Reform Your Relationship with Your Environment

Reform and Liberate for the New Paradigm

First, a word about environmental changes and getting a grasp on the larger picture… Most people know on the unconscious level that a shift has occurred. However, the conscious mind may still be acting as if everything’s still the same. In order to REFORM and LIBERATE ourselves from the old paradigm appropriately, our minds will need signs and maps to assist us to navigate the new terrain. That is the reason and purpose for all the symbols and Intuitive Learning Circles on this website.

For example, If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of what it can organize around in the New Paradigm we are in. This is the imprint of common ground based on cooperation, joy, equality and balanced prosperity.

Reform and Recalibrate for the New Paradigm

Whenever conditions change, it follows that we’ll need to REFORM our intentions and LIBERATE our outmoded relationship with our environment.

For years, Kuan Yin has been saying that the way we humans have been living will have to radically change. Luckily, I was willing to listen and took some time every day to be sure I knew my relationship with my environment. Now that the flow of the Tao (the Underlying Principles of Nature) is operating out of the influence of Air, rather than Water, many, many, many conditions have changed and are continuing to change at a far quicker pace than they ever have before.

This Transformation Game contains updated advice to help us organize around happiness in 2024.

As always, her advice is direct and to the point.

Kuan Yin's Transformation Games - Intentions and Feng Shui

REFORM and Recalibrate How You’re Interacting with the Flow of Life or Chi’ ~

The change in the quality of energy flow is significant when its dominant quality changes from Water to Air.

The Element of Air is about mental activity: Rational thought, putting concepts into words, discernment, understanding, decision. Successful projects include these components:

  • Clear messaging.
  • Clear intention (single-minded, straightforward, simple).
  • Motivation to cooperate.
  • Access to beneficial karma that will support the objective.

Intentions and Feng Shui - the Air Archetype

Therefore, unity of thought, simplicity, being straightforward and having the karma to follow through will effectively “cut through” any difficulties you’re having with your environment.

Check in with these questions:

Are my thoughts positive?
Is my intention clear?
Is my motivation life affirming?
Do I have the appropriate karma and reasoning to follow through successfully?


Reform Your Agreements

The energy of our agreements are important to release as part of this transformation because our agreements organize how we navigate through life. We each have agreements about ourselves, our relationships with others and our relationships with life and the environment. Some Soul Contracts are individual, while others are collective and tribal. You can keep them, you can break them or you can renegotiate them.

Your nervous system also holds the energy of those agreements. This Circle can help you to release or renegotiate any agreements that no longer serves you. To let go, start at the bottom of the line and the bottom of your spine.

As you move up, you can imagine a violet flame LIBERATING each vertebrae from the chains of outdated, oppressive agreements – all the way up to the top of your spine. Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed.

By doing so, you free up a lot of energy and effort that’s tangled up with the way things used to be which could be creating a lot of confusion or even health problems for you.


An environmental shift of this magnitude requires both internal and external changes.

Make new agreements with yourself to REFORM how you are interacting with the Elements of Water and Air so that you can work with them, rather than against them. Think about the difference between how you move when you’re wading through water as opposed to strolling down the street. It takes much less effort to move through Air.

Release how you interacted with the Water dominated, emotional energy of Pisces and make new agreements to mindfully generate life with the Air energy of Aquarius.

“I REFORM how I utilize the Elements of Water and Air to create life in the New Paradigm.”

“It will help to slow down and use much less force for accomplishing my aims.”


In addition, the out-dated system of the Patriarchy currently affirms that you use and pollute the Land in whatever way you like. Rather than cultivating Mother Earth’s resources in a sustainable way, this system has aggressively extracted them and used her as a garbage dump for leftover trash and unwanted emotional garbage.

Release your agreement to use Earth in that way and set up new agreements for a healthy and equitable relationship with the Land.

“I release agreements to use Earth as a dumping ground.”

“I also release any agreement to be used as a dumping ground myself.”

“Instead, I choose to plant seeds of karma that will result in equitable co-operation, healthy balance, sustainable prosperity and personal responsibility.”

“I choose to respect myself and the Earth.”


Another agreement to change would be to SOURCE your intentions for life from a place of gratitude and joy, rather than from a grumpy, greedy or vengeful place.

