Protected: Gateway to Peace
Protected: Adapting to Success – Move Beyond Limitations
Creating Internal Safety
Learn How You Can Tap Into Your Second Chakra for Creating Internal Safety in Your Environment ~
The 2nd Chakra Is Deeply Connected with how well we Nurture and protect ourselves.
Your 2nd chakra is located approximately 2-3 inches directly down from your navel.
It’s the energy plexus where emotions, digestion and immunity all come together. When it gets out of balance or entangled with toxic pollutants, your physical, emotional and spiritual health can be impacted in very negative ways.
Gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key below to help you balance and gather up physiological information that will organize your space in a way that will promote your health and safety.
The internal environment of your second chakra is very important to your self-care and emotional healing.
If it becomes stagnant, goes into shock or gets caught up in emotional entanglements, your physical, emotional and spiritual health suffers. In today’s environment, that’s something many of us are experiencing.
When it’s balanced and healthy, it transmits a vibrant orange energy that is hopeful and attracts belonging and support.
It’s also your creative center, the place where you generate your personal mana or creative energy.
This simple feng shui exercise is designed to help you go within and come up with important resources for staying healthy.
When you’re ready, pull out a piece of paper and something to write with so you can make notes as we go along…
Creating Internal Safety is part of SOS Navigating Loss and Compassion Fatigue ~
Your environment is very important to your emotional health. It gives you a sense of belonging and support. It also gives you a place to center yourself and be grounded in. If you’re not experiencing that where you are now, you can do something about it or at least open up to some helpful possibilities.
Oftentimes implementing very simple changes can make a world of difference. Good questions to ask yourself about your space would be:
- Do you feel safe?
- Does it feel peaceful?
- Can you have fun, relax & be comfortable?
- Are people getting along well?
- Is it orderly & convenient?
- Is the atmosphere welcoming, warm & cheerful?
- Do you sense an openness or flexibility to grow & expand?
- Does it feel healthy?
Go through this mind exercise by reading each step and then gazing softly at the Circle that goes with it to gain insight about what creative changes you can make in your internal and/or external environment that will help you.
In Creating Internal Safety, you’ll be utilizing your intuitive insight to implement very simple changes that can make a world of difference in how you’re creating stability and safety in your personal space. You’ll discover that your intuition and unconscious mind are much more aware of what’s going on than you realize!
Step One: The goal of Creating Internal Safety is for you to get clarity about how well your personal space is supporting you and what you can do to make improvements. You might get insights about your body or your external environment. After all, they are connected and this is an important time to become aware of them.
First, take some time to slow down while you gaze softly at the Circle for Sloth Medicine. Breathe in and out several times. Drop your shoulders. Relax your jaw.
Move around and stretch if you need to.
Once you’re feeling relaxed, bring to mind the space that you’re inquiring about. Imagine that it’s moving in slow motion.
Step Two: Next, shift your attention to your own body, imagine you can see the space within your Second Chakra (remember, that’s located about 2″ below your navel).
Zoom in, like a camera. See or sense it moving in slow motion.
What do you notice?
Go ahead and make notes about what you sense.
As you journal, interesting ideas and impressions will come to you.
Step Three: In response to sudden challenges we’ve experienced in our environment, let’s use one of our Soul Star Keys to repair any damage due to pollutants, smoke, viral or destructive energies, which could cause reversals, allergic reactions, addictions, deformations, reversals and misdirections.
Let this symbol help you make corrections. Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels jagged or disjointed, stay with it until your energy smooths out.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my chakra system.”
Do this both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Step Four: Since you’ve cleared your internal energy up a bit first, now you can get a better awareness of your external environment.
Feeling safe is a major priority. Innocent happenings such as loud noises, flashing lights, repetitive motion or high frequencies can cause unpleasant reactions in you without your being consciously aware of them.
Gaze at this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Grace and ask for help so you can get more aware.
Let’s start with very simple questions that we take one at a time…
- Is there anything in your personal space or immediate environment that could be triggering an unsettling reaction in you? Is anything irritating?
- Is there a flashing light? Sudden movements?
- A sound? Are there disturbing frequencies?
- Are toxic influences present? Anything else?
Step Five: You could be preoccupied by other things that are causing you to be anxious. You may be reorganizing your work/living arrangements or in the middle of a move or repairs. Let Butterfly Medicine help you relax and answer questions about how you need to nurture yourself now, under your current circumstances.
Are you tapping into nurturing, beneficial energies? If not, take a few moments with the Circle to help you do that.
Is there any clutter or something to let go of that would help ease the situation? Are there any pockets of negativity or stagnant energy?
If so, what is it and where is it located? Does something need to be added?
Is there anything else?
