Feng Shui

Discover the Art of Space Clearing and Feng Shui in Santa Fe ~

Since 2002, Rheanni Lightwater has been combining her medical intuitive skills with Feng Shui to create greater health and prosperity to help us as we evolve into the energy of the  New Paradigm. Today, Soul Resources is excited to offer this form of Feng Shui in Santa Fe and New Mexico!

Feng Shui in Santa Fe

Feng shui (pronunced “fung shway”) is a Chinese term that means “wind and water” symbolizing the natural flow of “chi” or life energy that flows through our environment and supports life. Predating Taoism and Confucianism, this ancient art of flow and placement in one’s environment has been used to facilitate balance and well being in every important aspect of life.

Feng Shui in Santa Fe can make a real difference in the ch’i of your home and the success of your business by:

  • Creating a more balanced and harmonious atmosphere.
  • Grounding a sense of safety and stability.
  • Clearing your space of stagnant, toxic or disturbing influences.
  • Freeing your property of any old baggage and negative history from the past or previous occupants including: bankruptcy, criminal activity, death, illness, divorce, etc.
  • Accessing a generative flow of life force to support life-affirming goals.

In addition, Rheanni can provide simple, effective recommendations about placement, balance, colors, or any elements to add, move or take away.

Feng Shui in Santa Fe Creates Common Ground

Recent changes in the Earth’s electro-magnetic grid have challenged us by causing a collapse in the electro-magnetic fields that support our buildings and community infrastructures.

We now have a unique opportunity to detach from the old deteriorating grids and reset our internal and external Feng Shui infrastructure to generate Common Ground for equality, personal responsibility, co-operative action and balanced prosperity! 

If you are:

  • Easily overwhelmed by having too much to do
  • Feeling unstable and having trouble staying grounded
  • Running around in circles, getting little constructive done
  • Experiencing rough communications and emotional volatility
  • Having difficulty staying on track with your goals, or alternately
  • Feeling very stuck and unable to move

Rheanni Lightwater specializes in helping you clear the static and make a change for the better. She offers shamanic space clearing and Feng Shui in the counties of Santa Fe, Valencia and Bernalillo in New Mexico.

Rheanni Lightwater - Feng Shui in Santa Fe
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master / Teacher, Feng Shui Consultant

If you have had your Feng Shui set up by Rheanni in the past, she highly recommends having it reset on an annual basis.

Contact Rheanni at [email protected] to discuss your needs.

If you are too far away for her to come to your space, you can schedule a private online Feng Shui Reset, available through Zoom.

Success Stories 

Gift Certificates are Available

Feng Shui Gift Certificates

FAQs for Feng Shui Appointments ~

The objectives of each Feng Shui consultation are unique, based on your individual needs. For that reason, Rheanni offers a complimentary 15 minute interview to determine if this kind of session would be effective for you. After that, you will be asked to fill out a Client  Feng Shui Intake Form to clarify your concerns and goals.

Client  Feng Shui Intake Form

Clearing and Set Up Sessions are $150.00 per hour, + NM Sales Tax. An average session takes between 1 1/2 to 3 hours. Follow up recommendations are billed at $100.00 per hour.

If a property is being prepared for selling, Realtors need only be present to open up the house and provide any pertinent information. Owners are encouraged to be present.

Properties outside of the Santa Fe area require a reasonable fee to accommodate the time and distance traveled.

Some services can be provided online over Zoom. Call or text Rheanni at (505) 271-4612 (Mountain Standard Time) to see if this option will work for you.

Read About the I Ching and the Chinese Zodiac

Feng Shui and the Chinese Zodiac

The I Ching was written over centuries of observation by shamans and wise men/women who carefully marked and recorded changes in natural and human events. Through many contributions from master teachers, including Lau Tzu, Confucius and Kuan Yin, the Book of Change was developed into a full philosophy for applying beneficial human conduct to varying circumstances.

The Art of Feng Shui is part of that philosophy and you can learn more about it in Todays Intuitive Reading…

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