Help For Learning Difficulties

Do You Struggle with Learning Difficulties?

I’ve learned from experience that what others may call a disease or disability can become the foundation for brilliance, innovation and thinking outside the box.

Rheanni Lightwater - Help for Learning Difficulties
Rheanni Lightwater

I was raised in a time before ADD, ADHD or Dyslexia had names. In the fifties and early sixties, kids like me didn’t have learning difficulties, we were simply labelled slow, troublemakers or stupid. Judging from the amount of time I spent in the principle’s office, I was probably put into the troublemaker category pretty early on!

Learning Difficulties: The Genius of Thinking Differently

Learning Difficulties - Left HandedI remember when I was just beginning to learn how to write my name in cursive. I was trying to figure out which hand worked better making all those loops and curly-ques. While experimenting with my left hand, my second grade teacher came over to me and plucked the pencil right out of my hand. “You don’t want to use that hand,” she barked, “only bad people are left handed.”

I didn’t like that teacher much so, at that moment I made a decision. I was going to be left-handed just to spite her! To this day, I am quasi-ambidextrous – I write with my left hand and do just about everything else with my right.

Similarly, I had learning difficulties getting my b’s and d’s right. They always seemed to get mixed up in my mind. I was restless in class because I had trouble concentrating and following what the teacher said was unbearable to me. In my early 20’s I even experienced stuttering because I literally couldn’t think of anything to say when in conversation. My mind would go completely blank, which was humiliating to me.

I know that most of the time, advice from teachers, family and friends was meant to help. They just couldn’t understand why I had learning difficulties or what to do about them. Unfortunately, having a mind that’s wired differently meant that techniques that worked well for others, didn’t work well for me.

Much later in life, I started to accept that doing things the way that other people did them just wasn’t going to work for me. I was eventually forced to accept that my learning difficulties had to do with early childhood trauma when a family crisis put me into a full-fledged case of PTSD.

It took me quite a while to get my bearings again, but once I decided that it was okay to be different – outside of the approval of my family – my life took a sharp turn for the better. I stopped beating myself up and started to embrace the things that came naturally to me. I went into bodywork and somatic education together with hypnotherapy, Reiki and mind/body energy work. I began to experience a satisfaction and success that I had never known before. Finally, I was allowing the way I was wired to lead me into exciting new fields of discovery and innovation!

I set to work learning about and putting together techniques from many different disciplines to help me and my clients, many of whom were highly sensitive people with similar learning difficulties. I developed a whole system of tools for better focus and concentration using muscle testing. I’ve also found that they can help with emotional healing, reducing stress and providing a way to activate advanced states of intuition and creativity.

Testimonials for Rheanni Lightwater

Today, I use those tools to find solutions together with my clients and students – whether the issue is in their body, their thinking process or their environment. I call them the Intuitive Learning Circles and now I’m making them available to other people, like you – so that you can also experience the beauty and genius of thinking differently.

Find out about Rheanni’s many creative projects by checking out her

PTSD Workbook

Mind Exercises

Soul Resources Intuition Trainings 


Mind body healing and private sessions are available with Rheanni (Ray-ah-nee). To schedule an initial consultation, call (505) 271-4612 or you can send an inquiry to [email protected].

Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal.

Gift Certificates are Available

Mind Body Healing Gift Certificates

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described in Gifts from the Rainforest or this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Mind Body Integration

Challenges to Mind Body Integration

To facilitate mind body integration using the Intuitive Learning Circles, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction to full embodiment is more complete.

Mind Body Integration

  • Mind Body IntegrationThe brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it.

Fixated Thoughts, Conflicts or Shock

  • Mind Body IntegrationIf you go completely blank or are unable to access anything, the question or subject may have brought up an inner conflict. If that happens, look at this Circle (#32 Condor from Gifts from the Rainforest). Follow these directions:

Take several deep breaths and relax while you gaze into the Circle. Imagine that you can use it to focus in on a thought, experience or conflict that’s causing a problem for you, like a bull’s eye.

