Nourish A New Perspective Through Butterfly Medicine
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:
34. Butterfly – Butterfly medicine is about nourishing ourselves appropriately so that we can flourish while we go through the many metamorphoses in our lives.
What kind of changes have taken place within you recently?
Are you nourishing yourself correctly?
If not, what needs to change?
Healing Action: Pay attention to how you’re nourishing yourself. Learn to say no to harmful input. Be open to receive amazing new forms of beneficial nourishment.
The Changing Butterfly
The butterfly has successfully transitioned
out of its cocoon.
It must learn to nourish itself
in an entirely new way if it is to survive.
So it is with the humans.
They encounter many metamorphoses
throughout their lives, yet they often forget
that the old ways no longer work.
Consider the changes in your life
and consciously discontinue the old ways
you had of nourishing and being nourished.
Ask for guidance from the butterfly
about this new life you have entered.
What are the necessary changes you must make?
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Butterfly Medicine:
You have recently gone through a significant transformation and your vision is hampered by the fact that you’ve never been in this position before. You’re filled with hesitation and doubt because you don’t know what to expect. Naturally, it may take some time to realize you’re no longer the way you were. Your perception of yourself needs to make some changes as well.
Take some time out to play and explore new ways to take care of yourself. Old patterns of self-defeat and self-destruction have been healed; now it’s time to get a new perspective based on your current needs. Many decisions you’ve made in the past are no longer relevant.
Look at Butterfly’s Circle and make some choices about would nourish you now. Ask your heart what changes you need to make in order for your choices to prosper. What kind of input will help you spread your new wings? You may be surprised by the answers that come back to you. If they’re full of contradictions, you will understand more clearly how your ego is still trying to sabotage your growth.
Refrain from blocking positive change through denial, doubt or self-criticism. Lift any restrictions your ego may have put on receiving Love. Accept that change has come and you can’t go back to the way that things were. Actively seek out creative, nurturing energy and allow it to support you in the most appropriate and generous form.
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuition.
♦ Find emotional healing ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:
10.Amazon Ant medicine exposes how easily our minds can be controlled by fear, intolerance and manipulation to block the natural flow of Life.
Are you being blocked, controlled or manipulated?
Is something triggering a fear reaction?
If so, can you tell what’s happening and how to set it right?
Healing Action: Check your environment for disruptive frequencies. Free yourself by letting go of fear and disentangling from all that tries to control you.
Southern Ant Wars
Beware the warlike mind
that lives through control and manipulation.
It’s like the Amazon Ant
who intrudes upon its neighbors
and forces them to work as slaves.
It seeks domination through intimidation.
The healthy spiritual mind
aligns itself with True North –
the direction of freedom and respect.
Release attitudes and thoughts that are
unmerciful, vengeful and full of false pride.
Let go of all cords that are connected to others
out of pain, pity or disdain.
Healthy boundaries breed self-respect
and respect for others.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Amazonian Ant Medicine:
The medicine of Amazon Ant wants you to consider the true nature of freedom and whether or not you’re allowing it. Are you being too hard on yourself? Do you have trouble exercising free agency and taking beneficial actions for yourself without allowing others to interfere? If so, it’s likely that trauma from the past is dominating your behavior.
Whenever controlling attitudes and behavior patterns are intruding on your freedom, that’s your cue to stop buying into intrusive thoughts or intentions others may have for you and let go of your own prejudices.
Are you being too hard on others? Remember that a domineering mind puts just as much pressure on itself as it does on others. You could be caught in the illusion of separateness; feeling you’re alone and powerless. Reclaim your peace of mind by letting go and allowing others their own free will and autonomy. When you back off and respect their decisions, the natural law of Cause and Effect can come in and restore balance.
You may be caught in an entangled relationship where one or both parties assume they couldn’t possibly exist without the other. Because of this misconception, Free Will is being blocked and twisted by and unconscious need for control.
It’s time to choose for yourself, freely and without attachment. To help you disentangle, meditate on Ant’s Circle. Ask these questions and wait for your Soul’s reply:
“Am I using my energy in a creative or destructive way?” Make an agreement to affirm life rather than deny it.
“Am I feeling sorry for someone or holding them in judgement?” Make sure you’re seeing things with an eye on reciprocity. In other words, is whatever you’re putting out something you would like to receive?
“How am I connecting with others?” Decide to connect through Love rather than fear.
”How can I let go of fear?” Reclaim your power by reconnecting with your Soul.
