Protected: Chinese Zodiac Animals
Protected: Lunar New Year
Protected: Reform Your Relationship with Your Environment
What did you learn?
REFORMING Your Life: What Did You Learn?

We are all being challenged to contemplate and REFORM certain aspects of our lives and create a new path forward.
Can we effectively let go of the old paradigm based on greed, fear and extremism while we intentionally move into a New Paradigm based on co-operation, equality and balanced prosperity?
Kuan Yin has been helping us to transition through a variety of readings, games and Power Circles since 2009. Her advice springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos.
The Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice 2020 marked the official start of what some call the Aquarian Age. Kuan Yin simply refers to it as a New Paradigm based on the Common Good. Her guidance for this game comes from Hexagram #21 REFORM:
To help you better connect with her assistance, Kuan Yin uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to communicate through meditation, positive affirmations and visualization.
Mind Body Integration
For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Kuan Yin’s I Ching Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while CONTEMPLATING Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
What Did You Learn?
Often our need to be right keeps us from learning what we need to know about difficult situations. The intent of this game has two aspects:
- How can we learn from our mistakes, missteps and miscommunications?
- How can we be kind to ourselves and come up with real solutions to follow through on that will help things go better as we move forward?
First, get out some paper and something to write or draw with. Give yourself permission to draw or color during this exercise. Notes to yourself don’t have to be linear!
Next, choose an experience that you know you need help with and are willing to look at honestly. Examples might be: What did I learn in the decade between from 2012 and 2022? During the pandemic? In my previous relationship? In how I handle conflict at work? You can make your inquiry as specific or general as you like. Make a note or image of what this inquiry is about.
Then, let’s agree that your responses are for you and that you don’t have to share them with anyone else, unless you want to.
What Did You Learn is a self discovery game just for you!
Soul Guidance
“What do I need to know about this? What would be helpful?”
“Is something missing? Is something lost?
Do I need to let go of something?
Does something need to come into balance?
Sometimes our experiences can be pretty rough, yet somehow we make it through. How do we know what worked and what didn’t?
This energy clearing is designed to help you relax and look back at what you’ve learned about a significant life event, now that you can be more objective…
1. Begin by taking a few deep breaths. It’s possible that your experience and the transition coming out of it has been stressful and you still may be feeling it. Use this Circle to help you relax and release some of that tension. Releasing tension can do a lot to prevent or relieve many symptoms of ptsd.
Did this experience contain a lot of conflict, anxiety or frustration for you? Did you feel a lot of judgement or fear? Are you concerned that you might return to certain energies and attitudes that were prevalent then?

If so, relax and imagine that the lines in this first Circle are softening and melting the tension away. Let your shoulders drop and your jaw unclench. Every time you take a deep breath, that feeling loosens up. Take all the time you need with this.
Mind Body Integration
For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
2. Imagine you can open the doors and windows and get a breath of fresh air. It’s been pretty musty in there!
Continue breathing and if you can, imagine you can actually relax the tension in the space around you. Go ahead and move around or stretch if you need to.
3. Let your senses come back into balance. Some of them may have gotten turned up too high. Some may have shut down completely. You can adjust the volume now.
You might imagine that you’re lying next to a beautiful lake or river, enjoying a gentle breeze, with the sunlight dancing on the water. How refreshing!
Once you’ve taken this time to refresh yourself, notice how different the energy feels now rather than how it did just a few minutes ago. You can let go of all that chaos now.
4. Okay. Now we’re ready to dive in with the main question:
What did you learn from _____________________?
Use this Circle to gather pertinent information from your unconscious mind about that experience.
5. What did you learn about yourself and how you react?
Bring your attention to your solar plexus area, the place where your instinctual awareness is centered and transmits important information about your needs and how you do your best to meet them.
Utilize this Soul Star Chakra Key to clear out and release toxic energies that may have accumulated in this energy center.
6. Kuan Yin wants to know: What do you still need to learn?
Is there anything unresolved? What would you like to have happen going forward?
Let this Reiki Chakra Key strengthen your Heart and bring truly beneficial lessons into greater awareness and balance.
Continue to breathe until you feel the energy there can radiate out, like a beautiful star!
7. Is there still a CONFLICT left over from that experience? If so, is it your conflict or someone else’s?
How might you handle conflict differently now?
Is there any DANGER left over from that experience? Is there something that needs to be handled around that?
What have you learned about safety, responsibility, boundaries, freedom, etc? Take each specific concern one at a time.
What do they mean to you now that’s different from what it was during that experience? Gather up all that unconscious information so that you can make appropriate changes!
8. What did you learned about fear or anxiety and how you handle it?
What did you learn about protecting yourself?
9. Did you internalize a lot of things? If so, how did you handle that? What did you learn about that?
If you didn’t take things too personally, what do you think was the secret to your success?
10. What did you learn about taking good care of yourself?
What became apparent?
What was the area of most personal growth for you?

