Welcome to the Intuitive Learning Circle FAQ
The Intuitive Learning Circle method is based on the contributions of many fine teachers and innovative systems of natural healing and personal growth, including:
Reiki, Vipassana Meditation, Cranio-sacral Therapy, Homeopathy, Somatic Education, Peruvian Shamanism, Hypnotherapy, Five Element Theory, Dream Work, Trans-generational Work, Hawaiian Huna, Regression Therapy, Feng Shui, Touch for Health, The I Ching, Applied Kinesiology, Neuro-linguistic Programming, Tibetan Energy Work and Focusing.
The Intuitive Learning Circle Method is Powered by
Gifts from the Rainforest
Special thanks is due to the late author and Chiropractor, Dr. Victor Beasley for his influential book, Intuition By Design, Victor R. Beasley, Oughten House International, New York City, NY 1994. Without his ingenious design for energy geometrics, the Intuitive Learning Circle method would not exist.
The Intuitive Learning Circles are developed, curated and published by Soul Resources LLC.
FAQs About the Intuitive Learning Circles:
The Intuitive Learning Circles retrain your mind to be more intuitive and receptive by gently interrupting negative brain activity and replacing it with positive input. This action is of major importance in opening up creativity, clearing up blocks and relieving stress. In addition, the Circles help you make changes in your subtle energy fields (auras, chakras, meridians) so you can improve your health and more easily manifest change. The result is a simple and effective process that not only helps you to change your mind, it also changes how you are using your energy.
How the Intuitive Learning Circles work:
The geometric pattern in the Circles provide a positive framework for refocusing attention and recovering mental balance. This allows you to relax your autonomic nervous system – the part that is responsible for controlling your bodily functions without conscious direction, such as breathing or your heartbeat. Once you relax, the Circles act like a gateway where your conscious and unconscious minds can meet and come into balance with each other. Then, the accompanying question or affirmation stimulates your high brain center called the cerebral cortex, igniting your imagination, inspiration and intuitive guidance. In addition, this process has a distinctly beneficial affect on your energy and physical well-being, because it allows you to connect with the intelligence of your heart and gently release negative thoughts and emotions, even very old ones from the past. For it to work, you simply:
- Breathe deeply while looking at a Circle for one to two minutes.
- Read the statement or question that goes with it.
- Let yourself relax and trust the process.
Intuitive Learning Circles have been tested extensively in clinical, individual and classroom settings since 2001 and are proven to be highly effective in reducing stress, clearing negative thoughts and focusing the mind on positive, life affirming choices.
Remember when you are viewing the Circles in a Mind Exercises or Transformation Game
Read each step and look at it’s accompanying circle with a soft gaze for approximately 1 minute. A longer or shorter time may be necessary. The circles provide structural support for sharpening your intuition, clearing your mind and focusing the power of your intention and energy. The sequence of questions and statements, used together with the circles create an innovative and effective method of self-inquiry, improvement and empowerment.
Just breathe deeply and relax. Allow the Circles to help you access your inner guidance while you think about the questions and always take the very first answer that comes from your heart. You may be surprised by the ideas and solutions that intuitively spring up when you let yourself think outside of the box.
If you feel guided, journaling is a great way to help you get it all out and help yourself make a plan.
What if you’re having trouble using the Intuitive Learning Circles?
Tips and Troubleshooting-
Here are the main reasons that could happen and what to do about them:
- Like any learning process, you are in control. Emotional releases and integration happen best when a person engages their imagination and opens to whatever feeling comes up. Be kind to yourself and accept where you’re at.
- If you’re using the Intuitive Learning Circles near computers or electronic devices, strong electro-magnetic frequencies could interfere with your ability to relax and shift your energy. If that happens, turn off or move away from electrical devices and go back to your formula to see if the process is working better.
Mind Body Integration
The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently.
See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it.
- If you go completely blank or are unable to access anything, the question or subject may have brought up an inner conflict. If that happens, look at this Circle (#32 Condor from Gifts from the Rainforest). Follow these directions:
Take several deep breaths and relax while you gaze into the Circle. Imagine that you can use it to focus in on a thought, experience or conflict that’s causing a problem for you, like a bull’s eye. Imagine the problem is melting or send a beam of light directly to the blockage. Allow your laser beam to break up the fixation or melt it until it’s gone. Take all the time you need. Once you’re finished, go back to where you left off and complete whatever you were working on.
- If you’re already clear and in balance, looking at a Circle will do nothing. If you’ve selected a process that you don’t really need, the Circles will do nothing. Individual Circles can, however, help you access answers. Just ask, “what do I need here?” Then trust the answer that comes.
- Finally, relax! The Intuitive Learning Circles aren’t about “doing it right”, they’re about opening up to the possibilities!
Cautions and Disclaimers
Caution: Be careful not to overdo any process using the Intuitive Learning Circles. Energy work can be deceptively powerful. Be sure to get plenty of rest, drink adequate water and eat healthy. You can take a hot epsom salt bath or get some gentle exercise. Make sure your energy is well settled before you go through an additional exercise.
Disclaimer: The use of these self-care formulas and mind exercises are not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Please share IntuitiveLearningCircle.com with anyone that you feel might benefit from it.
The purpose of the Intuitive Learning Circle method is to give you additional resources to turn to when you’re going through difficult times.
Consider it a gift from someone that’s been there and wants to share the little wisdom she’s gained from her own experiences. Each formula and exercise has the potential to give some hope, inner guidance and clarity of mind if you’re willing to try something new and different. The mind is a powerful instrument. It can be your best friend or your worst enemy. If the Transformation Games and Mind Exercises have helped you to strengthen your belief in yourself, even in the smallest way, they have achieved their aim. Connect with us: Ask questions, request a training or share your experiences. www.IntuitiveLearningCircle.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IntuitiveLearningCircle/
Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lightwater
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Why Is the Publisher, Soul Resources LLC, Using An Online Book Format?
We are transitioning out of the Piscean Age (Water) into the Aquarian Age (Air). There are many unknowns we face and we need to be flexible and adapt. Current underlying assumptions about communications, healing and our relationship to the Earth are going through radical upheaval, whether we know it or not. Our online format seems to be the most practical way to keep up with the frequent changes that are needed to work well with the transformations taking place.
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