Midwinter Transitions

Intuitive Reading from the I Ching or Book of Change – Midwinter Transition.

In this intuitive reading, Soul Resources offers guidance through the I Ching to support your midwinter transition in 2025. 

Chinese Zodiac

There are 12 archetypal animal energies or zodiacal signs that govern each Chinese Lunar New Year. January 29th, 2025 marked the transition into the New Year of the Yin Wood Snake.

Finding Balance in Times of Transition ~

The Chinese usher in their New Year with over 15 days of carefully orchestrated celebrations. Our society doesn’t invest the same time or care in ceremony, however, I have found that it’s profoundly valuable to take a pause and acknowledge important rites of passage. Let’s take some time to respectfully acknowledge the transition of one archetypal energy to the other.

The Dragon’s energy is taking his leave and will be completely gone shortly after the Lunar New Year.

Just like this past year, the Dragon is quick to come and go. So, quickly take a moment to say goodbye and thank you. His intelligent and generous nature has helped us to rise above the many obstacles and dangers that bedeviled us in 2024. In addition, his endurance and ability to travel great distances in a short time motivated us to envision higher aspirations and exposed the folly of acting too quickly without forethought. If you ask respectfully, perhaps he will leave some final advice for this midwinter transition on his way out…

If the past year has exhausted you, Dragon recommends that you Exit Deteriorating Situations, then Reclaim and Ground in Your Power as quickly as possible.

Getting to Know the Energy of the Snake ~

Year of the Snake: 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025, 2037…

The positive qualities of Snake are: Energetic, Sociable, Graceful, Wise, Perceptive and Determined. However, the negative qualities that you can encounter are: Jealousy. Unapproachable. Suspicious. Sly and Inconsistent.

Complimentary Zodiac Signs are Ox and Rooster.

The Snake’s Secret Friend is Monkey and she is decidedly repelled by Boar/Pig.

Important Note: Two 12 year cycles ago, the Year of the Snake was 2001, a time of huge transformation in the U.S. and throughout the World.

If the past is any indication, 2025 promises similar levels of change, whether we like them or not. However, the Snake isn’t all bad news. She holds the energy for greater wisdom and perceptive determination to take good care of herself and the Earth. After all, she is a mother too. Under her cool and watchful gaze we have the opportunity to shed any lies that we may have been telling ourselves, both individually and collectively.

Snake is a great advocate for the truth, being cautious and dealing with things as they really are, which makes it a good year for letting go of rash behaviors and extreme ideas.

At first glance, Snake confirms that we’re going to need plenty of help Setting Clear Boundaries to keep our minds quiet.

Obviously, there’s plenty of trouble afoot. She recommends Developing Precognition or “intuitive hits” to help you stay out of danger as much as possible.

You may be confronted with extreme situations that you need to drop quickly and distance yourself from. Find out what’s going on and shed those old skins with Stuck in the Past

As soon as you can, turn your attention to how you can improve your sense of stability and safety in your personal space using Creating Internal Safety.

Guidance from Kuan Yin and the I Ching

Kuan Yin has been helping us to transition into a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good since 2009 and has some direct words to share with us:

Kuan Yin and the I Ching“When the foundation of a building is collapsing, it’s natural for the people caught up in it to go into emergency and cling to something they think will save them. However, those who grab onto a part of the old paradigm structure that’s already falling apart are putting themselves in danger and actually working against their own best interests.

You may not be aware of how you’re clinging to your own past. It may seem, in your mind, that because things used to work in a certain way, they still do. You may even insist that what you understood to be real then is true now. When strong mental connections are challenged, strong emotions rise up. You may even grip harder and search for others who share your point of view. This is a classic survival response and completely understandable.

You may feel safer initially, because the group gives energy to the old deteriorating structure and that helps you feel more secure. However, the underlying framework is still unstable.

This midwinter transition provides an important opportunity to build a new structure in the present that could actually support you and others going into the future. Once you let go of the fear and other things that keep pulling you into the past, you can open to something much more hopeful.”

The I Ching

I Ching Workbook - R. L. WingThe original intent of the I Ching was based on an Eastern philosophy of observation and marking changes in natural and human events. Through many centuries and contributions from shamans and master teachers, including Lau Tzu and Confucius, the Book of Change was developed into a full philosophy for applying beneficial human conduct to varying circumstances. The Art of Feng Shui is part of that philosophy.

