How Well Are You Nourishing Yourself?

Evaluate How You’re Nourishing Yourself in the New Paradigm ~

Kuan Yin's Transformation Games - NourishingKuan Yin has been helping us through these I Ching Readings to transition from the old economic paradigm based on greed and fear to a new paradigm of co-operation and balanced prosperity. Today, her advice about NOURISHING comes from the I Ching, an ancient book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos. Because of that, her advice and instruction comes from a different perspective than ours.

To help you better connect with her assistance, she uses the Intuitive Learning Circles  to communicate with you through meditation, positive affirmations and visualization. Here’s an example that could help you tune into how you’re nourishing yourself:

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I focus them to be aware of my own body and how I’m taking care of myself.”

“I gain clear awareness of what beneficial energies and actions could nourish me in present time.”

“I become aware of blockages and healthy ways to remedy them.”

Mind Body Integration

For best results playing a Transformation Game, look at each Circle both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Kuan Yin’s I Ching Readings and Transformation Games can help you to identify problems, change your focus to positive solutions, ground yourself and get in the present. Simply relax and gaze at the Circles while contemplating Kuan Yins words. Your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek.

Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for: Hexagram # 27 – Nourishing

I Ching Transformation Game - Nourishing

Did you know that your body knows a lot about what it needs and how well you’re nourishing yourself?

Part One: Physical and Emotional Nourishment

For example, your Second Chakra is deeply connected to your emotions, your digestion and immunity. It has a lot of information about how you’re NOURISHING yourself on these levels and what you might do to improve. However, during times of high stress or illness, communication can get blocked from your conscious awareness, making it hard to hear what your body is trying to tell you. Take a moment and relax with this Reiki Chakra Key for your Second Chakra to help you tune in and listen. Use the affirmations if they help or come up with one of your own.

“I allow free flowing, life affirming energy to nourish my Second Chakra.”

“I intend to get clear information about my health and how well I’m nourishing myself.”


There are several ways that the Second Chakra can get blocked. One is inappropriate nourishment. Perhaps you’re eating the wrong foods for you at this time or you could be taking in toxic elements from your environment, including pollution, chemicals, electro-magnetics, illness or other harmful energies.

See if this Circle can help you bring your awareness in to check for those energies. Yes or no, are you picking up:  
Any foods that are causing problems?
A problem in the water you’re drinking?
Something in the air that you’re breathing?

Disturbing frequencies, electro-magnetics, chemicals, illness or 
other harmful energies?
Make notes for yourself so that you don’t forget and can do some research.

You may need to clear your primary chakras of harmful electro-magnetic frequencies. If so, there is an advanced exercise for that – go here>


You may be having a problem because you’re not yet fully grounded in the New Paradigm based on Common Ground for the Common Good. Meditate gently on the template below to help yourself get acclimated and aligned with this new mindset.


There might be some kind of karmic entanglement, an emotional conflict or outright danger in your environment. Could any of those issues be present for you right now?

Could you be trying to process somebody else’s emotions?

If so, ask yourself a few pertinent questions:

What would be the purpose in processing someone else’s emotions?

Is continuing to nourish yourself in this way a good idea?

How long has it been going on?

How much damage has been done?

Are you ready and willing to put a stop to it now?


Your Second Chakra could also get blocked if you’re over-indulging in something that’s generally good for you when taken in moderate amounts.

To better determine if something like that is happening with you, experiment with Tree Sloth, one of our favorite Intuitive Learning Circles for slowing down and focusing on what’s really important. Use this medicine to focus in on how you are nourishing yourself.

“I slow down and turn my attention towards my basic needs.”


So, How Are You Currently Seeing Your Needs?

You can use Maslov’s Hierarchy of Needs as a model to help you assess your priorities. Are they in balance?

The triangle may be upside down, distorted or out of focus. The levels could be out of order or a level could be missing entirely. It might not even seem that it fits at all! Use the symbol to the upper right corner of the pyramid to help you set things right.

“I set things right so that how I nourish myself physically and emotionally actually fits my current needs.”


You may need to change some agreements about how you prioritize your needs. For example, you might have an unconscious agreement to sacrifice your health or wellbeing for others. Or, you may have a tendency to cut yourself off from genuinely helpful people and resources. Of course, you may choose to do that. However, it’s a different matter if you’re inadvertently harming yourself against your will! Visualize any agreements that contradict your highest good burning up in a cleansing violet flame.

