Welcome to Rainforest Energy Medicine
Your Online Introduction for
Gifts from the Rainforest
and the Helpers of Physical Manifestation.
The purpose of Gifts from the Rainforest is to reaffirm the ancient value of natural living and to look upon all things as “medicine” The unique rainforest energy medicine in this online book brings the wisdom of nature into our every day urban and suburban lives in a manner that is desperately needed.
- Discover the purpose and Origin Story of Gifts from the Rainforest.
- Explore the Intuitive Learning Circles and how they work.
- Access to Nine Interactive Tutorials to help you get the most out of Gifts from the Rainforest.
- Get an online index of the updated collection of plant, animal and nature spirits.
- Guidance for Your Inner Journey with Spirit Animal Tracks.
- Online Coaching and Workshops with Rheanni Lightwater.
- Private Mentoring and Available by Request.
Common Sense from the Jungle
What might life be like if civilized culture opened itself up to the natural wisdom of the rainforest and its indigenous people? Is it possible that we could live in harmony with our surroundings and each other?
As a primarily Anglo-Saxon society, we often hold the unconscious belief that the old ways of living simply mean we would have to sacrifice the many benefits of modern living. We believe that doing so would, in effect, send us back to the Stone Age.
The purpose of Gifts from the Rainforest is to reaffirm the ancient value of natural living and to look upon all things as “medicine.” The Spirit Animals and Plants in this online book bring the wisdom of nature into our every day urban and suburban lives in a manner that I believe is desperately needed.
The Origin Story for Rainforest Energy Medicine

The seeds for Gifts from the Rainforest were planted in my consciousness first during a healing crisis in 1998, when I was attuned to Reiki I and II. I had been stuck in a loveless, abusive relationship for years and needed to get out. Suddenly, this new energy called Reiki was running through me and raising my vibration like gangbusters!
I knew that things had reached a breaking point. I had to take action, but my mind was blocked by shock, denial and other codependent fears. Even though it was ten o’clock at night, I urgently needed some emotional, mental help and inner guidance!
I flashed on a recent purchase of Dr. Beasley’s Intuition by Design and instinctively pulled it out of the shelf. His manual used the same visual form of communication we’re using here, ie. circles in squares with lines going in towards the center. As I shuffled through his collection of symbols and intuitive messages, I finally landed on one that helped me pull myself together and focus. Intuitively, I began to beam Reiki into the Circle to empower its affirmations.
All I remember now are the words: “Move. You must take action now.”
And the next morning, I did.
The second experience was during a spiritual pilgrimage to Peru in the spring of 2001 that I made with my new husband and business partner, Bob. During that journey, we joined a small band of fellow travelers to work with several traditional shamans in the Amazon jungle and the mountains around Machu Picchu. We engaged in ceremony with a variety of plant medicines. It would be impossible for me to relate all that I learned in a regular format, so Spirit has provided the Circles and their messages to help me share what I learned from the animals and plants.
The Intuitive Learning Circles are based on Design Therapy, which I experienced from the Shipibo shamans.
This tapestry comes from a Shipibo shaman’s ceremonial robe and is a visual representation of his icaros and the healing design he wishes to impart.
During their healing ceremonies, the shamans telepathically communicate with a sacred hummingbird and other jungle spirits through their songs of joy and healing, called icaros.
It’s said that as part of an Ayahuasca journey, the hummingbird spirit is called in by the Shaman to paint a healing design around the body of the patient during the ceremony. If that design can be integrated and maintained, the patient will be healed. If it’s lost, blurred, distorted or replaced by an impostor design, the patient will remain ill. Scientists have conjectured that the design is potentially a picture of our DNA.
During my journeys, I had visions of many jungle animals, plants and spirits. Some were working through the Shaman and were obviously there to assist in my healing process. However, there were many others that came to challenge me about who I thought I was and left very cryptic messages about what the “white man”(my ancestors) were doing to the jungle.
I have to admit that their fierce and apocalyptic visions were pretty scary to me, however, I stayed with it and did my best to understand them: asking for forgiveness and humbly listening to their reprimands.
