Changes in Your Environment – Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui Tips for Handling Recent Changes in Your Environment:

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater

When going through a radical change, it’s a great help to clean out certain areas of our homes and keep an eye on how well the energy is moving. While we’re rearranging things, we can reorganize our intentions to adapt to the changes in our environment and circumstances. When we take the time to do that, we’re allowing a physical and psychological space to open up for new things to come in and help us adjust both inwardly and outwardly.

Changes in Your Environment - Crystal CleansingFor example, I have a lot of crystals and a prayer pipe that I consider sacred. Early on in my Feng Shui practice, I got a strong message that I need to regularly clear out my pipe, cleanse those crystals and rearrange other significant objects to accommodate the changes in the I Ching flow. Why is that so important?

— Because crystals, prayer containers and other significant personal objects can hold onto a great deal of energy and old intentions.

In order to keep my mind and energy flexible, I don’t want to be held back by the gravity of those old energies, including those that marked the end of the Piscean Age. Since the Winter Equinox of 2022, the nature of chi’ or life force flowing through the Tao has changed to an Air based flow (Aquarius) rather than the previous Water based flow.

Let this symbol help you make the adjustment needed.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the old paradigm.”

Divine Protection for Difficult Beginnings
Divine Protection in the New Paradigm

“I allow my mind and body to acclimate to this lighter, quicker life force.”
“I learn to receive generative life force and use it to communicate with  my environment.”



Also, I don’t want to be blocked by old intentions and outdated agreements that aren’t relevant anymore. They only perpetuate inner conflict or confusion, especially now that we’re obviously in a very different space!

For example, when the pandemic started, I got the strong guidance to “change with the changes and still stay grounded.” In the early summer of 2020, my inner guidance was to “bring light and balanced prosperity into my mindset and environment.” at the Winter Solstice I was guided to pray for “safe transition into the New Paradigm”. Now my intention is “I am firmly grounded in the New Paradigm and have Divine Protection.” These are pretty big changes, and I’m sure there will be many more to come!

Big changes in your environment can be supported with the help of Reiki, strong intention and clear crystals.

To cleanse crystals, I gather them up from around my house and property and then place them in a bowl of water mixed with sea salt. Around the full moon, I’m guided to set them outside for a day or two to cleanse. That way, they will get really clear through an infusion of both Sun and Moon light. Then, I set a new strong and focused intention with those crystals, based on what is needed now.

Notice that I didn’t say, “please keep the coronavirus away,” or “please be sure that civil war doesn’t break out.” If I were to set intentions based on things I don’t want to happen, my whole mindset would start to unconsciously fixate on all the uncertainty and fear that these things attract. To make things even worse, the energy in my environment should start to organize around the fixation. That’s exactly opposite of what I want!

I also don’t want to make intentions frivolously or ask for so many new things that I unwittingly create chaos, conflict and confusion.

So, when I set intentions in turbulent times, I calm myself down first. Once the shock is abated and my mind is clear of anxiety, I ask for a life affirming experience that’s general enough to allow positive change to occur and that makes sense under my current circumstances. That part is especially important since we know the changes we’re going through are liable to continue for some time. Then, I set up the energy in my living space to organize around the new intention by mindfully placing the crystals and/or sacred objects as I’m guided.

Once I’ve set my intention in the space, I pay attention to what I start to attract.  If I start attracting chaos, conflict or confusion, I know that I need to reassess my intention and reorganize it.

I don’t waste my time beating myself up for having made a mistake or not doing it “perfectly”. After all, this is a whole new energy we’re in. We’re at the very beginning of one Age, while the other has departed entirely! It’s going to take a while for our minds to adjust. Mistakes are going to happen. Just get back up, clear your mind and be willing to let go of your assumptions about how you thought things were going to be.

If you’re interested in this process of reassessing and reorganizing your intention, You might be interested in an extra intuitive exercise I’ve put together.

If you would like more in depth help for setting up your space, contact Rheanni.

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

Changes in Your Environment has been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, Reiki Master Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

If you would like more help, find out about Rheanni’s Feng Shui Consultations and Clearings (Long Distance or Visit Santa Fe)

Online consultations are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

SOS for Electromagnetic Stress

Chakra Clearing for Electro-magnetic Stress

and several additional chakras that will activate a stronger connection to your Spirit above and to Mother Earth below! We’re going to use Reiki Chakra Keys to help you clear electromagnetic stress and other pathogens from your energy system while you balance the polarity of each chakra for increased energy. 

