Todays Intuitive Reading

Todays Intuitive Reading Helps You Navigate Change.

Todays Intuitive ReadingTaking part in Todays Intuitive Reading makes you part of a collective movement of Change Makers to complete our transition out of the old societal paradigm of greed,  fear and revenge so we can transition into a New Paradigm based on balanced prosperity, equality and living in co-operation with Nature.

Our Mind Exercises and Transformation Games are developed to help you go within and navigate positive change! The goal is to strengthen mindsets and behaviors that feed joy, personal responsibility and balanced prosperity.

Todays Intuitive Reading is brought to you by Rheanni Lightwater and Soul Resources LLC. 

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Rheanni uses the I Ching or The Book of Change ~

“The I Ching may be the oldest book on the planet. Like the Old Testament, the pyramids, and the great Gothic cathedrals, The Book of Change was a cooperative effort spanning many centuries… early authors of the I Ching observed the stars and tides, the plants and I Ching Workbook - R. L. Winganimals, and the cycles of all natural events. At the same time, they observed the patterns of relationship in families and societies, the practice of business, the craft of government, the grim art of warfare, the eternal human dramas of love, ambition, conflict, and honor. They made no attempt to create a fixed chart of the cosmos. Instead, they organically grew a guide to the way things change: a marvelous, fluid, interconnected systems of relations…

The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing

The reading is accompanied by a variety of Transformation Games and Mind Exercises by Rheanni that are intended to help you stay present, grounded and centered so you can get on a path of joy as we move forward into the New Paradigm. 

Rheanni Lightwater - Todays Intuitive ReadingRemember, the I Ching doesn’t work like horoscopes, there’s really no set way to predict what the next Hexagram might be in advance, so these readings are always a work in progress! Thanks in advance for your patience.

Universal chi flows organically and we are a part of it. What we do affects it and we are affected in return. Of course, it’s wisest to work with the cosmos and follow the flow rather than trying to control or resist it. Because of that, learning to navigate the flow consciously is what I consider the ultimate in both creativity and spiritual growth.

Gaining a Larger Perspective on the Current Flow

The Great Conjunction on Winter Solstice 2020 marked the official start of what some call the Aquarian Age. We are referring to it as a New Paradigm based on the Common Good.

This is an imprint that we use for finding our way in the New Paradigm. Common Ground for the Common Good is based on peaceful co-operation with Nature, equality and balanced prosperity. This template encourages us to join together with Nature, rather than trying to dominate or work against her.

Winter Solstice and the New Paradigm

If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of how it might reorganize your energy to move more cooperatively in the New Paradigm we’ve entered.

On the Solstice of 2021, the Water based Piscean energies for healing and manifesting reduced its flow through the Tao significantly and was suddenly replaced by a new flow of life force via the Aquarian Air based energies.

Todays Intuitive Reading
Divine Protection

During the Solstice 0f 2022 the Piscean energy stopped flowing entirely, causing tremendous unseen and misunderstood crisis. The new channels of life force were now coming through the Element of Air.

This symbol for Divine Protection can be used to access that new channel of generative chi’ which is much lighter and faster and quick to change than the old water based Piscean chi’. 

The Solstice of 2023 was relatively calm, however the aftermath of going through that Winter portal revealed that ‘sustainable prosperity’ was no longer something that Mother Earth could support. The best we can hope for now, is to work with Nature and learn to roll with what has been set in motion.

Balanced Prosperity
Balanced Prosperity – Working with the flow of Nature

There is no going back to how things used to be. It’s now essential for us to rethink our positions so that we can be flexible and adapt with the planet as she makes her way through this evolutionary transition. Since that time, our choices have been increasingly reflecting whether we choose to work with her or against her. And, considering recent events, that means we’re going to need far more creative and innovative solutions.

During this last Winter Solstice of 2024, the I Ching was predominantly in the Hexagram flow of #6 CONFLICT and is now in a multiple highway pattern. When that happens, Kuan Yin always advises us to find and follow the flow of #15 MODERATION whenever possible. Because it is the Middle Road, a flow for it always exists to some degree.

Recent events have proven that we need significant help and trusted guidance about how we can minimize the danger and conflicting energy that’s all around. What we’re thinking and how we act does have a rebound effect. If we can clear the shock and reclaim our equilibrium, it’s possible to recenter our minds and energies to navigate in a safer way through the new terrain.

Guidance from Kuan Yin

Kuan Yin - Todays Intuitive Reading

As a long respected Guardian of healing and Compassion, Kuan Yin’s uses the I Ching, or Book of Change, the ancient shamanic text that follows and predicts movements and energy flow in the cosmos. Since 2009, she has been helping us through these readings and games to transition from the old paradigm based on greed, fear and extremism to a New Paradigm based on equality, cooperation with Nature and balanced prosperity. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours:

“Since the Jupiter/Saturn Conjunction on the Solstice of 2020, humanity has been simultaneously adapting to and resisting change on a variety of levels. A change of heart. A change in your collective mindset. A change in the nature of the flow through the Tao.

