A mind exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles™ is like solving a puzzle where you can access answers to important questions and integrate them into your daily life. By looking at your situation from many different angles, you are invited to go deeper. Once completed, each exercise helps you calm the emotional centers of your brain and retrain yourself to think more clearly. Emotions can be felt and more easily released, which prevents stuffing, anxiety and stress.
Through these mind exercises a powerful form of self-healing occurs where you can easily slow down, communicate with your unconscious and reorganize how you’re taking care of yourself. Going through a mind exercise can make all the difference when you want to develop self confidence, focus and greater self awareness.
Learning to self heal is an essential part of developing human potential and a mind exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles™ is a powerful tool for self care and personal growth.
With the Intuitive Learning Circle™ method, you’re using the symbols as a prompt to gather unconscious information, organize awareness and illuminate solutions that come directly from your Soul. You are in charge!
Are You Showing Up For Yourself? A Self Love Quiz & Self-care Alignment
The world is filled with advice about how to do this and that. How to find love… how to be happy… what you need to wear… how you need to look. The advertising in the media has an agenda and unconsciously you know what it is: “You’re not good enough as you are – buy our product and you will instantly be fixed!”
Your own mind may be constantly fussing about the past – what you did or didn’t do – or you may be worrying about the future. Especially lately, it’s all too easy to get caught up in external dramas and ignore how important it is to stay grounded and keep our mind’s calm.
In times like this it’s obvious that what most people really need and want is love. But how can we get there? The way that seems to work best is to remind ourselves through self love. Unfortunately, we often forget to show up for ourselves and in the process, we miss out on what we want the most!
You can take this short self love quiz that uses Angelic guidance and your Essential Self to help remind you that you are a being of Love.
All you need to do is gaze softly at each symbol while you read the affirmation or question that goes with it.
Begin by Asking for Help from Angelic Beings of Light.
Imagine that you can ask them: “Please, help me slow down and understand how to love myself better…
When it comes to ________ am I showing up for myself?”
The answer you get may be “yes,” “no,” “sometimes” or “not lately.”
Continue your inquiry using this Mandala from Kuan Yin to help you access truthful information:
“Do I often show up more for others than I do for myself?”
“Do I easily get caught up in deceit, dramas and confusion?”
“Do I include myself in the equation of creating Love?”
“If I show up more for others than myself a lot, what is my purpose in doing so?
If I get caught up in other people’s agenda’s, deceit, dramas or confusion a lot, what is my purpose in doing that?”
“Am I doubling down on harmful habits or mistaken ideas? Is that helping me? How much energy do I use doing these things? How much do I lose?
Is that really the best thing for everyone in the long run?”
Are you ready to realign your energy to include what’s best for you? If so, that is self love! Ask your angels to help you fill your Self with strength and courage to love yourself better. Imagine that with every breath, you are filling up with love and light. Here’s a couple of positive affirmations that could help:
“I am important. When I am grounded and love myself, I am grounding Love on the planet.”
With this Reiki Chakra Key, become aware of your solar plexus – the soft area in front just below where your ribs go up.
This is the area where your Essential Self is properly positioned.
In stressful times, it’s pretty common for the Essential Self to get closed off, misplaced or dissociated.
Gazing gently at the Key will help your Essence get re-connected, centered and balanced.
See if you can relax that area and allow positive energy to flow into it with this affirmation:
“I am present and included in the equation of creating Love.”
If you do Reiki, you can send it like a bull’s eye – right to the center of this Circle and your solar plexus.
If there are aspects of your Essential Self that aren’t present or receiving Love, ask for numbers between 1 – 42 from The Essential Human to call them back and center them in your Solar Plexus Chakra.
Now gently look at this symbol and ask your Essential Self:
“Is there something I need to think, do, change or have that would help me to attract more love into my life?”
Whatever your answer to that question is, imagine that you can connect with that truth – like the lines that are connecting in with the center of this symbol for Divine Connection:
“I connect my Essence with truthful channels of communication.”
“I have protection. Harmful energy channels from the past are closing down.”
Are there any remaining blockages? If so, ask if any numbers between 1 – 73 from Divine Nature Activated would help to clear them.
“I clear away epigenetic patterns that block my experience of Self Love.”
Now you can redirect how you’re using your energy. These positive affirmations will help you:
“I am ready and able to receive the Love that emanates from my Soul.