“I release agreements to source from conflict, greed, resentment or revenge.”

“I now Source from Gratitude and Joy.”

If you have a copy of The Essential Human, ask if all aspects of your Essence are on board with making this change…


Another change that’s needed is in how we relate to and utilize the Element of Water.

Unfortunately, many people use toxic, stagnant yin water energy to process their feelings and to interact with others. This “stuck” energy relates to current social tendencies such as apathy, resistance, self-pity, co-dependence and laziness. Meditate on this symbol for a few minutes and then release any agreements you have to utilize it in your internal or external processes:

“I let go of old, heavy, stagnant or destructive energies.”

Utilize pure Water to process and clear emotions.

Instead, make a conscious choice to activate a new relationship with the Element of Water – fresh and purified to gently clear emotions, imbalances and the residual effects of past indifference and abuse.

This affirmation will help you make an actual adjustment in how you relate to and utilize this precious resource:

“I now make a conscious decision to use pure, life affirming Water to process my emotions and create vibrant  health.”


There are also changes around the archetypal Animal energy from the Chinese Zodiac: 

We have transferred from the Year of the Rabbit into the Year of the Yang Wood DragonThe qualities of Dragon are generally known to be Energetic. Confident. Ambitious. Intelligent. Generous. However, they can also be Unstable. Intolerant. Lack of persistence. Unrealistic. Luckily, the Wood Element keeps him from being too temperamental.

With this Feng Shui Mandala you can call on his foresight and ability to fly up above the chaos to give you a different perspective on the things you’ve been dealing with lately. He loves to be listened to!

Watch out though, because he can get pretty opinionated and judgmental. To make friends, approach him with respect and appreciation. If you do that, he can be very accommodating to your requests for help:
Does Dragon have any warnings for you? If so, are they present or off in the distance? What is his advice?

Does he see any valuable opportunities for you? What help can you get from his higher perspective? What activities would benefit you most right now?


Finally, the nature of chi’ or life force flowing through the Tao has changed to an Air based flow rather than the previous Water based flow.

Let this symbol help you make the adjustment needed.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the old paradigm.”

Divine Protection for Difficult Beginnings
Divine Protection in the New Paradigm

“I allow my mind and body to acclimate to this lighter, quicker life force.”
“I learn to receive generative life force and use it to communicate with  my environment.”

Of course, this will all take some time to integrate. The adjustments needed won’t just happen on their own. In this new environment, having integrity in thought, word and deed is the best way to manifest genuine happiness. It’s worth it to take your time as you learn to navigate all these changes. Be proactive and intentional with what you want to set up for yourself.

‘Know what you want, know what makes you feel good about your Self, know what brings you into harmony with others. These are your guidelines and principles’.”

So that’s a lot of changes to adjust to. If you need to you can go through Future Pacing to clear up any harmful energy patterns.


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Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

REFORM and Recalibrate has been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, Reiki Master Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

If you would like more help, find out about Rheanni’s Feng Shui Consultations and Clearings (Long Distance or Visit Santa Fe)

Online consultations are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). Call or text her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Intentions and Feng Shui

Feng Shui Intentions for Prosperity

Whenever conditions in our environment change, it follows that our intentions and Feng Shui will need to change as well.

For years, Kuan Yin has advised us to stay away from making intentions frivolously or to ask for so many new things that we unwittingly create chaos, conflict and/or confusion. Happily, I’ve chosen to listen and take the time to create that habit in myself. Now that the New Paradigm is operating out of the flow of Air, rather than Water, many, many, many conditions have changed and will continue to do so at a far quicker pace than they ever have before.

So, whenever I set intentions for the Feng Shui in my home or office, I always ask for and follow simple, down to earth guidance from the most dependable Source I know, Kuan Yin.

As always, her advice is direct and to the point.

