Emotional Stress and Memory

Can Emotional Stress Affect Your Memory?

Especially when the stakes are high, you need to remember the important things. However, it’s not unusual for people to have temporary memory problems or glitches in their thinking when they’re under a lot of emotional stress, especially if they’re highly sensitive.

Emotional Stress It could be that you’ve become overwhelmed by the uncertainty of life and the future. Or, you may have gotten ungrounded by the sheer amount of information that you feel you have to process.

You might also be

  • Disoriented due to grief or sudden loss
  • Going through a major emotional transition
  • Having difficulty processing new information 
  • Feeling weak or mentally exhausted
  • Picking up on other peoples pain
  • Noticing an increase in forgetfulness
  • Getting confused more easily than usual.

If this sounds like, you’re not alone and it’s possible to get some relief by going through Emotional Stress that Affects Memory from our Soul Oriented Solutions series. The process will help you get a better idea about what’s happening in your case and what you can do to re-orient yourself.

Directions: Start by confirming that this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.

SOS - Soul Oriented Solutions for Emotional Stress
SOS Symbol

Next, read the directions in each step and then gaze softly at its accompanying Circle for several minutes. Going slower gets better results.

Give yourself permission to look at the Circles in any way or from any angle that you like. All you have to do is stay relaxed. If you’re drawn to focus on the center of a Circle, that’s fine. There is no wrong way to view them.

If you come up with a message, an image or instinctively want to trace over the lines, let your imagination guide you. A playful approach reduces stress and opens up possibilities so you can look at your situation from different perspectives.

Developing intuition in this way enhances your personal growth and can keep those creative juices flowing for better mind function.

Caution: the use of this exercise is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of memory loss, seek the appropriate medical help.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration - Self-care for lossFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!

Before beginning, it helps to be aware of the new channels of life force that are available to help us adapt to all the changes going on.

Divine Protection is a gift from Reiki that provides a protective interface with those new channels. Most of us need assistance in making the transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) into the new Paradigm of Air (Aquarian Age). Relax and close down all heavy or destructive energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to.
Stay with it until you feel more protected and centered with beneficial life force flowing through you.

Divine Protection

Then, see if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.

The chakras, in particular, benefit from this lighter and quicker energy flow. So, at any point during this exercise, you may want to “install” it to improve energy flow and integration.

Now you’re ready to go through the exercise…

Emotional Stress That Affects Memory ~

How Are You Experiencing Disorientation?

1. We’re going to look at several possible reasons why emotional stress could effect your memory. One reason could be that you’re disoriented due to a sudden recent change. Or, you might be tuning into destructive energies in your environment, which includes picking up on other people’s emotional states. Another possibility could be that you’ve been exposed to an overwhelming amount of information, chemicals or static energy.
It helps to be aware of what’s involved.

Let Stingray Medicine help you gather up any important information about your experience. Your unconscious mind knows what’s pertinent and what’s not.

You might want to jot down any impressions you get. However, don’t be surprised if nothing definite comes to you. There may not be any words because the unconscious mind is not linear. 

Just make note of what your experience is for now.


What is a Clear Intention That will Help?

2. To help bring your body, mind and Soul into a cooperative focus, establish a simple and clear intention for this exercise:

“I improve my brain function and mental acuity which includes thought, memory, and my senses, especially vision and hearing.”

Go ahead and meditate on the center open space of this chart with that intention in mind. It may help to gently bring the energy in towards the center.
Breathe deeply and relax.
A relaxed mind will lead you to a more relaxed body!

When the energy of the chart balances out, you’re ready to move onto the next step.


What Would You Like to Shine Light On?

3. The pineal gland is an important part of your brain because of its main function of regulating light and darkness through the production and secretion of melatonin. In addition, the pineal contains light-sensitive cells that control your equilibrium through the circadian cycle of sleep and wakefulness.
Melatonin also supports healthy memory function and reproductive cycles.

Relax and breathe for a minute or two. Let this Chakra Key help you clear toxins from your pineal gland and make repairs so that your natural rhythms and cycles can come into better balance.

Utilize Divine Protection to install improved access to generative life force.


Does It Feel Like Your Energy is Struggling?

4. Emotional stress can cause significant internal and external changes. Sudden reversals, blockages and changes in momentum can cause your energy to react in unusual ways. 

You might also have an awareness of rough or reversed energies around you.

Relax with this Correction Key for a few minutes until things smooth out and you can begin to feel the calming energy of your Soul coming through. If you need to use it again later, feel free to do so.
Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.



How Would You Like to Feel?