Would you like to integrate any benefits you learned about those things?
What are your priorities after all of this? What matters the most?
11. Do you feel that any changes happened that affected your sense of identity and purpose?
What wisdom does your Soul want you to take with you about that?
12. What did you learn about nourishing yourself? What did you change in regard to that? Is it still serving you now? Do you need time to digest and integrate what you learned?
Are you tapping into beneficial nourishment now?
13. Are there parts of you that are still caught up in what happened?
If so, see if you can gently and patiently pull your energy back from that experience.
14. Do you have any objects in your environment that are keeping you unconsciously connected to that period of time?
Is there any room or part of the building(s) that feels blocked, dead or unable to ground in the New Paradigm?
15. Are there any new decisions you would like to make as a result of what you learned?

What would you like to decide differently about dealing with change? How about taking care of others? What have you decided about standing up for yourself and maintaining healthy boundaries? How will you now deal with deception, neglect or misuse of authority?
16. What new agreements or intentions do you need to make after that experience?
What new intentions do you want to make about dealing with change? How about taking care of others? What new intentions do you need to make about balanced prosperity? What about standing up for yourself and maintaining healthy boundaries? What are your intentions about dealing with deception, neglect or misuse of authority?
17. Let yourself relax for a few minutes while you get centered and find a strong connection in your heart center to empower the positive changes you would like to make.
Ask your Soul to help you integrate all that you’ve learned and use it to empower your highest good as you move into this next phase of your life.
“I empower the wisdom I’ve gained from this experience.”
18. What is the very best thing you can do to help yourself in the here and now?
19. Take a moment to close down any drains from that period of time that are affecting your energy, your business, your health and your happiness.
20. To finish this game, gaze at this last symbol and consciously close any harmful or chaotic energy channels that may still be open from your experience of that time.
“I close down all harmful energy channels.”
Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
You’ll know that the harmful channels are closed when the emotional chaos and mental chatter stops. Once that happens, gently and patiently acknowledge your new relationship with generative life flow that exists now to support you.
“I allow myself to receive generative life force.”
Yes. Sometimes our experiences can be pretty rough. Congratulations on all that you’ve learned from it!
Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!
You are invited to Sign Up for the Intuitive Learning Circle Ezine
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

If you feel that you need more help integrating recent events, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you are still struggling with a past experience.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]
Disclaimer: This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Protected: Agreements for Healthy Communities
Protected: Feng Shui Remedies for Stagnation
Protected: Intentions and Feng Shui
Protected: Saying Goodbye to a Longtime Home
Come From a Grounded Place
How to ADAPT and Come From a Grounded Place in the New Paradigm ~
Many of us are aware that how we experience our environment has a lot to do with how well we’re feeling and how easy or difficult it is to come from a grounded place. That’s especially so when we need to communicate or move forward in a genuinely productive way! The energy of the Cosmos has changed radically and we are being called to ADAPT to a New Paradigm based on common ground.
The purpose of this Mind Exercise is to activate the beneficial energies of the New Paradigm in your environment. Connecting with these energies will help you organize effectively and come from a grounded place.
If you’ve noticed any of the following situations in your environment, try Mind Exercise #7 from Navigating Compassion Fatigue, an online resource from our Soul Oriented Solutions series –

If you feel like you or your environment are:
- Ungrounded or scattered
- Overwhelmed by too much stuff
- Disorganized and confused
- Unstable, unsafe or explosive
- Juggling too many things
- Unproductive – going around in circles
- A magnet attracting negative energies.
Directions: Confirm this is the best formula for you with the SOS Symbol.
Find a quiet place to sit in the center of your space, where you won’t be disturbed for 20 to 30 minutes. The first time you go through this exercise, allow about an hour.
Start by meditating on this symbol that helps you organize your mind around the template for Creating Common Ground.
Next, go through the exercise by reading each message and then gazing gently at the Circle or chart that goes with it for a minute or so. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible. Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working to help you and your environment to come into balance with each other and ground.
Some emotions may come up and when that happens, always visualize the heaviness moving up, out and towards the Light.
During the exercise, you may intuitively feel that an object in the space should be moved or removed completely. Trust your instincts and keep notes. Give yourself permission to let go of anything that could keep you stuck in the past.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of your body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to cross or uncross your arms whenever you intuitively feel you need to!
It helps to know that there are new channels of life force available in the New Paradigm that will help us ADAPT.

