Navigate Reversals During Retrograde

What To Do About Reversals During Retrograde.

Guidance from Kuan Yin 

Kuan Yin - Advanced Chakra Healing to Navigate Reversals During RetrogradeEver since 2009, Kuan Yin has offered her assistance through specially chosen Transformation Games, Mind Exercises and Self-care Formulas to help us navigate whatever changes were required. As a time-honored and respected guide in the Healing Arts, her aim has always been to help us stay calm and navigate the chaotic transition from the old paradigm into the New Paradigm with clear minds and hearts.

Now, she is helping us to adjust to the reality of living in the new energy through the I Ching Guidance of Hexagram #17 ADAPTING. Unfortunately, random energy reversals during retrograde periods like DETERIORATION are likely to recur frequently.

Learn more about how Kuan Yin advises us to navigate in the energy of Air in Difficult Beginnings>

Advanced Chakra Healing and Clearing ~

Recommended Mind Exercise and Transformation Games to Help you adjust and Keep You Moving with the Flow In the New Paradigm, Rather than Against it.

Environmental imbalances and instability have affected us in so many ways that we are just beginning to understand. Because the chakras react to and reflect environmental factors, it’s important that we pay attention to how well they are functioning and proactively rebalance them when needed.

Navigate Reversals During Retrograde

The biggest issue during this  period is the tendency for our subtle energy systems to get overloaded or bogged down by destructive energies. As a result, your mood could inexplicably change. Primary or Secondary Chakras might  shut down completely or suddenly start running in reverse. This instability can make it very difficult to remain grounded, just at a time when you need grounding the most.

Add to that the increase in violence, chronic health imbalances aggravated by climate and the overwhelmed state of our collective mental/emotional health and you’ve got a serious situation that should not be ignored.

For that reason, Kuan Yin has asked me to continue this format so that I can post Mind Exercises and Transformation Games that will help you deflect negative energies and address instability, reversals and toxic patterns in each of the Primary Chakras. It’s my hope that they can help you keep your chakras more stable and moving in the right direction.

Take a moment and integrate some of the help she’s offering to help us adapt. Here are her suggested intentions:

“I close down negative energy channels from the past.” 

“I tap into the beneficial flow of energy now available through the Element of Air.”


Lets begin with the Root Chakra and move up:

1st Chakra - Root Chakra Balancing

“Our root chakra is red and governs the physical body, our instincts and the assumptions we have about life. It’s located at the very base of the trunk of your body.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the Root needs are physiological – air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and having adequate methods of communication.

Gaze softly at the Root Chakra Key above and then ask yourself:

“Are my physiological needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Root Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin wants to help you clear karmic patterns of abuse that affect your sexuality and bodily autonomy> 

Next up is the Second Chakra (also known as the Spleen Chakra):

2nd Chakra - Spleen Chakra Balancing“The second energy center is referred to here as the spleen chakra because it is deeply connected to our emotions, digestion and immunity. Its color is orange and is located 2-3 inches down from the navel.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the second level needs are safety oriented – protection from the elements, security, order, law, stability and freedom from fear.

Gaze softly at the Second Chakra Key above for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my safety and security needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my 2nd Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin suggests that you create an internal and external space of safety for yourself>

Continue by addressing the Third Chakra needs:

3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing“The solar plexus chakra is the center of who we are and who we think we are, so it’s fitting that its color is a bright yellow and is located in the solar plexus.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the third level needs include love and belongingness needs – friendship, intimacy, affection and love from work group, family, friends, and romantic relationships.

Gaze softly at the Third Chakra Key above for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my love and belongingness needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Third Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin wants to support you as you deal with emotional shock>

The Heart Center and Basic Balance:

Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra Balancing“Our heart chakra is the bridge between our bodies and the spiritual world. It is where our thoughts and beliefs about love meet the physical expression of it.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fourth level needs include esteem needs – achievement, self-love, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-approval, self-respect and respect from others. 

