Law of Attraction and the Astral Field

What Does the Astral Field Have to Do with the Law of Attraction?

The astral field, or as I like to call it “the field of potential,” is located in the fifth level of the human aura.

Muscle Testing 102 - The Astral FieldThis level of the aura is filled with Universal symbols and abstract forms, archetypes, collective memory, numbers, colors and all the potential ingredients for the soup we call our lives. This is the place where we go to in our dreams, ecstatic spiritual experiences and shamanic journeys.

Attention Creates Attraction

The Law of Attraction is deeply connected to the astral field. Every ingredient in the field of potential is available to us, however what we attract in life depends on what we put our attention on. Therefore, the astral field is the place from which we can either create miracles or disasters, blessings or curses, depending upon what we have been conditioned to choose. If we want to change the flavor of our “soup”, we would do well to change the ingredients we have been choosing.

For example, perhaps we’ve been born into a family that attracts the ingredient of worthlessness out of the astral field. That ingredient could express itself through an overt pattern of abuse, poverty or violence. It could also manifest more covertly due to an intense desire to get away from those things. It’s important to note that the desire to resist certain experiences is still a form of attention and will create a strong attraction for whatever we don’t want.

Until we learn to accept what’s happening and have compassion for ourselves, the pattern, whatever it is, continues to be fed and perpetuated by our unconscious reactions. Once we’re neither striving for or trying to run away from events, people or circumstances, we can begin to understand the wisdom of non-attachment. From that place of objectivity we can freely choose ingredients such as self-worth, self-love or self-confidence.      

What Ingredients Are You Choosing from the Astral Field?

          • Blessings                                                           Curses & Debts
          • Healthy Nourishment                                  Family Patterns
          • Prosperity                                                         Societal Expectations
          • Self-responsibility                                        Collective Karma

Muscle Testing 102

You can learn how to choose new ingredients for the New Paradigm along with essential mental, emotional, and behavioral corrections based on the Five element system. A two day training with 14 training hours. $280.00 plus NM Sales Tax.

  • Private mentoring sessions with Rheanni Lightwater, CKP, CHT
  • Classroom hands on and in person training
  • Continuing Education Available in Power Circles online or in person.
Manuals Required:

Gifts from the Rainforest

Animal Totems for Inner GuidanceMedicine for Healing the Modern Mind

ISBN 978-0-9777080-2-4              $39.95 Retail

11” x 8 1/2” Spiral bound Manual
121 pages (53 illustrations)


Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the forty-nine Intuitive Learning Circles™ from Gifts from the Rainforest are healing and divination tools for anyone who wants to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.

♦ Find emotional balance  ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck  ♦ Develop common sense  ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts  ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.

The Essential Human

The Essential HumanEnergy Medicine for the New Paradigm

ISBN 978-1-946840-32-5              $49.95 Retail

11” x 8 1/2” Spiral bound Manual
147 pages (78 illustrations)

Explore your Soul’s potential through its relationship to the Essential Self, the Archetypes, the astral field of attraction and the meridian system. 

♦ Transform harmful attitudes, emotions & energy patterns  ♦ Balance your meridians and the archetypal energies that represent them  ♦ Rehabilitate emotional sensitivity and assist trauma resolution  ♦ Reprogram spiritual and emotional resources.

Contact Instructor: Rheanni Lightwater 505-271-4612 (call or text)

Email: [email protected]


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Trauma Resolution and Somatic Education Author

Rheanni Lightwater is an author and energy medicine educator who has created a unique method for facilitating trauma resolution and self-care called the Intuitive Learning Circles.

My Journey with Trauma Resolution

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKPI believe in the innate healing capabilities of the human spirit. When I first began studying the area of self-healing and soul retrieval in 1998, I already had eight years of bodywork experience working with people who had suffered from traumatic experiences. I saw everything from emotional and physical abuse, to sexual abuse and post-traumatic stress. I learned how the body forms patterns of contraction and hyperextension to compensate and protect itself from pain. I found out that the memory of a traumatic event is held in the tissue and perpetuated through stress messages that are routinely sent through the central nervous system like a continuous feedback loop.