Keep this symbol handy to help you integrate with generative life energy governed by the quicker, lighter Element of Air. In addition, there are new communication channels that can help us connect with each other in far safer and life affirming ways.
By contemplating Divine Protection, you’ll be able to intentionally close down harmful channels and open up to the generative life force (chi) that we look for in Feng Shui.
In Chinese, Feng Shui means “wind water”. These are the two elements that move energy for creating life when they’re in balance. When they’re out of balance, they can create all kinds of destructive energy patterns like stagnation, conflict, sudden reversals, poltergeists, collapses and leaks in protection, just to name a few.
Needless to say, transitioning out of the energy channels of the Piscean Age (water) into the new energy channels of the Aquarian Age (air) has been quite a challenge in a myriad of ways.
However, the bottom line is – the sooner we can come from a grounded place in the New Paradigm based on common ground, the better!
If you meditate on Divine Protection with clear intention, it’s possible to shift the energy in almost any environment for the better. Then, once it’s paired with the template for Common Ground, you can stabilize both yourself and the space.
Coming from a grounded place in this way will help you make wiser decisions and organize your life in a way where you can manifest balanced prosperity.
Once you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom or Sea Salt. It’s important to make sure that you’ve cleansed yourself.
Mind Exercise: Come from A Grounded Place
Balanced Prosperity
Gently contemplate the Feng Shui mandala for Balanced Prosperity.
By gently and frequently meditating on this symbol, both your conscious and unconscious mind is given life-affirming direction to keep the bagua or ‘treasures of life’ in mind and to provide information about how they may need to be repaired and updated to get you properly aligned and come from a grounded place.
- Begin by relaxing while you softly gaze at this Reiki Chakra Key for your Life Path Chakras, located on either side of your Crown Chakra at the top of your head. Use the following affirmation:
“I choose to relax and open up to my true potential.”
Imagine any twisted energy is unwinding and opening up a beneficial connection to the sky above and the ground below.
2. Take some more time with Four Seasons to breathe deeply.
Pay special attention to those places in your body where you’re feeling pain or discomfort.
Consciously send your breath to those places and let them relax.
Stretch if you need to. Open and close your hands. Notice the time and the space around you.
“I bring myself fully into the present in the New Paradigm.”

Scroll back up to Divine Protection and take a few moments to consciously close down any harmful energy channels in your body or your space.
Do it both crossed and uncrossed over the center line of your body.
3. Once you feel present, ask for peace and harmony to come into your heart and awareness.
Consciously move your energy out of your head and pull it down into your heart and solar plexus area.

Once you feel the shift, close down harmful energy channels again. The more relaxed you are, the better this works.
4. To maintain stability and grounding, are there any old agreements or assumptions you need to change? Raccoon can help you find them by uncovering any old garbage that’s not working anymore and needs to go. Examine your life for any old connections that are stuck and holding you back.
“What’s been working and what hasn’t been working?”
Are you willing to let go of things that are not working? Release any agreements to hold on and take notes about what needs to change.
“I can let go and make the changes necessary for me now.”
5. To ground in the New Paradigm and hold it, you need a strong connection to your spiritual source. You need to be able to take good care of yourself and willing to ask for help. Bring your attention back to your heart and listen to it beating – nice and steady. Affirm to yourself:
“I exist and am empowered through the connection in my Heart.”
“I am empowered to take good care of myself and am willing to ask for help.”
“I connect with my environment through Joy and Gratitude.”
Take all the time you need with this.
6. Take time with the Dragonfly Circle to tune into your instinctual nature or gut instincts so you can reconnect and improve your relationship with your environment.
Do you get instinctual messages or intuitive hits about certain areas in the space around you?
Could there be an object that’s holding old energy or keeping you grounded in past unhappiness?
Does something need to move or be added to an area?
If there is, take a moment to make the change now and clear the area with Divine Protection.