Stay Calm and Steady Through MODERATION

The I Ching energy has been traveling in multiple highway patterns for some time and it’s likely to continue that way.

Following the Tao or “gate through which all things move”.

Whenever that happens, instability is exaggerated. The best way for you to find your own balance is to find and follow the flow of Hexagram #15 MODERATION or “the Middle Road.” The original text offers explicit warnings and advice for keeping your balance during this Midwinter Transition.

“In social relationships, avoid extremes. People who are overly intelligent or overly ignorant tend to extremes in their behavior and attitudes…

Your inner development now requires a modest and sincere attitude. Do not indulge in extremes of any sort, and instead strive for MODERATION in all that you do… In this way you use the balancing tendency of the current forces to center yourself. This inner equilibrium aligns you with the tao, thus bringing you into harmony with forces that can work for you…”

CH’IEN, firmness in the upper trigram of cosmic ideals is full of its own strength while the mountainous KEN, stillness, is immovable in the lower trigram of human affairs. Each is an extreme, yet the existence of each moderates the other. Without changing lines, the hexagram MODERATION reflects a need for temperance in dealing with the object of your inquiry. Carefully measure your reactions by disengaging from opinionated attitudes. Only in this way can you begin to make progress.” ~ Hexagram #15 MODERATION, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979


Balanced Prosperity in Times of DETERIORATIONAnother prominent Energy Highway is described in Hexagram #23 DETERIORATION.

” There is an impressive display of DETERIORATION in nearly every aspect of the current affair. These lesser elements and those who represent them have gained complete control over the situation…

In political affairs and matters of power the time may be thought of as a rapid DETERIORATION or overthrow. There exists now an abundance of incompetent persons in positions of authority to help bring this about…

The text continues to warn against forging ahead at this time. Your best course is to wait out the difficult times and protect yourself by generously providing for those close to you.

Hexagram #49 CHANGING There exists a brief time where the flow of Hexagram #49 CHANGING is available.

If, at all possible, you see an avenue open for positive change, take advantage of the opportunity.

“The forces at work in the situation are in conflict, leaving the path open to change. Yet the work of bringing about such a change is as difficult as it is important. People fear change because of its unknowable effect upon the future; so when a real need for CHANGING makes itself felt, it is a serious matter indeed. Clarity, forethought, and great devotion are now required to achieve your purpose. If correctly handled, however, the results can lead to a progressive new era.”

To clarify, Kuan Yin teaches that each of the Hexagrams has a distinct flow that you can come into sync with and use to your benefit.

Todays Intuitive Reading - ModerationWhen you don’t see any benefit in following a particular highway, the flow for MODERATION is always available, it just takes effort and experience to stay in balance with it.

“Your inner development now requires a modest and sincere attitude. Do not indulge in extremes of any sort, and instead strive for MODERATION in all that you do… In this way you use the balancing tendency of the current forces to center yourself. This inner equilibrium aligns you with the tao, thus bringing you into harmony with forces that can work for you…” MODERATION, The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979

Numerology and the Tarot

The Tarot Major Arcana Card for 2025 is #IX The Hermit (2+ 0 + 2 + 5 = 9) 

Midwinter Transitions - Tarot the HermitThe Hermit represents the ONE IDENTITY, or IAM. Whether it be the consciousness of a man or a woman, the Soul who has attained enlightenment stands upon the mountain peaks as a light bearer for those below on the path. He or she is solitary, alone. This symbolism contradicts the fact that in reality, the central Self of every one of us, which seems to us to be separate from every other Self, is that same ONE IDENTITY.

The number 9 is about completion – the completion of a cycle. The neutral color of his robes suggests the ability to neutralize the opposites of black and white. Therefore, the Hermit is a guide for when one needs inner clarity and to shine light on the furthering of one’s Soul or Soul’s purpose. However, following just any light in the darkness can be hazardous. False lights and bedazzlements obstruct inner development and enlightenment.

When our actions are illuminated by the Soul, rather than the status quo, important information about timing, reversals or polarity are available and will serve us going forward.

Assistance for Those Experiencing Extreme Stress ~

As you can see, a decidedly different combination of energies are taking form that will require us to cross over into new territory. Hopefully, a place where we can find new resources for courage, endurance and faith in ourselves.

Soul Oriented Solutions offers assistance through Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises that have been designed to help those who are exhausted, still in shock, overwhelmed or emotionally drained due to extreme weather events and socio-political change.