At one point when I was inundated with visions of a dying planet, my heart broke open. Filled with remorse and grief over what I was seeing, I remember asking “how can I help?” And from that moment on, their attitude towards me changed.
They started sending me geometrical symbols and circles like the ones I saw in Dr Beasley’s book. Later, after returning to the states, the spirits returned in my dreams and meditations and shared stories, poems and healing insights that helped me create the Circles. Whenever I asked for help, they would come and explain what they were to be used for when I was doing healing work.
For example, here is the one they sent to help us organize our lives around common ground with principles based on equality, co-operation and balanced prosperity.
A New Way of Healing with Rainforest Energy Medicine
When I got home (I was living in Portland, Oregon at the time), I started experimenting with the symbols they were sending me. I used them with clients who were ill due to toxic metals and chemical overload and I found out right away that they worked to bring the subtle energy systems back into balance and were useful in breaking through stuck emotions and mental resistance.
The result for these people was a marked increase in their ability to detox and regain their health.
As I continued to work with the symbols, my intuition began to grow and expand by leaps and bounds. Not only did my work become very direct and focused, I found that the people I was working with were becoming more intuitive as they worked with me. They started to trust their own gut feelings and make improvements in their lives and their relationships.
Over these past many years, the circles and visions from my visit to the rainforest have been tremendously helpful in moving energy and have helped other people get more in touch with their own intuitive abilities.
When I asked what to call them, they replied, “call us the Helpers of Physical Manifestation.”
And that’s my origin story.
I’d like to share some of the lessons and applications of this rainforest medicine with those of you who are also asking, “how can I help?”
~ Rheanni Lightwater
Introduction to the Intuitive Learning Circles!
The Intuitive Learning Circles are self-healing tools that bridge the gap between literal modern thinking and the experience of developing intuitive guidance for spiritual growth.
Introduction: Explore the Intuitive Learning Circles
Here is a basic explanation of how the Intuitive Learning Circles work and what they do. Included is a quick Mind Exercise called Clear Your Blind Spots – an exercise I like to begin with whenever I’m learning something new!
Frequently Asked Questions About the Intuitive Learning Circles
Once you’ve gone through the Introduction and FAQ, you’re ready to begin our Rainforest Energy Medicine Tutorials. Get out some paper and something to write with!
Gifts from the Rainforest
Your Online, Interactive Manual for Self-healing
Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:
Medicine for Healing the Modern Mind (Revised Practitioner’s Edition)
$50.00 PDF Ebook
Updated Annually*
152 pages (86 illustrations)
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty eight Intuitive Learning Circles from Gifts from the Rainforest are healing and divination tools for anyone who wants to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities. Included in the revised edition is a Transformation Game for Making Friends with the Helpers of Spiritual Manifestation.
*The pdf and online formats provide the most practical way to keep up with the frequent changes that are needed to work well with the transformations taking place in Mother Earth and our environment.
♦ Find emotional healing ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Access to our Rainforest Energy Medicine Tutorials and Spirit Animal Tracks is separate and will be available through Paid Membership in our Learning Community! Read more below…
Level One: Introduction to Our Intuitive Learning Circle Community ~
Included in the Learning Community is online access to:
- Level One: Eleven Rainforest Medicine Tutorials
- Level Two: Spirit Animal Tracks
- Level Three: Power Circles for Manifesting Happiness
Access is separate and through Paid Membership in our Intuitive Learning Circle Community! Coming soon – January, 2025.
Level One: Eleven Interactive Rainforest Energy Medicine Tutorials to help you get the most out of Gifts from the Rainforest!
Nothing can help us to change our perspective like the medicine of a plant, animal, or nature spirit from the rainforest. Learning to communicate with these helpers is a process that takes time, trust and a sincere intention to ask for and receive their particular medicine. In this Shamanic series of Intuitive Learning Circles, there are abundant nature, plant, and animal guides that share their message and transmit healing energy.
