Soul Guidance | Gifts from the Rainforest

Tune Into Your Soul Guidance through Old Sol

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest

Soul Guidance with Old Sol #49 Old Sol – like the Sun, the Soul is ever present. When we allow Soul guidance and access the wisdom of our Higher Selves, we hold that same power of Light within.

What does your Soul want to communicate?

What guidance do you need?

Are you feeling disconnected? If so, what would help?

Healing Action: Breathe and open your heart. Calm, clear connection to our Higher Wisdom helps us access intuition and unconditional Love.

Old Sol

When we were children, there was a presence
that was with us always.
It knew who we were and what we came here to experience.
Some would call it the Soul.
As we grew up, we were taught about
losing and winning, bad and good, male and female.
Soon we forgot who we were and became “socialized” instead.
The mind became more and more important
and Soul faded further into the background.
Nevertheless, it is still there – just like the Sun,
emitting life, love, and joy
whether we can see it or not.
It is time to reclaim our connection with this inner knowing
and let it show us the way back to the garden.
Breathe deeply and listen to your heart.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circle while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Soul Guidance from Old Sol:

Soul Guidance through Old Sol
Old Sol – The Sun

It’s time to get back in contact with your Soul. The ego has been telling you wild and complicated stories, complete with the good guys and the bad guys. This condition has prevented your freedom and kept you trapped in loneliness and isolation. Allow others to be close to you by dropping your defenses. You are not alone and you never have been. Unfortunately, the ego doesn’t understand the larger story about love and the decision about whether or not you want more of it in your life.

Learn to recognize the differences between the Soul and the small mind:
~ The critical ego doesn’t like to take chances; the heart and Soul thrive on them.
~ The critical ego idealizes the past; the heart and Soul live in the present.
~ The critical ego fears the future; the heart and Soul embrace it.

Gently meditate on Old Sol, open your heart and let love heal it. If you are confused, imagine you can bring your awareness and attention into the center, open space of the Circle. Once you have that focus, ask any question you like and allow the answer to come back through a clear channel between you and your Soul. When you really pay attention and make room for your Soul’s presence, you’ll quickly learn that you’re loved and accepted unconditionally.

This medicine can also alert you as to whether you’re being pushy, over active or running too hot. Ask: “What is really needed here?” Slow down and listen to what your Soul has to say.

Look past the superficial differences and conflicts in your life and get to the heart of who you really are, what you really want and how you want to be along your journey.

You are free to be yourself. This could be an excellent time to draw, paint or dance. The heart and Soul loves to express beauty through the creative arts. Open up and allow yourself this sweet experience!

Return to Animal Totems or Making Friends with the Rainforest Helpers – Open Your Heart 

Old Sol is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for anyone who wants to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Snake Medicine | Animal Totems

Transcendence through Snake Medicine

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest

Snake Medicine - Animal Totems#7 Snake Medicine announces transcendence and initiation into a new stage of life. By peeling away any “old skin”, we are able to move on freely.

Have you noticed  a fundamental change in yourself or in a relationship that needs to be consciously attended to?

Is there some extreme behavior you have outgrown and need to let go of?

Healing Action: See yourself and your situation as they really are. Let go of old, negative habits. Shed old personalities and extreme behavior.

Snake Sheds its Skin

The snake renews itself periodically by shedding its skin,
revealing a new and more vibrant version of itself.
Like the snake, you have transcended
the limitations of who you thought you were.
Your appearance no longer suits you.
Peel away the mask that hides your beauty.
Honor the old.
Celebrate the new.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Snake Medicine:

Gifts from the Rainforest #7 Snake Medicine
Snake Medicine

You have activated your spiritual will and are now moving toward a higher purpose for you and your world. You’re ready to go beyond the extreme “either/or” mentality and graduate to the “and” consciousness of balance and unity.

You’re beginning to understand that things are not either black or white, good or bad – swinging from one extreme to the other. They exist together in the vast continuum of all that exists between Heaven and Earth.