I am a being of Love. I am part of the equation. I am part of the solution.
I allow myself to receive the benefits of sending Love out into the world.”
If you are a member of our learning community, you might want to get extra assistance from Gifts from the Rainforest. If that’s the case, choose a number between 1 – 58 and click through to get guidance from that plant, animal or nature medicine.
Sit back and relax a moment – allow yourself to receive what you need most. Imagine what it would feel like if you allowed Love to move freely through your being – through your life – like a gentle wind. Let your Essential Self daydream as long as you want.
Now imagine that your Angels are surrounding you with courage, strength and determination to be the very best that you can be!
Finish your self love quiz by imagining you’re facing the Sun and radiating the benefit of its life-giving, positive rays.
“I decide to follow my Inner Light and Divine Guidance.”
Finish by making sure that your auras are strong and focused.
“My auric field is strong and organized to radiate self-love and ________.”
Now you’re ready to ask questions again:
“Am I showing up for myself?
Do I Love who I am? Am I receiving Love?
Am I able to radiate Love out into the world?”
If the answer is “yes,” congratulations…
If the answer is “sometimes,” you’re making progress…
If the answer is “no,” decide to begin today. It’s never too late!
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, NM. She specializes in mind body healing with family and relationship clearing using Kinesiology, the Intuitive Learning Circles, Reiki as a Master/Teacher, Hypnotherapy and Shamanic Clearing Techniques.
Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Rheanni can work with you online via Zoom. To schedule: call or text (505) 271-4612 or email: [email protected].
Disclaimer: This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Learn How You Can Tap Into Your Second Chakra for Creating Internal Safety in Your Environment ~
The 2nd Chakra Is Deeply Connected with how well we Nurture and protect ourselves.
Your 2nd chakra is located approximately 2-3 inches directly down from your navel.
It’s the energy plexus where emotions, digestion and immunity all come together. When it gets out of balance or entangled with toxic pollutants, your physical, emotional and spiritual health can be impacted in very negative ways.
Gaze softly at the Reiki Chakra Key below to help you balance and gather up physiological information that will organize your space in a way that will promote your health and safety.
The internal environment of your second chakra is very important to your self-care and emotional healing.
If it becomes stagnant, goes into shock or gets caught up in emotional entanglements, your physical, emotional and spiritual health suffers. In today’s environment, that’s something many of us are experiencing.
When it’s balanced and healthy, it transmits a vibrant orange energy that is hopeful and attracts belonging and support.
It’s also your creative center, the place where you generate your personal mana or creative energy.
This simple feng shui exercise is designed to help you go within and come up with important resources for staying healthy.
When you’re ready, pull out a piece of paper and something to write with so you can make notes as we go along…
Your environment is very important to your emotional health. It gives you a sense of belonging and support. It also gives you a place to center yourself and be grounded in. If you’re not experiencing that where you are now, you can do something about it or at least open up to some helpful possibilities.
Oftentimes implementing very simple changes can make a world of difference. Good questions to ask yourself about your space would be:
Do you feel safe?
Does it feel peaceful?
Can you have fun, relax & be comfortable?
Are people getting along well?
Is it orderly & convenient?
Is the atmosphere welcoming, warm & cheerful?
Do you sense an openness or flexibility to grow & expand?
Does it feel healthy?
Go through this mind exercise by reading each step and then gazing softly at the Circle that goes with it to gain insight about what creative changes you can make in your internal and/or external environment that will help you.
In Creating Internal Safety, you’ll be utilizing your intuitive insight to implement very simple changes that can make a world of difference in how you’re creating stability and safety in your personal space. You’ll discover that your intuition and unconscious mind are much more aware of what’s going on than you realize!
Step One: The goal of Creating Internal Safety is for you to get clarity about how well your personal space is supporting you and what you can do to make improvements. You might get insights about your body or your external environment. After all, they are connected and this is an important time to become aware of them.
First, take some time to slow down while you gaze softly at the Circle for Sloth Medicine. Breathe in and out several times. Drop your shoulders. Relax your jaw.
Move around and stretch if you need to.
Once you’re feeling relaxed, bring to mind the space that you’re inquiring about.Imagine that it’s moving in slow motion.
Step Two: Next, shift your attention to your own body, imagine you can see the space within your Second Chakra (remember, that’s located about 2″ below your navel).
Zoom in, like a camera. See or sense it moving in slow motion.
What do you notice?