Imagine the problem is melting or send a beam of light directly to the blockage. Allow your laser beam to break up the fixation or melt it until it’s gone. Take all the time you need and don’t forget to add any stretching, movements, rolling, shaking, etc., you may need to completely clear the energy.

 Once you’re finished, go back to where you left off and complete whatever you were working on.

Somatic Movement Re-Patterning

  • The Corpus Callosum is a part of the brain that facilitates communication between your left and right cerebral hemispheres. When dealing with learning difficulties, it may help to perform simple cross crawl movements while you gaze at this Chakra Key to balance the chakras at the corpus callosum.
  • Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!

Homeopathic Readiness

  • The Intuitive Learning Circles are like homeopathic remedies that work on a vibrational level. If you don’t need the remedy, it will do nothing.

So, if you’re already clear and in balance, looking at a Circle will do nothing. If you don’t really need a process you’ve chosen, the Circles will do nothing.

Individual Circles can, however, help you access answers. Just ask, “what do I need here?” Then trust the answer that comes. Maybe there’s another kind of process that would help you better at this time.


  • Finally, relax! The Intuitive Learning Circles aren’t about “doing it right,” they’re about opening up to the possibilities!

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Chakra Balancing with Reiki

Kuan Yin’s Transformation Game for Chakra Balancing ~

Some people may be having difficulty physically and emotionally because they need chakra balancing to help them with one or more levels of their Hierarchy of Needs.

Chakra Balancing with Reiki - Activated ChakrasHere is an interesting and informative comparison between Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Seven Primary Chakras. As you go through this simple exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles from Reiki Chakra Keys, you will not only assess each of your Primary Chakras and gain some very interesting psychological insights, you’ll also have the opportunity to connect more deeply so you can clear and balance them to function more effectively in the New Paradigm. 

Here’s how it works:

Put both feet flat on the floor and keep your arms and legs uncrossed. Read the information and then gaze softly at the corresponding Reiki Chakra Key for insight and energy healing. You will probably feel a lot of energy moving – that’s all right, that means the symbols are working with Reiki energy to cleanse and balance each of your Primary Chakras. Gaze gently at each Key until the energy you sense calms down and you have a clear answer to the questions.

Suggestions from Kuan Yin are included to lead you into a deeper chakra healing that’s designed to help you understand what makes the New Paradigm “new” and how to function much better within it.

Or you can continue moving through the sequence of the Chakras with each of their descriptions to complete the assessment. Remember it’s always best to relax and go slowly. Allow your energy to settle comfortably between each Key.

Step One: Each of us has a unique vibration and “soul color” that allows us to sync up with the Universe appropriately.

It’s common for empath’s or other highly sensitive people to take on other people’s vibration in an effort to survive or get along. Use this first Circle to reinforce healthy boundaries and be sure that you’re reading your energy and not someone else’s!

Mind Body IntegrationTo fully integrate your personal vibration simply gaze softly at the Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body while you affirm to yourself:

“I know who I am. I distinguish my needs from the needs of others.”


Step Two: Your chakras respond to old conditioning and mindsets. To change your mindset, establish an overall intention stated in the positive.

You might want to write it down. Examples:

“I understand what’s required for me to be centered and grounded
in the New Paradigm.”


Step Three: Utilize the beneficial Chi’ available through the Element of Air For Divine Protection and healthy communication.

“I close down harmful energy channels and allow my energy to adapt and flow with the lighter, more protective energy of the New Paradigm.”

I hope to _____________________________.”


Now that you know what your intention is, let’s find out what might be needed to balance each of your seven primary chakras to align with your goal!

First Chakra Key:

1st Chakra - Root Chakra Balancing

“Our root chakra is red and governs the physical body, our instincts and the assumptions we have about life.

If we have been brought up under the assumption that our bodies and physical processes are bad or dirty, we will manifest that on the physical plane. We will be prone to violence, disrespect and exhaustion.

Clearing the energy with this Reiki Chakra Key will help us to find a new foundation and give us strength to make the necessary changes for a vibrant and powerful life.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the Root needs are physiological – air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and having adequate methods of communication.

