Monkey Medicine

Casting Stones of Forgiveness with Monkey Medicine

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest

Monkey Medicine from Gifts from the Rainforest

#28 Monkey – Monkey offers an opportunity to respond differently in the face of cruelty, shame or blame. Learn how to use your energy more wisely. Life has so much more to offer!

Are you spending too much time fighting and finding fault with others? 

Is your life too hard? If so, what would you rather be doing?

Healing Action: Identify if you’re involved in harmful group think, curses, grudges or bad attitudes. Repairing the damage done begins by forgiving yourself first.

Angry Monkey

The angry mind is like an angry monkey.
It swings wildly from one tree to another,
casting coconuts and squealing curses at the top of its lungs.
The monkey-mind eagerly casts insults and stones
on friends and enemies alike whenever it feels threatened.
It has no thought about what consequences have been put into motion.
Vigilantly monitor your monkey mind.
How is it feeding you with poison?
Learn to deflect ill will from others by refusing to take their threats personally.
Their curses are merely a reflection of how they feel about themselves.
Cultivate humility when you think ill of others.
Your curses are merely a reflection of how you feel about yourself.
Approach it with compassion, and nourish it
with the milk of human kindness.
Forgiveness begins within.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Monkey Medicine:

Monkey Medicine

Monkey medicine speaks of the need to clear your mind of preconceived ideas and concepts that have been cursing your attempts to be peaceful and happy. Somehow, an angry mind is dominating the situation.

As you gaze at the Circle, relax and ask your Soul: “Am I mad at myself? Is someone else mad at me? What am I afraid of?”

Monkey is showing us that within every stone that’s cast against another is an opportunity to learn and respond differently. Redeem yourself first and a path will open that leads to forgiving others. Take that opportunity and your life will change forever.

It could be that you’re being a projection to someone because they’re seeing something in you that they don’t like about themselves. On the other hand, you may feel like others are throwing accusations or ridicule at you simply because that’s what you expect them to do.

Don’t fall for such wasteful mental activity! Look deeper into your own insecurities. This may seem unpleasant at first, but there’s a gift waiting for you if you’re willing to get to the bottom of this predicament. Usually it involves letting go of an old way of thinking about yourself and the world.

The monkey may also be exposing a collective illusion that’s been bedeviling you in this situation. See it for what it is. Break the spell that keeps you from being who you truly are in the face of destructive group think. Once you can transcend the lie that’s being told, a new connection will be opened to you.

Gently coax your monkey mind out of the dark undergrowth of fear and resentment. Bring it into the light of day. Using Love and Forgiveness, encourage it to swing freely through the trees until it can travel to the very highest regions of the forest canopy with ease!

Monkey Medicine is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Vine of the Soul

Spiritual Healing from the Vine of the Soul

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:

Vine of the Soul from Gifts from the Rainforest

41. Vine – Ayahuasca is an ancient medicine used in ceremony for mind/body healing and soul retrieval. Her intention is to bring us back into union with our spiritual selves.

Have you given away your power? How can you regain it?

How can you effectively move out of fear and into courage?

Healing Action: Align with your inner knowing. Find a spiritual based process that will help you determine what got you off track and how to regain balance.

Mother Ayahuasca

For over a thousand years, shamans from
the Amazon have received healing
for their people from the Vine of the Soul.
This medicine teaches how to reconnect
with our spiritual selves and Nature.
She provides lasting physical healing
by addressing its spiritual source.
She shows us the truth about how
we have betrayed ourselves and our divinity.
She reminds us of who we are
and how we lost our identity.
Call upon this ancient tradition
and reflect on what the deeper cause
for your pain and dilemmas might be.
Your Soul knows the answer,
you have only to call upon it.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles  help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into Ayahuasca Medicine:

Vine of the Soul

The ego is blocking the truth, although with help from your Soul, it’s possible for you to see beyond your delusions and imaginary fears. Ayahuasca’s Circle can show you how you are presently using your strength and Will. It can also show you how you might improve upon them.
Let her assist you as you move out of fear and into courage:

  • Purge lies and dangerous distractions.
  • Expel malignant toxins from your body and mind.
  • Allow your Soul to take its proper place in your experience.
  • Align with your inner knowing and the truth will be revealed.
  • Maintain your newfound health and integrity by taking good care of yourself.

You may be refusing abundance that has been coming your way or possibly you may benefit from learning how to be more compassionate. Learn to heal yourself by listening to the wisdom of your heart.

It’s very important at this time to be real and genuine in your requests, because whatever you ask for, you are liable to get. Unlock your suppressed creativity and heal your Self.

The Vine of the Soul is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuition.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Shamans Leaves

Clear the Clutter Out of Your Mind with Shaman’s Leaves

Self-care and Personal Growth through Gifts from the Rainforest:

Shamans Leaves from Gifts from the Rainforest32. Shaman’s Leaves – when the mind goes into survival mode, it can pull progress to a complete stop. Shamans leaves shake out resistance and fear so that the journey can continue.

What are you afraid of?

What would you like to shake off? What mental confusion needs to be cleared away? What might help you do that?

Healing Action: The critical mind wants to control you through fear or panic. Do not abandon your efforts – persist. Sit up. Breathe. Shake it out! Now is not the time to give in.

The Shaman’s Leaves

On shamanic journeys, resistance is expected.
When this happens, the small mind
will think up every possible reason to give up
and retreat from your Soul’s journey.
The shaman then brings out his dried leaves
and shakes them in your face
for however long it takes
for the small mind to surrender.
These dried leaves contain yellow magic –
the courage to endure against all
manipulations of the mind.
See your fear for what it is.
Stay with it.


Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results, gaze softly at the Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the communication is more complete.

Intuitive Learning Circles help you access your inner guidance and self-confidence to make proactive changes. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating its message and positive affirmations. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Further Exploration into the Medicine of the Shaman’s Leaves:

You have decided that things are supposed to happen in a certain way and because of your limited thinking, you are about to give up. Don’t. 

  • If you can stop thinking so much and open to the possibility of different scenarios, the block can remove itself.
  • If you can open yourself up to new ideas the world will respond to you differently.
  • If you refuse, you remain chained to outmoded thoughts, habits and behaviors that will naturally lead to self-defeat and self-pity.
  • If you are waiting for a guarantee, you will just keep delaying the completion of your goal. 
  • If your mind is telling you that something should be happening in a certain way ask your heart: “According to who and how would they know?” 
  • If you don’t have much self-discipline, now is a good time to develop some. 
Shamans Leaves

Do you need to stop trying to force something to work out a certain way and just trust the process? Nature has a way of righting things on its own; allow this to work for you.
It could be that a recurring pattern of post-traumatic stress is blocking your mind and making it hard to think clearly. Pent up energy needs to be released. Let the Circle help your body do what it needs to do. Use your breath, rhythmic motion, sound and visuals to bring the blockage up and shake it out. Once the stagnant energy is released, allow your body and nervous system to calm down with slower, deeper breaths and softer, rocking movements.
Early childhood and/or cultural conditioning is blocking your spiritual connection. Take the pressure off of having to be a certain way. Doing the opposite of what you think you should do is often the cure. Visualize a warm breeze blowing anxious thoughts up and out of your mind, like a little whirlwind of leaves.

The medicine of Shaman’s Leaves is an excerpt from Gifts from the Rainforest

Available exclusively From Soul Resources LLC:

Animal Totems for Inner Guidanceby Rheanni Lightwater


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the fifty-eight Intuitive Learning Circles and animal totems from Gifts from the Rainforest are self-healing tools for nature lovers who want to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuition.

♦ Find emotional healing  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts.  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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