If you or someone you know is experiencing extreme stress and needs quick assistance for overwhelm and other symptoms of PTSD, this resource can help…

Access Overwhelm Help Here

Midwinter Transitions - Overwhelm Help

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.

About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Midwinter Transitions

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 26+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

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Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Sort Out Blame and Responsibility

Whose Problem Is It? Sorting out Blame and Responsibility in Relationships

In today’s society, it’s common to pass the buck by putting the blame and responsibility on others or deny that a problem even exists, especially in dysfunctional or co-dependent relationships. 

When that happens, responsible people tend to get thrown off balance. If you’re one of those people, you believe in dealing with problems, rather than ignoring them or unloading them onto someone else. After all, if you own it, you can solve it, right? Under normal circumstances that would be true. Unfortunately, it doesn’t work that way if the problem you’re worrying about isn’t really yours to solve.

This simple game is for you if you tend to take on blame and responsibility for others to your own detriment. Especially during these times of upheaval and DETERIORATION, it’s essential to clear out all the confusion without making it only your problem. We can find more balanced ways to come up with solutions together. 

Use this mind exercise when you are:

  • SOS for Blame and Responsibility
    SOS Symbol

    Not clear where your responsibility lies in a given situation

  • Pressuring yourself to solve someone else’s problem
  • Lacking energy for your own projects
  • Aware that someone is overly dependent on you
  • Wanting to change the dynamics of blame and responsibility in a relationship
  • Being used as a scapegoat or dumping ground for negative energy.

Directions: Confirm this is the best exercise for you with the SOS symbol.

If your efforts to solve a problem are causing you to become overwhelmed and frustrated, follow the directions for each step of this game and watch how your perspective changes! By playing, you’ll get to the bottom of what’s going on and receive constructive guidance on how to effectively come to a solution, at least for yourself.

You’ll probably feel some energy moving while you go through the exercise. That’s all right, because it means the Circles are working with your mind to unlock a fixated pattern and help you get some positive answers to your dilemma.

Once you’ve completed the game, your energy will be more your own and you’ll have a much clearer idea of what’s actually going on, including what to do about it.

Whose Problem Is It?

1. While looking at this Circle, think of a person, a problem or a plan that‘s bothering you.
What is it specifically that bothers you about this situation?
Have you experienced this problem before?

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body Integration For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!


2. Answer “yes” or “no” to these questions about what’s happening:
“Is this my problem?”
“Is it a projection that’s coming from elsewhere?”
“Is it something I’m projecting on myself?”
“Am I projecting this problem onto someone or something else?”

If you are dealing with any projections, you can use this Circle to help you burst them, just like a bubble or lots of little bubbles.

After all, projections are just illusions and don’t really exist, so why waste your precious time and energy on them?


3. Continue answering “yes” or “no” to these questions about your true relationship to this problem:
“What is my relationship to this problem?”
“Is it a problem I’m taking on for someone else?”
“Am I obsessing or worrying over something that I have no control over?”
“Is this just a troublesome habit that I keep rerunning in my head?”

Additional questions you can ask yourself:
“Am I taking what others say and do (or don’t say and do) personally?”
“Am I being respectful to myself in this situation?
How about being respectful and understanding of others?”
“What is my part in this situation and how can I handle it?”
“Am I in the best position to make a positive change?”


4. How is this problem affecting you?
If it’s having a negative affect, release any unconscious agreements you may be holding. You can change them by imagining you can tear up old contracts or burn them up in a violet flame like these:
“I release the agreement that I don’t matter or that I have no choice in this situation.”
“I release any unconscious agreements to be rigid or keep repeating harmful habits.”

Replace those agreements with some new agreements:
“I respect and take good care of myself.”
“I exist. I get present. What I say and do matters.”
“I choose to express my needs and cooperate with others in finding genuine solutions.”
Are there any other agreements you would like to change or update?


5. It could be that you’re tapping into a recurring pattern of control or traumatic stress that’s blocking positive energy.
Relax into this symbol and imagine you can close up destructive energy channels between you and all that negative energy.
“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past.”
“I close them down because they aren’t helping anything.”

Next, open up to more hopeful and beneficial energy.
Gather up your newfound awareness and imagine you can plug it into the center of this symbol for improved communication.
“I am open to receiving generative life force available to me in the present.”
Take a few minutes to feel more centered with more positive energy flowing through you, both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.