 SOS - Electromagnetic Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Medical Intuitive

This is a great healing meditation to go through while moving or stretching. I love to do it while I’m walking a treadmill or riding a recumbent bike. Lately, because of the increased pathogens in the atmosphere, I‘ve been guided to go through it on an “as needed” basis. One common sign that you need this formula would be if your electronics start going haywire. Your own unstable polarity could be interacting with your equipment! If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, you might want to go through it as a daily self-care routine…

Self-care Formula: Clearing the Polarity of Your Chakras ~

There are hundreds of chakras located throughout the human body. Aside from the seven basic chakras that are well known, there are secondary spiritual chakras activating new levels of consciousness and essential chakras that govern the proper functioning of your body. That means every organ, gland and joint has at least one chakra. When the polarity of one or more of these chakras go out of sync with the others, you may feel unstable or off balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

Electromagnetic stress and virus’s like the coronavirus can cause the chakras to go out of balance.

SOS - Electromagnetic StressWhen you spend a lot of time around technology, it’s easy to build up a toxic load of EMF’s in your energy system.  As a Medical Intuitive, I see this process beginning when electro-magnetic debris starts zapping around and jamming up the flow of energy in the chakras. If this “shock to the system” isn’t cleared regularly, highly sensitive people can eventually experience what’s known as electro-magnetic poisoning. The online magazine, Healthline lists possible reactions to EMF’s including: disturbances in your sleep, including insomnia, headache, depression and depressive symptoms, tiredness and fatigue, dysesthesia (a painful, often itchy sensation), lack of concentration, changes in memory, dizziness, irritability, loss of appetite and weight loss, restlessness and anxiety, nausea, skin burning, tingling and changes in the electrical activity of the brain.

Although the symptoms are vague and hard to diagnose, people suffering from electro-magnetic poisoning can experience significant disturbances in their mental health and physical wellbeing.

So, how can we expel toxins and electromagnetic stress?

Fixation and Electro-magnetic PoisoningFirst, you want to make sure that your energy system is cleared of all the little  “shocks” and fixations.

  • On a mental level, these fixations often show up as rigid or dogmatic thinking.
  • Emotionally, you can get stuck in a low vibration, like fear.
  • On a physical level, the fixations show up as chronic tension derived from conflicts  we’re holding onto.
  • Spiritually, you might be clinging to dogma that’s preventing you from being as happy as you could be.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in any of these ways, this exercise could help.

To shake those fixations up a bit, imagine that you can use the Intuitive Learning Circle to help you relax and let all the lines going in towards the center of the Circle go loose and limp. Or you can imagine that there’s an iceberg of tension melting away. Let these positive affirmations help you: 

“I relax and release chronic tension from my body. I let go of conflicts.”

“I soften my thoughts around extremes or rigid behavior.”

“I relax and melt away the fear and tension in accordance with my highest good.”

Take your time and move around if you feel the need. Be sure to breathe deeply and often!

Once you’ve done that, you should feel your system beginning to relax. Next, set a simple intention about polarity. For example:

“This is a clearing for me to balance my chakra system so that it’s flowing in harmony with life affirming polarity.”

Start going through the different Circles for the chakras in the order laid out below. Spend approximately a minute or two meditating on each symbol. The Reiki Chakra Keys are helping you to shift harmful polarity and let go of electro-magnetic poisoning. I use them to beam Reiki and move stagnation or viral energies out of my system!

You’ll probably feel a lot of energy moving. That’s all right, it simply means the symbols are working with Reiki energy to cleanse toxins out of your chakras and then balance them.

As you meditate on each Key, consciously visualize the toxic energy clearing out and going to the Sun. That way, you can be sure that you’re not dumping debris on others or our precious Earth. You will know you’re done when the energy calms down. Then you can move on to the next Key. At the end of the sequence, additional Circles from Gifts from the Rainforest will help you get your energy settled and grounded.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not chaos and death!

So, let’s get started with Part One!

Begin with the Fourth Chakra Key (Heart): Think about someone or something that you love very much. Feel that tender feeling in the center of your chest. This is where the Fourth Chakra is located and its energy radiates out, like a star with “Yang” energy.