“I release all agreements to revert back to the past or harmful ways of being.”
“I let go of martyrdom or sacrificing any part of my health or wellbeing.”

“I decide to connect with genuine help and find better ways to take care of myself.”

Make other new agreements that would be helpful to you now…

“It would benefit me to ______________.”

Please note: There have been a lot of changes in the general energy of the planet and in how we need to adapt to it. Old ways of functioning are passing out of existence and other, more beneficial ways need to be strengthened. This is a good time to release your agreements with those old ways as well…

“I release all agreements to nourish or support the patriarchal imprint of control, hatred, exploitation and inequality.”

“I strengthen and nourish the Common Good based on Common Ground.”


“I close down harmful energy channels that drain my vitality, like no win situations, assumptions and diminishing returns.”

“My mind and body are open and clear to receive generative life force.”


“I release all agreements to source from or attach to the channel of fear, greed and revenge.”

“I now source from and integrate with Joy and Gratitude.”

Now that you’ve made those updates, you’re ready to continue…

Evaluate How You’re Nourishing Yourself.

When your priorities are clearer, you can get more accurate information about how to nourish yourself. If you follow the directions, you can get all kinds of answers that could really help out. All you have to do is relax and gaze softly at the center open space of this Circle while you ask yourself a few questions.

Use a scale of one to ten to evaluate what’s going on (one being lousy and ten being great!). Be sure to listen to your body and be receptive to the answers that come.

Use a scale of “One to Ten”:

“How am I nourishing myself nutritionally? Am I taking in too much of something? Is there something I’m not getting enough of? Is there something I need to put some LIMITATIONS on?

What about how I’m emotionally nourishing myself?

What about nourishing my spiritual connection?

Am I giving myself positive, helpful mental input?

How well am I taking care of my body’s needs for exercise, rest, fresh air?”


Use this Symbol to Consciously Bring in Your Soul’s Unique Energy Signature.

“I relax and align myself with the true signature and imprint of my Soul.”

“I clear away imprints that obscure who I really am,  like old graffiti markings.”

“I recognize my true signature, just as I recognize my signature on a document.”


Continue Your Evaluation and Consciously Put Together a New Awareness.

Bring together the puzzle pieces that come directly from your Soul. For help, ask yourself:

“Am I missing anything? What could I really use?”

“What do I need to do to put this all together?”

“What is the best way to proceed?”

Keep crossing and uncrossing your arms or legs until some clear guidance comes. Also, make a note of it so that you don’t forget.


Complete Part One:

Energetically Clear Out Your 2nd Chakra.

Take all the time you need.

“I clear out any unwanted or harmful energies.”

“I give myself an energy boost!”

Connect with New, Life Affirming Channels of Communication.

Install this symbol like a sort of filter for the Second Chakra.

“I adapt to the generative flow of chi’ available
in the New Paradigm to the best of my ability.”

“I close down harmful energy channels from the past.” 

“I connect to new, life affirming channels of communication.”

Congratulations! You’ve just set the stage to let go of harmful energies and emotions and begin moving in the direction of NOURISHING yourself appropriately.  Be sure to take time to rest and integrate this process. Take a walk or get out into nature if you can!

In this first part, we’ve aimed to clear things up enough for you to get a general picture of how you’re nourishing yourself and what you need to do to improve your experience.

In the Part 2 we’re going to take a look at how some of your projects are nourishing you!

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


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Rheanni LightwaterRheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.


Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule.



This game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Retrain Your Mind To Go For Joy

Why does joy elude us? Because the mind is busy going for other things. Like “winning,” being “right,” “desirable” or “perfect.”

Yet, when you retrain your mind to go for “joy” rather than “perfection,” amazing things start to happen…

Retrain Your Mind to Go For Joy

For a lot of us, a tremendous amount of our energy has been focused on externally sourced goals. We try so hard to win, to look good, to escape punishment or to be “right.” Sadly, many of us are taught that we’re supposed to be perfect, so that’s what we’ve trained the mind to go for.

Retrain Your Mind - Let Go of "Being Perfect"But what does “perfection” mean? Whose definition of being perfect are we using? Our parents? Mom? Dad? Our boss? Our family? Religion? The media? All of these definitions are externally sourced and full of contradictions.