6. Now it’s time to turn your attention towards possible solutions to the problem.
Make a choice to be in charge of your decisions and how you respond to this problem:
“I am in charge of what I do in this situation.”
“What new decisions do I need to make about myself?”
“What decisions do I need to make about others?”

“What decisions do I need to make about this situation?”

If you feel stuck, use the Circle to unstick and remove mental obstacles from your thinking process so you can do your best in this situation.
See if you can get all the gears in your mind moving together.


7. In order for you to be more objective, dissolve any mental or emotional blueprints that may be contributing to the problem.
Gaze softly at this symbol and allow the patterns to dissolve like dark clouds hanging overhead or off in the distance. These positive affirmations will help:
“I dissolve the blueprints for internalizing and taking on other people’s problems.”
“I release the patterns of confusion or putting too much pressure on myself.”
“I dissolve my tendencies to project problems onto myself or others.”

Take all the time you feel you need for the patterns to dissolve into pure sunlight and clear, blue skies. Feel free to move around until the heaviness is completely gone.
“I release the fear of failure and being too hard on myself.”

Please note: Make sure you don’t send destructive energies down into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of health, happiness and life – not illness, unhappiness and death!


8. Take a few minutes with this Circle to infuse your body with courage and determination. Imagine that you can surround yourself with a sphere of protection with affirmations like these:
“I am protected and in charge of my own space.”
“I allow others to be in charge of their own space and handle their own problems.”
“I can easily deal with my problems with courage and determination.”

Are there any aspects of your Essential Self that need to be encouraged to take care of this problem with respect – both for yourself and for others?

The Essential HumanRedirecting how you’re using your own energy is one of the most powerful ways to solve your part of the problem.

If you have a copy, use The Essential Human manual to help you make simple corrections. Ask for numbers between 1 – 42 and make corrections to each number chart in the order they come to you.


9. What does your heart want to tell you about this situation?
Keep looking at the Circle and ask yourself this question until you hear a clear answer.
“My heart is telling me to ________________________.”

Old Soul

Let that quiet voice of your intuition give you answers to simple questions.
Include the basics like, who is involved? What is going on? Where is it happening? When is it happening? Why is it happening and what is its purpose?
What and how would I best respond to this situation?


10. Take a few moments and see yourself letting go of other people and their problems.
“I surrender other people’s issues, karma and emotions.”
“I send them to wherever they need to go to heal.”

Once that feels complete, call back what ever belongs to you.
“If it’s truly mine and I own it, I can resolve it.“
“I call back what belongs to me so that I can set things right.”


11. Now it’s time to get centered and ask yourself this question:
“What is the most important thing I can do to take care of myself?”

Take the very first answer that comes to you, then place your answer in the center of the Circle like a bull’s eye.
Imagine you can send your attention and energy directly to your answer and then allow the energy to return to you.
Do that for several rounds to start a new pattern.


12. Finish the exercise by asking your Inner Wisdom for some good advice:
“What will help me to follow through on making
a positive difference in this situation?”

Congratulations! Being realistic about whose problem it is and what you can actually do about it is often the missing piece to coming to a resolution.
Now would be a great time to relax and contemplate the advice you have given yourself. Take a walk if you can to help you integrate your thoughts.

Please note: Self-care Formula #4 Grounding in Your Power and Truth will often deepen your conviction and ability to follow through.


Blame and Responsibility is a Mind Exercise in Our PTSD Workbook

Soul Oriented Solutions - PTSD Workbook

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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Grounding in the TruthRheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you want more help sorting out your relationships.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui Space Clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Whose Problem Is It? should not be considered as an exclusive method of mental / emotional stress. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Negative Thoughts That Keep You Stuck

Many people are feeling stuck and unhappy because they’re trying to control or avoid negative thoughts they’re having about themselves and the world around them.

The object of this mind exercise is to clear basic misconceptions about our negative thoughts and how “real” we think they are.

Negative Thoughts that Keep You StuckYou know the kind of thoughts we’re talking about – the ones that keep running through our minds again and again until we think we’re going to go batty! Or the kind that we just want to push away. The more we fight them or stuff them, the stronger they become until they start running our lives.

The truth is, thoughts are only concepts and have no power unless we give it to them. So, in the simplest terms, whenever we try to fight, control or sweep negative thoughts under the carpet, we are actually causing ourselves more suffering.