Gaze softly at the Fourth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my compassion and esteem needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fourth Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin wants to help you open your heart to Joy so you can let go of perfectionism>

Consider the Fifth Chakra and the Power of Your Word: 

Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra Balancing“The energy of the throat chakra is about what you put out into the world – having a voice. It’s about speaking your truth and is blue in color, as in ‘true blue’.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fifth level needs include cognitive needs such as knowledge, meaning, expression, self-mastery and self-awareness.

Gaze softly at the Fifth Chakra Key above for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my cognitive needs being met? Am I able to ask for what I need and straightforward in my requests? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fifth Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin encourages you to open up the communication channel for INNOCENCE>

The Sixth Chakra and the Power of Your Perception:

Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Chakra Balancing“The third eye chakra contains the energy of insight and wisdom. Located in the center of the forehead just above the eyebrow, this chakra is associated with the color purple.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy Needs the sixth level needs include aesthetic needs – the appreciation of and search for beauty, balance and form, etc. Kuan Yin would add the need need for spiritual insight and understanding.

Gaze softly at the Sixth Chakra Key above for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my needs for creativity and spiritual understanding being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Sixth Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin urges you to detach from emotional drama and projections that are stressing you out>

The Seventh Chakra and Self-actualization: 

Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra Balancing“The crown chakra is our connection to spirit. This is the energy center that connects us with divine inspiration. Its color is white as it contains all things and it can cast a golden ring when in states of ecstasy.

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the seventh level needs include self actualization  needs – realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Gaze softly at the Seventh Chakra Key above for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my self-actualization needs being met? Are my fulfillment needs blocked in any way? Am I taking action and giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Seventh Chakra in balance?

Kuan Yin wants you to keep your mind clear when lies are everywhere>

In conclusion, Kuan Yin recommends that you take the time to understand and adapt to all the changes going on.

Whether you want to prepare for improved health, career, finances or relationships, your mind and the whole experience will be much happier if you have an ongoing practice that will help you adapt and nurture yourself.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


Thank you for joining with us for Navigating Reversals During Retrograde and creating a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good!

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.

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About the Author of Navigating Reversals During Retrograde ~

Rheanni Lightwater - Navigating Reversals During Retrograde

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT specializes in online mind body healing and support for changeusing Reiki Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Dream Tending and the Intuitive Learning CirclesSpecialized protocols include Advanced Energy Recalibrations for:

  • Enhanced Immune Response
  • Respiratory and Circulatory Health
  • Overstimulated Nervous System and Immune Response
  • Digestive and Intestinal Health
  • Sleep Difficulties and Nightmares
  • Chemical Sensitivities and Static Electro-magnetic Clearing
  • Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Navigating Reversals During Retrograde should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Herd Mentality and Chakra Healing

Transformation Game: Freedom from Herd Mentality

Emotional Entanglements are the Basis of Collective Attitudes or Herd Mentality

Group think or herd mentality is basically a situation where a lot of people are attached to each other through conflict-based emotions, beliefs, agendas and attitudes that cause suffering. There’s a lot of that going around – everywhere! But what if you don’t want to share in that way anymore? What if you prefer to connect with others through Love, Acceptance or Compassion?

Herd Mentality

Let’s work with this through your own example. Your awareness can be used to enhance your mind/body healing.

Notice the negative herd mentality that has your attention now.

Tap into your heart and bring to mind a negative personal situation that’s been causing irritation, anxiety or conflict within you. It could be about you or someone else. Notice how that situation tugs at your heart.


Herd Mentality is a group frequency.

In this moment, there’s probably some form of group communication that’s contributing to the irritation, conflict or even sadness within you. It could be an attitude, an agenda or a distressing belief.

Think of this herd mentality like a radio channel that you’re subconsciously tuning into. There could be one or there could be many.

For the moment, don’t try to fight it or get away from it.
Don’t beat yourself up about it. Just gently observe the quality of it.
The first step towards Peace is acceptance of what is.


The Third Eye can easily tap into herd mentalities.
Is your Third Eye tapping into the disturbing frequencies you’re feeling or something else?
Can you tell what’s stressing you out about this situation?


It can help to “name” the entanglement or herd mentality.

Slow down and see the situation more clearly. Use this Circle to help you slow everything down, just like the slo-mo camera effect in a televised sports event.