More often than not, “perfection” simply means doing what somebody else wants us to do. No wonder so many of us are spinning around, chasing after a hundred different things! Going for perfection usually creates pressure, confusion and an overwhelmed mind!

0n the other hand, going for joy usually creates more joy – which connects us with our true creative spark, which seems as though it would be much better. You can use Hummingbird Medicine to help your mind tune into the energetics of Joy:

If you would like to experiment with this idea, go through Retrain Your Mind to Go for Joy and see what happens to your mood and point of view!

Welcome to Intuitive Learning in the New Paradigm – Mind Exercises to Retrain Your Mind to Go for Joy Rather than “Perfection.”

~ with Rheanni Lightwater, CHT, CKP

Rheanni Lightwater - Retrain Your MindThe Intuitive Learning Circles are a great tool to help you retrain your mind to successfully move away from the internal conflict that comes from having to be perfect. This short exercise will get you started. I’ve put it together to help you discover a way to refocus on internally sourced goals that are joyful and genuinely meaningful for you! All you have to do is relax and gaze softly at the Circles while you gently contemplate the affirmations or questions that go with them. Here’s an example:

“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”

“I fine tune them to be present and aware of my Soul and its purpose.”

“I use them to become aware of interference, obstacles and false ideas about perfection.”

“I am motivated to focus on beneficial solutions, opportunities and joy.”

An important note about Mind Body Integration ~ 

Retrain Your Mind for Mind Body IntegrationThe brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. As you go through the steps, cross and uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body when you gaze at each Circle. Use a soft focus and breathe patiently. This will help you integrate your thinking more fully so that you can be more creative. If you have any negative self-talk, let it go by breathing through it.

Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience! 

Changes in the flow of your environment may cause the energy in your subtle energy field to start running in reverse or shut down entirely. 

Take a few breaths and let this symbol help you make corrections. Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels jagged or disjointed, stay with the Key until the energy smooths out and you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through. Affirm this intention both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body:

“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my energy system.”

Please note: You may need to do this several times during the course of this exercise…


Okay, so let’s begin to retrain your mind…

Step One: In your current situation, who or what is defining “perfection” for you?

Perhaps it’s the media or something you learned at home or in school.

Wherever it came from, does that definition create joy for you? Is it creating more balanced prosperity? What about freedom or equality? Does it help you to find Common Ground with others?

So, what are you actually asking your mind to accomplish?


Step Two: How much of your energy have you been sending to this definition?

If it were a percentage, what might it be?

10%? 20%? 50% or more?

Would you like to send that energy to create more joy in this situation instead?


Step Three: Imagine you can retrain your mind to reorganize itself around “joy,” rather than “perfection.”

Place the word “Joy,” in the center, open space of the Circle and soften your gaze. Relax. While you’re doing this, the Circle may seem to rotate, spin or even change colors. If that happens – go with it. Release control of the experience and let your thoughts re-arrange themselves. Your new goal may turn into images, experiences, colors, sounds or movements. Let it happen! You will know that the process is complete when the energy subsides.

Try the same with “Balanced Prosperity,” “Freedom” and “Equality”.
You can get up and move around if you like. Take all the time that you need so you can align with the inner guidance system of your Soul!


Step Four: Think about your situation again and bring your senses into balance by focusing on the center open space of this Circle.

Ask your heart: “What do I really want to accomplish?”


Step Five: Take a moment to clarify your intention through your Third Eye Chakra. Focus inwardly on what’s most important for you.

Chakra Healing - Third Eye Chakra

Remember to keep breathing!


Step Six: Clear the energy in your Heart Chakra so you can connect your ideas about Joy with the true creative spark of your life force.

From there, connect with your other intentions for balanced prosperity, etc.

Keep directing the energy to the center open space of the Circle. Doing so will help you bring your true intentions more fully into the center of your life!


Step Seven: How might you approach your life situation differently now? What action can you take that will help you know you’re going for joy?

How is it different when you go for balanced prosperity, freedom and equality?


Step Eight: Confirm that you’re ready to move on rather than fall back into old mindsets about “perfection”.


Is there anything that you need to do to keep you from returning to past patterns that are harmful to you?


Step Ten: Clear destructive patterns out of your mind. Use this symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints to gather up all your connections to those old mindsets and send them to the Light.