Using your copy or our online edition of Gifts from the Rainforest, these tutorials will help you learn how to:
- Enhance your intuition and self-healing abilities
- Heal negative karmic and energetic patterns
- Change destructive attitudes, habits and behaviors
- Create new templates for self-love and joy
- Guided meditations to hear intuitive guidance.
The Tutorials
Tutorial I: Learn Self-healing Through Inner Guidance
Tutorial II: Access Spiritual Guidance
Tutorial III: Energy Clearing Techniques
Tutorial IV: Develop a Daily Practice of Empowerment
Tutorial V: What is a Soul Contract?
Tutorial VI: Clear Distractions from Your Mind
Tutorial VII: Reciprocity
Tutorial VIII: Understanding Karma
Tutorial IX: Inner Guidance for Difficult Decisions
INDEX: How To Use Rainforest Energy Medicine:
This is your complete index of 58 animal, plant and nature spirits for intuitive guidance from Gifts from the Rainforest.
Open Your Heart to the Helpers of Physical Manifestation
Learn how to make friends with the Plant, Animal and Nature Spirits from Gifts from the Rainforest.
Level Two: Guidance for Your Inner Journey with Spirit Animal Tracks
Once you’ve learned how to use the Circles, it’s time to get some guidance from a particular Plant or Animal Guide that will help you while you’re navigating your way through the New Paradigm. By making friends and working with a particular guide, your journey will be enhanced, helping you to find your way through the challenging times ahead.
Learn about crossing over into a New Paradigm with Spirit Animal Tracks>
Level Three: Power Circles for Manifesting Happiness
Tuning in and going with the flow of nature is a difficult thing for most human beings. We’ve been trained since childhood to use force and conflict to accomplish our aims. Since 2009, Kuan Yin has been co-creating with Rainforest Medicine to help us find other, more peaceful ways to manifest our true heart’s desire in alignment with Nature. Each Stage in the Power Circle of Life illuminates how you can be more in the flow in any situation. The overall objective is to experience the abundance and joy of surrendering to the flow of creativity or “happiness”.
Explore a sample Power Circle>
Frequently Asked Questions About the Rainforest Energy Medicine Learning Program ~
What if I don’t currently have the most recent Edition of Gifts from the Rainforest?
You will still have access to receiving messages from the plant, animal and nature spirits in the games you play. Also, you’ll have access to the online index available in this website. If you decide you want a print copy for yourself, please contact Rheanni Lightwater at email: [email protected]. Please note: All books are available only through IntuitiveLearningCircle.com and Soul Resources, LLC.
Why Are You Using This Online Book Format?
We are transitioning out of the Piscean Age (Water) into the Aquarian Age (Air). There are many unknowns we face and we need to be flexible and adapt. Current underlying assumptions about communications, healing and our relationship to the Earth are going through radical upheaval, whether we know it or not. Our online format seems to be the most practical way to keep up with the frequent changes that are needed to work well with the transformations taking place.
How long do I have access to the Tutorials?
After signing up for our Membership Plan, you’ll have access to the most up to date Readings, Tutorials, Transformation Games and Mind Exercises for the term of your membership – across any and all devices you own. Please note that some electronic devices emit frequencies that make it difficult to relax, thereby interfering with your self-healing abilities. We have the most dependable experience on IOS devices.
What if I need extra guidance?
As creator of the Intuitive Learning Circles, Rheanni Lightwater is available to mentor you through private sessions or you could become a member of our Learning Community. Just ask!
Find out about Intuition Training with Rheanni.
About Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater is an Award Winning Author and Creator of the Intuitive Learning Circles. She is co-owner of Soul Resources, LLC and is Certified in Hypnosis, Regression Therapy, Biosomatics, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Integrative Kinesiology, Space Clearing and is an Advanced Reiki / Energy Medicine Teacher.
Private Sessions and Rainforest Energy Medicine Tutorials with Rheanni are available online through Zoom or in person when you come to visit Soul Resources in the City Different – Santa Fe, New Mexico.
Call or text (505) 271-4612 to schedule an appointment. Or send a request for a complimentary consultation through email: [email protected]
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Disclaimer: The material set forth in Rainforest Energy Medicine should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling mental or emotional stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.