5. The hypothalamus is a part of your brain that regulates homeostasis. Through it, you have the ability to maintain inner balance and a calm state of mind. It also regulates a variety of functions including your physical development, digestive health and metabolism.

What kind of support would you like with those things?

Allow this Chakra Key to help you clear and balance your hypothalamus.


What Would You Like to Remember?

6. The hippocampus is actually two structures located on either side of the temporal lobe that are involved with memory development, verbal, spacial and directional skills.

Repeat what you just did in the previous steps. Relax and breathe while you gaze at this Chakra Key to clear out toxins and bring both areas of your hippocampus into balance.

Once the energy has calmed down, check in with these questions:

“Is there something I’ve forgotten that’s important? More than one?”
“Is there something I need to forget?”

Remembering too many things can also cause stress. Make a note of what comes to you and continue with your mind exercise.


What Would Bring You More Ease?

Emotional Stress and the Third Eye7. There’s another part of your brain that taps into the wisdom of your Soul. Some call it the Third Eye Chakra. Through it, the pineal, hippocampus and hypothalamus can connect and work together to enhance learning and create coherent thoughts. Intuition and common sense can then blossom and communicate meaningful insights to your Heart Center.

Keep relaxed and gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key with each affirmation:

“My common sense and intuition are connected and working together.”

“I receive meaningful insights about my situation.”
“My mind helps me to reduce stress and integrate joy into my life.”


Where is your Attention?

8. Things are working differently now. Energize and balance the Chakras for your senses to help you get a clear perspective on what you want and need to do.

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I fine tune them so I can concentrate my attention on what matters.”

“My senses help me to be aware of interference, obstacles and mistaken ideas.”

“I can easily sense beneficial opportunities, solutions and ________.”


What Else Needs to Get Connected?

9. Starlight Medicine helps you repair the subtle hara lines that connect your chakras, like a beautiful web of Light and consciousness. Keep relaxed and gaze softly at the Circle with each affirmation:

“My mind and body are connected and balanced to create improved mental acuity and brain function.”

“I improve my awareness, comprehension and understanding.”
“I connect with solutions.”


What Would Support You?

10. It’s possible that you’re dehydrated or not getting the right nutrition. While you gently focus on this Circle, ask yourself:

“Is there something I could eat or drink that would help me?”
“Is there something I’m eating or drinking too much of?”


 Is There Something That You Need To Let Go Of?

11. If there is, let Chigger Medicine help you open up and let it go.

Just keep letting go and release all that emotional stress.
See yourself relaxing under an afternoon Sun.
Take all the time you like. It’s okay to let go and rest.
Move around if you need to.


What Would Genuinely Help Your Emotional Stress?

12. Is there something else that you could do to help your mental / emotional stress?
Is there something you’re doing that would be best to stop or slow down with?
Use Mermaid Medicine to consider what helpful actions you could take to genuinely improve your situation.

Is there anything you could do or stop doing that would be genuinely helpful to others?


What Is Your heart Saying?

13. It could be that things are just moving too fast and your mind is trying to keep up. Take a moment to slow down and tune into your Heart Center.

Bring it into balance first.

Once you feel balanced and connected, ask yourself:

“What is my Heart Center telling me?”
“Am I worried about something (physical, financial, family issue, etc)?”
“What have I been doing? Has that helped? What do I feel?”

If you need to, go back to Step 8 and connect your Heart Chakra with Your Third Eye Chakra. Then, make sure they both have their Divine Protection filters.


How Will Life Be Better Without This Emotional Stress?

14. Your physical body is the foundation for your vitality and your instinct to take care of yourself. Clearing the energy around the Root Chakra in your lower body, will give you strength and support to make necessary changes.

“I strengthen my connection to my physical health.”

Once you feel stronger, ask yourself:

“What, if anything, am I forgetting about my physical health?
“Is there something I need to remember?”
“Do I need to install Divine Protection in my Root Chakra?”

If you need to go back to Step 8 and connect with your other chakras, do that now.


What Would Keep You Grounded?

15. A strong connection to the Earth through your Earth Chakra gives you support to make the necessary changes and stay balanced at the same time. Put both feet on the floor to help you ground.
If needed, go back to Step 8 and connect with your other chakras.
Take whatever time you need.  

Once you’re centered and grounded, ask yourself:

“What do I need remember?
“Do I need to change anything?”
“Do I have the connections and resources I need to resolve this stress?”
“What would be involved? Is anything missing?”


Ask For Blessings On Your Life Path.

16. Finish by balancing out your Life Path Chakras. They help you stay on your path and tune into your own karma and the promptings of your Soul – a very important thing to remember!

“I open up to my potential and stay positive.”

“I stay true to my Soul’s path.”