Step Six: Physical objects in your environment carry a lot of energy through them, especially if they’ve been gifted to you or are second hand pieces.
These could be books, equipment, furniture, pictures and other objects of art.
Electric Eel Medicine can help you scan for sharp or conflicting energies.
Are there any objects in your home or office that are having a disturbing or negative effect on you? If so, can you identify them?
What would remedy the situation?
Does something need to be moved, rearranged, cleaned or removed completely?
Can something be brought in that would remedy the situation?
Step Seven: Since our recent transition out of the Piscean Age of Water into the Aquarian Age of Air, a new, generative form of life energy (chi’) has become available for us to use. Take several moments now to meditate on this symbol for you and your environment. Do that as often as you need to.
These positive affirmations will help:
“I access Divine Protection and close down all harmful energy channels left over from the past.”
My mind is open and clear to receive generative life force through the Element of Air.”
Step Eight: Now is a good time to check back in with your body. Take a minute and use Yarrow Medicine to tune into yourself:
What emotion(s) are running through you? Does that throw you off balance?
Is that dynamic helpful or harmful to you?
Step Nine: If it’s harmful, you might be internalizing an emotional complex – a compulsion, attitude, obsession or phobia from the collective unconscious.
If that’s happening, go through this short sequence to let it go. First, call on Chigger Medicine to release your agreement to carry it any longer.
Let the energetic structure for it collapse and then visualize expelling all that negative energy and emotions up to the Light.
There could be more than one. Check both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to get them all.
You might want to burn a smudge stick or palo santo to uplift and purify the space. Read more about that by following the link at the end of this exercise.
Step Ten: Are there any other old habits or misunderstandings that need to be deconstructed? If so, imagine them collapsing in on themselves so any drains to your personal energy are being shut down.
Once they’re closed down, use this Circle to fill in the holes with loving, life affirming energy!
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”
Step Eleven: Now you can turn your attention back to your external environment. Is there anything else about it that’s irritating you?
Identify it if you can.
What will remedy the situation?
Do you need to pull your energy back from external situations or disappointing events from the past?
Are you inadvertently tapping into harmful or distracting energies?
If so, use Wasp”s Circle to pull your energy back and close off destructive energies.
Is there anything else about that?
Step Twelve: The River Otter wants to know if there’s anything that you could bring into your space that would help you be happier, more hopeful or more creative?
Would anything increase your good health, emotional stability or physical security?
Could anything be done to increase your experience of prosperity?
What might you add that would bring more beauty into your space?
What vision or experience would you like to project out into the world?
Is there anything else you need to know?
Step Thirteen: You can finish the game today by closing the energetic doors that might keep you open to the suffering of the past and the old paradigm.
Piranha Medicine reminds you that your personal space belongs to you and how you take care of it has a profound effect on your health and the rest of your life!
Congratulations! Be sure to thank yourself for taking the time to go through Creating Internal Safety – a gift that will make your life a whole lot better!
Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate.
Purifying the Space – When dealing with emotional challenges, it’s often a great help to rearrange or clean out certain areas of the home – and that includes cleaning crystals. Read more about that here…
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
If you feel that Creating Internal Safety has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!
This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Protected: Developing Precognition
Finding Moderation In the New Paradigm
Do You Feel Overwhelmed About What’s Next? Finding Moderation is the Key to Navigating Extremes.
Kuan Yin has been helping us to transition from the old paradigm based on greed and extremism to a new paradigm of equality, peaceful co-operation with Nature and balanced prosperity. Her advice about finding moderation springs from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. Because of that, her insight comes from a different perspective than ours.
Kuan Yin’s Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.
Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for: Hexagram # 15 – Finding Moderation
“In times of difficulty and danger, it’s usually best to move with the flow of MODERATION, Hexagram #15, where ‘The predominant forces … are in the process of balancing extremes and harmonizing interests.’ ~ The I Ching Workbook, R.L. Wing, Random House, NYC, NY, 1979
The ancient Chinese text describes finding MODERATION as the best way to make progress amidst chaos. The suggestion is to disengage from confusing extremes or opinionated attitudes and instead, follow the guidance that comes from within. In almost any situation, if you are able to walk the middle road between extremes, there will be improvement in whatever you undertake.”
Finding Moderation and Following that Path ~
As a general rule, MODERATION is the most sensible flow to follow, especially since so much chaos is playing out in the wake of environmental, political and social change. The karma for deeply held misunderstandings and conflicts has been activated and people are dealing it in a variety of ways.
Most people are navigating through one or another of these general karmic patterns:
- Getting pulled into a negative mental, emotional, physical or spiritual decline.
- Returning to sleepy indifference, apathy or self-righteous denial.
- Elevated by greed, hatred, resentment or revenge.