An example would be when you’re struggling with an event or something someone said and are spending a lot of time trying to figure out why they said it. You know you shouldn’t get so upset by it! Another example would be a repetitive need to prove that whatever happened was wrong.

The compulsion to repeat negative thoughts fosters a negative karmic loop

Negative Thoughts & Negative KarmaBy rerunning the conflict over and over in our minds, we feed a karmic feedback loop and continue to suffer as if that memory is still existing now in the present. Perhaps it helps us to feel justified in our position, even though simply letting it go would give our minds more room to focus on other things. Things we would prefer to have happen which would actually support us in  being happier.

By giving a memory or a thought that amount of power, we actually limit ourselves and stay locked into the past. Our decisions and projections become fixated and immovable. This preoccupation with how real we think our thoughts are actually causes us to miss opportunities to be present and happy. Life energy or chi’ gets diverted and used to feed negativity, rather than our true potential.

Focus your thoughts on what makes you happy ~

When you can change your focus, your mind has the room integrate any positive changes that have taken place and decide what you like about them and what you want to continue or discontinue. In essence, you are creating an opening for happiness. Of course, you will still need to take action on those new thoughts! However, when you continually think negative thoughts about what you’re unhappy or dissatisfied with, you’re mentally digging yourself into a deeper and deeper karmic hole of dissatisfaction and unhappiness.

If it feels like something like this is going on in your mind, you might like to try playing a simple Mind Exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles to help you loosen the grip of painful, repetitive thoughts. By letting go on a DNA level, you heal family patterns of suffering that have prevented you from using your energy to fuel happiness and better health.

Gently gaze at each Circle, one at a time and consider the question or affirmation that goes with it. The process helps you to become aware of what kind of thinking is bothering you and make a different choice about it by relaxing and letting go.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Step 1:

Give yourself permission to relax with #49 Old Sol for a minute or so and get some help from your Higher Self with a destructive thought that’s just taking up too much space in your mind.

“I ask for distance from this negative thought, experience or memory.”

Old Soul

Notice how easy it is to “rerun” this thought process over and over again and how it never really takes you anywhere positive or productive.


If something like that is happening, your mind has become blocked by a fixation. Luckily, Condor Medicine can help you release the feedback loop and take a gentler approach to what’s bothering you. Take several relaxing breaths while gazing softly at the Circle. Imagine all the lines softening or melting. Use deep relaxing breaths to help you.  

“I imagine that the block is loosening and the thoughts in it are moving around differently.”

Once the thoughts start moving, you may notice a whole constellation of related thoughts and feelings about yourself or others in the background.  Take several more minutes and let them start moving differently too.

Continue breathing and softening until the negative energy has stopped.


Since your chakras are wheels of light that facilitate the inward and outward movement of energy that rides on vibration, they are literally part of how our bodies “breathe.” Every organ, gland or joint has a constellation of chakras that brings the vibration of life into that area and releases toxins. That includes toxic thoughts that might be hanging out in your aura or the environment around you. When the motion of a chakra is stuck or withheld, you’ll know because your breathing will stop or become shallow.

Emotional Calm

To remedy this, meditate on this Soul Prayer Chart for Oxygen. Breathe deeply and imagine that the space around you is actually relaxing and softening.
“I allow all affected chakras to resonate once again with the breath of life.”

You are now in a position to be more objective as you continue to Step 2 of the exercise.


Step 2:

Use these affirmations with the Circles below to imagine that you can change the energy in your mind by pulling your energy away from that negative that “head space.”

Affirm your autonomy with Wasp Medicine:

“I pull my energy back from harmful memories or experiences so that I can be more objective and learn from them.”


As long as we agree with negative and repetitive thoughts, we can’t be open to new visions of who we have the potential to be. See if Raccoon Medicine and these affirmations will help you to free up your mind:

“I release any agreement to buy into or maintain unhappy thoughts.”
“I release agreements that thoughts define who I am or what I can do.”
“I let go of harmful agreements with anyone involved with these thoughts.”
“I let go of any agreements I have to be controlled by others.”

“My new agreements are to live in the present and love who I truly am, etc.”
“I reclaim my power and free will. I protect myself.”
“I look for, find and utilize productive, workable solutions that nourish me.”
“I am a kind and powerful person who _____________.”

Step 3:

Now that your energy can move more freely, use Butterfly Medicine to continue relaxing your body with you affirm:

“I tap into helpful, life affirming energy to nourish my mind and thinking processes.”