You may want to sit with this for awhile or soak in a hot bath with Epsom salts or Sea Salt to detox.
Make a plan to exercise or take a relaxing walk out in Nature once you feel ready. Releasing emotional stress takes patience, time and space.



Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Emotional Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Emotional Stress that Affects Memory has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel confused or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Emotional Stress 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Stuck in the Past

How to Change Negative Situations In the New Paradigm ~ 

Are you stuck in the past?

Snake Medicine - Stuck in the PastAt any point in the New Paradigm, you may need to quickly release a worry, compulsion or power struggle that you’ve held onto that’s really holding you back.

With the help of Snake Medicine and other Animal Spirits from Gifts from the Rainforest, you can let go in a sensible way and adapt to some better behavior by starting with this short quiz…

Part I: Quiz – What is Going On?

Are You Being Bothered By Worry or Negative Thoughts?

As you gaze at the Circle below, go ahead and search for mind for a problem that you’re stuck on and don’t know how to change.

“I find the negative thoughts about ____________ and free myself of them.”

Stuck in the Past

“My new intention is to aim for balance, health, happiness and ____________.”

Notice how sticky this is and how much energy is involved in the struggle!

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

What Else Is Going on?

Other things might be happening. Sometimes there’s a karmic entanglement with other people, groups or power structures. Are you involved in a situation where you need to separate yourself out from controlling or harmful manipulations? If so, use this affirmation:

“I make a decision to release and let go of harmful entanglements.”


Is Your Health or Prosperity Being Affected Negatively?

Are you being distracted? Have you placed your hopes in a losing proposition? Are you stubbornly holding onto ideas, structures or systems that are actually blocking you? Are you trying to do too many things? Are you caught up in a web of deceit?

If your answer is “yes” to any of these questions, ask your heart:

“What can be done about it?”


Are There Any Other Dangers That You Ought to be Aware Of?

There are always those who would love to take advantage of our blind spots. You could be stuck because you’re being exploited in some way. Your energy might be getting drained. A person or group could be trying to cling to you, dump their problems or just interfere with your plans. The easiest ways for them to succeed is either by seducing you with flattery or trying to get you angry through insults and intimidation. Don’t buy into these ploys!

“I identify danger and determine how to deal with it effectively.” 


Part II: How Can You Help Yourself?

Now that you have a better idea about what’s going on, you can gently let go and adapt to some more effective ways to handle your situation. If you’d like to do that, continue with this simple Mind Exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles.

When You’re Stuck in the Past, Change Your Agreements.

Imagine you can gently untie those agreements or burn them in a cleansing fire.

“I decide to let go of worry or negative thoughts about _________ (patiently take it one subject at a time).”

“I stop buying into controlling or fearful manipulations.” 

“I let go of ___________ and behaviors that threaten to entangle me with ________. I stop buying into flattery, distractions, lies and ___________.”

“My new agreement is to stay centered and true to myself. I am free to say ‘no’ and _____________.”


Getting Unstuck From the Past ~

The old paradigm or Piscean Age that closed out between 2021 and 2022 was governed by the element of Water. The flow of Water goes down and follows the path of least resistance. When it accumulates, it can easily get stuck and stagnate.
The new flow of energy governed by Aquarius is Air. That means the life force available to us is much lighter, quicker and can be easily moved in all directions. It doesn’t require nearly as much effort. In fact, too much force can cause overreactions and serious imbalances.

The way we used to process things before the transition does not work well in the new energy that exists now. To help you adjust, release your agreements to process emotions or manifest in the old way:

“I slow down and adapt to the changing energy flows.”
“I adjust to the lighter, quicker, generative flow of Air.” 
“I pull back the amount of force and effort I’m using to accomplish my goals.” 

“I stop processing emotions through the downward channels of the Piscean Age.”
“I let go of the heaviness and stagnation.”


Let Go of Maintaining the Status Quo and Connect with a Template of Common Ground for the Common Good:

Mother Earth is changing and it will help to connect with her natural imprint so that we may more easily change how we’re relating to her and to each other.

“I decide to let go of old imprints of exploitation and integrate with the imprint of creating Common Good on Common Ground.”

“I stop dumping my emotional poison into the Earth.” 
“I choose to be responsible and connect with the Earth in positive, productive ways.”
“I work with the Earth to support life and create balanced prosperity.”


Release Your Agreements to Use STAGNANT YIN ENERGY:

Unfortunately, many people are using toxic and stagnant water energy to process how they’re feeling. This “stuck” energy relates to current social tendencies such as apathy, resistance, self-pity, co-dependence and laziness.

