Protected: Challenged By Obstacles
Protected: Lunar New Year
Protected: Jealousy In a Relationship
Protected: Sort Out Blame and Responsibility
Clear Boundaries
Setting Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind
What can you do to help yourself when you’re unable to focus on important tasks that really need to get done? Is your line of thinking clear? Has someone or something gotten under your skin and you can’t seem to let go? Clear boundaries may be the answer.
Without strong boundaries, thoughts and emotions can pass back and forth between people without their awareness. When left unchecked, this type of attachment can go underground and contribute to sudden and mysterious illnesses, mental confusion, issues with prosperity or chronic states of overwhelm.
It’s a valuable skill to know how to close the doors or energy pathways at will. This Mind Exercise can help you learn how to consciously set clear boundaries and close off those pathways.
This visual meditation from our SOS Resolve Ebook provides a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention. Going through a quick “game” calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for self-awareness and clear boundaries, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.
Use this Mind Exercise when you are:
~ Feeling scattered or out of sync
~ Easily triggered and need better boundaries
~ Experiencing distress or separation anxiety
~ Worried, agitated or anticipating hardship
~ Feeling pressured or compulsive
~ Unable to meditate or sit still
~ Obsessed with a particular person or situation.
Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the RESOLVE symbol.
Find a quiet place if possible, where you won’t be disturbed for about twenty minutes. Follow the sequence of symbols while you read their accompanying instructions. Gaze gently at each Circle for about two minutes. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. Let yourself breathe and relax as much as possible.
Don’t worry if the images move around or change in any way. That just means the Circles are working and that your mind and body are relaxing.
Mind Body Integration
The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. Therefore, you will want to look at each Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it Just breathe deeply and relax.
After you’ve finished going through the entire exercise, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart will change your perspective and make it easier to accomplish your goals.
Step 1. Balance
Begin by consciously breathing in on the count of three and slowly exhaling on the count of five. Do that three or four times while you gaze softly at the Circle. It’s helpful if you can breathe in through your nose.
Continue breathing and bring your awareness to your tailbone.
Step 2. Calm
Keep breathing with your belly soft and relaxed.
Let your shoulders drop.
Gaze softly at this Circle and imagine you can turn down the feelings or thoughts that are turned up too high, just like the volume on a radio.
Step 3. Centering
See if you can gather your awareness and connect it – like all the lines that come together into the center of this symbol.
Imagine you can close up unhealthy energy channels between you and any interference that’s coming from the outside.
Stay with it until you feel more centered with beneficial energy flowing through you.
Step 4. Protection
Now you’re ready to close all holes or harmful pathways that have been left wide open, like too many tabs that have been left open on your computer. It’s time to set this right.
“I close the pathways that lead to distractions, disturbances and interference.”
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Step 5. Beauty
Once the pathways are closed, you can shift your attention away from the negative and turn towards more positive input. Breathe in again and exhale slowly.
Let this Chart help you call the most majestic scenes into your mind that you can imagine.
Notice how your body responds and relaxes into the experience.
Step 6. Expansion
Turn your attention to your breathing again and how calming it is.
You can sense the steady rhythm of your heart.
The gentle expansion and contraction of your lungs.
Breathing in and letting go. The space around you is relaxing too.
Step 7. Letting Go
There may be some especially sticky energies that don’t seem to want to let go. Let this Key help you neutralize interfering energies and detach from them.
Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.
Step 8. Intention
Now you’re ready to gently turn your mind to what’s in your best interests. What are your true priorities?
Slow down and take your time.
Step 9. Decision
Your well-being is important. Are there any new decisions would you like to make about it?
Here’s a few suggestions:
“I decide to be loyal to myself.”
“It’s okay to have strong and clear boundaries.”
“It’s genuinely joyful to have a quiet mind and a light heart.”
Step 10. Resolution
Make a commitment to stay centered and true to yourself.
“I keep my own energy contained for my own protection.”
“I easily eject and deflect harmful thoughts, interference or expectations.”
“I resolve to create and maintain clear boundaries.”
Step 11.. Nourishment
This is a good opportunity to see if there’s any helpful nutrition that would support you. Let Plant Medicine help you tune into natural healing energy.
Are there any vegetables, fruits, herbs, teas or other healing foods that come to mind? Anything else?
Step 12: Grounding and Coherence
Electric Eel will help your energy get organized and grounded. Put both your feet on the floor, place your palms on the inside of your knees and keep breathing until you feel planted.
Then, visualize a wheel spinning out any discordant energy that’s still hanging on and causing problems. When you can release excess energy, it’s much easier to think more clearly and feel like yourself again.
Step 13. Compassion
Imagine with each relaxing new breath that you can fill your heart with renewed understanding and compassion – that includes caring for yourself with clear boundaries.
Your energy is rising up into a lighter space.
Step 14. Completion
Finish by closing any remaining openings to the noise and distractions of the external world.
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
What does your Soul advise you to do now?
Congratulations! Now that you’ve finished, give yourself some time to let it integrate. A quiet mind and light heart changes your perspective and makes it easier to accomplish your goals.