It became apparent to me as I worked with ptsd, that most people’s impulses and immediate reactions to situations are based on their past experiences. Bits of important movements and memories become frozen through trauma or shock, leaving the person in a state of amnesia. I also noticed that people with this kind of amnesia can be highly sensitive and often have difficulty following through on their goals and hopes for the future. 

I have observed recurring episodes where physical and mental symptoms would erupt, seemingly without warning. However, these episodes are almost always triggered by an event or person that brings back memories of a past traumatic event. It seems that the mind and body are definitely working together on some unknown level to sabotage any efforts made towards full recovery. 

As a part of my own journey, I have also been working through learning disabilities resulting from traumatic early life situations. I have suffered from dyslexia for as long as I could remember. My mind would often go blank and anxiety attacks were frequent and debilitating.

One day, I decided that no matter what, I would find a way to bridge the gap between the limited life I was living and the life I dreamed of having. I decided that I would search every avenue that might bring me into contact with that unknown level where mind and body meet and rectify the damage that had been done. At the time, the books all said that victims of trauma and abuse could never fully recover, that they would at best, just learn to live with it. I wasn’t willing to settle for that answer.

I pursued every modality available to me, including Hypnotherapy, Hanna Somatics, Cranial-sacral Therapy, Structural Integration and dozens of other forms of bodywork. I learned about Homeopathy and put myself in the care of a fine Homeopathic Nurse Practitioner in Los Angeles.

Anything that held promise, I investigated tirelessly. I came into contact with various forms of indigenous healing – Hawaiian, Peruvian, Chinese, Tibetan and Native American – just to name a few. I meditated, learned kinesiology and got attuned to Reiki. In 1998, I began writing about what was working and why. I studied soul retrieval, dreams and symbology, shamanism and theories about the collective unconscious. Each modality was helpful in its own way, yet I kept having trouble holding ground. I would do all right for a while, but then I’d fall back into the same old patterns.

It wasn’t enough for me to just escape from unwanted thoughts and feelings. I had learned that problems cannot be solved from the same mental position they were created from. During intensive shamanic journeys it became clear that a transformation of consciousness was required to get from where I was to where I wanted to be and that my emotional healing was inextricably interwoven with how I was relating to my environment. What I needed was a way to retrain myself to adapt to the changes happening all around me. I needed to be stronger,  more resilient and able to access  inner resources I didn’t know I had. That is when the Intuitive Learning Circles came into being and my intuitive abilities came in full force. 

In 2002, I started working as a medical intuitive at a Naturopathic Detoxing Clinic in Tigard, Oregon that specialized in helping highly sensitive people detox from exposure to harmful chemicals, electro-magnetic poisoning and heavy metals. I was asked to come up with energy medicine protocols that would assist people in detoxing quicker and easier.  I succeeded with the Re-balancing Cellular Resonance process using the Intuitive Learning Circles. Soon, the Doctors started sending me home with the patients to find out what they were reacting to in their environment. That is when I discovered how important Feng Shui and space clearing is to living a happy, healthy life. 

Now, my husband Bob and I are here in Santa Fe, New Mexico and I am excited to share what I know with this extraordinary community. Out of my search for wholeness, peace and self-love, I humbly offer the mind body healing, intuition training and self-help books of Soul Resources LLC. 

Educational Materials for Trauma Resolution

As an educator, Rheanni has taught extensively about mental, emotional and spiritual issues relating to trauma resolution, PTSD, abuse and how they are reflected in our subtle energetic fields.

Gifts from the Rainforest and Trauma Resolution As a result of studying the indigenous healing practices of Tibet, Japan, Hawaii and Peru, Ms. Lightwater developed a unique understanding of the subtle human energy field. During a visit to the Amazon in 2001, she participated in numerous ceremonies with the Shipibo shamans. Her experiences there gave birth to the Intuitive Learning Circles and other healing symbols. Gifts from the Rainforest and Reiki Chakra Keys are the primary collections in the series.

In 2008, Ms. Lightwater received First Place in the New Age Category of the New Mexico Book Awards for her first edition of Soul Oriented Solutions. She has won awards numerous times since then.

As part of her pioneering work over the years, Rheanni has developed hundreds of healing symbols and researched various applications for them in medical clinics, detox centers, business settings, workshops, schoolrooms, online classes and in individual sessions. She has extensive experience helping people deal with serious illnesses, heavy metal poisoning, chemical sensitivity, immune deficiency and a wide range of trauma and stress induced disorders.