Then, come back to your seat in the center of your space and confirm your position with Divine Protection.
7. Jaguar Medicine will help you establish a ring of protection around you and your space. Extend a full circle of light in all directions, including above and below.
Take all the time you need to visualize it.
Then, close down negative channels of energy with Divine Protection and continue.
Clear Intention
8. Let go of intentions that cold pull you into agendas that would be harmful to you. Perhaps you’re putting undue pressure on yourself by doing too much or trying to handle a problem that’s not yours to fix. You don’t have to be perfect, sacrifice your well-being or be everything for everyone
You are responsible for yourself and only your part of the situation. What is your part?
What makes sense to do? What would be genuinely helpful in this situation?
Resolve to let any misguided intentions go, like old smoke disappearing into the Light. Then, make sure that you’ve stopped sending energy to them!
Healthy Detachment
9. Confirm that you’ve pulled your energy completely out of abusive or disappointing experiences.
Use this Circle to help you stop tapping into harmful or destructive energies that don’t support you or bring chaos into your environment.

Pull your energy back and shut down any remaining energy channels that are irrelevant or distracting you with Divine Protection.
Healthy Nourishment
10. Now you’re ready to access the most beneficial energies from your environment to support and nourish you with Butterfly Medicine.
You may notice that the energies from some directions are more beneficial for you than others.

Shut down any energy channels that are irrelevant, distracting or even dangerous to you with Divine Protection.
11. Your energy field needs coherence to adjust to how the energy works in the New Paradigm. If your current environment is particularly unstable, your energy may need to make adjustments in polarity, vibration, tempo or rhythm.
“I relax and allow my energy to adapt to what’s needed.”
“I expel energies that are harmful and prevent me from grounding.”
Make sure both of your feet are firmly planted on the floor and that the soles of your shoes wouldn’t prevent you from grounding well.
Once the energy subsides in and around you, you’re grounded.
12. You may have experienced a recent shock. For more clarity, keep looking at the Circle while you relax and think of someone or something that you love very much.
Have you been unknowingly jeopardizing things that matter to you?
If you have, what can you do to set it right?
Add these ideas to your notes.
Clean Up
13. Use the Soul Color Chart to strengthen your Soul energy and differentiate between your energy and the energy of others. Think of an activity you really love and notice if a particular color comes up. See if you can make that color stronger, permeating throughout your field. If you can, you’ve found your Soul Color!
Your Soul Color is a powerful vibration that makes it easier to cleanse and send any clutter or debris up to the Light.
Notice how much better your body feels when you’re using the unique vibration of your Soul.
14. Imagine that your Soul can gently turn you around and align you with the direction of your highest good.
Use Piranha Medicine to help you close the pathways in your mind that would lead you into ungrounded, confusing and even dangerous places.
“All holes and harmful pathways are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the protection and guidance of my Soul.”
15. Make sure your Heart Center comes back fully into balance again. The changes that are happening aren’t easy. Unfortunately, many are heart breaking. This Reiki Chakra Key can help you connect with your Heart Chakra. Breathe deeply and be gentle.
“I take the time to listen to my heart and reconnect.”
“I release any heaviness to the Light where it can be transformed.”
With a little time, your Heart Center will be able to radiate out like a star again.
“I integrate my true Self with a compassionate and radiant heart.”
Inner Guidance
16. Take some deep breaths and move your body around again. Let your shoulders drop.
Listen to that calm, gentle voice that comes from your heart.
What is it telling you?
Are you ready to ground a new template for the common good?
If you are, put both your feet on the ground again and center yourself in your solar plexus. Connect that with your heart and let their combined energy move through your entire body. Stay with that feeling until it subsides.
Divine Protection
17. Finish by gazing at Divine Protection again to confirm your connection with the new and beneficial communication channels of the New Paradigm.
“My mind and body are open and clear to receive generative life force.”
“All harmful energy channels have been closed down.”
“Divine Protection fills my environment completely in all directions – including above and below.”
Remember that the need to unify in common ground is real! The changes are taking place over time and you will likely need to do this exercise repeatedly. Take yourself for a gentle walk in nature or have a soak in a hot bath with Epsom/Sea Salts to cleanse yourself.
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
The use of these self-care formulas and mind exercises are not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.