Gaze softly at the Root Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my physiological needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance? Do I need  a stronger, more beneficial connection with Mother Earth?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Root Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being? 

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Stabilize and protect your foundation> 

Second Chakra Key

2nd Chakra - Spleen Chakra Balancing“The second energy center is referred to here as the spleen chakra because it is deeply connected to our emotions, digestion and immunity. Its color is orange.

When this chakra is dis-eased, toxic emotions and entanglements build up and poison the entire system. Our ability to create is repressed and depression sets in.

Free flowing energy here is essential to physical, emotional and mental health.

We can forgive ourselves and others, which helps us to maintain a healthy sense of well-being.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the second level needs are safety oriented – protection from the elements, security, order, law, stability and freedom from fear.

Gaze softly at the Second Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my safety and security needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my 2nd Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Let go of negative entanglements that affect your immunity>

Third Chakra Key:

3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing“The solar plexus chakra is the center of who we are and who we think we are, so it is fitting that its color is a bright yellow.

When our sense of ourselves is poor, the chakra becomes sluggish and clogged up.

If our sense of ourselves is positive, we have self-confidence and the chakra pulsates with vibrancy and harmony. We exude an attitude of faith and cheerfulness. Our energy-level is high, we a have a high mental capacity for success and others are naturally attracted to our charisma.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the third level needs include love and belongingness needs – friendship, intimacy, affection and love from work group, family, friends, and romantic relationships.

Gaze softly at the Third Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my love and belongingness needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Third Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Connect with your courage and natural instincts>

Fourth Chakra Key (Heart):

Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra Balancing“Our heart chakra is the bridge between our bodies and the spiritual world. It is where our thoughts and beliefs about love meet the physical expression of it.

Indigenous people believe that all of nature can communicate with each other through the heart. That is why its color is green, the most basic color for healing, nurturing and abundance. It is the home of the mind of compassion, which extends to every living being, including ourselves.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fourth level needs include esteem needs – achievement, self-love, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-approval, self-respect and respect from others. 

Gaze softly at the Fourth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my compassion and esteem needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fourth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Open your heart to Joy so you can let go perfectionism>

Fifth Chakra Key (Throat):

Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra Balancing“The energy of the throat chakra is about what you put out into the world – having a voice. It’s about speaking your truth and is blue in color, as in ‘true blue’.

Many people in our society have difficulty with this energy center. This may manifest in suppressed emotions, not saying what we really mean or an inability to ask for what we need. It often impairs us from being able to achieve all that we are capable of.

A healthy throat chakra allows us to be clear and honest in our intentions, words and deeds. Through it we can avoid the bitterness and restlessness that comes from an unfulfilled life.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fifth level needs include cognitive needs such as knowledge, meaning, expression, self-mastery and self-awareness.

Gaze softly at the Fifth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my cognitive needs being met? Am I able to ask for what I need and straightforward in my requests? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fifth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Clear up any communication issues that are holding you back> 

Sixth Chakra Key (Third Eye):

Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Chakra Balancing“The third eye chakra contains the energy of insight and wisdom. Located in the center of the forehead just above the eyebrow, this chakra is associated with the color purple.

A healthy third eye is important in the development of intuition and common sense. When it’s blocked, we tend to doubt ourselves, become cynical and rely on the opinions of others. We lose our imagination, our dreams and our personal power.

Conversely, when it’s clear, we are capable of regaining our inner vision and receiving clairvoyant information. We can develop relationships with our Higher Self, Angels, Teachers and Guides. These beings are here to assist us in achieving the Reiki ideals of Universal Love.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the sixth level needs include aesthetic needs – the appreciation of and search for beauty, balance and form, etc. Kuan Yin would add the need for spiritual insight and understanding.

Gaze softly at the Sixth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my needs for creativity and spiritual understanding being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Sixth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Detach from group think that feeds escalating conflicts>

Seventh Chakra Key (Crown):

Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra Balancing“The crown chakra is our connection to spirit. This is the energy center that connects us with divine inspiration. Its color is white as it contains all things and it can cast a golden ring when in states of ecstasy.