“I dissolve the destructive mental and emotional blueprints  from my mind. 

All harmful patterns and my connections to them are transmuted by the Light.”

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!


Step Eleven: Now that you’ve cleared out the perfectionism, close the door on all that past suffering to complete the process.

“I close the door on all that confusion.” 

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”

It’s time to take a break and give your mind less to have to think about.

Congratulations! Going for joy rather than perfection is a central concept of the Intuitive Learning Circles that will help you to live and prosper in the New Paradigm of Common Ground based on co-operation, equality and balanced prosperity.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Herd Mentality

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Disclaimer: This Mind Exercise is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Chakra Balancing with Reiki

Kuan Yin’s Transformation Game for Chakra Balancing ~

Some people may be having difficulty physically and emotionally because they need chakra balancing to help them with one or more levels of their Hierarchy of Needs.

Chakra Balancing with Reiki - Activated ChakrasHere is an interesting and informative comparison between Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs and the Seven Primary Chakras. As you go through this simple exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles from Reiki Chakra Keys, you will not only assess each of your Primary Chakras and gain some very interesting psychological insights, you’ll also have the opportunity to connect more deeply so you can clear and balance them to function more effectively in the New Paradigm. 

Here’s how it works:

Put both feet flat on the floor and keep your arms and legs uncrossed. Read the information and then gaze softly at the corresponding Reiki Chakra Key for insight and energy healing. You will probably feel a lot of energy moving – that’s all right, that means the symbols are working with Reiki energy to cleanse and balance each of your Primary Chakras. Gaze gently at each Key until the energy you sense calms down and you have a clear answer to the questions.

Suggestions from Kuan Yin are included to lead you into a deeper chakra healing that’s designed to help you understand what makes the New Paradigm “new” and how to function much better within it.

Or you can continue moving through the sequence of the Chakras with each of their descriptions to complete the assessment. Remember it’s always best to relax and go slowly. Allow your energy to settle comfortably between each Key.

Step One: Each of us has a unique vibration and “soul color” that allows us to sync up with the Universe appropriately.

It’s common for empath’s or other highly sensitive people to take on other people’s vibration in an effort to survive or get along. Use this first Circle to reinforce healthy boundaries and be sure that you’re reading your energy and not someone else’s!

Mind Body IntegrationTo fully integrate your personal vibration simply gaze softly at the Circle both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body while you affirm to yourself:

“I know who I am. I distinguish my needs from the needs of others.”


Step Two: Your chakras respond to old conditioning and mindsets. To change your mindset, establish an overall intention stated in the positive.

You might want to write it down. Examples:

“I understand what’s required for me to be centered and grounded
in the New Paradigm.”


Step Three: Utilize the beneficial Chi’ available through the Element of Air For Divine Protection and healthy communication.

“I close down harmful energy channels and allow my energy to adapt and flow with the lighter, more protective energy of the New Paradigm.”

I hope to _____________________________.”


Now that you know what your intention is, let’s find out what might be needed to balance each of your seven primary chakras to align with your goal!

First Chakra Key:

1st Chakra - Root Chakra Balancing

“Our root chakra is red and governs the physical body, our instincts and the assumptions we have about life.

If we have been brought up under the assumption that our bodies and physical processes are bad or dirty, we will manifest that on the physical plane. We will be prone to violence, disrespect and exhaustion.

Clearing the energy with this Reiki Chakra Key will help us to find a new foundation and give us strength to make the necessary changes for a vibrant and powerful life.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the Root needs are physiological – air, food, water, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and having adequate methods of communication.

Gaze softly at the Root Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my physiological needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance? Do I need  a stronger, more beneficial connection with Mother Earth?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Root Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being? 

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Stabilize and protect your foundation> 

Second Chakra Key

2nd Chakra - Spleen Chakra Balancing“The second energy center is referred to here as the spleen chakra because it is deeply connected to our emotions, digestion and immunity. Its color is orange.

When this chakra is dis-eased, toxic emotions and entanglements build up and poison the entire system. Our ability to create is repressed and depression sets in.

Free flowing energy here is essential to physical, emotional and mental health.

We can forgive ourselves and others, which helps us to maintain a healthy sense of well-being.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the second level needs are safety oriented – protection from the elements, security, order, law, stability and freedom from fear.