On the physical plane, the opening of one set of energies and the closing of another has caused a great deal of confusion and instability in your collective mindset. The I Ching flow has been reflecting that confusion through a multiple highway pattern that includes the flows for CONFLICT, DANGER, SHOCKING and escalating DETERIORATION.

Under these conditions, you will continue to be challenged by sudden and repeated shifts of energy, collapses, and mounting obstacles. Do your best to refrain from forcing things or projecting your opinions out into the ethers. Erratic and hostile thoughts increase chaotic energy flow and erratic imbalances. Hopefully, you’re learning to calm your reactions, even in difficult situations, so that a stabilizing response can be realized.

Please remember, the upcoming transition needs clear direction and conscious tending:

  •  Slow down, clarify your intentions and pull your energy out of unnecessary holes and distractions.
  • The simpler and more direct you can be with unified life-affirming intentions, the better.
  • Focus on doing what’s working and stop doing things that aren’t working.
  • Your time is too important to waste. How you use your energies is important.
  • Do your best to continue using the positive qualities of the Dragon to rise up and above the fray until after the Lunar New Year.”

The Chinese Zodiac

The Year of the Yang Wood Dragon is coming to an end on the Lunar New Year on January 29th, 2025.

His positive qualities have been: Energetic. Confident. Ambitious. Intelligent. Generous.
His challenging qualities are: Unstable. Intolerant. Lack of persistence. Unrealistic.

Kuan Yin’s Dragon’s Mandala below can give you a sense of what the archetype of the Dragon is about and how it still has a positive influence on you. To access his generosity, gently contemplate the center “eye of the Dragon” and relax. When you feel a connection, ask yourself the following questions and journal the answers that come.

Allow your intuition to come forward and bring guidance from your innermost Self:

“What do I really want to accomplish in these last days of the Dragon, before this cycle completes?

Winter Solstice - The Year of the Dragon

“What direction does the energy for that project need to move?
Why is that important?
Are there important things for me to know?
If so, can I tell what they are and how I can best understand them?
Is there I Ching advice that would help me?”

Dragon’s Offerings to you:

The I Ching

Hexagram #15 MODERATION


“The predominant forces in the cosmos at this time are in the process of balancing extremes and harmonizing interests. This tendency toward equilibrium and MODERATION is a natural urge in the universe. In the terrain of the earth, pinnacles are in the process of wearing down and valleys are filling up. Extreme poles magnetize and attract their opposites, thus neutralizing and moderating themselves. Nature balances itself with plagues, droughts, and cycles of overabundance, and human nature strives toward MODERATION in its tendency to reduce the excesses of the over powerful and to augment the needs of those who are desperately wanting…

…This is a good time to bring some equilibrium to your more personal relationships. Examine your deepest feelings and see if you are harboring any extremes in your expectations or selfish desires in your motivations. Try to moderate any unrealistic ideals.

Your inner development now requires a modest and sincere attitude. Do not indulge in extremes of any sort, and instead strive for MODERATION in all that you do…  inner equilibrium aligns you with the tao, thus bringing you into harmony with forces that can work for you…

… Carefully measure your reactions by disengaging from opinionated attitudes. Only in this way can you begin to make progress.” ~ The I Ching Workbook, R. L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979

Numerology and the Tarot

The guiding Major Arcana Card for 2025 is The Hermit #IX (2+ 0 + 2 + 5 = 9) 

The Hermit represents the ONE IDENTITY, or IAM. Whether it be the consciousness of a man or a woman, the Soul who has attained enlightenment stands upon the mountain peaks as a light bearer for those below on the path. The Hermit is solitary, alone. This symbolism contradicts the fact that in reality, the central Self within every one of us, which seems to us to be separate from every other Self, is is profoundly inter-connected through that same ONE IDENTITY.

The number 9 is about completion – the completion of a cycle. The neutral color of his robes suggests the ability to neutralize the opposites of black and white. Therefore, the Hermit is a guide for when one needs inner clarity and to shine light on the furthering of one’s Soul or Soul’s purpose. However, following just any light in the darkness can be hazardous. False lights and bedazzlements obstruct inner development and enlightenment.

When our actions are illuminated by the Soul, rather than the status quo, important information about timing, reversals or polarity are available and will serve us going forward.

Assistance for Those Affected by Extreme Weather Events ~

Soul Oriented Solutions offers assistance through Self-care Formulas and Mind Exercises that have been designed to help those who are exhausted, still in shock, overwhelmed or emotionally drained due to extreme weather events and climate change tragedies.

If you or someone you know is experiencing extreme stress and needs quick assistance for overwhelm and other symptoms of PTSD, this resource can help…

Access Overwhelm Help Here

SOS - Overwhelm Help

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.


Thank you for joining with us for Todays Intuitive Reading and creating a New Paradigm based on common ground for the common good!

Please share if you know someone you think could benefit.

About the Author of Todays Intuitive Reading

Rheanni Lightwater -Todays Intuitive Reading
Rheanni Lightwater, Reiki Master Teacher

If you feel that you need additional help, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you need more help.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing.

Request a private session with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call or text (505) 271-4612 MST to schedule or email: [email protected]

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Todays Intuitive Reading 
should not be considered as an exclusive method of managing stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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