction for this to happen or am I confused in some way?” If you need help, use the Circle to imagine you can gently turn the gears in your mind around so they’re moving all together in a forward moving, coordinated direction. If you feel stuck, some gears may not belong in there at all! Unscrew them and pull them out completely.

3) Now you can explore the possibilities with greater confidence. Go through the different options asking: “To get there, what do I need to do?” What decision(s) do I need to make?” “Is this or that option beneficial?” or “What’s next?” Get help from other Helpers if needed (1 – 58)

4) When an affirmative answer comes back, investigate further by asking “When is the best timing for this to happen?” 

Use whatever information you get to help you navigate your journey.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Llama Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Rainforest Energy Medicineby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and nature spirits from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive guidance.

Llama is one of the Guides you can follow with Spirit Animal Tracks.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

The Intuitive Learning Circles 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

SOS – Overwhelm Help

If you’re feeling lost, out of balance or wanting overwhelm help – welcome! You are in the right place! 


Overwhelm Help

SOS offers 24/7 support for your journey through challenging times…

What are the main reasons a person may need overwhelm help?

The first reason would be that there’s simply too much happening. Overwhelming events or information is coming at the person and their mind is not able to filter priorities properly.

Overwhelm Help #1 - Too much information

The second reason would be that the person has placed too much of their  attention and energy on a particular goal or solution that is unrealistic or cannot be accomplished under the current circumstances.

Overwhelm Help #2 - Unrealistic expectations

The third reason why a person could need overwhelm help would be that the way forward has become obscured. The circumstances are dark, dim, uncertain and hard to understand.

Overwhelm Help #3 - Future is unclear

The fourth reason could be that the environment has become too toxic or chaotic for a person to be able to cope in the way that they normally would.

Overwhelm Help #4 - Toxic, chaotic environment

All of these reasons have a negative effect on your physical health and can put extreme stress on your mental / emotional health as well.

Unfortunately, people are becoming more and more overwhelmed by sudden emotional or environmental changes, toxic environments and extreme weather events. These challenges can easily trigger PTSD episodes.

A person needing overwhelm help could experience:

  • Sudden and extreme exhaustion.
  • Fight or flight panic attacks.
  • Unexplained feelings of emergency; anxiety, depression and fear.
  • Increased irritation and frustration causing increased susceptibility to emotional outburst, illnesses, viruses or colds.

It’s not a good idea to remain in a fight or flight state for long. When a person is caught in a state of overwhelm, the stage is set for chronic depression, illness or paranoia to set in. If these symptoms are already present, the person may experience an overload or energy collapse.

The self-care formulas from SOS Soul Oriented Solutions have been put together to gently interrupt experiences of shock and overwhelm so that they can be replaced with a calmer sense of presence. What follows is more constructive thoughts and balanced energy flow.

Connecting with Hope

They are simple and easy to follow by design. When going through a formula, think of it as being gently led from a dark place into the light where you can connect with Hope. 

The Intuitive Learning Circles stimulate the central nervous system in order to assist it in its natural healing process of expelling trauma and the stuck energy that surrounds it. Using SOS as a daily practice is a powerful form of self-healing with affirmations where you can easily slow down, communicate with your unconscious and reorganize how you’re taking care of yourself.

SOS Overwhelm Help offers you support at any time
of the day or night ~

Fortunately, the five Self-care Formulas listed below are designed to help “reboot” your energy and put you back in balance when you’re feeling overwhelmed. Taking a few minutes to go through the appropriate formula will give a person immediate help for coping with emotional stress.

Introducing the SOS Symbol ~

SOS - Soul Oriented SolutionsSOS stands for Soul Oriented Solutions. The SOS symbol itself helps you tap into your Soul and get unconscious information about what is causing imbalance in you. 

The SOS symbol and formulas have been helping the public since Hurricane Katrina. Please SHARE with anyone you feel could benefit.


Since the Intuitive Learning Circles are all about self-discovery and learning to use your intuition, it makes sense to use a simple and natural way to decide – using your intuition!

Below there’s a list of the Self-care Formulas numbered 1 – 5.
Take a moment and think about what’s going on for you and then gently gaze at the SOS symbol. Relax for a moment or two.
When you’re ready, let the SOS symbol help you access a simple “yes” or “no” answer to this question:

“Am I overwhelmed or experiencing an energy overload?

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions
SOS Symbol

If “yes,” which formula will help me?  1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?”

Whatever number comes to mind, go to that formula and read what it’s about. If it fits, click on the link and follow the directions.

Each formula is designed to gently lead you back into balance using positive affirmations and images that will help you recover.

1. Healing Emotional Shock:

Overwhelm Help Healing Emotional Shock

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for getting your mind, body and emotions “unstuck” from a recent traumatic experience and you are:
~ Feeling stuck, numb, lost or helpless
~ Caught in a blank or fixed state of mind
~ Waking up at night worried, with obsessive thoughts
~ Alternately feeling trapped and shattered.

2. Resolving Shock During Traumatic Events:

Overwhelm Help - Resolving Shock from Traumatic Events

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to resolve shock when your life has been upended and you are:
~ Feeling scattered, surprised, scared or vulnerable
~ Dealing with an environmental disaster or its aftermath
~ Reliving painful experiences
~ Having trouble thinking or planning clearly.

3. Recovering From a Traumatic Experience:

Overwhelm Help - SOS for Collapse

Use this PTSD self-care formula when you are:
~ Feeling lost, scattered or out of balance
~ Anxious or upset by an experience that’s overwhelmed you
~ Weakened and want to regain your strength
~ Disoriented due to a radical change
~ Triggered by body memories of a traumatic event
~ Having a flashback or out of body experience
~ Going through a major reorganization of consciousness.

4. Clearing an Overwhelmed Mind:

Overwhelm Help - Clearing an Overwhelmed Mind

Use this formula when you’re overwhelmed by day to day stresses and feeling:
~ Exhausted, overwhelmed or confused
~ Out of balance
~ Taking on too much – doing too much
~ Going too fast and need to slow down.

5. Self-care for Loss in Uncertain Times:

Self-care for Loss

You can use this formula like a prayer whenever you are:
~ Stressed over a lost job or income
~ Grieving a loss of any kind
~ Recovering from an abusive experience – past or present
~ Dealing with a serious or long-term illness
~ Preparing for surgery
~ Coming to terms with tragedy, loss or death.

SOS is a hopeful self-care practice you can give yourself anytime or share with others ~


SOS - Overwhelm Help

Helpful Tips

It’s important to take plenty of time with each question and continually breathe with full breaths. Shallow breathing inhibits the healing process and taking plenty of time counteracts the feeling of emergency.

In just a few minutes a person can get reconnected so that their energy feels balanced again. Cognitive function improves, negativity is dispelled and hope can return!

Whether you are living with someone who has PTSD or suffer from it yourself, these five formulas are powerful tools to keep handy.

For more information, visit our FAQ page. Or, you can Explore the Intuitive Learning Circles and go through a short Mind Exercise to Clearing Up Your Blind Spots.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Overwhelm Help
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Overwhelm Help hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel exposed, lost, or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Overwhelm Help is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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