Letting Go and Moving On

Help for Moving On from Deteriorating Situations

Transformation Game - Moving OnMany people are having a difficult time being stable because they are getting pulled out of the present by deteriorating circumstances and emotional attachments that threaten to overthrow their wellbeing. One remedy would be to make sure you’re grounded in the New Paradigm of common ground for the common good by going through Kuan Yin’s I Ching Reading for moving on.

“If you are experiencing a situation where there is:

  • a great deal of incompetence
  • argumentative persons
  • societal discord
  • a break up in friendship or family relations
  • refusal to participate in cooperative ventures or
  • depressed health due to a toxic environment…

The situation is definitely in the flow of the I Ching Hexagram #23 – DETERIORATION.

In times such as this, hostile displays of self-righteousness will absolutely backfire. This is not the time to push your expectations or agendas. Withdraw and consolidate your energy as best as you can. Take care and stay strong within yourself. Do not push your personal agenda regarding this particular situation and withdraw as much investment of your time or money as you reasonably can. Unwillingness to let go will most probably result in loss.

The best things to do when dealing with DETERIORATING situations are:

I connect my consciousness with Hope.
  1. Take care of yourself very sensibly and find acceptance of the times within yourself.
  2. Be generous and kind to those you care about – especially yourself!
  3. Maintain your inner connection to Hope.
  4. Keep your focus on those things that are working. They are the important opportunities that are available to you now.
  5. Keep emotional reactions to a minimum and refrain from jumping to conclusions.
  6. Meditate, surrender to the fact that all things must end. Know that eventually there will come a change for the better. 

If you deal with a situation of DETERIORATION with an attitude of ‘I’m going to fix this’ or ‘I need to stop what’s happening,’ you will actually give the situation more fuel, prolong it and maybe even escalate it. When you let go, Nature can take its course. In most cases, the negativity will feed on itself and die out naturally. This reality may be unpleasant however, acceptance is what is called for.” 

Here’s some help through a Transformation Game called “Letting Go and Moving On.”

Gently gaze at these Intuitive Learning Circles one at a time and consider the question or affirmation that goes with each Step. This process helps you to become aware of what’s bothering you, so that you can make a different choice to use your energy more productively and in tune with your Inner Guidance.

 Step 1:

What is a situation you’re experiencing now that is DETERIORATING? Trust the message that comes through from your deepest, wisest guidance.

If your mind is blocked or blank go here and read about Fixated Thoughts or Shock>



Step 2:

Enhance your inner guidance by calming your senses and bringing them into balance. Some may be turned up too high and some may be too low. Relax and allow your eyes to rest gently on the Circle below.

Mind Body IntegrationTake some deep breaths and let your shoulders drop. Adjust the volume to your senses. Do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to achieve greater mind body integration.


Step 3:

Release your conditioning to personally attach to that situation.

“I uproot the conditioning, beliefs and behaviors that are pulling me into this DETERIORATING situation.”

“I release them to the Light where they can safely be transformed.”


Step 4.

Can you  identify the emotion that pulls you towards the DETERIORATING situation

Once you have identified what you’re feeling, take a moment and just relax into it. Are you picking up on somebody else’s emotions or your own? If it’s some one’s else’s, resolve to let it go as part of this process. 

If it’s yours, it could be a phobia, an obsession or a compulsion. Relax and use these positive affirmations to help you:

“I accept that this emotional state is present and that it must change. All things eventually change. I am bigger than the emotions I’m feeling.”

If you can, rub your shoulders and neck for a minute or two. The more you relax and accept what you’re feeling, the easier it will release and dissipate.


Step 5:

When stepping out of a DETERIORATING situation, it helps to be grounded in a new mindset that can actually support your goals.

If you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of how it can reorganize your energy in the New Paradigm we’ve entered…

This template called “Common Ground for the Common Good” is based on the concepts of equality, peaceful co-operation and balanced prosperity. This imprint encourages us to establish a mindset where we can work with each other and the Planet going into the future.


Step 6:

To help you get centered in that new environment, bring your awareness to your body. Go to your solar plexus area and open your Third Chakra, the home to your Essence and “gut instincts.”  

Use this Reiki Chakra Key to release any toxic energy in that energy center. Take whatever time is needed to let the chakra repair itself and get back into balance.


Step 7:

Bring your awareness to your Heart Center. Allow this Reiki Chakra Key to help you open and balance it as well.

Keep relaxing and breathing into it. Eventually, you will be able to feel positive life energy radiating out. The light of your Heart Chakra is shining!


Step 8.

Visualize a golden web of life connecting these two main energy centers.

“I strengthen and increase my level of inner connection and confidence.”


Step 9.

Let this symbol for Divine Protection help you to close down harmful energy channels from the past.