It may a while to work through this, however, once you do, the new wisdom you gain will change your behavior and put you back into balance with the Circle of Life.
Ant Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuition.
♦ Find emotional healing ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:
#43 Early Morning Storm –New beginnings are best ushered in with objectivity and a fundamental belief in the beauty of life. An early morning storm inspires us to start fresh from wherever we are.
Is something obstructing your clear connection with life, health, hope or happiness?
What new possibilities do you need to make way for?
Healing Action: Dissolve dysfunctional mindsets, family patterns and attraction fields that no longer serve you.
A New Dawn
View your life from a distance.
Get clear about how your decisions create the experiences that follow.
If you decide to believe your negative thoughts,
you will create negative experiences.
The collective unconscious has been dreaming a negative dream.
The jungle cries out to our hearts,
“It’s always early morning somewhere.
Start fresh from wherever you are right now.”
You can change your reality
and the reality of the planet
by changing your beliefs.
Begin again.
Create a new dream by allowing an early morning storm to clear the air.
Refresh, relax and believe in the beauty that is all around you.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Early Morning Storm Medicine:
A new dawn is about new beginnings. You are ready to embark on a journey that requires an entirely different way of thinking. Discipline and compassion for yourself will teach you how to clear the slate effectively. You may think that the shadows from the past are fading into the background, yet all you would need to do to bring them back full force upon you would be to either go into denial and plunge into the future without any caution or to focus obsessively on what happened in the past.
It’s time to transmute the shadows of denial and assumption through your greatest strengths – the truth and acceptance that comes from your Soul. A simple way to remember this lesson is, “The ego repeats – the Soul creates.”
This medicine is especially good when you want to gather unconscious information about a larger pattern so that you can clear and release it more completely. Use the Circle to help you get a larger perspective on a situation with this affirmation: “I gather all the pertinent information about this situation so that I can clear it in alignment with my Soul.”
A fear from the past has become a habit for you and as a result, you continue to attract negativity. You can transform your habit into courage with the assistance of Nature and this Circle. Look into it and ask your heart, “Am I in real danger right now, in this moment?”
A new dawn could also be alerting you to a beautiful new opportunity that has just been opened to you. Clear your mind and ask for the possibilities to reveal themselves.
There is magic in rain that falls through the atmosphere when dawn is breaking. Use this power to open your heart and make room for Love. Appreciating beauty at this time keeps you focused on what’s important and gratitude renews the childlike heart in all of us.
The Medicine of Early Morning Storm is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuition.
♦ Find emotional healing ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
How to ADAPT and Come From a Grounded Place in the New Paradigm ~
Many of us are aware that how we experience our environment has a lot to do with how well we’re feeling and how easy or difficult it is to come from a grounded place. That’s especially so when we need to communicate or move forward in a genuinely productive way! The energy of the Cosmos has changed radically and we are being called to ADAPT to a New Paradigm based on common ground.
The purpose of this Mind Exercise is to activate the beneficial energies of the New Paradigm in your environment. Connecting with these energies will help you organize effectively and from a grounded place.
If you’ve noticed any of the following situations in your environment, try this exercise fromNavigating Compassion Fatigue, an online resource from our Soul Oriented Solutions series –
If you feel like you or your environment are:
Ungrounded or scattered
Overwhelmed by too much stuff
Disorganized and confused
Unstable, unsafe or explosive
Juggling too many things
Unproductive – going around in circles
A magnet attracting negative energies.
Directions: Confirm this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.
Find a quiet place to sit in the center of your space, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Make sure both of your feet are firmly planted on the floor and that the soles of your shoes wouldn’t prevent you from grounding well.
Begin by meditating on this symbol that will help you organize your mind around the structure for Creating Common Ground.
Then, go through the exercise by reading each message and then gazing gently at the Circle or chart that goes with it for a minute or so. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working to help you and your environment to come into balance with each other and ground.
Some emotions may come up and when that happens always visualize the heaviness moving up, out and towards the Light.
You may intuitively feel that an object in the space should be moved or removed completely. Trust your instincts. Give yourself permission to let go of anything that could keep you stuck in the old paradigm.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to cross or uncross your arms whenever you intuitively feel you need to!
It helps to know that there are new channels of life force available in the New Paradigm that will help us ADAPT.
Keep this symbol handy to help you open up to generative life force and close down life-destructive energy channels from the past. That integration also includes new communication channels that will help us connect with each other in far more life affirming ways.