The positive response to the Intuitive Learning Circles show them to be effective in shifting dysfunctional brain patterns in both children and adults, freeing them from destructive thoughts and behaviors that contribute to serious illness, learning difficulties and emotional distress.

In addition, Rheanni has taught other Somatic Educators, Acupuncturists, Chiropractors, Yoga Instructors, Massage Therapists, Hypnotherapists, Naturopathic and Allopathic Physicians about Energy Medicine and how to develop their own clairvoyant skills.

In her latest projects, Rheanni continues the Soul Oriented Solutions series with several online collections of self care formulas and mind exercises that provide mental, emotional and spiritual support in these times of uncertainty, loss and radical change.

 1. PTSD Workbook

SOS Self-care for Post-traumatic Stress is a ptsd workbook of eleven self-care formulas and mind exercises, with additional workshops and activities that gently retrain the mind and manage the symptoms of PTSD or secondary trauma through the Intuitive Learning Circles.

2. Navigating Serious Loss and Compassion Fatigue

An online mental/emotional resource for resilience, self-care & promoting wellness. 


3. Creating Your Path of Joy

SOS - trauma resolution and somatic education

Support for Reconnecting with Your True Nature & the Natural Cycles of Life.

Online support for serious illness including mental/emotional resources for resilience, self-care & promoting wellness.

What the EXPERTS are saying:

“What I love about Rheanni’s approach is its simplicity. I don’t need to go to therapy for years or rehash trauma from the past to create positive change in my life. Instead I can look at a picture and read a short paragraph and then let life do the rest. Her methods only take about 5 minutes and are available to me at any time and in any place. They bring instant stress relief with long-term healing impact.”  ~ Pi Luna – Artist & Business Coach for Creatives

“Combining healing insights from many sources, Ms. Lightwater has created a system of powerful yet easy to use visualization tools that, used in conjunction with breathing and meditation prompts, allow both mind and body to relax, expand and generate positive energy…”  ~ Victoria Erhart, Reading New Mexico

“This process is like coming up from underwater and taking a fresh breath.” ~ Cornelia Sachs, Eutony Movement Practitioner

Whoever uses this work will find it beneficial for their growth in unfolding more of who they are. Old emotions come up as well as memories that need new perspectives, which the exercises handle beautifully.  In a way, they are washed away and lifted to higher grounds, leaving behind gifts of healing and new beginnings.” ~ D.G.Villena-Mata, Ph.D., Fellow and Diplomate in Traumatic Stress

Rheanni offers ongoing support through her award winning online exercises and self-care formulas  – Sign Up!

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Disclaimer: The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Beginning Reiki in Santa Fe

Beginning Reiki in Santa Fe is about Self-healing.  Join us for Reiki Attunements and Trainings:

Reiki in Santa FeActivate your self-healing abilities and integrate body, spirit and mind with Reiki in Santa Fe. Learn about the history of Reiki and the Usui Lineage using self-treatments and chakra healing so that you can take care of yourself everyday!

Rheanni Lightwater has been a Reiki Master/Teacher since 2000 and always includes an advanced chakra activation and integration to prepare you for your beginning Reiki Attunement.

Beginning Reiki in Santa Fe is a 1 day training where you receive your First Degree Attunement, explore the history of Reiki, and learn how to give yourself a Reiki treatment to balance your chakras and subtle energy field.

Investment: $250.00

In addition, you will receive mentoring and a copy of Rheanni’s award winning self-healing manual, Reiki Chakra Keys that will help you clear emotional and energy blockages while you develop your intuition.

Reiki Chakra Keys and Online Mentoring are Available Separately

Rheanni makes it a practice to meet with all prospective students beforehand to make certain that she is a good fit as a Reiki instructor and that the student understands how the Attunement process works.

Call for your free, initial consultation with Rheanni: 505-271-4612 or email [email protected]

What interested beginning Reiki students should know…

Reiki is not taught in the way other healing techniques are, it’s transferred to the student by the Reiki Master through a ceremonial Attunement/initiation process. We believe that this process must be done in person and under the correct circumstances for the Attunement to be passed to the student successfully. Each Reiki practitioner and Reiki Master will attract to him/her those people of like vibration. Therefore, it’s recommended that you meet with and trust whomever you’ve chosen to attune you. All attunements from Soul Resources LLC are done in person. 