Once they’re shut down, open up to a positive flow of chi’ and connect up with helpful communication channels.


Step 10.

Now you can gaze softly at this Soul Prayer Chart that deepens your connection with the power of your Soul. Affirm that your energy system can adapt to the changes that are needed. Continue to relax and breathe as you use this affirmation:

“When it comes to the situation of _________, I exist and am empowered to let go safely and manifest my highest good.”


Step 11:

Connect with your Soul’s unique vibration and energy. Continue to relax and breathe as you use this affirmation:

“I am resonating with the vibration of my Soul. I strengthen my unique gifts and talents.”


Step 12:

Use this Chart to help you detach from negative energies around your situation. These may include energies from other people, even close friends or family members.

Like a healing balm, imagine that a loving coat of peace and comfort is pouring down over you.

“I release all attachments and energy signatures that are not from my Soul.” 
“I detach from destructive energies, lies, curses, sabotage and illnesses.”


Step 13:

Consciously close down any destructive energy channels that are coming from the DETERIORATING situation.

“I am no longer entangled with that DETERIORATING situation.”


Step 14.

Now, get fully present. Use this affirmation to help you:

“I live in the present and deal with what is.”

If you’re having trouble getting present, it can help to close your fingers into fists and open them again, several times. If you get overwhelmed or feel a strong emotion come up, go back to Step #2 and repeat the process to relax and dissipate the emotion.


Step 15:

Now that you are present, ask your deepest wisest guidance:

“What action can I take to help me to move on?”

Take as much time as you need to reorganize your thoughts and energy around positive action.


Step 16:

Consciously re-direct your energy and attention toward a situation you want to encourage instead. Move your attention and energy away from the DETERIORATING situation.

“I turn my energy toward productive activities and plans.”


Step 17:

Use this symbol to consciously release any remaining mental, emotional or spiritual baggage that’s interfering with your freedom. 

You can visualize them as dark clouds or entanglements that you surrender to the Light to be transformed. Stay with it until you feel they’re completely gone.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!

Step 18:

Finish the game by closing off the pathways in your mind that lead back to the DETERIORATING situation.

“I let go and seal off the ways I prolong or maintain suffering for myself or anyone else.”

Closure for Mind Body Healing


Having the faith that you don’t need to be in control of a DETERIORATING situation is a big help in coming to terms with change and moving on in a positive way.


This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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About the Author

Rheanni Lightwater - Herd Mentality

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.

Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].

Disclaimer: This Transformation Game is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

Unearthing Emotional Conflict

A Transformation Game for Handling Emotional Conflict ~

Transformation Games help you to identify problems, navigate change and clarify what’s really important to you. Simply relax and gaze at the Intuitive Learning Circles while contemplating the accompanying positive affirmations that help you unearth emotional conflict using the I Ching and the Tarot.*

Relax and follow the directions… your intuition will come forward and give you the help that you seek!

Welcome to our Transformation Game about Hexagram #6 – Conflict

Transformation Game - Emotional Conflict
* Illustration by Norbert Losche’ – Cosmic Tarot

Sometimes the reason we’re experiencing emotional conflict is because we’re being dragged into unhealthy patterns from the past. These could be societal expectations, a family pattern or it could be an unhealthy, entangled relationship you have with your own self or another individual.

The I Ching says about CONFLICT:

“You may be facing a major disillusionment in your life as you begin to realize that what you believed to be a universal truth is only your subjective view of the situation. You will have to reconsider your premise more realistically. The need for an inner adjustment yielding a more harmonious outlook is indicated.” ~ Hexagram #6 CONFLICT, The I Ching Workbook, R. L Wing

Hexagram #52 MEDITATION has another caution about conflict, “If you attempt to force stillness upon restless desires you will only create inner conflict and resentment. This can be dangerous. Attempt internal composure through relaxation and MEDITATION.”

Quiz: Are You Experiencing Emotional Conflict?

To find out if either of these scenarios are happening for you, gaze softly at the Intuitive Learning Circle and ask yourself:

“Am I tangled up with someone else’s belief or desire?”

“Is an entanglement or misunderstanding threatening to pull me into an old mindset of greed and inequality?”

“Am I in danger of being dragged into an unhealthy trajectory that isn’t my Soul’s path?”

“Do I have a restless desire that’s coming to the surface at this time?”

If the answer you get is”no,” that’s great! Your Soul is in charge and you’re staying grounded in the New Paradigm of equality, personal responsibility and balanced prosperity!

However, if the answer you get is “yes,” “maybe,” or “sometimes,” you may be losing your footing, getting confused or even worse, weakening your connection with your Soul. What can you do?