By contemplating the symbol, you’ll find that you’ll be able to intentionally close down harmful channels and open up to the generative life force (chi) that we look for in Feng Shui.
In Chinese, Feng Shui means “wind water”. These are the two elements that move energy for creating life when they’re in balance. When they’re out of balance, they can create all kinds of destructive energy patterns – sudden reversals, poltergeists, collapses in protection and stagnation – just to name a few.
Needless to say, transitioning out of the energy channels of the Piscean Age (water) into the new energy channels of the Aquarian Age (air) has been causing quite a bit of instability for everyone.
The bottom line is – the sooner we can come from a grounded place in the New Paradigm based on common ground, the better!
If you need help getting your space grounded, you’re welcome to connect with Rheanni Lightwater for Feng Shui consulting. You can share some of the experiences you’re having and what you’re noticing about your space. Getting a Feng Shui perspective on your situation could be very useful and help you to make the best decisions about your space and organize your life in a way that will move you forward.
Once you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts or Sea Salt. It’s important to make sure that you’ve cleansed yourself.
Begin by relaxing while you softly gaze at this Reiki Chakra Key for your Life Path Chakras, located on either side of your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Use the following affirmation:
“I choose to relax and open up to my true potential.”
2. Take some more time to breathe deeply. Pay special attention to those places in your body where you’re feeling pain or discomfort. Consciously send your breath to those places and let them relax.
Stretch if you need to. Open and close your hands. Notice the time and the space around you.
“I bring myself into the present in the New Paradigm.”
Scroll back up to Divine Protection and take a few moments to consciously close down any harmful energy channels in your body or your space.
Do it both crossed and uncrossed over the center line of your body.
3. Ask for peace and harmony to come into your heart and awareness.
Consciously move your energy out of your head and pull it down into your heart and solar plexus area.
Once you feel the shift, close down harmful energy channels again. The more relaxed you are, the better this works.
4. Connect with your instinctual nature.
Use the Dragonfly Circle to help you tune into your gut instincts so that you can reconnect and improve your relationship with your environment.
“I reconnect with my natural instincts and relationship to my environment.”
Do you get instinctual messages or intuitive hits about certain areas in the space around you?
Could there be an object that’s holding old energy or keeping you grounded in past unhappiness?
If there is, take a moment to move it now and clear the area with Divine Protection.
Clear Intention
5. Let go of the need to be perfect, having to sacrifice or be everything for everyone. Include intentions that were helpful at one time and are no longer useful.
Could you be holding onto something that doesn’t belong to you or leaving yourself open to a problem that’s not yours to fix?
You are responsible for yourself and only your part of the situation. What is your part?
What makes sense to do? What would be genuinely helpful in this situation?
Resolve to let any misguided intentions go, like old smoke disappearing into the Light.
6. Make sure that you’re accessing the most beneficial energies to support you and your environment.
You may notice that some directions hold more auspicious energies for you than others.
Shut down any energy channels that are irrelevant or distracting you with Divine Protection.
7. To ground in the New Paradigm effectively, you need a strong connection to your spiritual Source. You need to be able to take good care of yourself and willing to ask for help. Bring your attention back to your heart and listen to it beating – nice and steady. Affirm to yourself:
“I exist and am empowered through the connection in my Heart.”
“I take good care of myself and am willing to ask for help.”
“I connect with my environment through Joy and Gratitude.”
Take all the time you need with this.
8. Pull your energy back and out of disappointing experiences.
Use this Circle to help you stop tapping into harmful or destructive energies that don’t support you and that bring chaos into your environment.
Shut down any remaining energy channels that are irrelevant or distracting you with Divine Protection.
9. It’s time to focus your energy on getting grounded. When are grounded, you are not only taking good care of yourself, you also have a positive effect on those around you.
“I pull myself together and get grounded in the New Paradigm.”
10. Is there anything else you need to do to help yourself?
Does anything else need to happen in your environment so you can come from a grounded place?
Make a list so you can remember.
11. Do you have old agreements or assumptions you need to change? You can find them by examining your life and asking yourself:
“What’s been working and what hasn’t been working?”
Are you willing to let go of things that are not working? Release any agreements to hold on. “I’m willing and able to let go and make the changes necessary for me now.”
12. Keep looking at the Circle while you relax and think of something that you love very much.
Have you been unknowingly jeopardizing things that matter to you?
If you have, what can you do to set it right?
Make note of the ideas that come to you.