Are you inadvertently using stagnant water energy? If so, you would be wise to release your agreements to utilize such a stagnant energy flow:

“I let go of old, heavy, stagnant or destructive flows of Water.”


Utilize Pure Water to Process and Clear Emotions.

Instead, make a conscious choice to activate a new relationship with the Element of Water – fresh and purified to gently clear emotions, imbalances and the residual effects of past indifference and abuse.

This affirmation will help you make an actual adjustment in how you relate to and utilize this precious resource:

“I now make a conscious decision to use pure, life affirming Water to process my emotions, support vibrant health and create balanced prosperity.”


Come From A Place of Joy and Gratitude Rather than Fear and Revenge:

Worry generally comes from a negative place. You can source from a different place that connects you in with your Soul.

“I decide to source my responses from a place of Joy and Gratitude rather than fear, greed or vengeance.”

This affirmation will help you make a breakthrough in how you feel and connect with the Divine:

“I exist – the Divine exists. We are not separate.”
“I connect with the Power that is found in my heart and Soul.”


Ask for Help from Your Soul.

Manifesting effectively under this new influence of Air will require many new skills that only a true connection with our Divine Nature will be able to help us with.

“I ask my Soul for help, especially in regards to ___________.”

“I connect with the clear electro-magnetic signature of my Soul.”
“I erase signatures & interferences that block integrity, like old graffiti markings. I release them to the Light.”


Gather Up Your Senses to Function in Alignment with Your Soul.

Be sure you’re using your senses to correctly assess what’s really going on and the changes you’re going to need to adjust to. Begin by relaxing with this Reiki Chakra Key for a minute or so to connect with your senses and Rational Thought Chakras. They are essential to help you accurately determine what spiritual or physical shifts are necessary and what would be effective.

“I gather up all of my senses and use them to get present and perceive my concerns clearly.”

“I use them to shed light on my blind spots.”
“I use them to discern the difference between helpful and harmful energies.”
“I use my senses to find genuinely helpful solutions.”


Part III: Recalibrate Your Energy

Toxic Attachments May Keep You Stuck in the Past ~

Various parts of your energy field may be damaged or struggling with negative energies like smoke, chemicals, illness or other attachments that inhibit your health. Use this Key to relax and meditate on for as long as you like. Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

“My energy system can easily and effectively neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.”


Correct Reversals and Blockages ~

When we’re under extreme stress, it’s not uncommon for the chakras and/or meridians to start running in reverse or shut down entirely. Relax and let this symbol help you make corrections.

“I repair any reversals, holes or blockages affecting my energy or mindset.”

Take all the time you need to let your energy smooth out. Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed until you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through.


Calm Your Nervous System ~

The same could be happening in your nervous system. Use this Soul Prayer Chart to help you smooth out discordant energies that exacerbate your anxiety and stress. Gently detach from the struggles of survival, pushing, fear and competition. Tune into the rhythm and calm of your parasympathetic nervous system.

“I come into harmony with the rhythm of my Soul.”

To access that place of peace it can be helpful for you to breathe, hum or gently rock yourself back and forth.


Clear Shadow Energies with an Infusion of Divine Light ~

Radiate light throughout your auric bodies with the full power of the Divine and Angelic Realms. Keep your attention on the strength and beauty of the light rather than the darkness.

Paying too much attention to problems only creates more of them.

Allow the Light from the Divine and your Soul to cleanse and heal you completely from within.

“I ask the Divine to remove attachments, negativity and dark energies from my subtle energy field.” 

Do this both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.

Finish Your Business ~

You’re almost finished now, yet there’s still some business that keeps you stuck in the past. These thoughts keep bothering you for a reason!
Use Snake Medicine to help you pull back and look at your situation from a distance.
What do you need to realize here?
Is there some kind of extreme idea or belief that you need to shed?
Do you need to pull yourself out of a negative energy or situation?
Do you need to transform a negative tendency of your own?

Do you need to behave differently?
Most importantly, are you leaving yourself open to negative energies?
If so, use this Circle to gently shed them so you can bring your energy back into balance.

Connect the Hara Lines ~

You may need to repair and/or strengthen hara lines for centering and improved healing. The hara lines are like tiny webs of light that connect the chakras to your center and extend throughout your body. Sometimes they’re broken or damaged because of trauma, illness, toxicity or sudden changes in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight).
Starlight Medicine gives extra energy to the hara lines that connect your chakras.

“I repair and strengthen my hara lines.”
“My chakras are connected properly with my Soul
through a beautiful web of light.”

This Circle also helps us navigate where we are and to organize our consciousness around being present. “I am present and inside of my body. External pressures and harmful energies are outside.”