“I am filling myself and my space with life affirming thoughts and energy.”

“I acknowledge the thoughts and energies that are helpful and recognize those that are harmful.”


Use this symbol for Divine Protection to close down old and unhealthy channels of energy that have been carrying negative thoughts to you.

“I close down old energy channels that are still open to the chaos and negativity of the old paradigm.”

Stay with it until you feel centered and protected with beneficial energy flowing through you.
Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to access life affirming channels of communication that come to us through the Element of Air. To help you, visualize all the lines coming together into the center wheel of this symbol.

Do that both crossed and uncrossed until it feels complete.


Now it’ll be easier to raise your vibration with the Medicine of Rainforest Tree:

“I let go of any beliefs that I am stuck, trapped or powerless. I make room for inspiration, self-respect and new ways to think about ‘happiness’ and what that would mean for me.”

Then do the same for the space around you. You don’t have to keep putting up with negative thoughts running around in your space and cramping your style! After all they’re just thoughts and don’t “belong” to anyone.


Imagine those old thoughts are like leaves that you’ve been holding onto. See yourself letting them go now while a warm breeze blows them up and away. Watch them disappear into the Light.


Step 4:

The next few symbols are from “Divine Nature Activated” and will provide us with epigenetic healing down to our DNA. The key is to relax as much as possible while looking at each symbol. It can help to imagine an actual DNA strand relaxing, healing and filling up with light – much like this picture.

“I ask the Divine to assist my consciousness in connecting with Hope.”


“I let go of any compulsive need to be right or to keep the conflict going in my own mind.”

“I welcome thoughts that offer positive solutions.”


“I release the karma and take apart my tendency to harm myself.”


“I’m ready and willing to sort through what’s in my highest good.”


“I ask the Divine to lead me away from conflict, towards Common Ground.” 


“I am a Divine Child of the Universe.
I am beautiful, innocent and trust that I am fully supported.”

Check to see if there are any other symbols needed from Divine Nature Activated to make appropriate corrections.
Ask for numbers between 1 – 73.


Finish with this Soul Star Detachment Key to remove any especially sticky energies. Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you – soothing your body and mind.

“I easily and effectively detach from harmful, sticky energies.”


Step 6:

Connect and empower your ability to follow through by relaxing into this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Connection.

“I am empowered to manifest a positive frame of mind.
I exist and what I say and do matters.”

“I connect with the power of joy and gratitude that comes from my heart.”


Step 7:

Notice what’s caught your attention about this exercise. It may be initially confusing. All the wheels in your mind could be going every which way! Take a minute or two to step back and objectively contemplate your situation. Let Llama’s Circle help you synchronize those wheels or pull the ones that don’t belong out completely. A question may come to you and if it does, go ahead and ask your question while looking at the Circle, like:

“What’s going on here? What kind of decisions have I been making?”
“What have I decided about myself?”
“Have I decided that things only work in one particular way?”
“What have I been putting out and is that really what I want to get back?”

“I let go of lies and falsehood. I stop trying to figure them out.”
“I let them go and make room for more positive, productive thoughts.”
“My thoughts and decisions begin to work for me and make sense.”
“They fit with each other and my life becomes happier.” 


Step 8.

Imagine that all the negative behaviors are like a huge hole in the ground that you’ve been getting lost in. Fly Medicine will help you deconstruct them.

“I deconstruct the hole that I habitually fall into. I stop holding space for negative habits and karma that are keeping me stuck.” 

“I fill in the leftover void with positive life force and energy.”


Imagine that all the negativity in your mind is lifting up into the sky like a host of dark clouds and disappearing into the Light.

Continue looking at this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints until all clouds are completely gone.

“I dissolve all negative thoughts like a black cloud that dissipates into the Sun.”

Once you’ve done that, make sure you’ve gotten all the negative attachments. Use the symbol to collapse any underground drains or channels like old sewage pipes:

“I collapse any other negativity or attachments that might be poisoning me or draining my energy.”

Close down any harmful doors or pathways that could lead you back to those negative places or thoughts with Piranha Medicine.


Step 9:

Finish with this Soul Prayer Chart to repair any rips or tears in your aura and then refocus them.

Be sure that you spend all the time you need with it – both crossed and uncrossed. Your auras are an important part of having good health and protection!