What name would you give this mentality?
What do you make up that it wants? What emotion is fueling this mentality?
What does it bring up in you? What do you make of the situation?

Are there any agreements or obligations that chain you to this mentality?

If so, imagine that you can gently unlock them, starting at the bottom of your spine and moving all the way up to the back of your head.

In most situations, the best thing you can do is to gently detach your energy from the herd mentality.

In the old paradigm, many healing modalities “cut the cords.” However, in the New Paradigm, this is another expression of forcing or “making it happen.” A sharp, cutting action like that doesn’t resolve the underlying suffering. It merely offers relief by cutting off the pain or conflict temporarily, only for it to return again another day.

I like to use a softer approach, taught to me by through Reiki guidance. Use this Soul Star Detachment Chart to relax and mend any wounds within yourself and your own energy field that are associated with this entanglement. Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you – especially your heart center.

“I neutralize and detach from any entanglements that are harmful to me.”

Attachments and conflicts are melting away. The poison is being drawn out and released to the Light. Relax. Breathe. Take your time and move around if you need to.

Next, clear up the intention behind the mental and/or spiritual entanglement.

You will want to address any confusion the herd mentality is causing you. Imagine you can softly gaze into the center of this Circle, Mapacho Medicine, and see ancient intentions like eggs or seeds.

Not only do you see your own intentions and prayers, but also the intentions held by the group entanglement. You can even sense the cultural, ancestral goals that are perpetuating the confusion and devision in your heart.

Visualize them like ingredients in a soup that’s interfering with your life. Scoop out any life destructive intentions and send them to the Light. You don’t have to let them run you anymore!

“I remove or reform any out of date intentions that are harmful to me.”
“I release harmful intentions from others.”
“I intend that all destructive energies and intentions be sent to the Light and purified.”


Become aware of harmful projections and deal with them.

There may be multiple projections or delusions coming from multiple groups. One way to deal with them is by using this Circle to visualize them all “popping” like bubbles until you’ve cleared your mind scape of them.



Now you can close down the energy channels that the herd mentality has been using to get to you.

Use these positive affirmations to help you:

“Harmful energy channels from the past are closing down. I have protection.”

Once they feel closed, imagine you can connect into the center of this symbol to improve your communication with life, Love and happiness!

“I access life affirming energy and connect with truthful channels of communication.” 

Put your new awareness together to make the proper connections with this Circle.

Starlight intuitively fills our hearts with hope and inspiration. We are not alone and miracles are possible.

“I create a new, life affirming intention from my Soul and follow that instead. My new intention is to _______________”


Now, dissolve the underlying destructive blueprints of conflict and herd mentality.

These conflicts could be ancestral, societal, racial or sexual biases. They could involve grudges, curses, vows for revenge, etc. After all, resentment and confusion can be internalized and externalized in a thousand ways!

You can dissolve them all now and send any heaviness to the Light.*

*Never send negative energy and emotions to other people or down into the ground. Mother Earth doesn’t want to hold those seeds anymore! She’s busy making the changes she needs for the next stages of life on this planet

When we send destructive energy up to the Light, it can be transformed and set right.

In addition, your mind can be more at peace, knowing that you’re no longer projecting harmful energy onto others – which matters! Like a dark cloud, your ability to forgive is lifting the heaviness up and off of you.


To completely release entanglements, collapse the underground tunnels they move through.

We can communicate in other, more helpful ways. Use the symbol below to collapse any energy drains or sewage lines that lead to or from the groupthink conflicts, grudges and curses. You don’t need or want them anymore.


Close the door on suffering and harmful entanglements.

Imagine that your spirit can turn you towards the direction of your highest good and close the door completely on all that group think and herd mentality.

“All harmful pathways are sealed and healed.” 
I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.” 

Once you’re clear that you’re heading in the right direction, you have successfully disengaged from the herd mentality.


Deconstruct harmful habits and close those energy drains.

Make sure you don’t get sucked back into a toxic habit or pattern from the past! Close down any energy drains that may have come open during this process.