Turn It Around ~

Now it’s time to make sure you’re tapping into positive energy and the new generative energies that are available in the New Paradigm.

“I decide to tap into positive energies and nurture myself.”

“I am open to being nurtured in new and beneficial ways.”


Utilize Generative Energy Flow ~

“I close old energy channels from the past that are causing harm.”

I now embrace the new generative flow of the Aquarian Age and use it to support my health, my prosperity and my happiness.” 


Release Harmful Intentions that Keep You Stuck in the Past ~

Imagine all the things you used to wish for that have either been accomplished or that are no longer something you want. It’s time to let them go.

“I release any wishes or prayers that are irrelevant or harmful to me now.”

“My new intention is to _________ and to nurture my highest good.”


Dissolve Destructive Blueprints ~

Use this symbol to help you surrender any mental/emotional patterns that may be blocking positive thoughts, input and outcomes.

Patiently, bring in the Light and let it clear your energy field. Release your thoughts and worry until the darkness is all gone. The Light is transmuting, transforming and completing this stage of your Soul’s journey.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending destructive or toxic energies down into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!

In the same way, clear away any violent thought forms that may be affecting you. Surrender them to the Light if possible.


Bring Closure to Old Pathways and Embrace Protection ~

Remember to close the pathways in your mind that lead back to suffering.

If those pathways remain open, all kinds of trouble (violent thought forms, karma, issues or emotions) can continue to pass back and forth through the opening without your awareness. This can manifest in sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.

“I choose healthy boundaries and to be done with this sticky situation.”

“All holes, doors or passageways are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Be sure to see them closed completely both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.


Check Back Into Your Mosquito Mind Again ~

Remember the problem you started out this exercise with…

How are you seeing it? Is there another issue involved that keeps you stuck in the past?

If so, you can go through the exercise again later, with that issue in mind.


Finish With Closing Insights from Your Inner Guidance ~

Is there anything else that you need to know? Is there anything to change or prepare for?



You are learning how to manage your energy effectively in the New Paradigm.

New Paradigm

Now would be an excellent time to take a break and do something completely different. Go out for a walk in Nature, stretch or play a word game. After all, variety is the spice of life… plus, a break will help you to integrate what you’ve learned.

Whatever you do though, be sure to breathe deeply!

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Stuck in the Past has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom, FaceTime or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Nourish Healthy Relationships

Did you know that you instinctively know the difference between toxic and healthy relationships?

Kuan Yin's Transformation GamesThe intent of this Transformation Game is to help you identify healthy relationships that are actually nourishing to you in your current situation. A relationship may have been healthy at one time and is now going through a change. Or, you may be starting a whole new journey in a whole new place!

Start by choosing a relationship that is integral to your well-being, one that you know you need help with and are willing to look at honestly. Examples might be: a romantic partner, a business partnership, a family member or a previous relationship. This exercise can also help you identify helpful team members, such as a health practitioner you’re working with or another professional you’re thinking of hiring.

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating the positive affirmations or questions. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Recognizing Healthy Relationships

The Solar Plexus Chakra is key to knowing whether or not a relationship is nourishing or toxic to you. Nourish Healthy RelationshipsYour gut feeling is the best lie detector and has all the information it needs about healthy relationships – as long as you’re present and paying attention! It’s just that for some reason, the information is being blocked from your conscious awareness and you can’t see the signs.

Take a moment and relax with this Reiki Chakra Key for your solar plexus to help you get present. Use the positive affirmations if they help or come up with one of your own.

“I am present and open to my gut instincts. I trust myself.”

“I am _____________________.”

Your Essential Self is most efficiently positioned and grounded there to help you manifest, create happiness and maintain your health.

In stressful times, it’s pretty common for the Essential Self to get closed off, misplaced or dissociated. You can correct that now with this Soul Prayer Chart.

Make sure that you have a sense that your Essence is facing forward and up right.


There are several ways that gut instinct gets blocked. Two that are particularly relevant in times like these are being in too much of a hurry and getting distracted. 

Distractions keep us from taking good care of ourselves. If we’re always busy, busy, busy and not paying attention to our basic needs, we’re asking for trouble.

Of course we have all kinds of excuses that make it seem all right.  “I ran out of time… I have to get this done… there’s too much going on…” etc.

Check your response to these statements and notice if you get stuck on either of them: 

“I get distracted. I get in too much of a hurry. I overlook my gut feeling.”


So, let’s slow down and think about the source of your relationship trouble. Relax into it. Is there a particular person, group or relationship system that seems to be at the core of the problem?