In this experience of “enlightenment,” we can perceive the potential both within and without and are completely at peace with ourselves.

When this energy center is open and balanced, we more easily receive information and life force from our Higher Self and the Universe. Take all the time you need with this Key until you feel stable and calm.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the seventh level needs include self actualization  needs – realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Gaze softly at the Seventh Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my self-actualization needs being met? Are my fulfillment needs blocked in any way? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Seventh Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Tune into clear guidance especially when lies are everywhere>



Now that you’ve gone through chakra balancing with Reiki for the seven main chakras, your energy is more your own and you’ll have a much easier time adapting to the New Paradigm. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and calm has a uniquely beneficial effect on those around them.

Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Kuan Yin’s chakra balancing meditation uses healing symbols and affirmations from Soul Prayer Charts and Reiki Chakra Keys for chakra balancing and clearing.

Reiki Chakra Keys

Reiki Chakra Keys is currently undergoing revisions for chakra balancing in the New Paradigm and will be available Spring, 2024.

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Chakra balancing should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Rheanni Lightwater, CKP, CHT offers online stress management sessions and Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe, New Mexico.

Services include: Reiki, Hypnosis, Energy Medicine, Medical Intuition, Dream Tending, Applied Kinesiology, Trauma Resolution, Feng Shui & Epigenetic Healing.

Mind Body Healing with Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKP Rheanni Lightwater is an award winning author, hypnotherapist and practitioner of mind body healing in Santa Fe, New Mexico. She is the co-founder of Soul Resources LLC and has been in the healing arts since 1991. Her background is in trauma resolution, somatic education, shamanic and energy healing using Reiki and Energy Kinesiology. She has spent the past twenty-three years writing, researching and developing the Intuitive Learning Circle method in private practice, medical clinics, workshops, classes and school rooms. Her unique approach to energy medicine and mind/body integration has allowed both children and adults to free themselves from limited thoughts and behaviors that can contribute to serious illness, learning disabilities and emotional distress. Highly sensitive people learn to develop healthy boundaries and access their creative talents.  

New Mexico Arizona Book Awards WinnerThe inspiration for her award winning books and games come from her studies of Hypnosis, Reiki and Somatic Education techniques together with indigenous healing through Hawaiian Huna, Tibetan energywork, Peruvian shamanism and feng shui principles.


In 1991, Ms. Lightwater began her basic bodywork training and quickly expanding into Hawaiian Huna, Cranial Sacral Therapy, BioSomatics and Structural Integration. Later, she received certification in Hypnotherapy, Touch for Health, Kinesiology and became a Master Teacher in Reiki and Karuna® Reiki and Grail Reiki.

Being a consultant and teacher to alternative health professionals, business owners, patients and their families has given her a broad perspective of dealing with stress induced symptoms and the mind body connection. Her first hand experiences with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder and environmental sensitivities make her approach compassionate, practical, expert and keenly felt.

Exploring the mystery of ch’i or life energy continues to be a joy for Ms. Lightwater as she shares her knowledge about mind body healing with those who want to strengthen their own intuitive skills and empower their highest potential.

Testimonials for Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe

Learn more about Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe or Online with Rheanni

To schedule an initial consultation, call (505) 271-4612 or you can send an inquiry to [email protected].

Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal or Square.


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Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine - Soul Oriented solutions

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Disclaimer: An intuitive consultation is not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

How To Develop Healthy Boundaries

SOS Self-care Formula #6: Develop Healthy Boundaries

SOS - Develop Healthy BoundariesMany people, especially those who are highly sensitive or empathic, want to learn how to develop healthy boundaries because they are so open to thoughts and energies coming from other people. Sometimes those thoughts get attached in their minds and spin around, causing a great deal of discomfort.

If the pathways remain open, all kinds of trouble (karma, issues, illness or confusion) can pass back and forth between people without their awareness. If left unchecked, this type of attachment can manifest in negativity, sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.