Clean Up
13. Use Rat’s Circle to sweep any confusion or clutter out of your mind and send the debris up to the Light. In your mind’s eye, sweep it all away!
Then close the doors behind you that let in all that garbage.
Notice how much better your body feels when your mind gets clear.
Make note of ideas that come to you about how you might remove the clutter out of your environment.
14. Imagine that your Spirit can gently take you by your heart and head. Let it turn you around – toward the direction of your highest good.
Allow an uplifting and generative flow of life affirming energy to circulate through your body.
15. Use this Circle to help you close the pathways in your mind that would lead you into ungrounded and confusing places.
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the guidance of my Soul.”
You probably feel much clearer now.
Inner Guidance
16. Take some deep breaths and move your body around again. Let your shoulders drop. Listen to that calm, gentle voice that comes from your heart. What is it telling you?
New BeginningS
17. Allow a generative energy to begin in your solar plexus. Feel it moving up into your heart and let it fill up your entire body – all the way to your fingertips. You are creating a new template for a new beginning.
Divine Protection
18. Finish by gazing at this symbol to confirm your connection with the new and beneficial energies of the New Paradigm.
“My mind and body are open and clear to receive generative life force.”
“All harmful energy channels have been closed down.”
“Divine Protection fills my environment completely in all directions – including above and below.”
Remember that the need to unify in common ground is real! The changes are taking place over time and you will likely need to do this exercise repeatedly. Take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom/Sea Salts to cleanse yourself.
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest
#26 Bat – bat medicine is the power of not knowing. When we allow the vibration of balanced intuition to guide us, we become open to miraculous resources.
Does your intuition need a boost or redirect in your current situation?
Are you picking up a “vibe” that doesn’t feel right?
If so, what would help?
Healing Action: Tune into your Soul’s unique vibration to increase your awareness of the vibes around you. Access intuition to find amazing solutions and opportunities.
Night Vision
The bat has extrasensory powers
that guide him in total blindness.
His intuition is heightened beyond our human experience.
We live in a world of absolutes – we think.
And the natural world around us is
something we think we can control.
Bat knows the falsehood in limited thinking.
Re-source your thinking from that of the
small mind to the larger mind
that knows all things are possible.
Solutions appear out of nowhere.
Ingenuity transcends the boundaries of time and space.
Bat medicine is the power of not knowing.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Bat Medicine:
Being guided by Love is a process of letting go. The things you have done in the past will not work now. Surrendering to your intuition is the best plan. Be willing to change your attitude, because poor attitudes breed poor intuition.
Animals use their senses keenly to find things that will benefit them. Unfortunately, most humans rely far too heavily on only one sense. As a result, we often miss the little details that could make all the difference in how a situation turns out.
You are not as stuck as you think you are. Trust your intuition and use vibration to guide you. If the “vibe” around you isn’t right, you will feel it in your gut. Surrender to your Soul’s unique vibration to heal yourself and remove all kinds of “bad vibes” that trouble you. Once you are clear, new ideas and resources can fly into your being.
Sensing the best in any situation requires that you sense the best in yourself. Be open and receptive now for new experiences.
Bat Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.
♦ Find emotional healing ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest
#22 Mosquito – mosquito medicine reminds us to stop listening to all the buzzing in our heads so we can hear our Soul’s guidance and stay focused on our best interests.
Are you distracted by harmful thoughts, groupthink or destructive attitudes?
If so, what would help?
Healing Action: Calm down to detach. Turn off electronics and media for a bit. Clear confusion and herd by meditating or taking a walk outdoors.
Mosquito Bites
What could be more irritating than mosquito bites?
They distract us, frustrate us,
and keep us from enjoying where we are.
Our mosquito minds act in much the same way.
Constantly finding a new problem,
a different worry, another misfortune –
and then it bemoans its life,
“Oh! When will this pain ever end?
Never. If the mosquito mind has its way.
Learn to turn off the buzzing
by becoming still and
listening to your
heart instead.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Mosquito Medicine:
Criticism, judgment or prejudice within your own mind is keeping you isolated and unable to utilize the help that is being offered. It’s also preventing you from growing in a positive direction.
What you bring into reality has a lot to do with the choices you make and that’s often based on what you’re paying attention to. Have you been spending too much time with technology or listening to the media? Over-exposure could be a big source of trouble.
Whenever your mind is filled with negative thoughts, it isn’t a good time to push yourself further by trying to force your way through. The best thing to do is take it easy so you don’t burn yourself out. Rushing around trying to get things done will probably backfire at this time. Instead, do something special for yourself that will take your attention away from your negative thoughts. Keeping your thoughts neutral makes it easier to stay in contact with your Soul.