Kuan Yin's Transformation Games - Intentions and Feng Shui

“In the I Ching Hexagram #21 REFORM there are several points that will help as we explore what needs to happen in our intentions and Feng Shui:

‘The time calls for energetic REFORM… Either an inferior person who is working against you or a situation that has developed at cross purposes to your life is interfering with the attainment of your aims. These obstacles must be sought out, reformed, and thereby eliminated. Success will come through the enforcement of laws and the administering of justice. There is neither possibility of compromise nor hope that the problem will miraculously vanish. It cannot be rationalized or ignored, and you cannot maneuver around it. It is a tangible, real, and self generating interference in your life, and must be severely reformed before it causes any permanent damage to you…

… Personal relationships without defined guidelines, reasonable expectations, reciprocal considerations and clear plans for the future are now in danger of dissolving into the chaos being generated by the current situation. Misunderstandings and confusions will become more common unless firm, clear headed action is taken to dispense with whatever you perceive to be an obstacle to union. There are times to avoid confrontation, to sublimate deep feelings, or to retreat and await a more opportune moment for action. This is not one of those times. Energetic REFORM will bring favorable results.

There could not be a more appropriate time to examine your character and determine the extent to which any delusions, rationalizations, or habits have usurped control of your judgement. Know what you want, know what makes you feel good about your Self, know what brings you into harmony with others. These are your guidelines and principles. Other factors that assume control of your behavior or your health or that create inner discord are the obstacles that must be overcome. Be firm, unemotional, gentle, and clear in annihilating them and thereby reforming your Self and your environment.’  ~ Hexagram #21 REFORM, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Doubleday, New York City, NY, 1979.

Intentions and Feng Shui

Part I: Calm Down and Get Focused ~

These selected Intuitive Learning Circles will help you focus and re-organize your intentions. Simply gaze softly at the Circles while you contemplate the question or positive affirmations that go with each one.


Your senses may have gotten all knocked out of balance.  

Gaze softly at the Circle and take a moment to consciously gather up all your senses. Bring them into balance so that you can perceive things more clearly.  Imagine you can adjust the volume for seeing, hearing, feeling, tasting and smelling the things that are in your immediate surroundings.


When we’re adjusting to this new energy, the chakras and other subtle energy systems may start running in reverse or shut down entirely. Relax and let this symbol help you make corrections.

Repair any reversals, holes or blockages affecting your energy system.

Take all the time you need to let your energy smooth out.


Your intuition may need balancing because of elevated emotions.

Use this Circle to help you get your senses and intuition focused to the right level so you can perceive things correctly, which helps with emotions.

Some senses may be turned up too high and others too low.

You can adjust them now like the volume on a radio dial – just right!


Confirm that you’re 100% present.
Open and close your hands. Notice the time, date and where you are.

“I am 100% in present time.”


Finally, it’s important to know that the nature of chi’ or life force flowing through the Tao has changed to the Air based flow of Aquarius, rather than the previous Water based flow of the Piscean Age.*

Let this symbol for Divine Protection help you make the adjustment needed.

“I close down the heavier energy channels of the old paradigm.”

“I open my mind and body to acclimate to the lighter, quicker life force of the Aquarian Age.”

“I learn to receive generative life force and use it to communicate with my environment.”


*You may want to know about other significant environmental changes that have been taking place since the advent of the Aquarian Age that began of the Winter Solstice of 2021 before you continue with the game…

Part II: Now You’re Ready to Assess Your Feng Shui ~

Turn your attention to your immediate environment. Allow the Circles and their questions to help you get clear information…

1. Slow down and get to the Source of what really needs to happen.

“I turn inward and connect with my Source. I learn to utilize the beneficial and generative flow of Air in my environment … landscaping, bedroom, office, etc.”


2. It definitely helps to empower this entire process with Reiki and other natural healing methods.

Use the Circle for Plant Spirits to help you access, focus in on and direct Reiki energy and your natural healing abilities. If you humbly ask for your highest good, surely you will get it!

Please note: Reiki will do no harm, so if your intentions or methods are suspect or not genuinely in your highest good, its healing energy will not go towards your intention. However, you can ask Reiki to help you understand what kind of harm you might be inadvertently opening yourself up to.
Is there anything you need to know or be warned about?
What  do you need to be aware of to form a genuinely helpful intention?


3. Use this Circle to help you focus in on your intentions and Feng Shui.

What, if anything, has recently changed in your environment? How have your circumstances changed?

You may want to make a list. 


4. Is there a general improvement, decline or is it just changing? 

Is there conflict? Chaos? Contradiction? Crisis?