It’s a valuable skill to know how to shift your energy and Develop Healthy Boundaries.

Self-care Formula #4 from SOS – Soul Oriented Solutions uses affirmations and the Intuitive Learning Circles to help you learn to consciously close off the pathways to  negative thoughts or emotions and shift into a more positive mindset. Here’s an example of how it works. Simply gaze softly at the Circle while you contemplate each of these positive affirmations:

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I focus them to be present and aware of appropriate boundaries.”

“I use them to become aware of intrusive thoughts, attachments, illness and confusion so that I can let them go.”

“I focus on a hopeful future and productive actions that will benefit my health and happiness.”

Use Develop Healthy Boundaries when you are:

  • Agitated or feeling out of sync
  • Distressed by recent news
  • Getting negative or anticipating hardship
  • Feeling claustrophobic
  • Unable to meditate or sit still
  • Obsessed with a particular person or situation.

Here’s how it works: Find a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed. Follow the sequence of symbols while you read their accompanying instructions. Gaze gently at each Circle for about two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Be sure to go through the entire formula and at the end, give yourself time to rest and integrate.

Developing a quiet mind and light heart changes your perspective and that makes it easier to follow through with your true priorities.

Gently contemplate each step for clarity and better boundaries…

Step 1. Balance

Begin by consciously breathing in on the count of three and slowly exhaling on the count of five. It’s helpful if you can breathe in through your nose. Do that three or four times while you gaze softly at the Circle.
Continue breathing and bring your awareness to your tailbone.

What do you need to get in balance about?


Step 2: Decision

In order to develop healthy boundaries, there is a decision that you need to make for yourself. Be clear about what you actually want for yourself and how you’re responding in this situation. State it directly and decisively.
Note: Negative or wishy-washy requests get negative, wishy-washy results. Overly idealistic or ambitious requests tend to create chaos and overwhelm.
Think it through and write down a positive declaration for yourself.

What results do you actually want to experience?


Step 3. Letting Go

Your decision probably brings up conflicts. Use this Circle to melt away any hard thoughts, feelings or resistance that blocks your ability to see things clearly and take action.
The key is to relax into whatever you’re feeling and breathe. You can imagine that the lines in the Circle are going limp and moving around like wet noodles.

What tension or worry do you need to let go of?


Step 4. Protection

This symbol will help you develop healthy boundaries by providing an improved  interface with your environment. We all need assistance in making the transition from the old paradigm of Water (Piscean Age) to the New Paradigm of Air (Aquarian Age). Relax and close down all heavy or destructive energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to.

Do you feel a sense of protection?

Continue to contemplate the symbol both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body until you feel protection all around.


Step 5. Natural Instincts

Now that you’re more relaxed, use this Circle to gather up your natural gifts, talents and instincts that will help you reclaim and strengthen your boundaries.
Make sure you’ve got your feet on the ground so that you can get back in touch with the things that really matter. Activate your gut instincts, engage your Essence and the power that comes from your Soul.

What will help you connect with your instincts?


Step 6. Intention

Give yourself permission to slow down and focus your energy on your intention. Turn your attention to what really needs to happen. 

For example, you’ll want to know if you’re internalizing something or if you’re trying to take care of something that isn’t yours to be concerned with.

What is the necessary information I need to gather from my unconscious mind?

Don’t worry. You don’t need to have it all figured out. The issue may be too confusing to make sense of it yet.
Just let the Circle help you percolate what’s involved with this boundary issue.


Step 7. Soul Color

You may be taking on other peoples vibration without being aware of it.
Using your own Soul color and vibration will strengthen your autonomy, integrity and good health. To help you find it, remember a time when you successfully manifested something physical. What color comes to mind?

“I recognize my Souls unique color vibration.”
“I know who I am. I distinguish my energy from the energy of others.”

“All aspects of my Essence are willing to utilize my Soul color for success.”


Step 8. Centering

Connect your decision with the strength and integrity of your Soul. Bring in your Soul Color and conscious awareness to amplify this affirmation:

“I decide to connect with the truth of my Soul and love my Self.”