Gaze softly at the Second Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my safety and security needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my 2nd Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Let go of negative entanglements that affect your immunity>

Third Chakra Key:

3rd Chakra - Solar Plexus Chakra Balancing“The solar plexus chakra is the center of who we are and who we think we are, so it is fitting that its color is a bright yellow.

When our sense of ourselves is poor, the chakra becomes sluggish and clogged up.

If our sense of ourselves is positive, we have self-confidence and the chakra pulsates with vibrancy and harmony. We exude an attitude of faith and cheerfulness. Our energy-level is high, we a have a high mental capacity for success and others are naturally attracted to our charisma.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the third level needs include love and belongingness needs – friendship, intimacy, affection and love from work group, family, friends, and romantic relationships.

Gaze softly at the Third Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my love and belongingness needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Third Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Connect with your courage and natural instincts>

Fourth Chakra Key (Heart):

Fourth Chakra - Heart Chakra Balancing“Our heart chakra is the bridge between our bodies and the spiritual world. It is where our thoughts and beliefs about love meet the physical expression of it.

Indigenous people believe that all of nature can communicate with each other through the heart. That is why its color is green, the most basic color for healing, nurturing and abundance. It is the home of the mind of compassion, which extends to every living being, including ourselves.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fourth level needs include esteem needs – achievement, self-love, independence, status, dominance, prestige, self-approval, self-respect and respect from others. 

Gaze softly at the Fourth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my compassion and esteem needs being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fourth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Open your heart to Joy so you can let go perfectionism>

Fifth Chakra Key (Throat):

Fifth Chakra - Throat Chakra Balancing“The energy of the throat chakra is about what you put out into the world – having a voice. It’s about speaking your truth and is blue in color, as in ‘true blue’.

Many people in our society have difficulty with this energy center. This may manifest in suppressed emotions, not saying what we really mean or an inability to ask for what we need. It often impairs us from being able to achieve all that we are capable of.

A healthy throat chakra allows us to be clear and honest in our intentions, words and deeds. Through it we can avoid the bitterness and restlessness that comes from an unfulfilled life.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the fifth level needs include cognitive needs such as knowledge, meaning, expression, self-mastery and self-awareness.

Gaze softly at the Fifth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my cognitive needs being met? Am I able to ask for what I need and straightforward in my requests? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Fifth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Clear up any communication issues that are holding you back> 

Sixth Chakra Key (Third Eye):

Sixth Chakra - Third Eye Chakra Balancing“The third eye chakra contains the energy of insight and wisdom. Located in the center of the forehead just above the eyebrow, this chakra is associated with the color purple.

A healthy third eye is important in the development of intuition and common sense. When it’s blocked, we tend to doubt ourselves, become cynical and rely on the opinions of others. We lose our imagination, our dreams and our personal power.

Conversely, when it’s clear, we are capable of regaining our inner vision and receiving clairvoyant information. We can develop relationships with our Higher Self, Angels, Teachers and Guides. These beings are here to assist us in achieving the Reiki ideals of Universal Love.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the sixth level needs include aesthetic needs – the appreciation of and search for beauty, balance and form, etc. Kuan Yin would add the need for spiritual insight and understanding.

Gaze softly at the Sixth Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my needs for creativity and spiritual understanding being met? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Sixth Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Detach from group think that feeds escalating conflicts>

Seventh Chakra Key (Crown):

Seventh Chakra - Crown Chakra Balancing“The crown chakra is our connection to spirit. This is the energy center that connects us with divine inspiration. Its color is white as it contains all things and it can cast a golden ring when in states of ecstasy.

In this experience of “enlightenment,” we can perceive the potential both within and without and are completely at peace with ourselves.

When this energy center is open and balanced, we more easily receive information and life force from our Higher Self and the Universe. Take all the time you need with this Key until you feel stable and calm.” ~ Reiki Chakra Keys, Rheanni Lightwater

In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs the seventh level needs include self actualization  needs – realizing personal potential, self-fulfillment, seeking personal growth and peak experiences.

Gaze softly at the Seventh Chakra Key below for a minute or so. Then ask yourself:

“Are my self-actualization needs being met? Are my fulfillment needs blocked in any way? Am I giving them the proper priority, position and attention for my life to be in balance?”

Do I need chakra balancing here? if so, what would help me to bring my Seventh Chakra in balance?