Let the dual aspects of Snake teach you how to strike a meaningful balance. She may advise you to expel extreme ideas that have been poisoning your hopes and dreams. She knows that ideas are like air – they are everywhere, traveling freely, belonging to no one. If you like an idea, apply it to your life and pass it on. If you don’t like it, just let it go.

With this new perspective, you may want to revisit lost hopes and see if you desire to incorporate them back into your life. The way to do this is to bring different levels of yourself into balance by addressing the following forms of extravagance and ignorance:

  1. Complete unfinished business.
  2. Clear up debts that you owe or are owed.
  3. Speak up regarding issues that have been bothering you.

  4. Be done with disloyalty towards your Soul’s purpose, such as petty dramas and ego games.

  5. Come back into your power. 

Doing these things will help you set yourself right with the natural flow of the Universe and give you new energy to accomplish your dreams. The critical mind may object, often very loudly, however you now recognize that the ego is not to be trusted when it comes to matters of integrity and/or personal power. These are significant blocks that have hindered inner transformation up until this point. If you ignore them, your energy will be drawn back into feeding negativity and fear.

If you are dealing with your shadow side and healing disloyalty, shed any lies that you may have been telling yourself. These lies come in the form of extremes, denial, jealousy, judgment or vengeance, which have created imbalance and illness within you.

Shamans often refer to this kind of healing as “uncrossing your path”, and the truth is, we always do it to ourselves, usually by following someone else’s path, rather than our own. Successfully making this transition into Unity and Love will expand the possibilities regarding where you can go.

See yourself and your situation as they really are. In that way you will rid yourself of indecision and move forward into your higher good.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Snake Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

Snake is one of the Guides you can follow with Animal Totem Tracks.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Rat Energy

Spiritual Cleansing with Rat Energy

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest

Rat energy from Gifts from the Rainforest#12 Rat energy warns us about the dangers of an untended, cluttered mind. When we cleanse our minds regularly, spiritual growth and happiness is affirmed.

Have you been physically, mentally, emotionally or spiritually polluted with some kind of garbage?

If so, what is your best response?

Healing Action: Clear the landscape of your mind regularly. Release mental and emotional garbage to the Light. Make it a space for blessings, rather than curses

The Hungry Rat

The rat feeds off of those things that have been discarded
and left to rot without thought.
When this condition is ignored,
dis-ease and pestilence is allowed to spread
throughout the entire community,
infecting even those on the periphery
who are innocent.
Do not leave your business unfinished
if you wish to be free of vermin.
Clean your house and learn from what has been wasted.
In that way, you may use your experiences to fuel
your spiritual growth and continued happiness.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circle while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Rat Energy:

Rat medicine is about a necessary aspect of realizing inner peace. Disengage from negative mass consciousness with its messages of separation, inadequacy, paranoia, and fear. Imagine that the Circle can help you sweep them all up to the Light. Then, once your mind is clear, it’s much easier to align yourself with the mass consciousness of Love.

The personal ego supports the collective ego through denial and blocking energy, which allows toxic thoughts, emotions, attitudes and beliefs to flourish.

Rat Energy
Rat Energy

When your mind starts racing and you’re too busy to stop and take a deep breath, you’re identifying with the herd mentality of the collective ego. Catch yourself before your ego runs away completely.

Stop to clear your mind by breathing deeply. You would do well to cleanse your inner landscape  regularly, because there’s quite a bit of litter.

Ask Rat Energy about the current state of your mental and spiritual hygiene:
“Are there any liars pulling at me? Am I leaving myself open to any untruths?
If so, get quiet and close the doors on all that noise so you can get a better understanding of what’s happening.

If you have trouble meditating or being still, look at the Circle and tell yourself to stop focusing on what you’re trying to accomplish and relax. Let your mind calm down and notice how the body calms down as well.

Get peaceful and then send some of that peace out into the world. If you do this for yourself, activities and relationships will flow much easier.

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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