When you’re ready, notice where you are in your room or environment.
What is to the left of you and what is to the right of you?

Make sure that you’re centered in your own body.
“I am inside of me. Everything else is outside.”


Step 9. Empowerment

Empower your ability to follow through with your decision.

“I exist and am empowered through my Souls connection.”
“I nourish myself with Soul knowing and heart wisdom.”
“I am empowered to take good care of myself and develop healthy boundaries.”

Continue by making your own affirmations that apply to your decision:
“I am empowered to _____________.”


Step 10. Calm

Keep breathing with your belly soft and relaxed. Let your shoulders drop. Continue using your Soul color with this Chart to expel excess energy from your nervous system. Slow down and clear away noise, clutter and static.
Come back into the calm and rhythm of your Soul.

What thoughts help to relax you? 


Step 11. Repair

If you’re having trouble, this Key can help you correct any blockages, rough static, glitches or reversals that might be causing trouble in your energy field.
Relax with it for a few minutes until things smooth out.
Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.


Step 12. Perception

It helps to see things the way they really are.
Gaze softly at this Circle and imagine you can turn down the feelings or thoughts that are turned up too high or too low, just like the volume on a radio.

“I decide to perceive this situation clearly and calmly.”

What are you seeing differently about this situation?


Step 13. Change

 In order to follow through with manifesting healthy boundaries, some things are going to have to change. Identify what needs to happen:

“Does something need to change?”
“What do I need to do differently to develop healthy boundaries?”
“What actions would help me?”

If you’re not clear yet, keep going with the exercise.
You may need a few more easy corrections before the truth emerges.


Step 14. Resolution

You probably need to change some agreements or do some things differently. To help you find out what they are, examine what causes confusion for you when you consider these affirmations:

“I decide to stay centered and follow through on the highest good.”
“My health and happiness are important.”
“I easily deflect foreign energies and other peoples thoughts or expectations.”

There is always more than one way to approach a situation.
What new approach do you need to take? What agreements need to change?


Step 15. Detachment

There may be attachments or karmic entanglements blocking your solution.
Use this Soul Star Chakra Key to detach from them. Relax and meditate on for several minutes. Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

Are you willing to neutralize interfering energies and detach from them?
If not, are you willing to change the agreement that binds you to them?


Step 16. Freedom

Allow this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to clear out underlying patterns of confusion, abuse and harmful karmic relationships out of your mind.
Let any remaining heaviness or karmic entanglements around this situation lift up and out of you.
Dark clouds are dissolving into blue skies and sunlight

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step 17. Closure

Use the Circle to help you close any harmful openings or pathways that would leave you open to the distractions and interference of the external world.
Close the doors and seal the leaks – as if they were never there.
You are calm and ready to follow through now. Your mind is able to rest.

Are you heading in the right direction?
If not, imagine that your Soul is turning you to face the right direction.


Step 18. Clean Up

A necessary part of having healthy boundaries is in making sure that we don’t get sucked back into unhealthy dynamics, otherwise, we’ll just get entangled again!
Take the time now to deconstruct any leftover habits and shut down any leaks that have been draining your energy. Fill in any voids with loving gratitude.

Are you experiencing any more drains to your energy?


Step 17. Completion

Finally, you want to make sure that you’re no longer connected through entanglements that keep you connected to old places or behaviors you don’t want to go back to anymore. Allow this Circle to make sure you’re free of harmful ties, cords or vows to continue participating in abuse:

“I let go of all harmful vows or obligations
to be connected to dangerous energies or abusive situations.”

Congratulations! Give yourself time to rest and integrate.
Take a walk or enjoy some time out in Nature.


Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Develop Healthy Boundaries
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Develop Healthy Boundaries has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

How to Develop Healthy Boundaries should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Santa Fe Intuitive Consulting

Intuitive Consulting with Rheanni Lightwater

You can have a private intuitive clearing or consulting session with Rheanni Lightwater online using Zoom or you can meet her in person in Santa Fe, New Mexico (Mountain Standard Time).

