What Does the Astral Field Have to Do with the Law of Attraction?
The astral field, or as I like to call it “the field of potential,” is located in the fifth level of the human aura.
This level of the aura is filled with Universal symbols and abstract forms, archetypes, collective memory, numbers, colors and all the potential ingredients for the soup we call our lives. This is the place where we go to in our dreams, ecstatic spiritual experiences and shamanic journeys.
Attention Creates Attraction
The Law of Attraction is deeply connected to the astral field. Every ingredient in the field of potential is available to us, however what we attract in life depends on what we put our attention on. Therefore, the astral field is the place from which we can either create miracles or disasters, blessings or curses, depending upon what we have been conditioned to choose. If we want to change the flavor of our “soup”, we would do well to change the ingredients we have been choosing.
For example, perhaps we’ve been born into a family that attracts the ingredient of worthlessness out of the astral field. That ingredient could express itself through an overt pattern of abuse, poverty or violence. It could also manifest more covertly due to an intense desire to get away from those things. It’s important to note that the desire to resist certain experiences is still a form of attention and will create a strong attraction for whatever we don’t want.
Until we learn to accept what’s happening and have compassion for ourselves, the pattern, whatever it is, continues to be fed and perpetuated by our unconscious reactions. Once we’re neither striving for or trying to run away from events, people or circumstances, we can begin to understand the wisdom of non-attachment. From that place of objectivity we can freely choose ingredients such as self-worth, self-love or self-confidence.
What Ingredients Are You Choosing from the Astral Field?
- Blessings Curses & Debts
- Healthy Nourishment Family Patterns
- Prosperity Societal Expectations
- Self-responsibility Collective Karma
Muscle Testing 102
You can learn how to choose new ingredients for the New Paradigm along with essential mental, emotional, and behavioral corrections based on the Five element system. A two day training with 14 training hours. $280.00 plus NM Sales Tax.
- Private mentoring sessions with Rheanni Lightwater, CKP, CHT
- Classroom hands on and in person training
- Continuing Education Available in Power Circles online or in person.
Manuals Required:
Gifts from the Rainforest
Medicine for Healing the Modern Mind
ISBN 978-0-9777080-2-4 $39.95 Retail
11” x 8 1/2” Spiral bound Manual
121 pages (53 illustrations)
Inspired by Design Therapy from the native tribes of the Amazon, the forty-nine Intuitive Learning Circles™ from Gifts from the Rainforest are healing and divination tools for anyone who wants to accelerate their spiritual growth and intuitive abilities.
♦ Find emotional balance ♦ Deal with repetitive habits & attitudes that keep you stuck ♦ Develop common sense ♦ Learn to trust your gut instincts ♦ Receive messages from plant, animal & nature spirits.
The Essential Human
Energy Medicine for the New Paradigm
ISBN 978-1-946840-32-5 $49.95 Retail
11” x 8 1/2” Spiral bound Manual
147 pages (78 illustrations)
Explore your Soul’s potential through its relationship to the Essential Self, the Archetypes, the astral field of attraction and the meridian system.
♦ Transform harmful attitudes, emotions & energy patterns ♦ Balance your meridians and the archetypal energies that represent them ♦ Rehabilitate emotional sensitivity and assist trauma resolution ♦ Reprogram spiritual and emotional resources.
Contact Instructor: Rheanni Lightwater 505-271-4612 (call or text)
Email: [email protected]
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