Empower Your Purpose and Autonomy with RESOLVE ~
RESOLVE helps you reclaim your power, deal with anxiety or stress and get back into balance – quickly.
PDF Ebook – Updated Edition for the New Paradigm
150 pages
During times of extreme change and challenge, keep a copy of RESOLVE next to you. This unique stress management handbook can be used to reclaim your power, strengthen good boundaries, clear creative blocks and enhance your powers of discernment in times when you really need them.
♦ Keep yourself in balance ♦ Stay calm in the midst of chaos ♦ Ease anxiety and overwhelm ♦ Maintain healthy boundaries ♦ Quickly let go of distractions ♦ Enhance your ability to navigate and make positive, life affirming decisions.
9 easy to use formulas and mind exercises for on the go
In this revised edition of RESOLVE, Rheanni Lightwater updates her Soul Oriented Solutions series with Intuitive Learning Circles that provide mental, emotional and spiritual relief in times of uncertainty and radical change.
RESOLVE – First Edition was a Winner in the 2018 New Mexico/Arizona Book Awards!
This simple, easy to use handbook has been updated for 2025 and contains self-care formulas and mind exercises that help you get present now and quickly let go of distractions that block you from moving forward.
How it Works:
Choose a Mind Exercise to help you handle what you’re going through now:
Sometimes there’s a lot going on and you don’t have much time. With this three step process, RESOLVE will help you get back on track – fast!
Step One: Take a few deep breaths while looking at this RESOLVE symbol. Gently, turn your attention to what’s going on for you.
Step Two: Look over this list of 9 Mind Exercises:
- Courage to Begin Again After a Loss
- Recentering After a Trauma
- Clearing Overwhelm to Stay on Track
- Clear Boundaries for a Busy Mind sample this exercise >>
- Grounding in the Truth sample this exercise >>
- Soul Healing for Anxiety sample this exercise>>
- Resolving Shock and Confusion
- Solutions for Information Overload
- Taking Action for the Common Good
Step Three: Ask yourself:
“What number between one and nine represents the best exercise to get me back on track, right now?”
Trust the number that comes to your gut and go with it. If nothing comes to you, you don’t need one of the formulas right now. If you get just a page number go to that and use the Circle on that page.
It’s that easy!
The purpose of RESOLVE is to strengthen your ability to stay true to yourself on all levels of the mind, body and spirit.
If you’re a sensitive professional, a teacher, a nurse, a counselor, parent or student challenged by ADHD, this handbook was designed especially for you. Each mindfulness exercise was developed to be used “on the go” to help you bridge the gap between limited, fear-based reactions and the life you’ve resolved to create.
Briefly, the method works by gently interrupting negative brain activity and replacing it with positive input.
These visual meditations provide a quick framework for recovering mental balance and refocusing attention. Going through a Self-care Formula or Mind Exercise calms the emotional centers of your brain and opens up new neural pathways for self-awareness and more positive thinking, which significantly reduces stress and increases clarity.
RESOLVE is a self discovery process that encourages you to slow down, sort out your thoughts, change how you’re using your energy and gain insight about what you need to do for yourself next.
“What I love about Rheanni’s approach is its simplicity. I don’t need to go to therapy for years or rehash trauma from the past to create positive change in my life. Instead I can look at a picture and read a short paragraph and then let life do the rest. Her methods only take about 5 minutes and are available to me at any time and in any place. They bring instant stress relief with long-term healing impact.” ~ Pi Luna – Artist & Business Coach for Creatives
“Combining healing insights from many sources, Ms. Lightwater has created a system of powerful yet easy to use visualization tools that, used in conjunction with breathing and meditation prompts, allow both mind and body to relax, expand and generate positive energy…” ~ Victoria Erhart, Reading New Mexico
“This process is like coming up from underwater and taking a fresh breath.” ~ Cornelia Sachs, Eutony Movement Practitioner
“Whoever uses this work will find it beneficial for their growth in unfolding more of who they are. Old emotions come up as well as memories that need new perspectives, which the exercises handle beautifully. In a way, they are washed away and lifted to higher grounds, leaving behind gifts of healing and new beginnings.” ~ D.G.Villena-Mata, Ph.D., Fellow and Diplomate in Traumatic Stress
Cultivate a daily self-care practice with RESOLVE – a gift you can give yourself – anytime!

Author and facilitator, Rheanni Lightwater is available for presentations or demonstrations for using RESOLVE to deal with overwhelm and burnout. Call (505) 271-4612 or email at [email protected] to request information.
- Each formula was developed to be used “on the go” to help you bridge the gap between limited, fear-based reactions and the life you’ve resolved to create.
Email Soul Resources LLC at [email protected] to arrange for a bulk purchase.
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RESOLVE is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
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