A balanced and clear Fourth Chakra vibrates with the color GREEN. This is the center of your Being and the focal point for a healthy chakra system in the New Paradigm. It’s often called the Heart Chakra (please note that you have other chakras that bring energy in and out of your actual physical heart and their polarity generally runs more Yin or receptive). To balance the polarity in your 4th chakra, gaze at the Circle while using this affirmation:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - The 4th Chakra

Visualize any toxins or electromagnetic debris going to the Light.


Next, gaze at the Fifth Chakra Key for the chakra located at your Throat:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Fifth Chakra vibrates with the color BLUE. Visualize any blockages or heaviness going to the Sun.


Continue with the Sixth Chakra Key for your Third Eye at the center of your forehead:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Sixth Chakra vibrates with the color Purple. Send toxic energy out and to the Sun.


At the top of your head is the Seventh Chakra Key, often called the Crown Chakra:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.” 

Primary Chakras - The Seventh Chakra

A balanced and clear Seventh Chakra vibrates with the color WHITE. Feel the toxic energy moving up, out of the Crown Chakra like a fountain and going to the Sun. Continue until you feel calm and stable.


Keep moving up now and imagine an energy center located about 2″ up from the top of your Crown Chakra. This is what I call your Soul Chakra and it connects you with your Soul energy coming from the Divine Mind:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Soul Chakra vibrates with your unique Soul COLOR. Let the positive energy of your Soul calm and strengthen your entire system. It helps for you to think about activities and things you’ve created that fill you with joy!


Just above your Soul Chakra is the Divine Mind Chakra, which transmits Divine Love energy through your unique connection with Divine Source.

“I connect with my Divine Mind Chakra to receive pure, Source energy.

Grail Reiki Healing - Divine Mind Chakra

Your Life Path Chakras are positioned on either side of the Crown Chakra about one inch out. These chakras carry your potential coming into this lifetime.

“These chakras flow with positive, life affirming polarity.”

When the polarity between these two chakras are positive and balanced, a treasure chest of gifts is unlocked that can help you on your path. Keep breathing!

Take a moment to dissolve any buildup of toxins with this symbol.

Consciously relax and then tune in for a minute. Visualize the toxic energy clearing out of you and going to the Light.

You will know you’re done when the energy calms down.

Then you can move on to the second part of the clearing!

Part Two:

Now that you’ve balanced the upper chakras, let’s move down to the center of your body to the Third Chakra, located at your solar plexus (the soft area where your ribs go up):

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Electromagnetic Stress Third Chakra

A balanced and clear Third Chakra vibrates with the color YELLOW. Remember to let the chakra relax and release any stuck or fixated energy, sending it to the Light.


About 2″ below your navel is the Second Chakra:

It’s also known as the Spleen Chakra because of its deep connections with emotions, nourishment and immunity. View this symbol to help you adapt to the appropriate structure, function and connectivity needed for your health at this time:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - The Second Chakra

A balanced and clear Second Chakra resonates with the color ORANGE. Visualize any toxic energy or entanglements going to the Light.


Next, let’s clear your First Chakra located at the base of your pelvis (sometimes called the Root or Sacral chakra).

It may be time for you to release some old connections to harmful patterns from the past:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - Root Chakra

A balanced and clear Root Chakra vibrates with the color RED. Visualize any heaviness, illness or toxic energy expelling to the Light.


Now its time to connect with the Earth Chakra, located directly below your feet:

“I connect with Mother Earth and am grounded in life nourishing energy.

A balanced and clear Earth Chakra vibrates with your unique energy signature or Soul Color. Consciously feel your feet joyously connecting to the ground.


As we finish this clearing, let’s strengthen the hara lines that connect all the chakras, like a beautiful web of life.

“The hara lines between my chakras are mending, healing and strengthening.

Imagine that these tiny lines are healing themselves throughout your body and reorganizing around optimal health.


Finally, take a moment to let everything blend and flow together while you keep your feet on the floor to finish grounding.

“My energy is flowing in harmony and grounding in life affirming polarity.”


You’ve balanced the polarity of the seven primary chakras and connected additional chakras that will enhance your health, intuition, personal growth and creativity. Now, your energy will be much clearer – more stable and grounded. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and grounded benefits everyone. Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.