You have been caught in a maze of conflict and contempt that seems to be unending. Chaos is rampant, no one seems to have a solution and common sense is completely absent from the situation. Creative energy is suppressed and opportunity has been shut down.
It may be necessary to transform attitudes and behaviors if you want to cooperate with the higher wisdom of your Soul. As you look at the Circle, notice the thoughts that keep going through your head. Luckily the Universe is more loving than the ego!
Instead of focusing on the conflict, look at the Circle again, only this time, focus on things that bring you joy. This could be one of those situations where “faking it till you make it” is one of the best or perhaps the only way out of your predicament.
This is not a denial of what’s happening. This is acceptance and then making a deliberate choice to focus on the very best, most productive thoughts that would be in your highest good. Doing so will help you recharge your creative batteries and get you through a difficult time.
Mosquito Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.
♦ Find emotional balance ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Close the Drains to Negativity with Fly Medicine ~
Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:
19.Fly – Fly medicine warns us to clean up self-destructive habits and attend to what’s in our best interest. Our best self-interest is health, life and the creative power of Love.
Are you getting sucked into a toxic pattern from the past?
If so, what will clean it up and set its right?
Healing Action: Don’t get sucked into bad habits. Deconstruct them. Close the drains and clean up leftover garbage. Then fill the leftover void with love, life and happiness!
Fly Right
The fly lives off the waste and garbage
left by others.
When unattended to, this pest brings bacteria and disease with it,
spreading misfortune and death among the living
He serves as a potent reminder that if you leave
unfinished business to fester, illness will return again.
Right action is about inner direction
and doing what’s in your best self-interest.
When you see the fly, consider how it’s in your best self interests to
clean up self-destructive habits and toxicity in your environment.
Then, once you’ve released the poison from your system,
leave it behind.
Do not return again to eat from your own garbage.
It’s no longer a part of you and you have no need of it,
no matter how familiar it is.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.
Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Further Exploration into Fly Medicine:
Something about a project or plan you’re involved with is falling between the cracks and has become a drain to your life force. Stop now and seriously consider what it might be.
The Fly is showing up to make it clear this situation is wasting your time and energy. Perhaps there’s something you believe about yourself or the world that’s been causing you trouble.
Your ability to take good care of yourself has been blocked by some unfinished business. You may be feeling hopeless and drained. Perhaps your ego is saying that change for the better is too hard and that you aren’t worth taking care of, so why bother? Nothing could be further from the truth. Look into Fly’s Circle and ask, “What kind of garbage am I feeding myself?”
Look for hidden malignancies in your thinking and eject them. If others are projecting harmful intentions at you, clear your blind spots and see the situation for what it is.
If you’ve been putting up with abuse from others, take courage and set some healthy boundaries. Whoever first told you that you weren’t worth taking care of was really just expressing how they felt about themselves. Don’t believe this lie, or you will fall back into destructive habits that have caused you no end of sorrow in the past. Avoid the trap by releasing agreements about needing any of that garbage anymore.
Make yourself a priority and choose to take care of yourself.
If you find yourself picking at old wounds, now is the time to decide you are not a receptacle for abuse. Use the Circle to find and excavate those toxic thoughts or attitudes and send them to the Light before they cause any more trouble. Then, visualize closing down the drains to your energy. If you do this successfully, your energy will soon return to normal.
When you’ve finished, ask Fly’s Circle to help you find the void that’s been left behind and fill it in with an extra dose of Love and healing energy. Remember that when you turn your attention towards Love, you create more of it!
Fly Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.
♦ Find emotional balance ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts. ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
How to Open Your Heart with Gifts From the Rainforest ~
There are fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles in Gifts from the Rainforest. Each Circle imparts the teaching and healing medicine of its plant, animal or nature spirit.
You can think of them as communication tools to help you access intuition that comes from your Soul.
Gifts from the Rainforest is the foundational guide for the Intuitive Learning Circle method.
Available Soon – Revised Practitioner’s Edition
Making Friends with the Helpers of Physical Manifestation
This Game has three goals:
To open your heart to a method for communicating with nature and your Soul through the Intuitive Learning Circles.
To develop your intuition and ability to look within for answers.
To improve your level of personal power and discernment for living appropriately in the New Paradigm.