You may feel a lot of conflict over this issue or you might even have experienced a recent shock that blocks your ability to perceive things clearly. Take several deep breaths and relax while you gaze softly at this Circle to release shock and inner conflict.

“I relax and allow any tense thoughts to melt away like an iceberg under the heat of the Sun.”

You can see that iceberg out there floating and the Sun is so bright that the iceberg starts to melt and you can see it breaking apart… until it’s completely melted away.

There could easily be more than one. See them all moving around and melting into different configurations until eventually, they disappear.

“I allow my energy to loosen up and let go until the tension is completely gone.”

Part I. Determine What’s Involved and How You Can Heal it.

1. Some Inner Conflicts Are Caused by Old Intentions that Need to be Released.

Living in the Aquarian Age is very different from the Piscean Age and you will have different priorities now. For example, sacrificing or taking on other people’s pain to heal it is no longer a viable pathway to healing. In the New Paradigm, you help to heal the world when you heal your Self.

If old intentions are not cleared out consciously, they can fester under the surface and interfere with what you really want to create. Help yourself now and prevent trouble later:

“I clear away unhealthy, outdated or compromising intentions.”

“I ask to become aware of intentions that are in CONFLICT with each other.”

Mind Body Integration

Mind Body IntegrationThe Intuitive Learning Circles work best when you look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.

Why? Because the brain and the body communicate with each other through one set of channels when you are uncrossed and another set when you are crossed. If you can’t get the information one way, you might be able to get it in the other. The same goes for making corrections – we want whatever correction is needed to be made all of the time, not just some of the time.

2. Identify Delusions and Projections that Can Cause Emotional Conflict.

Take a few moments with this Circle to relax and contemplate your situation. How are you seeing your Self in it?

Whatever comes up, does it seem like an accurate reflection of what’s really happening? Ask yourself:
“Am I operating under a false idea that’s being projected onto me?”
“Am I being tempted by lies about who I am or what I really want?” 

If you are, use this Circle to help you burst the bubble around whatever falsehood you’re dealing with. Note – There may be quite a few!


3. Identify Mistaken Ideas that Can Cause Emotional Conflict.

See if you can center yourself so you can find out exactly what’s causing problems for you right now.  Gaze softly at the Circle below and imagine you’re looking at yourself objectively. Ask yourself these questions:

“What is the biggest challenge I’m facing right now?
What am I telling myself about it? Is that the truth?

“Am I sending energy to a mistaken idea or false premise that’s interfering with my truth or ability to succeed?”


4. Get Specifics About this Particular Emotional Conflict.

Ask yourself if your energy is actually tangled up with someone or a group of people around this issue. If so, can you tell who it is?

Are harmful or controlling thoughts being directed towards you?


Your Soul has a unique signature that identifies you. However, if you’ve been embroiled in a conflict for some time, you may actually have signatures of others obfuscating your Light and genuine intent.

As you gaze at this chart, can you see your own signature or is it unclear? Ask yourself:

“Are there any markings in my aura that are confusing me?”

If so, use this Soul Prayer Chart to help you clear away any false signatures – like erasing graffiti markings.


Are you giving yourself a hard time with your own thoughts or negative self-talk? If so, what is the nature of those thoughts?

If this was a book, what would it be called? Are you ready to be done with this story yet?


Is there an energy drain or harmful habit involved?

If so, close the drain down to the best of your ability.
Then, send loving, healing energy to where the drain was to seal it up completely.


Are you able to protect yourself and stay in control of your own space?

If not, release your agreement to hold space for others or their problems in your energy field.

“My space is my own and my Soul is in charge of it.”
“I allow others their own space.”


Is the conflict you’re concerned about affecting your health or safety? Is it affecting your ability to prosper?

If so, can you tell in what way?


5. Make a Decision to Detach From Harmful Influences.

If the answers you get are distressing to you, it’s time for your Soul to either: reclaim your personal authority and detach from the conflict. Or, RESOLVE your inner conflict so that your energy can stabilize and ground in the New Paradigm.

If you need to detach, choose aspects of your Essential Self from The Essential Human using the Medicine of Early Morning Storm. Ask for numbers between 1 and 42 that need to detach.

Note – Once you’ve detached, the conflict may still be there, but you’ll be relating to it differently.

Examples: Relax and use this suggested sequence of symbols and positive affirmations from The Essential Human to help you detach…

“I decide to detach from past resentments and the conflicts they create – in the past, now and in the future.”


“I let go of the confusion around this conflict. I now choose thoughts that support my freedom and happiness.”


“I stop focusing my mind on this conflict. I now turn my attention toward helpful and productive solutions.”


“I am able to let go of harmful influences from the past. I fully accept my ability to succeed in my true intentions for myself.”