- Getting scattered or lost survival patterns from the past, or
- Pulling themselves together into a centered position of balance and stability.
Initial Evaluation: As you softly gaze at this Circle, see which of these patterns you are currently experiencing. Ask yourself:
“Am I generally experiencing pattern #1, 2, 3, 4 or 5?”
It could easily be a mix, depending on your mindset and what stage of the karma you’re living through.
Regardless of what’s happening, you can make your life easier by letting go of old agreements or karma that’s over and done with. This game will help you do that.
First, Let’s Address Conflict that’s Caused by Collective Shock.
Let’s face it. The past decade has been filled with one jarring event after another. Consequential changes are happening daily. Give yourself and others a break by realizing that you might be caught in a reactive pattern because you’ve received so many repeated shocks to your system. See what happens if you look at this Circle and relax for a minute or so. Breathe deeply and imagine that the conflicts in your mind are melting away like ice melting under the light of the Sun.
You may find that your attachment to those reactive patterns could melt away as well!
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!
The Underlying Structures of Our Lives Are Changing Rapidly.
From wildfires to hurricanes and power outages to socio/political chaos, it’s important to acknowledge the continuous and ongoing effect that the stress is having on us. Use this Circle to help you deconstruct the recurring karma and close up any drains that are exhausting you.
“I shut down all drains that are causing me to lose energy.”
“I deconstruct harmful habits and holes in my energy field.”
Finding Moderation in Your Emotional Responses.
Release Your Attachments to the Old Paradigm.
The old status quo was built on extreme and oppressive social, religious and moral dogmas that used force and fear to control others. Most of us are still tapping into that divisiveness in one way or another because we’ve been wired to react to events out of defensiveness (fear), attack (outrage) or submission (giving up).
It would be wise to detach from those ways of handling ourselves because they have lost their ground. To find out if you’re still giving them power, ask yourself:
“Am I unconsciously tapping into extreme emotions?”
Remember, emotions are just energy in motion. They are not solid things and they aren’t who you are! Let this Soul Prayer Chart help you find the flow of harmful emotions that are running through your mind so that you can effectively detach from them.
The recent change from the Piscean Age (Water) to the Aquarian Age (Air) has caused some instability in how we process our thoughts and emotions. You can decide that your response to events can be more Air based than Water based. Here are some suggested affirmations to use with this diagram:
“I decide to bring my intuition and common sense into balance.”
“I lead with sensible thought rather than emotional reactions.”
“I do my best to keep my mind positive and my intention clear.”
My wellbeing is important and I decide to stay balanced and moderate my responses.”
Release Codependent Behaviors.
Protect Yourself from Being Dumped On or Scapegoated.
In times of increased conflict and instability, it’s common for people who want to avoid responsibility to systemically dump their issues, problems and karma onto others who they hope will accept the blame.
You don’t have to accept the blame anymore. Send those issues back – to each their own!
People who have a tendency to take on other people’s problems are often mistakenly organizing their life around the problem and being “the fixer.”
If you’ve been trained that you need to be liked or to fix things when other people are unhappy, you can trap yourself by taking on more than your part of a difficult situation. You can clarify this by asking yourself these questions:
“What is my part in this situation? What am I actually responsible for?”
“Is my desire to help joyful, or has it become twisted in some way?”
If it’s twisted, relax with the Circle and let it unwind. Now you can find moderation in what’s motivating you.
“What action could I take in this situation that would actually be helpful?”
When we buy into codependent behaviors, we are inadvertently complicating matters and preventing things from working themselves out in a simpler, more direct way.
To help you set things right, use this symbol with the affirmations to release attachments to the malaise of codependent and destructive behavior:
“I let go of attachments and blame. I detach from sticky, toxic energies.”
I create autonomy and resilient optimism.”
Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you!
This Correction Key will also help. Use these positive affirmations:
“I correct or move past reversals, blockages and jagged energies.”
“I have a clear and direct connection with my Soul.”
Let Go of Harmful Karmic Agreements and Energies.
Use this Soul Contract Circle to help you identify and release any social, familial or religious agreements that prevent you from being present for yourself or that pull you out of balance. Simply gaze softly at the Circle while you use the affirmations.
“I release any agreement that says I’m powerless or have no choice.”
“I release all agreements to allow myself to be shamed, blamed or manipulated in any way.”
“I let go of my agreements to stay stuck in or comply with harmful behaviors associated with the old paradigm.” (extremism, slavery, deceit, greed, prejudice, intimidation, control, manipulation, dishonesty, people pleasing, etc.)
“I stay away from _____________.” “I can say ‘no’ to ___________.”
“I clarify my priorities and communicate them directly, with kindness.”
“I have autonomy over my body, my mind, my energy and how I use them.”