“I deconstruct old habits and shut down any drains to my energy.”
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”


Once you have finished that, tune back into your Heart Center.

This Reiki Chakra Key helps you to reconnect so you can access Compassion for yourself and others. Relax and breathe deeply again. With this new awareness, you can connect with your Soul and communicate with the best of who you are.

Imagine new connections gently taking form. Remember not to force it! A true heart connection happens from the inside. No one else can do this for you.


Radiate your heart energy.

Eventually, if you’re patient and open, you can feel a light begin to radiate out, extending a sense of gratitude coming through from your deepest, wisest Self.

“My Heart is at peace and the interference is released.”

Congratulations! Now that you’ve taken the time to stop, listen and connect with your heart, you can feel the truth:

Forcing things doesn’t work in the long run. “Making it happen” through herd mentality or trying to avoid the truth causes more pain and pulls the joy and respect out of our relationships, especially the ones we have with ourselves. The need to make things be the way we want them to be is actually the source of our suffering and attachments. These attachments hold us back, boomerang around and give us a big kick in the behind!

SOS - Inner Guidance for Herd Mentality

Our problems cannot be solved from the same mental position they were created from. A transformation of consciousness is required to get from where we are to where we want to be. Obviously, no one can do that for us. We can get good help, but ultimately, we have to make the shift ourselves.

This is an excellent time to get up and go for a walk, preferably out in nature if you can.

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If you would like to release entanglements with herd mentality on a deeper level, contact Rheanni at Soul Resources LLC. We we are about Healthy Balance, Presence & Connection with your True Self.

Rheanni Lightwater - Herd MentalityRheanni Lightwater practices Mind Body Healing for the New Paradigm through Reiki, Hypnotherapy, Regression Therapy, Kinesiology, Energy Medicine and Feng Shui/Space Clearing.

Intuitive Trainings and Private Medical Intuition Sessions are available online or when your visit Santa Fe.

Call her at (505) 271-4612 or email: [email protected]

Disclaimer: Intuitive consultations with Rheanni or any other practitioner are not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. I can not give you a diagnosis and I cannot prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of an appropriate medical practitioner. 

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Recalibrate Your Respiration

Respiration – Breathing and Heart Health

Rheanni Lightwater - Respiration
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified in Somatics, Applied Kinesiology, Cranio-sacral & Hypnotherapy

is a Mind/Body Healing Protocol developed by Rheanni Lightwater to help you recalibrate your energy field to improve your breathing, your heart health and to build increased resilience into your immune system against harmful pathogens.

The Respiration Advanced Energy Medicine Protocol addresses the various inter-related aspects of our energy systems that work together to create a “resonate field” between the heart and lungs. It includes essential information I’ve been able to gather as a Medical Intuitive over the last two decades about how our subtle energy fields influence a healthy, vibrant immune response.
The human energy field has been going through significant transformatioHeart Health - Respirationn for some time. In my work, I’ve followed this evolution and assisted many people in restructuring their subtle energy fields for greater health and efficiency. The Intuitive Learning Circles and symbols have been carefully developed to facilitate these changes in alignment with Psyche, Soul and the Soul’s individual purpose.

Mind Body Integration trains your unconscious mind to recognize imbalances and harmful energies so it can activate and develop new patterns for protection, self-correction and re-generation.
Because the primary function of the unconscious mind is to preserve and protect the body, it runs all of our body functions. It’s also in charge of how information is communicated throughout the entire system.
In my work, I have found that when the unconscious mind recognizes the need to adapt and can effectively communicate that need, the subtle energy systems can shift and are “upgraded” to include the new information, which naturally upgrades the efficiency of all physical systems.

In this particular protocol, we seek to activate the unconscious mind and alert it to the presence of possible viruses, harmful toxins, polarities and imbalances in Respiration and the Circulatory  Systems.
This evolutionary process is an important aspect of SOS – Shelter from the Storm, which has been conceived and intended to help us meet the challenges of our global climate crisis and enhance our response to the increase of super viruses, environmental hazards and other unknown health challenges.

Respiration – Breathing and Heart Health is laid out to help you recalibrate your energy field to improve your breathing, your heart health and to build increased resilience into your immune system.