Go through this process as often as you need to. Let it help you stabilize from extreme weather events recent changes in the Universe.

This Transformation Game uses healing symbols and affirmations from Grail Reiki and Reiki Chakra Keys for advanced chakra balancing and clearing.

If you’re looking for deeper healing, you may need a private energy clearing or it may be time for you to be attuned to the Reiki energy yourself.

Soul Resources, LLC offers Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe with Intuition Training, Chakra Balancing and all Levels of Reiki Training and Attunements >>

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing ~

Spirit Animal Tracks

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


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Chakra clearing for electromagnetic stress should not be considered as an exclusive method of physical or psychological stress relief. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Feng Shui Assessment

Invest in a Feng Shui Assessment For Your Home to Enhance Your Health, Happiness and Prosperity ~

Feng Shui (pronunced “fung shway”) is a Chinese term that means “wind and water” symbolizing the natural flow of “chi” or life energy that flows through our environment and supports life. Predating Taoism and Confucianism, this ancient art of flow and placement in one’s environment has been used to facilitate balance and well being in every important aspect of life. It has also been used to ensure that we are in the “right place at the right time.”

Certain changes in your life may cause an imbalance that would benefit from a Feng Shui Assessment or Re-assessment including:

  • Health – illness, accidents, sudden sensitivity to environment, death.
  • Relationship Changes – engagements, marriage, births, divorce, children or other family members moving out or in.
  • Safety – serious or frequent injury, robbery, assault or other forms of violence.
  • Financial – sudden downturn in business, loss of job, difficulty holding a job or changing careers, bankruptcy.
  • Moving or remodeling.
  • General changes of direction – in lifestyle, livelihood, personal health and goals.

As you can see, a feng shui assessment can be very useful anytime you’re going through a significant change. Even a change of seasons.

Feng Shui AssessmentThe process we use at Soul Resources helps you to change the energy and optimize your chances for success in all areas of your life.

An effective Feng Shui clearing can literally clear the energy running through your home or office. The process can also help you to correct instability and “take apart” destructive patterns that are causing you and your family harm. Once the imbalances are corrected in your environment, personal growth and health is enhanced. Your sense of timing improves, chaos is reduced and changes in life direction are supported.

Rheanni Lightwater specializes in Space Clearing and Feng Shui Assessments in Santa Fe NM 

Rheanni Lightwater - Feng Shui Assessment
Reiki Master, Hypnotherapist, Medical Intuitive

and also serves the Albuquerque, Rio Rancho and surrounding New Mexico area.

Enjoy her colorful Feng Shui Healing Art to enhance the chi and empower your intentions.

What can an Intuitive Feng Shui Consultation do for you?

• Set up an overall atmosphere that is welcoming, warm and comfortable.

• Establish clear goals and positive input to enhance all major aspects of your life and personal growth: career, self-cultivation, health, family, wealth and prosperity, reputation, love and marriage, creativity, children, helpful people and travel.

• Bring a more harmonious flow into your environment so that you increase productivity and more easily achieve your goals.

• Provide tips and assistance in each bagua area to make significant life changes such as: getting married, having children and new career directions.

Success Stories 

Your environment has a profound affect on your mood, health and prosperity.
Experience the difference.

How does the energy in your home or office measure up?

~ Do you feel safe?
~ Is the atmosphere open & welcoming?
~ Does it feel peaceful?
~ Can you relax & be comfortable?
~ Can you have fun there?
~ Are people getting along well?
~ Is it orderly & convenient?
~ Do you feel prosperous?
~ What about happiness – does it make you smile inside?
~ Is the atmosphere warm & cheerful?
~ Is there flexibility to grow & expand?
~ Does it feel healthy?

If you answered “no” to three or more of these questions, you can significantly benefit from a feng shui consultation.

Appointments ~

The objectives of each Feng Shui consultation are unique, based on your individual needs. For that reason, Rheanni offers a complimentary 15 minute interview to determine if this kind of session would be effective for you. After that, you will be asked to fill out a Client  Feng Shui Intake Form to clarify your concerns and goals.

Client  Feng Shui Intake Form

Clearing and Set Up Sessions are $145.00 per hour, + NM Sales Tax. An average session takes between 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Follow up recommendations are billed at $80.00 per hour.