Let Go of Intentions That You Don’t Need Anymore.
Release yourself from intentions with family, friends or business relationships that cause conflict and block your ability to move forward freely. Consider old jobs, organizations you’ve been involved with – religious institutions, political agendas, completed projects, hobbies, places you’ve lived, modes of transportation, ways of communicating or doing business, etc.
“I let go of out-dated, extreme or conflicting intentions that are harmful to me.”
What intentions will actually serve you now? Do they need to be clarified, simplified or re-organized? What do you need to have happen for yourself?
“My intentions are moderate, helpful and life affirming.”
Unearth Old Emotional Garbage and Karmic Patterns.
Use this symbol for Dissolving Destructive Blueprints to identify and release any mental or emotional patterns that are causing you harm. See the Light opening up so that you can surrender them:
“I gather destructive patterns or energies and release them to the Light.
I dissolve my connection to them, so that they may be set free and transformed.”
Please note: Never send pain or harmful energies into the Earth to be neutralized, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of life, health and happiness – not death, illness and unhappiness!
Close the Door on Harmful Paths or Unnecessary Suffering.
Finish this part of the game by closing the door on harmful activities, agendas and pathways that lead back to unhealthy patterns. Take all the time you need. There are probably a lot of them.
“All doors and pathways that lead to suffering are sealed and healed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Congratulations! You will probably want to take a short break to move around and let all this integrate. Come back in a few minutes, so you can apply all this newfound freedom to your future!
Refocus Your Energy to Clarify Your Priorities.
Visualize what’s truly important to you in the center open space of this Circle. Do you feel uncentered? Is your energy scattered? If so, take a moment to center yourself in your solar plexus area and aim your energy in the center open space like a bull’s eye.
“I center myself and consciously direct my energy towards truly beneficial activities and priorities.”
Don’t forget to include appropriate rest, fun and relaxation!
Recalibrate Your Energy to Truly Support What You Need Now.
Devote your energy to finding MODERATION in how you use your energy.
“I connect with my Heart Center and am guided by my true Spiritual Source.”
“I exist and am empowered to create a hopeful future and ________.”
Finish by Invoking Protection and Clarity of Mind:
Gaze softly at this symbol for Divine Protection and generative life force in the New Paradigm.
“I close down all harmful energy channels from the past.”
“My mind is open and clear to receive generative life force.”
“I learn to utilize the generative flow of chi’ to successfully manifest and communicate.”
Welcome to the Middle Road! You probably feel much more balance. Go back to the Initial Evaluation for the game and see what has changed.
If you feel complete, congratulations! Go out for a walk to integrate and get grounded.
If you feel incomplete, you can continue to the Extra-intuitive Activities part of this process and let go of a few extreme collective mindsets that can get in the way of finding MODERATION:
There are several other decisions to explore that might really improve how you’re dealing with your situation.
Extreme #1: The need to be liked and approved of by others.
Here is the prime example, ‘Being liked = being important and having purpose.’ You might want to let go of that, because this is a terrible time to base your self-worth on how other people react to you.
“I decide that my worth comes from within. I let go of the need for approval.”
“I build my relationships out of sincere goodwill from my heart, not from projected expectations of self-importance.”
Extreme #2: The ‘more is better’ ‘faster is better’ or ‘bigger is better’ syndrome.
For example: The Sun is good, however too much Sun causes cancer. Butter is good, yet too much butter causes weight gain, etc. Another social meme that explains the mindset is: ‘The sky is the limit. I want it all now, so I should be able to have it all now!’
“I am clear about who I am and what’s in my best interest.“
“I decide that clear, MODERATE limits enhance my wellbeing.”
Use this Circle like a mirror and clear away any markings or old graffiti that obscure the pure energy signature of your Soul.
Extreme #3: The ‘I’m not doing enough/doing too much” dichotomy.
Finding MODERATION means putting in just the right amount of effort to get the desired result. Think Goldilocks – not too much and not too little… just right.
If you’re uncomfortable because you’re feeling blocked or scattered, there may be a good reason. Do you know what it is? Suddenly heading off into fifteen different directions will probably backfire on you badly.
If you’re sending your energy in too many directions, stop and regain your center. Thoughtful consideration about what you really need is what’s most important now.
“What do I really need to focus on right now? What will help me do that?”
Now that you’ve made choices about finding moderation you can bring order and new happiness into your environment!”
For many people, finding MODERATION signifies an opportunity to go within and expel deep patterns of fanaticism within their psyche so that they can evolve and arise from that pattern, much as a beautiful lotus arises from the muck and mire at the bottom of a pond.”
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About the Author of Finding Moderation ~
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Disclaimer: This Transformation Game is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.