Open Your Heart to Reorganize Around the Common Good
In order to adapt to the many changes that are happening in our environment, our minds will have an easier time navigating the journey if we have signs and maps to help us find our way. Navigating life under the guidance of our Soul is the primary purpose of the Intuitive Learning Circles.
A Layout and Foundation for the Common Good
For example, if you meditate on the “map” provided in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of what it can organize around in the New Paradigm we’ve entered and how we might be able to co-create common ground for the common good.
Relax for a minute or two with this template for common ground based on cooperation, joy, equality and balanced prosperity.
If you are able to, go ahead and relax into it to create an imprint. Put your feet on the floor and ground yourself.
Open Your Heart and Reunite with Nature
Within this new terrain, it will be tremendously helpful to develop respectful, reciprocal relationships with the Helpers of Physical Manifestation in Gifts from the Rainforest. This process takes time, trust and a sincere intention to ask for and receive their guidance or medicine.
Each Helper has its own unique medicine, which is explained in the aphorism and “Further Explanation” sections of the post. One Helper might have medicine for dealing with difficult people (for example, Parrot #18), while another might help you to focus better, such as Praying Mantis, #6.
The Helpers are like new friends that can really assist you if you’re willing to slow down, open your heart and get to know them. This Transformation Game will help you to create a healing relationship based on common ground for the common good with whatever Helper you want to get to know next.
Through this Circle, symbolized by the Sun, you can connect with your Higher Self. All the other Intuitive Learning Circles only work through your Higher Self or Soul in order to avoid false guidance.
You will be using “Old Sol” to tell you which Helper would be good to get to know next. You can also use it to confirm guidance that you get or formulate questions and intentions that are important to you.
The next step is to gaze softly at the Circle itself and take several relaxing breaths. It doesn’t really matter what part of the image you’re looking at and it isn’t necessary to figure out what the lines or circles do. Just let your intuition guide you.
If you find yourself criticizing or doubting yourself, that’s your critical mind trying to take over and control your thinking. Just set it aside and bring your attention back towards opening your heart.
Now that you’ve read the directions, it’s time to ask your first question. Look at the Circle and ask your heart:
“Is there an issue or situation that I could use some guidance with right now?”
Answers may come in the form of words, a symbol, an impression or a feeling. What ever comes to you, write it down, even if it doesn’t seem to make sense at first.
Also, it’s important to take the the time to include your heart center and listen to it. If you’re all up in your head, chasing after thoughts, that’s not really intuition. Gently bring your attention down into your heart area, slow down and listen for quiet, heart centered messages.
Once you have an issue, ask Old Sol for a number between one and fifty-eight and take the very first number that comes to you. The number you come up with is the number of the Helper and Circle that you most need to make friends with right now.
What number between 1 – 58 does your Soul want you open your heart to?
Write the number down, go to that Helper in your copy or the online book and read about its medicine. Notice if there are any messages that stick out to you.
Next, gaze softly at the Circle (both crossed and uncrossed) and relax. Breathe deeply a few times. Imagine your mind can gather up all the unconscious information it has about this medicine. Now you’re ready to go through the series of Circles in the first section of the game.
Mind Body Integration
For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
If your mind goes blank, go here to clear the blockage.
Section One: Open Your Heart and Clear Obstacles to Communication
1. Earth ~ Our early life conditioning is often the biggest obstacle to spiritual connection and guidance. Gaze at the Earth Circle with soft eyes and breathe deeply with each affirmation:
“In accordance with my highest good…
… I unearth all harmful societal / tribal conditioning that prevents me from connecting with my Higher Self through my heart.”
“I uproot all harmful conditioning that would prevent me from making friends with the _________ Helper I have chosen.”
“I disentangle from all tribal conditioning based on ignorance or harm that would block clear and cooperative communication.”
2. Seed #37~ Pretend this Circle is like a communication device. You ask it a question and an answer comes back to you in the form of words, an image, a feeling or a symbol.
This is how you can use the Circles and their Helpers to communicate intuitively with your Soul or Higher Self. Try it out by asking the Seed Helper:
“What is preventing me from following the true guidance of the __________ Helper?”
Make a note of your answers. At this point the answer(s) may or may not make sense to you yet, so just write them down and continue.
3. Alligator #3 ~ Now it’s time to discover thought processes, emotions or behaviors that are preventing a helpful connection with your chosen Helper. Look into the Intuitive Learning Circle for Alligator and ask the following questions one at a time:
“Can I tell what the problem is?”
“Is it about a behavior? A habit? An attitude?”
