Balanced Prosperity in Times of Deterioration

The Path to Balanced Prosperity in the New Paradigm

Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher
Rheanni Lightwater

Kuan Yin's Transformation Games - Prosperity in the New ParadigmKuan Yin has been helping us through these I Ching Readings to transition from the old  paradigm based on greed and fear to balanced prosperity in the New Paradigm. Her advice about how to manage DETERIORATION springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours.

To help you better connect with her assistance, she uses the Intuitive Learning Circles to communicate through meditation, affirmations and visualization. Try going through the game first, and if you have questions about how to use the Circles, you can check out Exploring the Intuitive Learning Circles here >

Kuan Yin’s I Ching Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for: Hexagram #23 DETERIORATION (Splitting Apart)

Continuing Your Journey Out of DETERIORATION and Into Balanced Prosperity in the New Paradigm

“First, take a few moments to contemplate this Feng Shui Mandala for Balanced Prosperity ~

Balanced Prosperity

When going through times of DETERIORATION, it’s helpful for your mind to have a positive idea of what to refocus on and reorganize around after a significant fall, loss or tragedy.

By gently and frequently meditating on this symbol, both your conscious and unconscious mind is given life-affirming direction to keep the bagua or ‘treasures of life’ in mind and to provide information about how they may need to be repaired and updated.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!

Next, prepare to let go of what’s falling apart in the old ‘status quo’…

I Ching Deterioration - Balanced Prosperity

‘There is an impressive display of DETERIORATION in nearly every aspect of current events with an abundance of incompetent persons in positions of authority…

In political affairs and matters of power the time may be thought of as a rapid DETERIORATION or overthrow… in the extraordinarily long period of recorded history in China, where the I Ching was often used as a political manual, such declines were expected and accepted. The original text of the hexagram states: ‘The superior man respectfully appreciates the cycles of increase and decrease, of greatness and decadence, as revealed by the heavenly bodies…’

Third Changing Line

… Circumstances have led you into a situation in which you must work with inferior persons or ideals. If you can, nevertheless, maintain a strong tie with a superior element, you will avoid DETERIORATION and free yourself from regretful errors.”  ~ Hexagram #23 DETERIORATION, The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

Find your footing in the New Paradigm ~

If you’re feeling hopeless, it’s because you’ve gotten lost in the chaos of DETERIORATION and need to connect with the energy and opportunities taking form in a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good.

New Paradigm Winter


Slow down for a moment and ask yourself:

‘What am I paying attention to and is it helping?’

‘Is this what I really want?’


You may be experiencing shock that’s interfering with your ability to adapt and focus on what really matters. Relax and use this affirmation to help you release whatever you’re fixated on. This may take some time.

“I let go of fixations that are trapped in my mind. I let all rigid thoughts soften and melt away.”

Prosperity in the New Paradigm

“My mind is free to refocus on solutions.”


What is truly important to you at this time?

Calm yourself with this Circle so that you can perceive things more clearly. Turn down the volume and get your senses into balance.

“I focus my senses on true guidance that will genuinely help me.”

Sense balanced prosperity in the New Paradigm


In order to reclaim your hope and priorities, you’ll need a clear connection with your heart center. Gaze softly at this Reiki Chakra Key to clear and balance your heart chakra.

“My Heart Chakra is connected, balanced and flows with integrity.”

Heart Chakra Healing

Wait for your heart center to begin radiating out with positive energy.

Take all the time you need. “My heart energy is radiating out.”


Now that you’re more connected… confirm that you’re on the best path for you and gently separate from harmful habits.

You can use the Circles in the next section to help you make changes that matter in how you’re managing deterioration and that you can do something about.

Start by checking with your inner guidance to notice if there’s a pathway in your mind that you habitually use that leads you into holes or harmful habits from the old paradigm based on fear, greed and extremism. There may be more than one.

The Path to Balanced Prosperity in the New Paradigm

When pathways are unproductive, it’s helpful to close them in your mind entirely.

Use your imagination and this next Circle to see them all closing.

“I deconstruct harmful pathways and habits that lead me into trouble.”

“I close up any drains that have been wasting my energy.”


This Soul Prayer Chart helps you reconnect with Love. Take a few moments to make sure that all parts of you have reconnected and are on a loving, respectful path.


The New Paradigm has a generative energy flow that can support you and your projects through the Aquarian Element of Air. Let this symbol help you close down old energy channels from the Piscean Age.

“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past.”

Divine Protection for Prosperity in the New Paradigm

Now, imagine that this same symbol can help you access a lighter, quicker energy:

“I adapt to the positive flow of chi’ available in the New Paradigm to the best of my ability.”
“I connect to the new, life affirming channels of communication.”

Reconnect with Hope and Protection.

Make sure that you’ve created a strong connection with Hope through your Soul. Relax into these DNA symbols and imagine that a beautiful, golden helix is gently connecting with your heart.

“I ask my Soul to assist my consciousness in connecting with Hope.”


“I ask the Divine to assist me in times of violence and fear.”

DNA - Guidance from Angelic Realms

“I hold the victory of Love in mind.”

Finish the game by preparing and refocusing the auras that surround your body and give you essential protection in an uncertain environment.

Take all the time that you need.


Congratulations! You have just created better conditions for connecting with balanced prosperity in the New Paradigm! Now would be a good time to go for a walk or do something completely different. Doing so will help you integrate and consider your next steps.

You may choose to enlist a Spirit Animal guide to help you create balanced prosperity in the New Paradigm over the next few weeks…

Spirit Animal

For More Help Navigating the Flow – Return to Todays Intuitive Reading >


About the Author –

Rheanni Lightwater - Sustainable Prosperity in the New Paradigm

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with Feng Shui Space Clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.

Consult with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 to schedule.

Balanced Prosperity in the New Paradigm should not be considered as an exclusive method of stress relief. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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