Healthy Relationships

Sadly, many of us we spend too much time or energy on toxic relationships that aren’t particularly good for us. You know the kind I’m talking about:

  • the wolf in sheep’s clothing that uses flattery to charm and disarm you.
  • the whiners that are oh, so good at making you feel sorry for them.
  • the wunderkinds who go out of their way to impress you.
  • the meddlers who insert themselves into things that are none of their business
  • or bullies that just want to intimidate and make you miserable.

Are you attracting a lot of that? 

If your answer is “no” count yourself lucky. You must have very good relationship karma!

If your answer is “yes,” go ahead and continue this mind exercise to see what might be going on…

Slow Down and Focus

Let’s see what’s going on for you by experimenting with one of our Intuitive Learning Circles for slowing down and focusing on what’s really important.

“I slow down and focus on what I need when it comes to my  _______ relationships.”

If you’re thinking about a particular relationship, it’s worth your time to really slow down and ask yourself a couple of honest questions:

“What is my concern about this particular relationship?”

Clarify the nature of the relationship. Is this person a friend, business associate, boss, family, lover, etc.?

“What is the confusion about?”



Check for Good Boundaries

Most relationships have their own irritations, resistances and rough patches. Where is the irritation in this relationship? What is it about?

Are you taking something personally or internalizing something that isn’t yours? Are you being codependent in some way?

If so, use this Circle to help you open your energy up wide and let those irritations go. Send it all to the Light!
Once you’re done, close your energy back up.
What else what might you do to soothe the situation?


Examine Emotional Reactions

Sometimes people trigger emotional responses in us that come out of our childhood conditioning or earlier relationships. A certain familiar tip of the head or tone of voice can be very potent.

Most of the time, the people in our relationships have no idea about what’s happening. You have very little power over them. However, you can be responsible for your own reactions. Ask yourself:

“What is the main emotion or emotions I’m feeling when around this person?” 

“Does it happen only in certain situations?”

“Does this relationship remind me of another person? A painful experience?”

Could you be experiencing a projection – a  harmful attitude, a phobia or an obsession?

If so, imagine you can pop that projection, just like a bubble! There could be more than one, so imagine popping them all away!


Clear the Remaining Clutter

Sometimes we attract disturbing or stressful relationship issues because our minds are cluttered up with disturbing, stressful thoughts.

Imagine that you can use this Circle to clear the clutter out of the landscape of your mind. Sweep all that junk and chaos out of your head and send it to the Light! You might be surprised at how much clutter there is!

That’s one of the reasons why people like to meditate. It’s a great way to develop a regular habit of clearing debris out of the mind!


Evaluate How You’re Using Your Energy to Nourish Healthy Relationships.

Now that you’re present, focused and clear, you can get some accurate information about how you’re nourishing yourself. This section can give you all kinds of answers that could really help you make a big improvement in your happiness. All you have to do is relax and gaze softly at the center open space of this Circle while you ask yourself a few questions. Use a scale of one to ten to evaluate what’s going on (one being lousy and ten being great!). Be sure to listen to your gut and be receptive to the answers that come.

Ask yourself when it comes to this person:

On a scale of one to ten:

“How is this person nourishing me- Emotionally?

What, if anything, is missing?

Is there a beneficial exchange of energy?

Have I closed myself off in some way?

What, if anything, could be done to cultivate a more healthy relationship?


Release or Renegotiate Agreements

Most rules about relationships are rooted in old ideas and systems that we grew up with as children.

In the New Paradigm, a lot of those old agreements and assumptions cause problems and keep us from having truly healthy relationships.

In this particular relationship, what agreements need to be amended, reformed or let go of entirely?

“I let go of ___________.”
“I reform ________.”
“I amend my agreement to ______.”
“I stop participating in ________.”
“I uproot ______,  _______, &_________.”


Connect with the New, Life Affirming Channels of Communication.

Install this symbol like a sort of filter for the Solar Plexus Chakra.

“I adapt to the generative flow of chi’ to the best of my ability.”

“I close down harmful energy channels from the past.”

“I connect to new, life affirming channels of communication.”


“I’m open to receiving the most nourishing and life affirming energy available in my environment.”


Release the Mental/ Emotional Patterns

Imagine that this symbol for Dissolving Destructive Blueprints can help you identify and dissolve any toxic imprints or patterns that may be preventing healthy relationships. You might see them as a dark cloud dissolving into the pure light of the Sun.

“I release the blockages and entanglements that keep me from  experiencing healthy relationships.”

“I release patterns that keep me from experiencing joy.”

I dissolve any old ideas, plans or relationship systems at would contradict my highest good or cause me harm.”