The attunement process opens your crown, heart and palm chakras to the life force healing energy available, thus creating a link between you and the Reiki Source. In our practice, that link is your Higher Self.

The Reiki Attunement is a powerful spiritual experience, which may assist in personal growth and transformation. Self-healing and your highest good is the priority and when you heal yourself .

A true Reiki attunement will remain with you for life, whether you consciously use it or not. Your intuition and spiritual energies may become more focused as you advance through the different levels.  Be aware: an Attunement may induce a cleansing process of body and mind.


Reiki is dynamic and constantly evolving. The Japanese word “DO” means a “way” or lifestyle and we believe that Reiki is a life-style. This lifestyle incorporates the Reiki Ideals of Dr. Usui and the individual’s need for their own spiritual growth.

The Reiki ideals are as follows:

Higher sources as well as one’s own Higher Self guide Reiki energy. Tune into this source and trust your intuition.

As we work on healing ourselves, we help to heal others and our planet, this is true empowerment.

More information about 2nd and 3rd Degree Reiki>>

Note: All completed levels include a Certificate of Completion. Because of the personal nature of this kind of work, a brief, initial consultation is required to make certain that the intuition training you’ve selected is appropriate for you. Initial consultations are free and can be conducted over the phone, Zoom or in person. Call 505-271-4612 or email: [email protected]

Extra Intuitive Activitties

If you’re interested in Reiki, you might enjoy this Transformation Game with Reiki Deva, Kuan Yin – Chakra Balancing with Reiki!

Subscribe to Our Online Ezine!

Beginning Reiki - Subscribe


Resolving Shock During Traumatic Events

This self-care formula uses the Intuitive Learning Circle method for resolving shock when your life has been upended and you are:

  • Feeling scattered, surprised, scared or vulnerable
  • Reliving painful experiences
  • Having trouble thinking or planning clearly.

Our SOS self-care formulas are a form of self-hypnosis combined with energy healing that has been used for resolving shock, enhancing intuition and facilitating positive change since 2001. This particular formula offers a gentle opportunity to process difficult experiences, heal emotional stress and explore positive ways to respond.

Resolving Shock is associated with the I Ching Hexagram #51 SHOCKING:

“In human affairs it can manifest as a shocking turn of events, an unpredictable, cataclysmic occurrence inspired by invisible but irresistible forces… A heightened experience of the forces that affect your life will bring you into close contact with the inner workings of your nature.” ~ The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

SOS- Resolving Shock from Traumatic EventsAny person involved in a traumatic event could experience disorientation, numbness, mental confusion or fragmentation. They might even get stuck in the energy of the trauma. This includes people who are witness to traumatic experiences in some way. 

Sometimes people who’ve experienced a shocking event will tell you that they’re fine and not to worry about them. That’s because one of the main symptoms of being in shock is not being aware of being in shock. Why is that? During a shock, the mind goes blank as a form of protection.

Contrary to popular opinion, having a shock response is not a sign of weakness. It is an important way that we protect ourselves. Nevertheless, if someone who has experienced shock doesn’t get a chance to relax and separate from the experience – or if they’re not able to – serious problems can develop, including ptsd. Scattered energy and a constant state of fight or flight takes its toll over time. Statements like: “I can’t think of anything positive,” “my life is falling apart” or “I feel so drained” describe the experience of ongoing, unresolved shock.

If any of the above seems familiar, you can go through this mind exercise to help you access your own innate healing abilities. Simply follow the directions step by step and gently pull your energy back into the present. 

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. As you go through the steps, cross and uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body when you gaze at each Circle. Use a soft focus and breathe patiently. This will help you integrate your thinking more fully so that you can be more creative. If you have any negative self-talk, let it go by breathing through it.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!


Resolving Shock and Confusion

Step One:

You may have just gone through a painful experience, a disruption in your life  or been triggered by a traumatic memory from the past. If so, you probably need to resolve a shock or a fixated idea that’s keeping you stuck in the pain. Take several deep breaths and relax while you look at this Circle that releases shock and inner conflict.