6. Decide to Reconnect with your Soul.

“I decide that my Soul is now in charge. I let go of mistaken ideas, flattery, coercion, shame, blame, guilt and punishment.

I let go of the desire to take things personally or waste my energy on lies, no win situations or emotional conflicts.”

“I learn from past mistakes and they are forgiven.”



“I reclaim full connection with my Soul.”

“My Soul helps me detach from false, harmful influences and clears them away. I have full protection.”

“I follow the guidance and integrity of my Soul.”


7. Dissolve Destructive Mental and Emotional Patterns:

Imagine all those emotional conflicts and the ways you get caught up in them are like a huge storm cloud trying to surround and engulf you. This symbol for dissolving destructive blueprints will help your Soul clear the negative pattern. All you have to do is breathe and have the following intention as you gaze softly at the image:

“I surrender all the patterns of this emotional conflict and any ways that I attach to them. I send them to the Light with Compassion.”

“I release shame, blame, falsehood, entrapment, gullibility, guilt and ____________.”

Simply see the cloud ascending up to the Light until it has disappeared into it. Then, visualize yourself standing in the middle of your own personal garden, filled with beauty and brightly colored flowers.

Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death or emotional conflict!


8. Say Good-bye to Old Pathways of Conflicts.

Before you go – close the doors to all that conflict so you don’t keep recycling finished business! Use these positive affirmations to help you:

“I seal and heal all pathways that lead back to conflicts, punishments and suffering.”

“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”


Part II: Reclaim Your Integrity and Sense of Inner Peace.

Confirm that You’re Utilizing Your Soul’s Unique Vibration.

Return to the clarity of your Soul and allow it to connect with your true Essence, especially in your solar plexus area.

To do that, gently look at the Chart and breathe deeply. Remember a time when you were very happy and had successfully manifested an important physical goal. Notice if a particular color or felt sense comes to mind. What color or felt sense will show you the way?

Relax into it and let it integrate into your solar plexus. See if you can make it stronger and more vibrant. If so, that is your Soul Color.

“I recognize my unique color vibration.”
“I utilize it to help me maintain my integrity and healthy boundaries.”


Return to Your Best Position.

Emotional conflict could cause trouble in your Third Chakra, located at the solar plexus (in the front where your ribs go up) where your Essential Self resides.

Built up emotional toxins can leave your Essence vulnerable to energetic attack, especially if you’ve been in the habit of taking on other people’s pain.

The Essential Self may even disassociate and move to some other location because it doesn’t feel safe.

Take a minute or so to handle this with kindness. Remember that when you heal yourself, you heal the world.

Gaze softly at the Soul Star Chakra Key for chakra healing so that your Essential Self can re-open the chakra, clear out the junk and get balance again. That way, your Essence (or Psyche) will feel safe to return and access its power effectively.

Use this Soul Star Chakra Key to help you clear out the gunk!


Make a Heart Centered Course Correction:

Imagine that your Soul is opening your Heart center and connecting with it. Feel the light within you getting stronger and allow your Soul to make the necessary changes. This is your garden. Your way. The way that your heart is guided to create – free of this emotional conflict.

“I allow the Light in my Heart to radiate out into the World.”


Connect the Hara Lines.

Whenever working with chakras, you may need to repair and strengthen hara lines for improved communication and healing. The hara lines are like tiny webs of light that connect the chakras throughout your body. Sometimes they’re broken or damaged because of trauma, illness, toxicity or sudden changes in the sympathetic nervous system (fight or flight). These affirmations will help you:

“I repair and strengthen my hara lines.”
“My chakras are connecting with my Soul through a beautiful web of light.”
“I am inside of my body. Everything else is outside.”

“I reorganize my consciousness around inner peace and positive solutions.”


Repair and Refocus Your Auras.

At the end of any epigenetic clearing, your auras need to be refocused, repaired and strengthened. Ask your Soul and Guardian Angel to assist you in finding and healing the areas in need.

“I refocus and repair my auras.” 
“My auric field is strong and organized to protect my health and spiritual autonomy.”


Let Yourself Get Grounded in the New Paradigm.

Finally, take a deep breath and place both feet on the ground. Feel the resonance in your body and energy field as you connect with the Earth.

“I relax and release discordant energies so that I can ground.”

Take note of where you feel this new awareness moving through your body. Allow yourself to enjoy it.


Now is a good time to get out into nature. Go for a walk or do something you enjoy. The time you take for yourself now will help you move beyond emotional conflict and into fully embodied action.

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing

Spirit Animal


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Rheanni Lightwater - Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family, environment and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom, FaceTime or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call her at (505) 271-4612 between 10:00am – 5:00pm, MST, Monday through Friday to schedule.

This Transformation Game should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment for any ailment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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