You’ve just let go of an old mental pattern that’s been sabotaging your happiness and prosperity for a long time. After you’ve rested, you may want to go through this mind exercise again around other negative thoughts or memories that are troubling you. Be sure to take good care of yourself though by drinking enough water, etc. It’s always wise to be gentle with ourselves when integrating personal growth.


This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal

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Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Creating Internal Safety
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Negative Thoughts That Keep You Stuck has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui Space Clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

This mind exercise 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Nourish Healthy Relationships

Did you know that you instinctively know the difference between toxic and healthy relationships?

Kuan Yin's Transformation GamesThe intent of this Transformation Game is to help you identify healthy relationships that are actually nourishing to you in your current situation. A relationship may have been healthy at one time and is now going through a change. Or, you may be starting a whole new journey in a whole new place!

Start by choosing a relationship that is integral to your well-being, one that you know you need help with and are willing to look at honestly. Examples might be: a romantic partner, a business partnership, a family member or a previous relationship. This exercise can also help you identify helpful team members, such as a health practitioner you’re working with or another professional you’re thinking of hiring.

Mind Body IntegrationMind Body Integration

For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating the positive affirmations or questions. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Recognizing Healthy Relationships

The Solar Plexus Chakra is key to knowing whether or not a relationship is nourishing or toxic to you. Nourish Healthy RelationshipsYour gut feeling is the best lie detector and has all the information it needs about healthy relationships – as long as you’re present and paying attention! It’s just that for some reason, the information is being blocked from your conscious awareness and you can’t see the signs.

Take a moment and relax with this Reiki Chakra Key for your solar plexus to help you get present. Use the positive affirmations if they help or come up with one of your own.

“I am present and open to my gut instincts. I trust myself.”

“I am _____________________.”

Your Essential Self is most efficiently positioned and grounded there to help you manifest, create happiness and maintain your health.

In stressful times, it’s pretty common for the Essential Self to get closed off, misplaced or dissociated. You can correct that now with this Soul Prayer Chart.

Make sure that you have a sense that your Essence is facing forward and up right.


There are several ways that gut instinct gets blocked. Two that are particularly relevant in times like these are being in too much of a hurry and getting distracted. 

Distractions keep us from taking good care of ourselves. If we’re always busy, busy, busy and not paying attention to our basic needs, we’re asking for trouble.

Of course we have all kinds of excuses that make it seem all right.  “I ran out of time… I have to get this done… there’s too much going on…” etc.

Check your response to these statements and notice if you get stuck on either of them: 

“I get distracted. I get in too much of a hurry. I overlook my gut feeling.”


So, let’s slow down and think about the source of your relationship trouble. Relax into it. Is there a particular person, group or relationship system that seems to be at the core of the problem?

Healthy Relationships

Sadly, many of us we spend too much time or energy on toxic relationships that aren’t particularly good for us. You know the kind I’m talking about:

  • the wolf in sheep’s clothing that uses flattery to charm and disarm you.
  • the whiners that are oh, so good at making you feel sorry for them.
  • the wunderkinds who go out of their way to impress you.
  • the meddlers who insert themselves into things that are none of their business
  • or bullies that just want to intimidate and make you miserable.

Are you attracting a lot of that? 

If your answer is “no” count yourself lucky. You must have very good relationship karma!

If your answer is “yes,” go ahead and continue this mind exercise to see what might be going on…

Slow Down and Focus

Let’s see what’s going on for you by experimenting with one of our Intuitive Learning Circles for slowing down and focusing on what’s really important.

“I slow down and focus on what I need when it comes to my  _______ relationships.”

If you’re thinking about a particular relationship, it’s worth your time to really slow down and ask yourself a couple of honest questions:

“What is my concern about this particular relationship?”

Clarify the nature of the relationship. Is this person a friend, business associate, boss, family, lover, etc.?

“What is the confusion about?”



Check for Good Boundaries

Most relationships have their own irritations, resistances and rough patches. Where is the irritation in this relationship? What is it about?

Are you taking something personally or internalizing something that isn’t yours? Are you being codependent in some way?

If so, use this Circle to help you open your energy up wide and let those irritations go. Send it all to the Light!
Once you’re done, close your energy back up.
What else what might you do to soothe the situation?


Examine Emotional Reactions

Sometimes people trigger emotional responses in us that come out of our childhood conditioning or earlier relationships. A certain familiar tip of the head or tone of voice can be very potent.