“Is your heart and circulatory system in need of a recalibration?”

About Rheanni Lightwater

Rheanni Lightwater - Adapting to Change

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT specializes in online mind body healing and support for change using Reiki Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Dream Tending and the Intuitive Learning CirclesSpecialized protocols include Advanced Energy Recalibrations for:

  • Enhanced Immune Response
  • Respiratory and Circulatory Health
  • Overstimulated Nervous System and Immune Response
  • Digestive and Intestinal Health
  • Sleep Difficulties and Nightmares
  • Chemical Sensitivities and Static Electro-magnetic Clearing
  • Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Long distance sessions are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). 

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or FaceTime. 

Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]


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Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine - Soul Oriented solutions

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An intuitive consultation is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

Homeostasis – A Healthy Response to Stress

Calming the Nervous System Through Homeostasis

Rheanni Lightwater - Homeostasis
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master/Teacher, Certified in Somatics, Applied Kinesiology, Cranio-sacral & Hypnotherapy

is a Mind/Body Healing Protocol developed by Rheanni Lightwater that helps you recalibrate your energy field so you can regain balance and equilibrium more easily after a stressful experience.

In addition, you will be able to nourish and strengthen your nervous system and build increased resilience into your immune system against harmful pathogens.

This Advanced Energy Medicine Protocol addresses the various inter-related aspects of our energy systems that work together to create a “resonate field”  that will effectively activate the parasympathetic nervous system response. This recalibration includes essential information I’ve been able to gather as a Medical Intuitive over the last two decades about how our subtle energy fields influence a healthy, vibrant immune response.
The human energy field has been going through significant transformation for some time. In my work, I’ve followed this evolution and assisted many people in restructuring their subtle energy fields for greater health and efficiency. The Intuitive Learning Circles and symbols have been carefully developed to facilitate these changes in alignment with Psyche, Soul and the Soul’s individual purpose.

Mind Body Integration trains your unconscious mind to recognize imbalances and harmful energies so it can activate and develop new patterns for protection, self-correction and re-generation.

Because the primary function of the unconscious mind is to preserve and protect the body, it runs all of our body functions. It’s also in charge of how information is communicated throughout the entire system.

In my work, I have found that when the unconscious mind recognizes the need to adapt and can effectively communicate that need, the subtle energy systems can shift and are “upgraded” to include the new information, which naturally upgrades the efficiency of all physical systems.

In this particular protocol, we seek to activate the unconscious mind and alert it to the presence of possible viruses, harmful toxins, polarities and imbalances that might be preventing homeostasis. Chakra and Meridian integrations are then facilitated to gently:

  1. Improve Communication – the proper transfer of messages between the brain and nervous system.
  2. Process and Regulate Emotional Information
  3. Expel Stress from the Nervous System – gentle release of fear and trauma
  4. Reduce Fight or Flight Stress Response
  5. Improve Overall Endocrine and Immune Health
  6. Release toxins and manage stress and trauma more effectively

This evolutionary process is an important aspect of SOS – Shelter from the Storm, which has been conceived and intended to help us meet the challenges of our global climate crisis and enhance our response to the increase of super viruses, environmental hazards and other unknown health challenges.

Homeostasis is laid out to help you recalibrate your energy field to nourish and strengthen your nervous system and to build increased resilience into your immune system.

In your body, are all elements needed for homeostasis in place, connected and communicating?

About Rheanni Lightwater

Rheanni Lightwater - Adapting to Change

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT specializes in online mind body healing and supporter change using Reiki Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Dream Tending and the Intuitive Learning CirclesSpecialized protocols include Advanced Energy Recalibrations for:

  • Enhanced Immune Response
  • Respiratory and Circulatory Health
  • Overstimulated Nervous System and Immune Response
  • Digestive and Intestinal Health
  • Sleep Difficulties and Nightmares
  • Chemical Sensitivities and Static Electro-magnetic Clearing
  • Trauma and Compassion Fatigue

Long distance sessions are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). 

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, NM. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]


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Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine - Soul Oriented solutions

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An intuitive consultation is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

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