What Would Bring Balance to My Physical and Psychological Well-being?

Kuan Yin’s current recommendation: Tune into clear guidance especially when lies are everywhere>



Now that you’ve gone through chakra balancing with Reiki for the seven main chakras, your energy is more your own and you’ll have a much easier time adapting to the New Paradigm. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and calm has a uniquely beneficial effect on those around them.

Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!

Kuan Yin’s chakra balancing meditation uses healing symbols and affirmations from Soul Prayer Charts and Reiki Chakra Keys for chakra balancing and clearing.

Reiki Chakra Keys

Reiki Chakra Keys is currently undergoing revisions for chakra balancing in the New Paradigm and will be available Spring, 2024.

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Chakra balancing should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Simplify Your Life

Transformation Game: Simplify Your Life

Kuan Yin's Transformation GamesThe energy continues to change! As we step more fully into the New Paradigm, the ability to ADAPT and Simplify Your Life promises to be more valuable than ever.

Transformation Games are inspired by Kuan Yin, a beloved and respected healing guide among natural health and energy medicine practitioners.

*Caution! Her advice, as always, is direct and to the point! You will want to get out something to take notes with.

Welcome to the I Ching Reading and Transformation Game for:

Hexagram # 17 – ADAPTING by Simplifying Your Life

Simplify Your Life - A Transformation Game“Simplicity is the path of inner direction and self worth. Examine your goals and the standards you have set for yourself. If they are unworthy, inefficient or nonexistent, it will be difficult to make significant progress in a productive direction. ADAPTING your mindset and how you’re using your energy is the appropriate response at this time. Use your inner wisdom to adjust to the realities of your new environment. See things through the lens of common sense and inner guidance. Dispense with ungrounded over-indulgences in whatever form they take.

Divine Love - Simplify Your LifeTo clear away complications and wasted effort, it may be necessary for you to refocus and look at your situation from a more objective perspective. You may even find that you need to get out of your own way! As you re-examine your efforts, remember the strength and power that lives within you. By ADAPTING to your new awareness and simplifying your life, you will find many unexpected rewards.”

This Game is made up of Intuitive Learning Circles, pertinent questions and positive affirmations that will:

    • give you a new perspective
    • activate your heart wisdom and
    • help you ADAPT to a simpler mindset by clearing up mental and emotional clutter.

Some questions to consider as you play Simplify Your Life are:

Old Soul

“Am I making things more complicated than they need to be?”

“Am I wasting my time and energy chasing after too many things?” or

“How can I simplify the way I’m approaching certain projects or relationships?”

If you contemplate one or more of these questions for a few minutes and then go through the game, you’ll be able to shift your attitude and refocus your mind very quickly.

Why Simplify Your Life?

“The pressures of life seem to increase everyday so we need to find guidance that comes from a reliable source. Go through the sequence anytime you feel scattered or overwhelmed. By going within and allowing your Inner Guidance to show you the way, you can simplify your life, make productive decisions and move forward with greater self confidence while you let the chaos take a back seat.”

How to Play Simplify Your Life:

Simply look at the sequence of Circles below while you ponder the questions or positive affirmations that go with them.

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationFor best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Take a few breaths and relax. Use a soft focus to help you go within and access new energy and clarity. What you do with the information you come up with is up to you!

Simplify Your Life:

1. To begin, look at this symbol with a soft, relaxed gaze. Repeat to yourself several times:

“I am ready, willing and able to shift my perception from scattered to focused  –  from complexity to simplicity – from ineffective to effective priorities.”

Imagine your life is like a movie and that your camera is filming it from a certain angle. Allow your Inner Guidance to pull the camera back and move it to an entirely different angle. Focus in on this new perspective like a close up in a movie.


2. While looking at this next Circle, think about the different activities you are engaged in. Ask yourself:

“Am I putting too much pressure on myself?”

“Am I spreading myself too thin?”

“Am I going after too many things?”

“Have I been seeing this situation honestly?”


3. Notice if the whole situation makes you feel anxious or uneasy. Breathe a few times and allow this Circle to help you to calm down and see more clearly.

Imagine you can adjust the settings on your senses – like brightness and color on a camera.
“I see things calmly and with clear perception, through the lens of my Soul.”