“Is it emotional? Conceptual?”
“Is it a blockage in how I’m interacting with my environment?”
“Is it a misunderstanding about how I’m using my energy?”
“Is it an attachment or entanglement?”
“Is there more than one thing preventing clear communication? If so, what are they?”
“Am I perceiving this situation correctly and truthfully?”
4. Divine Protection ~ Recalibrate your energy to adjust to the new generative flow of life force based on the Air element. As you gaze at the symbol, allow your breathing to become lighter and easier. This chi’ moves quicker and you don’t need to work as hard as you used to in order to accomplish something. Imagine you can use this symbol as a filter for interacting with your chosen Helper more effectively.
“I am open and clear to utilize generative life force.”
Bring your awareness to the center black circle. What do you think is blocking open communication? Whatever comes to you, write it down because that phrase or idea has important information that could help you understand more about what you need to do to help yourself.
Once you’ve done that, look at the Circle and ask your heart:
“How would my life be better if I were friends with the ________ Helper I have chosen?”
Again, write your answer down.
The Importance of Soul Contracts
5. Raccoon #11 ~ Raccoon is the primary animal totem that handles Soul Contracts which are agreements you’ve made on a Soul level to help you experience who you are more deeply. When you have completed the karma of a particular experience, you can move on to other experiences. However, your nervous system will keep repeating the feedback loop for that karma until you have consciously released the contract and integrated the lesson into your consciousness.
Raccoon Medicine bypasses your critical mind and goes directly into the nervous system to release completed contracts. As you look at Raccoon’s Circle, relax into your spine. Go through this list of potential agreements that might get in the way of truthful communication and genuine help:
A. “I release all agreements, contracts, allegiances, obligations or vows that prevent me from communicating clearly with my Higher Self and receiving help.”
B. “I release all agreements, contracts, allegiances, obligations or vows that prevent me from communicating clearly and receiving help from the true spirit of the __________ Helper.”
C. “I release all agreements to put up with disorder, lies, deception, hostility or _____________.”
D. “I release all agreements, contracts, allegiances, obligations or vows that prevent me from benefiting from and utilizing the medicine of the _________ Helper.”
Releasing contracts and agreements of this kind significantly loosens the grip that the ego has on your mind, body and spirit. Energy can begin to move differently for you now and negative patterns are more easily changed to benefit you.
Clear your energy of entanglements anddestructive toxins:
Continue breathing while you use this Soul Star Detachment Key to relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with negative attachments or toxins.
Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.
“My energy system can easily and effectively, neutralize and detach from interfering energies.”
Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels stuck or sluggish, stay with the Key until the energy lets go and smooths out.
Congratulations! Going through the first section of this game has helped you to release attitudes, behaviors and beliefs that are getting in the way of good guidance that comes through your Soul. When you are ready, go through Section Two below, where you will reconnect with essential components of your personal power and effectively redirect your energy and attention towards positive and life affirming ways of being.
Section Two – Open Your Heart to Receive True Help and Guidance
This part of the game uses charts from Soul Prayer Charts, the companion piece to Gifts from the Rainforest.
Use Soul Prayer Chart #13 for Divine Connection to help you.
“My Heart is open. My Soul is in charge and I am empowered to connect through joy and gratitude to this Helper.”
“I ask for and receive help from the ___________ Helper and its medicine.”
“I am empowered to co-create a New Paradigm – based on common ground for the common good.”
Smooth Out Your Energy: You might be experiencing difficulty adjusting to all the significant environmental changes that are ongoing. Sudden reversals, blockages and changes in momentum can cause your subtle energy fields to react in unusual ways.
As you look at this Soul Star Correction Key, do you notice any rough glitches or reversed energies going on? If so, relax with it for a few minutes until things smooth out.
“Jagged, disjointed glitches in my sensory system are being repaired.”
“All shut downs and reversals are gently corrected.”
Continue crossing and uncrossing over the midline of your body until you can feel the unique energy of your Soul coming through.
Set Things Right: If needed, use the To Each Their Own symbol which will help you sort out emotions, karma and other issues that don’t belong with you and reclaim the things that do.
As you look at the chart, first visualize sending back other people’s issues and energies that may have attached to you for any reason. Return them to where ever they belong – through the Light – thus “setting things right.”Be sure to do that freely, with a sense of forgiveness.
“I send issues, emotions, karma and energies to wherever they need to go to heal.”