Rheanni Lightwater - Animal Totems

Rheanni Lightwater is a Hypnotherapist, Award Winning Author and Intuitive Energy Medicine Practitioner. She is co-owner of Soul Resources, LLC and is Certified in Hypnosis, Regression Therapy, Biosomatics, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Integrative Kinesiology, Feng Shui Space Clearing and is an Advanced Reiki / Energy Medicine Teacher.

She has been in the Healing Arts since 1991. Rheanni sees her role in the healing process as a teacher who can guide you through some of the more difficult transitions of your life. She offers a safe, learning space for you to discover how powerful and capable you are.

Her specialties include Reiki Attunements, intuitive energy clearing, trauma resolution and Feng Shui energy clearings that recalibrate and connect you with your highest potential. Private Sessions and Tutorials are available online through Zoom or in person when you come to visit Soul Resources in the City Different – Santa Fe, New Mexico.

To schedule an initial consultation, call (505) 271-4612 or you can send an inquiry to [email protected]

Santa Fe Intuitive: In My Words,  Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP

“The phrases I use most often when describing what I do are ‘freedom and choice,’ ‘being joyful,’ ‘personal responsibility’, ‘balanced prosperity’ and ‘planting the seeds for happiness’. During an initial consultation, I’ll want to know what you want to have happen and if I can assist you in getting there. I see my role in the healing process as a mentor who can guide you through some of the more difficult transitions of your life. I offer a safe, learning space for you to discover how powerful and capable you are.”


Ms. Lightwater’s background is primarily in the creative arts and alternative health field utilizing Hypnotherapy, Bio-Somatic Education, Feng Shui, Applied Kinesiology, Reiki and Energy Medicine.

Due to her interest in trauma resolution, Ms. Lightwater began her healing practice as an integrative bodyworker in 1991. She quickly immersed herself in Hanna somatic education, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Lomi Lomi, BioSomatics and Structural Integration. Later, she received Certification in Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology and became a Master Teacher in Reiki, Karuna® Reiki and Grail Reiki.

As an educator, Rheanni has taught extensively about mental, emotional and spiritual issues relating to trauma resolution, PTSD, abuse and how they are reflected in our subtle energetic fields.

Gifts from the Rainforest and Trauma Resolution As a result of studying the indigenous healing practices of Tibet, Japan, Hawaii and Peru, Ms. Lightwater developed a unique understanding of the subtle human energy field. During a visit to the Amazon in 2001, she participated in numerous ceremonies with the Shipibo shamans. Her experiences there gave birth to the Intuitive Learning Circles and other healing symbols. Gifts from the Rainforest and Reiki Chakra Keys are the primary collections in the series.

In 2008, Ms. Lightwater received First Place in the New Age Category of the New Mexico Book Awards for her first edition of Soul Oriented Solutions. She has won awards numerous times since then.

As part of her pioneering work over the years, Rheanni has developed hundreds of healing symbols and researched various applications for them in medical clinics, detox centers, business settings, workshops, schoolrooms, online classes and in individual sessions. She has extensive experience helping people deal with serious illnesses, heavy metal poisoning, chemical sensitivity, immune deficiency and a wide range of trauma and stress induced disorders.

The positive response to the Intuitive Learning Circles show them to be effective in shifting dysfunctional brain patterns in both children and adults, freeing them from destructive thoughts and behaviors that contribute to serious illness, learning difficulties and emotional distress.

In addition, Rheanni has taught other Somatic Educators, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Naturopathic and Allopathic Physicians about Energy Medicine and how to develop their own clairvoyant skills.

Payment Methods: Soul Resources LLC accepts cash, checks and you can use a credit card through Paypal or Square.


Find out more about Intuition Training for Personal Growth >

Disclaimer: Santa Fe intuitive consultations are not a substitute for professional medical care and diagnosis. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

 I can not give you a diagnosis and I can’t prescribe. If you are ill or injured, please seek the assistance of a qualified medical practitioner.

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