Imagine that the lines are relaxing and turning into spaghetti. Your mind might seem chaotic, confusing or blank, if so relax into whatever it is. You may get a conscious image or message or you may not.

Once you have a sense that your mind has found the blockage, imagine that it’s like an iceberg and the Sun is melting it away with a beautiful beam of light.
Allow it to melt until it’s completely gone.
Check for other blockages or conflicts that you can do the same with.


Step Two:

In situations like this, there’s too much going on and you don’t want to scatter. Your mind may have too many windows open – like on a computer screen.

Let this Circle help you close the tabs in your mind to help you feel better and more contained.


Step Three:

The environment is changing and you need to protect yourself. Relax with this symbol and close down all harmful energy channels that your mind or body may be open and vulnerable to.

If you like, ask your Soul for divine protection.


Step Four:

Don’t forget to stay hydrated. Make sure you’re drinking plenty of fresh water. If you swish it around in your mouth before you swallow, the water will go where it needs to go faster and more efficiently.

Water is your good friend. Especially now!


Step Five:

A lot is changing. Gather up your mental, emotional, spiritual and physical resources. What’s most important for you to include?


Step Six:

Your senses may have been knocked out of balance. Reconnect with them and focus on being present. Use them to become aware of your body and what you need right now.

Re-orient yourself in your environment, especially if it’s changed.

Take whatever time you need to focus on actions that will bring you back into balance and benefit your well-being. You may want to write ideas down because it’s easy to forget.


Step Seven:

Your energy probably needs some balancing. Go through this short sequence to make repairs and get back in order:

A) Get help clearing your energy field of toxins. Use this Key to relax and mend any energetic wounds that are associated with smoke, chemicals or other negative energies. 

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.


B) When a person is under extreme stress, their energy can become blocked, scattered, reversed or even shut down completely.

Let this Key help you make corrections and repair any glitches, holes or jagged energies in your system.

Keep relaxing with it until the energy smooths out and you begin to sense the calming energy of your Soul coming through.


C) Keep your wits about you. Clear away dark and heavy thoughts.

Use this Circle to imagine you can infuse your body with light and Love. Doing so will help to remove fear, negativity and darkness from your energy field.

Dispense with the darkness by sending it to the Light for purification.


D) Bring your attention to your own heart center. Imagine you can connect with your Source and activate the Light that lives within you.
You are never alone.


Step Eight:

Now it’s time to turn down the volume on all the noise from outside. As you breathe deeply, let this Circle help you to adjust the volume and pitch of your senses to just the right level.

Not too high and not too low – just right.

Soon you will be able to hear that calm, gentle voice inside that reminds you about what matters the most to you.

Let yourself be sad if you need to be. Tears are a sign of letting go of shock.


Step Nine:

It also helps to open and close your hands to get more present. Move your fingers and wiggle your toes around. Notice the time and where you are. These actions all help whenever you’re resolving shock. 


Step Ten:

Now you can let your nervous system calm down too. Slow down and listen to the rhythm of your heart.
You’re feeling better with every breath you take.

Move around in any way that you instinctively feel you need.


Step Eleven:

Oftentimes, resolving shock and confusion requires a change in priorities. There may be certain plans, ideas or thoughts that make you feel distressed. You can use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to help you identify them and dissolve whatever is distressing you.

Simply imagine that the negative patterns in your mind are like dark clouds or a tangled maze of confusion.

Surrender the darkness into the pure light of the Sun and let the maze dissolve completely.

You’ll know that you’re done when your mind feels clear enough to visualize you standing in a beautiful field with the Sun shining down upon you.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Twelve:

Before you finish with this formula, take a minute to seal and heal any holes, leaks or openings in your energy field.
Do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Your mind and nervous system need closure.

Closure for Mind Body Healing


Step Thirteen:

Finally, let your heart recover. This Key helps you balance your heart energy and clear away any residual heaviness. Breathe deeply and take your time.


Feel any remaining heaviness lifting up and out of your heart. Let it radiate out to the Light where it can be transformed.

Take care of yourself and remember that you are loved.


Personalized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Healing

Rheanni Lightwater - Managing Anxiety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need more assistance, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel worried or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Disclaimer: This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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