Once you’ve returned what needs to be returned, relax and let the symbol help you reclaim whatever belongs with you, for example, your own gifts, talents or karma and intentions. Ask your Soul to position them correctly so they can either be cleared or utilized to benefit you.
“I reclaim my own issues, energies and karma so that I may handle them in accordance with my highest good.”
Dissolve Destructive Blueprints: Now it’s time to dissolve mental and emotional patterns that keep you at odds with yourself and your new friend. Use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to identify and disperse any harmful personal, societal or familial patterns that have come up in this process. See them disappear like old cloud banks dissolving into pure sunlight:
“I release into the Light all destructive patterns that keep me from reuniting with Nature.”
“I dissolve all pathways that keep me connected to harmful patterns. I surrender them to the Light completely – and with Forgiveness.”
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of health, happiness and life – not illness, unhappiness and death!
Closure and Completion: Once the patterns are cleared, give your heart and Soul some relief through closure.
“All doors that lead back to guilt, blame, abuse and suffering are sealed and healed. I follow the direction of my Soul’s intention.”
Finish by closing down any harmful energy drains from the past. An energy drain could be anything – a false belief, an outdated plan or some kind of individual or collective behavior that drains your life force. Use Fly Medicine to visualize the drain(s) deconstructing and closing down.
“I deconstruct old behaviorsand shut down any drainsto my energy.”
Once they are closed down, use the Circle to find where the voids are and fill them with loving, life affirming energy!
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”
Excellent! When you open your heart and reunite with Nature, you are accessing communication with your Soul that offers profound truth and transformation.
Access Generative Flow: Now is a good time to confirm that you’ve closed down old energy and communication channels from the malaise left over from the Piscean Age. Gaze softly at Divine Protection and allow it to help you get centered. Then, when you’re ready, bring your attention back into your Heart Center and let it integrate.
“I surrender to the help and protection of my Inner Guidance.”
“My Heart and mind is open to receivegenerative life force.”
“I connect to the new communication channels available in the Aquarian Age.”
Keep breathing with the awareness that this new chi’ is much lighter and quicker than what we were used to in the Piscean Age. It will take some time to adjust!
Ground in the New Paradigm: Once you feel your energy has stabilized, ask about your relationship to the map for common good and common ground in the New Paradigm.
Are you gaining familiarity with this new template?
Does your Soul approve of what this map can open up for you?
Is there a place for you there and a path for you to move forward in a positive way?
Do you have a working agreement with this Helper for creating common ground for the Common good?
How do the Helpers feel about their relationship with you now?
Do you have other, related questions you would like to ask?Go ahead and ask them.Place your feet on the floor again and get grounded.
Finish the Game with Your New Friend ~
Now you can test how well this game has opened up your relationship with your Helper. Go to the Helper that you chose and think about the issue or problem that you wrote down at the beginning of the game. Come up with a simple question, like:
“How has my perception changed?”
or “How can we work together to create the common good?”
Look at the Circle for your Helper and ask it. What answer(s) do you get? Write them down and follow through if needed.
Tips for asking the totems questions and receiving guidance:
• Keep your questions simple and about one thing at a time.
• If you don’t get an answer, it may mean that your mind is fixated on a person, an event or something from the past. Mental fixations usually happen because of some kind of emotional or spiritual trauma. If that happens, go to Condor #32, and let its medicine help you to release the fixation. You will know the fixation is cleared when you can come up with an answer to your question.
• Once you have an answer to your first question, do you have other, related questions you can ask? Go ahead and ask them.
• Once you’ve finished, put the book aside. Now is a good time to rest, get out into nature, take a walk or otherwise refresh yourself. Allow the answer to percolate while you’re doing something else.
• For optimum results, go through both sections of this game with Old Sol #49 first, because your relationship with your Higher Self is of primary importance. After that, play the game for Animal Spirits #1 and Plant Spirits #36.
• After playing the game, spend the next week or so asking for guidance and help from the totem on a regular basis.
• If you are a practitioner and are planning to use Gifts from the Rainforest with others, ask questions about how you can use the totem’s medicine to help your clients and what will help you to be more receptive to its guidance.
• If you are a teacher, counselor or in a position to guide others, ask your Higher Self, through Old Sol #49 for protection, help and guidance. Ask for a symbol or sign that affirms you are on the right track.
Congratulations! If you are sincere in your requests and willing to follow through on the guidance you’re given, be prepared for increased dream activity, creative inspiration and opportunities for manifesting the common good!
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule.
This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.