Please note: We also need to cultivate a healthy relationship with our planet! Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Let Go of Old, Outdated Intentions

Gaze softly into the center of this Circle and see ancient intentions like eggs or seeds waiting to be activated. Not only do you see your own intentions and prayers, but also cultural, ancestral goals that no longer have life affirming motivations behind them.

Visualize them like ingredients in a soup that is spoiling your genuinely desired outcome. Imagine you can scoop out any unpreferred intentions and send them to the Light:

“I let go of all intentions that would contradict my highest good, cause confusion or conflict in how we all create healthy relationships.”


Release the Karma 

Release any seeds of karma that perpetuate habits and beliefs that keep you from nourishing healthy relationships properly. Send them to the Light for purification.

“I plant new karmic seeds for good things that will support my new choices. I nourish those seeds with love, Light, fresh water and healthy intentions.”


Close the Door on Suffering and Unhealthy Pathways

Now it’s time to close the door on all that confusion and move in the direction of nourishing yourself appropriately. 

Closure for Mind Body Healing

“I close the door on any drain or strain on my time, space, attention or energy.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Congratulations! You’ve just let go of harmful energies, emotions and misunderstandings. Now you can begin to set the stage for NOURISHING healthy relationships appropriately.

Be sure to take time to rest and relax. Take a walk or get out into nature if you can!

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Emotional Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Nourishing Healthy Relationship has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel confused or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

This game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Healing Emotional Shock

Any person who is going through serious loss could experience emotional shock.

The symptoms of emotional shock are disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. A person may even disconnect and leave their body. This includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way. 

These are all ways that the unconscious mind protects us during a traumatic event.

Note: If you are going through a serious physical disruption or environmental crisis, please go to Stabilize During a Shocking Event.

This self-care formula can help when you are: 

  • Feeling stuck, immobilized, detached or trapped
  • Unable to rest, relax and let go
  • Caught in a blank or fixated state of mind
  • Waking up at night worried, with obsessive thoughts
  • Reliving painful experiences
  • Alternately feeling trapped and shattered.

Using the Intuitive Learning Circle method for healing emotional shock ~

Sometimes people who’ve received bad news or experienced a traumatic event will tell you that they’re fine and not to worry about them. They may get confused or shut down and not be able to explain what’s happening to them. That’s because one of the main symptoms of being in shock is not being aware of being in shock. Why is that? During a shock, the mind goes blank as a form of protection.

The Brain and Emotional Shock

Any person who’s going through serious loss could experience emotional shock. The symptoms are disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. A person may even disconnect and leave their body. This includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way. These are all ways that the unconscious mind protects us during a traumatic event.

The shock response is natural and not a sign of spiritual, mental or emotional weakness. It is a physiological event. Nevertheless, if the person doesn’t get a chance to get grounded in their body again – or if they’re not able to – serious problems may develop. Blocked energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t think straight,” “my life was shattered” or “I feel disconnected” describe the experience of emotional shock. 

If any of the above seems familiar, you can go through this formula step by step to help you access your own innate healing abilities and bring yourself back into balance.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration

For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Be sure to go through the entire formula and at the end, give yourself time to rest and integrate.

Healing Emotional Shock

Step One:

Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at Condor’s Medicine Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.

Imagine you can use it to focus in on a conflict or painful experience that’s been difficult to move on from. Somehow, it’s always blocking your way. If your mind has gone blank, relax into how “blank” it is. You may get a sense of what it’s about, or you may not.

Once you find the fixation, sit back and relax. Take several deep breaths.
If emotions come up, relax into them. Imagine that whatever’s happening – the darkness, the chaos or heaviness is also relaxing.
Let it soften and melt away, like ice under a beautiful beam of Sunlight.
Keep your attention on it until it’s completely gone.

Repeat the process with other blockages or conflicts that come up.


Step Two:

While you’re relaxing, use this Soul Prayer Chart to remember another time when you were very happy or feeling good about an important physical goal.
What color or felt sense relaxes you and feels good?
If you can increase the color or sensation to be stronger and more vibrant, you’ve found your personal Soul Color or vibration.

Now you can tap into your personal power and naturally bring it into balance, which gives you protection and relieves stress.
Being in balance makes everything easier! Take a few minutes to relax and enjoy that feeling.


Step Three:

The next step is to bring your senses into balance with River Medicine so that you can see, feel and hear things without the distortion that often accompanies shock.

As you breathe deeply, let the Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level for you.
Not too high – and not too low.

Soon you will be able to hear that “calm, gentle voice” inside that reminds you to pay attention to what matters the most for you.
You have greater awareness of things as they actually are.
You are present and sensing your surroundings much more clearly.