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
About the Author
If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel concerned about maintaining clear boundaries and other learning difficulties.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule or email: [email protected]
Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Protected: Renegotiating Soul Connections
Protected: Clear Distractions – Tutorial VI
Protected: Negative Thoughts That Keep You Stuck
Future Pacing and Hypnotherapy
Future Pacing for Excellence
Future pacing is an extra-intuitive activity that isn’t required, but can really help you excel by anchoring positive outcomes into your Learning Mind…
In our hypnotherapy and energy medicine classes, we talk about the importance of future pacing. What is that?
Future pacing is a way to deepen the effects of any mind body healing by projecting a preferred outcome into the future. Let’s use that idea to solidify what you’ve just learned.
Start Future Pacing by Getting Calm and Relaxed
Use River Medicine to relax and adjust the volume on your senses.
Remember that when your senses are out of balance, it’s easy to get lost and fall out of your natural flow.
River Medicine beckons us to calm down and flow with the river of life. When we allow this experience, we can hear the truth of the heart and Soul more clearly.
One way to do that is to gaze softly at the Circle and imagine that you’re floating on a calm, benevolent body of water. Take the time to breathe deeply. Once you feel calmer, you’re ready to open your senses to new solutions and gifts.
Gently remind yourself about your objective:
“What am I proposing to do?”
Then, follow up with,
“If I follow the course of that action, what’s most likely to happen?”
Once you feel more relaxed and calm, use this sequence of Intuitive Learning Circles and positive affirmations to help you future pace with the very best qualities to follow through on what you’ve learned.
Future Pacing from Intuitive Learning in the New Paradigm
Use this affirmation to recalibrate:
“I willingly release harmful ingredients and access beneficial ingredients*.”
*“Ingredients” include energies, nourishment, guidance, support, etc. Anything that goes into the creation of your experience.
If you need to use the symbols and positive affirmations from The Essential Human to help you access the very best qualities to nurture your intuitive talents, this is a good time to do it.
Choose from numbers 1 – 42 with the same affirmation:
“I willingly release harmful ingredients and access beneficial ingredients.”
Here are a couple of examples of how you might do that. The first line is about what you want to let go of or close the door on:
“I release harmful, outdated or extreme thinking patterns.”
The second line is about what you want to open up to:
“I now make a commitment to cultivate beneficial thoughts that come from my Soul.”
You might also want to confirm that all parts of you know to utilize the beneficial flow of chi’ or life force that’s available in the New Paradigm.
“I project the idea of me using this generative energy out into the future – helping me to manifest my objective successfully in the New Paradigm.”
Set Yourself Up for Success
Imagine that you can access your seeds of karma that will help you actualize your objective. Gather the seeds of your good deeds in the center, blank area of this Circle.
“I access my beneficial karma for actualizing balanced and helpful _________.”
“I plant new karmic seeds for the conditions I need to be happier, healthier and to actualize my heartfelt objectives.”
Make sure you plant them in your personal garden that lives in your heart.
“I plant beneficial seeds in my garden and ask for blessings in accordance with the highest good. I am securely included in the equation.”
If your garden needs a little tending – weeding, watering, re-organizing, etc. -this is a good time to see it happening in your mind’s eye.
Clear Obstructions
Let go of any harmful or inappropriate energies or mental/emotional patterns that no longer serve you. Release them to the Light to be set free and purified.
“I gather destructive patterns or energies and release them to the Light.
I dissolve my connection to them, so that they may be set free and purified.”
Please note: Never send pain or harmful energies into the Earth to be neutralized, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of life, health and happiness – not death, illness and unhappiness!
Visualize any hidden channels or sewage pipes for negative energies collapsing in on themselves.
“Old channels of ______________ are collapsing.”
Close all holes or leaks that lead back to illness, suffering or disappointment.
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Now you’re ready for your Soul to connect you with the grail of gratitude located in your heart center / personal garden and use it to empower your highest good.
“I use my Soul’s divine connection to nourish what’s in my highest good.”
“I am empowered to learn how I can strengthen ________ and _________.”
Being grounded helps you bring what you’ve learned “down to Earth” so you can increase productivity and actualize your objective. Get yourself grounded in the New Paradigm before you complete this process.
Place both feet on the floor and put your hands on your knees if you can. Gaze softly at the Circle and repeat the affirmation until you feel your body has fully settled in the present.
“I am present and grounded in the New Paradigm.”
Future Pacing – Projecting Success into the Future
Now you’re ready to tune into the Center of your being. Go within and ask your heart:
How will it feel to actualize my objective in the future?
What about later today or tomorrow?
A month from now?
How does it feel a year from now?
The mind intuitively appreciates closure. Finish it all up now by sealing and healing any holes that lead back to old, harmful pathways of suffering.
“All holes are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s intended path.”
You can thank yourself for taking the time today to learn how Future Pacing can accelerate your learning and ability to manifest your objective in the New Paradigm – a gift that will surely keep on giving!
Be sure to rest now and do something nice for yourself!
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About the Author
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in learning difficulties and mind body healing using Hypnotherapy, Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, and other Shamanic Clearing Techniques.
Schedule with Rheanni online via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Email your request to: [email protected] or text her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday.
This Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website and in our materials are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.