Are you tapping into the generative energies around you? If not, can you tell what might help? Just make notes for now.


5. Are there any agreements or decisions you need to release or re-organize?



6. Are there old, out of date intentions that need to be cleared out of your mindset?

If there are, imagine that you can clear any harmful intentions out of your prayer pipe! If there are collective societal intentions, clean them out as well and send them to the Light.


7. Now that you’ve adjusted your awareness, use Kuan Yin’s Feng Shui Mandala to help you connect with the true meaning of balanced prosperity and how it can be manifested.

“I connect to the abundance of balanced prosperity.”
“I engage with my true nature and make the necessary changes to create my highest good.”

Balanced Prosperity

As you go through the rest of this exercise, keep the feng shui principle in mind about finding twelve objects you can move or rearrange in some way at the change of every season or during other times of significant change. For example, are there any elements to adjust, let go of or bring in?
Does an object, piece of art or need to be added, removed or re-arranged?


8. What is the best way to nurture and care for yourself now? Can you turn that into an intention to use for your entire environment?

Decide on a life affirming experience that’s general enough to allow positive change to occur and that makes sense under your current circumstances. That part is especially important, since we know the changes we’re going through are liable to continue for some time.

“I decide to slow down and adjust to the flow of balanced prosperity.”

“I decide on positive intentions about __________ and _____________.”

Imagine that you can relax and allow the gears and wheels in your mind to slow down and synchronize with each other. For a positive flow, have them turning in a clockwise movement. If there are some wheels that are jamming up the flow or don’t even belong there anymore, gently remove them and send them to the Light.


9. Is there any protection that you need to add to help you deal with these difficult times? If so, can you tell what might help and where it would be best placed?

See if you can add that information to your intention.


10. Ask for a team of Divine Beings to help assist you as you set up your space around your new intention.


Chinese Zodiac: 

This is the Year of the Yang Wood Dragon.

Intentions and Feng Shui - Year of the Dragon

The beneficial qualities of the Dragon are: Confidence. Intelligence. Energetic. Ambitious and Generous. His ability to lift himself up and fly high above the fray that lies below is a definite advantage. Luckily, the Wood Element keeps him from flying off into a thousand different directions!

His more challenging attributes can be: Instability. Lack of persistence. Intolerance and Unrealistic. Unfortunately, extreme Arrogance also seems to have wings and taken flight.

With these general influence in mind, what do you gather you need to intend differently to be successful with this energy? What is the message from this Archetypal Animal? Are there any warnings? Opportunities?

Is there something specific you could ask about that would be beneficial?
What would you need to do to make friends with him?



10. Gather up your self-healing abilities and instinctual nature. What message do you get from your own Power Animal? 

Are there any actions that should be taken?
Any that are best to avoid?
What about your Chinese Zodiac Animal?
Make sure that each of your guide are present and introduced to each other.


11. Now that you’ve engaged a cooperative team, what changes in your environment do you need to make to support your new intention? The changes could be inside or outside.

How might you bring light and balanced prosperity into your environment?

Make a list of the inspiration that comes and you’re off to a good start!

Over the next few days, set up the energy in your environment to organize around your new intention. Remember to mindfully set the intention in your crystals and/or sacred objects and place them as you’re guided.

Congratulations! You now have information that will help to prepare you for the challenging times ahead.

Next Steps

Once you’ve set your intention and Feng Shui in your space, pay attention to what you start to attract. If you start attracting chaos, conflict or confusion, know that you need to reassess your intention and reorganize it.

Don’t waste your time beating yourself up for having made a mistake or not doing it “perfectly.” After all, this is a whole new energy we’re in. We’re at the very beginning of one Age, while the other is gone. Mistakes are going to happen! Just get back up, clear your mind and be willing to let go of your assumptions about how you thought things were going to be.

If you would like more in depth help for setting up your space, contact Rheanni.