4. Use this symbol from Reiki Chakra Keys to open and balance your Third Eye Chakra. You can do this by gently gazing into the Key while you relax and breathe for a minute or two. Use this positive affirmation to help:

“I open up to my intuition and common sense so that I can become aware of what I truly need.” 


5. Use this Reiki Chakra Key to open and balance your Fourth Chakra located at the center of your chest. You can do this by focusing your attention on the Circle while you relax and breathe for a few moments. 

Once you feel more open and at peace, ask for help from your Soul resources.



6. Now that you’ve cleared up some of your misperceptions, you can use these next few Circles to help you separate fact from fiction. Start by asking yourself:

“What percentage of the work that I’m doing is actually benefitting me?”

“Are there any dangerous assumptions I’m making that are actually a waste of my time and pulling me off track?”

If so, can you name what they are?

Does it seem as though you’re just circling around and around without getting what’s really important done? Are you being as direct and efficient as you could be? Are you exhausted and pushing too hard?

Describe what your experience has been like.


7. Visualize what you’re trying to accomplish:

“Is there clutter I could clear up that would help me get back on track?”

If so, is it your clutter or someone else’s? If it belongs to someone else, use the Circle to visualize sweeping it all up and sending it to the Light so that it can go to wherever it belongs. 


8. Slow down and ask yourself for more clarity:
“What affect am I having on those around me?”

“Are there any activities I’m involved in that are counter productive or even obsolete?”
If so, can you name what they are?

Am I wasting energy and time due to lack of focus?”

“Is there some confusion that needs to be cleared up?

Are there other issues that I need to be aware of?”

Continue your inquiry until you’re pretty sure you know what’s happening.


9. Now it’s time to clear some epigenetic patterns. Relax for a minute and tune into your solar plexus area.
Is there something about the situation that reminds you of the way your family sometimes behaves?
How about someone else that you know? If so, are you willing to let it go?
Gently visualize letting that energy go to the Light and disappearing.



10. Take your time and use this Circle to clear confusion or complexities out of your mind. You may see them as a million details, numbers, calculations or just a bunch of heavy smoke.

“I clear away the smoke screen so I can see what would actually help me.”


11. Relax with this image and affirmation for a minute or two.

“I am willing and able to let go of complications and simplify my life.”




12. As you gaze softly at this symbol from Divine Nature Activated, imagine that you can clear up the communication lines between your mind and your body.

    • If communication lines seem tangled up, see them going to the Sun and disappearing. 
    • If communication seems outdated, see your internal system upgrading.
    • If you seem disconnected, imagine your communication lines straightening out and connecting properly within yourself and the outside world.

(You’ll want  to do this while you’re both crossed and uncrossed over the mid-line of your body).



13. Once you’re perceiving things more clearly, ask another question:

“What am I struggling with and am I willing to let it go?”

If you are willing, go ahead and send it to the Light as you did with the others.

If you’re not willing to let it go, at least you now know what’s really going on.



14. Once you’ve gone through the DNA clearing section of the game, see if you can use this Circle to focus on what’s really important.
Take your time and let everything come together in the center, blank space of the Circle.
“I focus on what’s really important.”

You may want to write down what comes to you.


15. Now that you’ve gone through the Simplify Your Life Game, see if you can use the Throat Chakra Key to give voice to what’s really important.

“I  access my true voice and can express what I truly need. 

I need to _______________.”


16. Place your intention in the middle of this Circle and consciously send your energy towards it for improved manifesting. Just like aiming at a bull’s eye!



17. Help yourself to move forward in the right direction by using this Circle to seal and heal all the holes that may drain your energy or lead you back into distractions and complications.

“All holes are sealed and healed.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


18. Finish the game by making sure that your aura is repaired and strong – a finishing step that will improve your health and focus even more!



Thank yourself for taking the time today to clarify between things that are helpful and those that aren’t. You’ve given voice to what’s important right now and as a result, saved yourself a lot of time and trouble. Not only that, you’ve let go of some epigenetic patterning that’s been cluttering up the situation. This is a positive step in the right direction!

Bring the energy of gratitude in and let it connect with an inner fountain of gratitude that lives in your heart.

“I am empowered to simplify my life. I am ready, willing and able to follow through on my true priorities.”

Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate. Be prepared for new ideas and solutions to make their way towards you.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Grounding in the TruthRheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you want more help simplifying your life.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through energy medicine, hypnotherapy and feng shui clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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