Most of the time, the people in our relationships have no idea about what’s happening. You have very little power over them. However, you can be responsible for your own reactions. Ask yourself:

“What is the main emotion or emotions I’m feeling when around this person?” 

“Does it happen only in certain situations?”

“Does this relationship remind me of another person? A painful experience?”

Could you be experiencing a projection – a  harmful attitude, a phobia or an obsession?

If so, imagine you can pop that projection, just like a bubble! There could be more than one, so imagine popping them all away!


Clear the Remaining Clutter

Sometimes we attract disturbing or stressful relationship issues because our minds are cluttered up with disturbing, stressful thoughts.

Imagine that you can use this Circle to clear the clutter out of the landscape of your mind. Sweep all that junk and chaos out of your head and send it to the Light! You might be surprised at how much clutter there is!

That’s one of the reasons why people like to meditate. It’s a great way to develop a regular habit of clearing debris out of the mind!


Evaluate How You’re Using Your Energy to Nourish Healthy Relationships.

Now that you’re present, focused and clear, you can get some accurate information about how you’re nourishing yourself. This section can give you all kinds of answers that could really help you make a big improvement in your happiness. All you have to do is relax and gaze softly at the center open space of this Circle while you ask yourself a few questions. Use a scale of one to ten to evaluate what’s going on (one being lousy and ten being great!). Be sure to listen to your gut and be receptive to the answers that come.

Ask yourself when it comes to this person:

On a scale of one to ten:

“How is this person nourishing me- Emotionally?

What, if anything, is missing?

Is there a beneficial exchange of energy?

Have I closed myself off in some way?

What, if anything, could be done to cultivate a more healthy relationship?


Release or Renegotiate Agreements

Most rules about relationships are rooted in old ideas and systems that we grew up with as children.

In the New Paradigm, a lot of those old agreements and assumptions cause problems and keep us from having truly healthy relationships.

In this particular relationship, what agreements need to be amended, reformed or let go of entirely?

“I let go of ___________.”
“I reform ________.”
“I amend my agreement to ______.”
“I stop participating in ________.”
“I uproot ______,  _______, &_________.”


Connect with the New, Life Affirming Channels of Communication.

Install this symbol like a sort of filter for the Solar Plexus Chakra.

“I adapt to the generative flow of chi’ to the best of my ability.”

“I close down harmful energy channels from the past.”

“I connect to new, life affirming channels of communication.”


“I’m open to receiving the most nourishing and life affirming energy available in my environment.”


Release the Mental/ Emotional Patterns

Imagine that this symbol for Dissolving Destructive Blueprints can help you identify and dissolve any toxic imprints or patterns that may be preventing healthy relationships. You might see them as a dark cloud dissolving into the pure light of the Sun.

“I release the blockages and entanglements that keep me from  experiencing healthy relationships.”

“I release patterns that keep me from experiencing joy.”

I dissolve any old ideas, plans or relationship systems at would contradict my highest good or cause me harm.”

Please note: We also need to cultivate a healthy relationship with our planet! Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Let Go of Old, Outdated Intentions

Gaze softly into the center of this Circle and see ancient intentions like eggs or seeds waiting to be activated. Not only do you see your own intentions and prayers, but also cultural, ancestral goals that no longer have life affirming motivations behind them.

Visualize them like ingredients in a soup that is spoiling your genuinely desired outcome. Imagine you can scoop out any unpreferred intentions and send them to the Light:

“I let go of all intentions that would contradict my highest good, cause confusion or conflict in how we all create healthy relationships.”


Release the Karma 

Release any seeds of karma that perpetuate habits and beliefs that keep you from nourishing healthy relationships properly. Send them to the Light for purification.

“I plant new karmic seeds for good things that will support my new choices. I nourish those seeds with love, Light, fresh water and healthy intentions.”


Close the Door on Suffering and Unhealthy Pathways

Now it’s time to close the door on all that confusion and move in the direction of nourishing yourself appropriately. 

Closure for Mind Body Healing

“I close the door on any drain or strain on my time, space, attention or energy.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

Congratulations! You’ve just let go of harmful energies, emotions and misunderstandings. Now you can begin to set the stage for NOURISHING healthy relationships appropriately.

Be sure to take time to rest and relax. Take a walk or get out into nature if you can!

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions

Rheanni Lightwater - Emotional Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that Nourishing Healthy Relationship has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel confused or overwhelmed.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

This game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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