If you’d feel uncertain about how to proceed or set up greater protection, you can get more clarity with this exercise>

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Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

Intentions and Feng Shui has been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, Reiki Master Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

If you would like more help, find out about Rheanni’s Feng Shui Consultations and Clearings (Long Distance or Visit Santa Fe)

Online consultations are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). Call or text her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Come From a Grounded Place

How to ADAPT and Come From a Grounded Place in the New Paradigm ~

Many of us are aware that how we experience our environment has a lot to do with how well we’re feeling and how easy or difficult it is to come from a grounded place. That’s especially so when we need to communicate or move forward in a genuinely productive way! The energy of the Cosmos has changed radically and we are being called to ADAPT to a New Paradigm based on common ground.

The purpose of this Mind Exercise is to activate the beneficial energies of the New Paradigm in your environment. Connecting with these energies will help you organize effectively and from a grounded place.

If you’ve noticed any of the following situations in your environment, try this exercise from Navigating Compassion Fatigue, an online resource from our Soul Oriented Solutions series –

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions
SOS – Soul Oriented Solutions

If you feel like you or your environment are:

  • Ungrounded or scattered
  • Overwhelmed by too much stuff
  • Disorganized and confused
  • Unstable, unsafe or explosive
  • Juggling too many things
  • Unproductive – going around in circles
  • A magnet attracting negative energies.

Directions: Confirm this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.

Find a quiet place to sit in the center of your space, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Make sure both of your feet are firmly planted on the floor and that the soles of your shoes wouldn’t prevent you from grounding well.

Begin by meditating on this symbol that will help you organize your mind around the structure for Creating Common Ground.

Come from a Grounded Place

Then, go through the exercise by reading each message and then gazing gently at the Circle or chart that goes with it for a minute or so. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working to help you and your environment to come into balance with each other and ground.

Some emotions may come up and when that happens always visualize the heaviness moving up, out and towards the Light.

You may intuitively feel that an object in the space should be moved or removed completely. Trust your instincts. Give yourself permission to let go of anything that could keep you stuck in the old paradigm.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration - Self-care for lossFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to cross or uncross your arms whenever you intuitively feel you need to!

It helps to know that there are new channels of life force available in the New Paradigm that will help us ADAPT.

Come From a Grounded Place
Divine Protection

Keep this symbol handy to help you open up to generative life force and close down life-destructive energy channels from the past. That integration also includes new communication channels that will help us connect with each other in far more life affirming ways.

By contemplating the symbol, you’ll find that you’ll be able to intentionally close down harmful channels and open up to the generative life force (chi) that we look for in Feng Shui.

In Chinese, Feng Shui means “wind water”. These are the two elements that move energy for creating life when they’re in balance. When they’re out of balance, they can create all kinds of destructive energy patterns – sudden reversals, poltergeists, collapses in protection and stagnation – just to name a few. 

Needless to say, transitioning out of the energy channels of the Piscean Age (water) into the new energy channels of the Aquarian Age (air) has been causing quite a bit of instability for everyone.

The bottom line is – the sooner we can come from a grounded place in the New Paradigm based on common ground, the better!

If you need help getting your space grounded, you’re welcome to connect with Rheanni Lightwater for Feng Shui consulting. You can share some of the experiences you’re having and what you’re noticing about your space. Getting a Feng Shui perspective on your situation could be very useful and help you to make the best decisions about your space and organize your life in a way that will move you forward.

Once you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts or Sea Salt. It’s important to make sure that you’ve cleansed yourself.

  1. Begin by relaxing while you softly gaze at this Reiki Chakra Key for your Life Path Chakras, located on either side of your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Use the following affirmation:

“I choose to relax and open up to my true potential.”



2. Take some more time to breathe deeply.
 Pay special attention to those places in your body where you’re feeling pain or discomfort. 
Consciously send your breath to those places and let them relax.
Stretch if you need to. Open and close your hands. Notice the time and the space around you.

“I bring myself into the present in the New Paradigm.”

Mind Body IntegrationScroll back up to Divine Protection and take a few moments to consciously close down any harmful energy channels in your body or your space.

Do it both crossed and uncrossed over the center line of your body.



3. Ask for peace and harmony to come into your heart and awareness.

Consciously move your energy out of your head and pull it down into your heart and solar plexus area.

Old Soul

Once you feel the shift, close down harmful energy channels again. The more relaxed you are, the better this works.