If a property is being prepared for selling, Realtors need only be present to open up the house and provide any pertinent information. Owners are encouraged to be present.

Properties outside of the Santa Fe area require a reasonable fee to accommodate the time and distance traveled.

Some services can be provided online over Zoom. Call Rheanni at (505) 271-4612 (Mountain Standard Time) to see if this option will work for you.

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

business (505) 271-4612
Soul Resources, LLC – Santa Fe, New Mexico email: info@

Gift Certificates are Available

Mind Body Healing Gift Certificates


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Self-care for Grief, illness and Loss

A Soul Oriented Solutions Formula: Self-care for Grief ~

Rheanni Lightwater - Self-care for Grief
Many people are experiencing deep levels of grief and mourning over events happening both near and far. Feelings of anxiousness, distress and even PTSD can come on suddenly and be very overwhelming. What are some things that can bring some relief and self-care for grief?

This brief exercise from RESOLVE uses affirmations and the Intuitive Learning Circles to quickly help you when you are:

  • Grieving
  • Recovering from abuse – past or present
  • Dealing with a serious or long-term illness
  • Preparing for surgery
  • Coming to terms with tragedy, loss or death.

Here’s an example of how the Circles can help you relax:

“I bring my senses into balance.”

“I focus them so that I can feel calmer and more aware of what’s important.”

“I use them to help me be more aware of where I am and what I’m doing.”

“I focus on thoughts and actions that are in my best interest.”


You may feel as though your energy is being drained right out of you. Relax and gaze softly at this Circle. Let it help you close the drains in your heart.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

When you’re ready, you can begin self-care for grief by allowing this Soul Prayer Chart to help you reclaim your connection to Creator and Soul through your heart center. It can help to put both feet flat on the floor and place your hands on your heart with this symbol. Simply gaze softly at the image while you contemplate the positive affirmation that goes with it for for a minute or so. Relax and breathe. Here’s some suggestions:

“I reclaim my power and fill my heart with courage, faith and determination.”

Strong emotions or insights may come up. The image may move, rotate, vibrate or change color. Don’t worry. That happens sometimes. It just means they are working to help you feel better. Once the energy calms down a bit, you can move on to the remaining Circles with each of their affirmations to complete the process.

You might want to journal some of your thoughts so that you can speak with a trusted counselor or friend about what comes up. If so, get out some paper and something to write with as you go through the steps.

Step One: Asking for Help

Breathe in deeply, all the way to your belly while you look at this Circle and then exhale. Breathe in through your nose, if you can. Do that several times.

If you could ask for something that would help you feel better, what would that be?


Step Two – Support

Imagine that you can bring healing and release into all parts of your body, mind and spirit while you continue to breathe and gaze softly with this next symbol.

Miracles - Channels of Love


Step Three ~ Peace

What do you think is the main difficulty or burden you’re dealing with right now?
Are you ready to let go of that burden and find a solution? 
If not, why not? Be sure to respect your process.



Step Four – Release

Where are you holding tension?

You can release the tension around anything that’s bothering you right now. Your shoulders are dropped. Your jaw is relaxed. Rub them if you like. Keep melting the tension until it’s all gone.


Step Five – Soul Vision

Consider what your Soul would tell you about this situation. Connect with the Love that comes from within as much as you are able to. Allow your heart to open to it.


Step Six – Remove Your Burdens

Imagine that you can send all those burdens to where ever they need to go to resolve themselves. Imagine the heaviness lifting up and off of you.

You have done the best that you can under the circumstances.


Step Six – Rebalance

Breathe again.
Feel a calmness coming over you.
You feel calmer and calmer with every breath.


Step Seven – Cleansing

Send away any illness or pain that you’re experiencing. Send it to the Sun or wherever it needs to go to heal.


Step Eight – Faith

Fill yourself with strength and the knowledge that you are loved. 


 Let yourself rest now. You might feel tired or sad. That’s okay. It means that you’re feeling safe enough to really let go and rest.

Closure for Mind Body Healing

Some people have gotten extra support out of going through this self-care for grief exercise every day for twenty-one days. It helps to retrain your mind to think more positively and keep you on track toward your full recovery.


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Self-care for Grief should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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