Step Four:

When a person is recovering from emotional shock, their energy may express some instability like being scattered, reversed or even shut down completely.

If that’s happening for you, let this Correction Key help you repair any glitches, holes or blockages in your system.

Keep relaxing with it until you feel the jagged energy smoothing out and the calm energy of your Soul coming through even stronger.


Step Five:

 If your gut feels tight or uncomfortable, use this Reiki Chakra Key for your Solar Plexus Chakra to help you relax and get back into balance there.
Your solar plexus is that soft place in your belly where your ribs go up. Just take some nice breaths and feel the tension melt away again.

It’s safe. You feel safe and more relaxed with every breath.

It’s okay to be in your body.
Allow time to let your energy settle.


Step Six:

Now you can let your heart center recover. This Reiki Chakra Key helps you to reconnect with your Heart Chakra energy and unwind any residual tightness.
Breathe deeply and take your time.
Your balance is returning. You can feel the tightness unwinding.

Allow any heaviness to lift up out of your heart and send it to the Sun where it can be transformed.

You are gaining the strength and resilience you need to let your Light shine.


Step Seven:

Sometimes a person who’s healing from an emotional shock will be disoriented and feel a bit “out of their body.” In case that’s happening with you, take a few minutes with Starlight Medicine to consciously bring yourself back into your body.
You are back at home in your heart and solar plexus.

If you’re having trouble, notice the time and where you are. You can open and close your hands into fists. Move your fingers and wiggle your toes around.

Or, you can turn your eyes to the right of you and then to the left. Notice what is above and below – in front and behind you. Then, close your eyes and rest for a moment.
These actions all help you reorient after an emotional shock.


Step Eight:

Now, it’s important to make sure that your energy can synchronize and ground in the new paradigm of Common Ground for the Common Good. Without proper grounding, you could get distracted and confused enough to go back to the deterioration and chaos of the old paradigm.

That’s not what you want. Deciding to move with Mother Nature rather than against her matters now more than ever!

Let Electric Eel’s Medicine help you. Place both feet on the ground and your hands on each knee while you meditate on getting grounded.
Your energy is getting more and more coherent and the Earth supports you.

Again, take all the time you need with this.


Step Nine:

At this point, you’ll want to make sure you don’t fall back into any old holes or get sucked into destructive habits.

Fly Medicine will help you deconstruct those habits and rabbit holes that have been causing you harm for good! Imagine them collapsing like old sewer lines.
Then, close up any energy drains so that you can recover your strength.

Once the holes are collapsed, ask for the leftover empty space to be filled in with healthy, life affirming energy.


Step Ten:

As you gaze at this symbol for Divine Protection, let it help you adapt to the new energy channels that affirms life through the Element of Air.

Begin by closing down old, harmful energy channels from the past.
Then, allow the beneficial chi’ to flow through you and support you going forward.

Notice that this energy is much lighter and quicker than the chi of the old paradigm, which has turned stagnant and toxic to life.

Finally, you’re ready to connect with new channels of communication.
Visualize all the lines coming together and connecting into the center circle.


Step Eleven:

Oftentimes, letting go of emotional shock requires a significant change in priorities. There may be certain systems, plans, ideas or habitual patterns that have become negative and are no longer relevant or constructive. Your understanding of things may get suddenly reversed. 

You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is confusing you.

Actively imagine that destructive or negative patterns in your mind are like heavy clouds or a jumbled maze of confusion, fears and nightmares.

Once you have the image, bring the pure light of the Sun in and dissolve the maze completely.
You’ll know that you’re done when you can see yourself standing in a beautiful open field with clear blue skies all around.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending negative emotions to the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Twelve:

Seal and heal any leaks or openings in your energy field. Leaky energy can leave you open to danger or allow harmful energies to attach to you. Open pathways that lead back to past suffering can also leave you feeling drained and exhausted.

As you gaze at Piranha’s Medicine Circle, imagine dangerous leaks, doors and pathways are closing as if they were never there.

All holes are healed and sealed. You are following the direction of your Soul’s protection.


Step Thirteen:

To complete your healing for emotional shock, take your time with this Soul Prayer Chart that helps you repair and refocus the auric field around you.
Bring your attention back to your body and the space that surrounds it.

Make an intention to repair all rips or tears in your aura and then strengthen it with your Soul Color for greater confidence and autonomy.

Continue until you feel protected in your body and safe in your own space.



Now that you’re finished with the formula, consider taking a nice walk outside. Nothing grounds you like being in nature after an emotional shock.

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Healing Emotional Shock
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Healing Emotional Shock has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

The use of these self-care formulas and mind exercises are not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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