4. Connect with your instinctual nature.
Use the Dragonfly Circle to help you tune into your gut instincts so that you can reconnect and improve your relationship with your environment.

“I reconnect with my natural instincts and relationship to my environment.”

Divine Protection

Do you get instinctual messages or intuitive hits about certain areas in the space around you?
Could there be an object that’s holding old energy or keeping you grounded in past unhappiness?

If there is, take a moment to move it now and clear the area with Divine Protection.


Clear Intention

5. Let go of the need to be perfect, having to sacrifice or be everything for everyone. Include intentions that were helpful at one time and are no longer useful.
Could you be holding onto something that doesn’t belong to you or leaving yourself open to a problem that’s not yours to fix?
You are responsible for yourself and only your part of the situation. What is your part?

What makes sense to do? What would be genuinely helpful in this situation?
Resolve to let any misguided intentions go, like old smoke disappearing into the Light.



6. Make sure that you’re accessing the most beneficial energies to support you and your environment.
You may notice that some directions hold more auspicious energies for you than others.

Shut down any energy channels that are irrelevant or distracting you with Divine Protection.



7. To ground in the New Paradigm effectively, you need a strong connection to your spiritual Source. You need to be able to take good care of yourself and willing to ask for help. Bring your attention back to your heart and listen to it beating – nice and steady. Affirm to yourself:

“I exist and am empowered through the connection in my Heart.”

“I take good care of myself and am willing to ask for help.”

“I connect with my environment through Joy and Gratitude.”

Take all the time you need with this.



8. Pull your energy back and out of disappointing experiences.
Use this Circle to help you stop tapping into harmful or destructive energies that don’t support you and that bring chaos into your environment.

Shut down any remaining energy channels that are irrelevant or distracting you with Divine Protection.



9. It’s time to focus your energy on getting grounded. When are grounded, you are not only taking good care of yourself, you also have a positive effect on those around you.

“I pull myself together and get grounded in the New Paradigm.”



10. Is there anything else you need to do to help yourself?
Does anything else need to happen in your environment so you can come from a grounded place?

Make a list so you can remember.



11. Do you have old agreements or assumptions you need to change? You can find them by examining your life and asking yourself:

“What’s been working and what hasn’t been working?”

Are you willing to let go of things that are not working? Release any agreements to hold on.
“I’m willing and able to let go and make the changes necessary for me now.”



12. Keep looking at the Circle while you relax and think of something that you love very much.

Have you been unknowingly jeopardizing things that matter to you?
If you have, what can you do to set it right?
Make note of the ideas that come to you.


Clean Up

13. Use Rat’s Circle to sweep any confusion or clutter out of your mind and send the debris up to the Light. In your mind’s eye, sweep it all away!
Then close the doors behind you that let in all that garbage.

Notice how much better your body feels when your mind gets clear.
Make note of ideas that come to you about how you might remove the clutter out of your environment.



14. Imagine that your Spirit can gently take you by your heart and head. Let it turn you around – toward the direction of your highest good.

Allow an uplifting and generative flow of life affirming energy to circulate through your body.



15. Use this Circle to help you close the pathways in your mind that would lead you into ungrounded and confusing places.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the guidance of my Soul.”

You probably feel much clearer now.


Inner Guidance

16. Take some deep breaths and move your body around again. Let your shoulders drop. Listen to that calm, gentle voice that comes from your heart. What is it telling you?

Old Soul


New BeginningS

17. Allow a generative energy to begin in your solar plexus. Feel it moving up into your heart and let it fill up your entire body – all the way to your fingertips. You are creating a new template for a new beginning.


Divine Protection

18. Finish by gazing at this symbol to confirm your connection with the new and beneficial energies of the New Paradigm.

“My mind and body are open and clear to receive generative life force.”

“All harmful energy channels have been closed down.”

Come from a Grounded Place

 “Divine Protection fills my environment completely in all directions – including above and below.” 

Remember that the need to unify in common ground is real! The changes are taking place over time and you will likely need to do this exercise repeatedly. Take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom/Sea Salts to cleanse yourself.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Come From a Grounded Place
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Come From A Grounded Place has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you need more help with your environment.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Changes in Your Environment – Feng Shui Tips

Feng Shui Tips for Handling Recent Changes in Your Environment:

Rheanni Lightwater
Rheanni Lightwater

When going through a radical change, it’s a great help to clean out certain areas of our homes and keep an eye on how well the energy is moving. While we’re rearranging things, we can reorganize our intentions to adapt to the changes in our environment and circumstances. When we take the time to do that, we’re allowing a physical and psychological space to open up for new things to come in and help us adjust both inwardly and outwardly.

Changes in Your Environment - Crystal CleansingFor example, I have a lot of crystals and a prayer pipe that I consider sacred. Early on in my Feng Shui practice, I got a strong message that I need to regularly clear out my pipe, cleanse those crystals and rearrange other significant objects to accommodate the changes in the I Ching flow. Why is that so important?

— Because crystals, prayer containers and other significant personal objects can hold onto a great deal of energy and old intentions.

In order to keep my mind and energy flexible, I don’t want to be held back by the gravity of those old energies, including those that marked the end of the Piscean Age. Since the Winter Equinox of 2022, the nature of chi’ or life force flowing through the Tao has changed to an Air based flow (Aquarius) rather than the previous Water based flow.

Let this symbol help you make the adjustment needed.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the old paradigm.”

Divine Protection for Difficult Beginnings
Divine Protection in the New Paradigm

“I allow my mind and body to acclimate to this lighter, quicker life force.”
“I learn to receive generative life force and use it to communicate with  my environment.”



Also, I don’t want to be blocked by old intentions and outdated agreements that aren’t relevant anymore. They only perpetuate inner conflict or confusion, especially now that we’re obviously in a very different space!

For example, when the pandemic started, I got the strong guidance to “change with the changes and still stay grounded.” In the early summer of 2020, my inner guidance was to “bring light and balanced prosperity into my mindset and environment.” at the Winter Solstice I was guided to pray for “safe transition into the New Paradigm”. Now my intention is “I am firmly grounded in the New Paradigm and have Divine Protection.” These are pretty big changes, and I’m sure there will be many more to come!

Big changes in your environment can be supported with the help of Reiki, strong intention and clear crystals.

To cleanse crystals, I gather them up from around my house and property and then place them in a bowl of water mixed with sea salt. Around the full moon, I’m guided to set them outside for a day or two to cleanse. That way, they will get really clear through an infusion of both Sun and Moon light. Then, I set a new strong and focused intention with those crystals, based on what is needed now.

Notice that I didn’t say, “please keep the coronavirus away,” or “please be sure that civil war doesn’t break out.” If I were to set intentions based on things I don’t want to happen, my whole mindset would start to unconsciously fixate on all the uncertainty and fear that these things attract. To make things even worse, the energy in my environment should start to organize around the fixation. That’s exactly opposite of what I want!

I also don’t want to make intentions frivolously or ask for so many new things that I unwittingly create chaos, conflict and confusion.

So, when I set intentions in turbulent times, I calm myself down first. Once the shock is abated and my mind is clear of anxiety, I ask for a life affirming experience that’s general enough to allow positive change to occur and that makes sense under my current circumstances. That part is especially important since we know the changes we’re going through are liable to continue for some time. Then, I set up the energy in my living space to organize around the new intention by mindfully placing the crystals and/or sacred objects as I’m guided.

Once I’ve set my intention in the space, I pay attention to what I start to attract.  If I start attracting chaos, conflict or confusion, I know that I need to reassess my intention and reorganize it.

I don’t waste my time beating myself up for having made a mistake or not doing it “perfectly”. After all, this is a whole new energy we’re in. We’re at the very beginning of one Age, while the other has departed entirely! It’s going to take a while for our minds to adjust. Mistakes are going to happen. Just get back up, clear your mind and be willing to let go of your assumptions about how you thought things were going to be.

If you’re interested in this process of reassessing and reorganizing your intention, You might be interested in an extra intuitive exercise I’ve put together.

If you would like more in depth help for setting up your space, contact Rheanni.

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP

Changes in Your Environment has been put together by Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, Reiki Master Teacher and Feng Shui Consultant.

If you would like more help, find out about Rheanni’s Feng Shui Consultations and Clearings (Long Distance or Visit Santa Fe)

Online consultations are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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