Go ahead and make notes about what you sense.
As you journal, interesting ideas and impressions will come to you.
Step Three: In response to sudden challenges we’ve experienced in our environment, let’s use one of our Soul Star Keys to repair any damage due to pollutants, smoke, viral or destructive energies, which could cause reversals, allergic reactions, addictions, deformations, reversals and misdirections.
Let this symbol help you make corrections. Relax and sense your overall energy. If it feels jagged or disjointed, stay with it until your energy smooths out.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockagesin my chakra system.”
Do this both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Step Four: Since you’ve cleared your internal energy up a bit first, now you can get a better awareness of your external environment.
Feeling safe is a major priority. Innocent happenings such as loud noises, flashing lights, repetitive motion or high frequencies can cause unpleasant reactions in you without your being consciously aware of them.
Gaze at this Soul Prayer Chart for Divine Grace and ask for help so you can get more aware.
Let’s start with very simple questions that we take one at a time…
Is there anything in your personal space or immediate environment that could be triggering an unsettling reaction in you? Is anything irritating?
Is there a flashing light? Sudden movements?
A sound? Are there disturbing frequencies?
Are toxic influences present? Anything else?
Step Five: You could be preoccupied by other things that are causing you to be anxious. You may be reorganizing your work/living arrangements or in the middle of a move or repairs. Let Butterfly Medicine help you relax and answer questions about how you need to nurture yourself now, under your current circumstances.
Are you tapping into nurturing, beneficial energies? If not, take a few moments with the Circle to help you do that.
Is there any clutter or something to let go of that would help ease the situation? Are there any pockets of negativity or stagnant energy?
If so, what is it and where is it located? Does something need to be added?
Is there anything else?
Step Six: Physical objects in your environment carry a lot of energy through them, especially if they’ve been gifted to you or are second hand pieces.
These could be books, equipment, furniture, pictures and other objects of art.
Electric Eel Medicine can help you scan for sharp or conflicting energies.
Are there any objects in your home or office that are having a disturbing or negative effect on you? If so, can you identify them?
What would remedy the situation?
Does something need to be moved, rearranged, cleaned or removed completely?
Can something be brought in that would remedy the situation?
Step Seven: Since our recent transition out of the Piscean Age of Water into the Aquarian Age of Air, a new, generative form of life energy (chi’) has become available for us to use. Take several moments now to meditate on this symbol for you and your environment. Do that as often as you need to.
These positive affirmations will help:
“I access Divine Protection and close down all harmful energy channels left over from the past.”
My mind is open and clear to receive generative life force through the Element of Air.”
Step Eight: Now is a good time to check back in with your body. Take a minute and use Yarrow Medicine to tune into yourself:
What emotion(s) are running through you? Does that throw you off balance?
Is that dynamic helpful or harmful to you?
Step Nine: If it’s harmful, you might be internalizing an emotional complex – a compulsion, attitude, obsession or phobia from the collective unconscious.
If that’s happening, go through this short sequence to let it go. First, call on Chigger Medicine to release your agreement to carry it any longer.
Let the energetic structure for it collapse and then visualize expelling all that negative energy and emotions up to the Light.
There could be more than one. Check both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body to get them all.
You might want to burn a smudge stick or palo santo to uplift and purify the space. Read more about that by following the link at the end of this exercise.
Step Ten: Are there any other old habits or misunderstandings that need to be deconstructed? If so, imagine them collapsing in on themselves so any drains to your personal energy are being shut down.
Once they’re closed down, use this Circle to fill in the holes with loving, life affirming energy!
“I fill in the leftover void with healthy, life affirming energy.”
Step Eleven: Now you can turn your attention back to your external environment. Is there anything else about it that’s irritating you?
Identify it if you can.
What will remedy the situation?
Do you need to pull your energy back from external situations or disappointing events from the past?
Are you inadvertently tapping into harmful or distracting energies?
If so, use Wasp”s Circle to pull your energy back and close off destructive energies.
Is there anything else about that?
Step Twelve: The River Otter wants to know if there’s anything that you could bring into your space that would help you be happier, more hopeful or more creative?
Would anything increase your good health, emotional stability or physical security?
Could anything be done to increase your experience of prosperity?
What might you add that would bring more beauty into your space?
What vision or experience would you like to project out into the world?
Is there anything else you need to know?
Step Thirteen: You can finish the game today by closing the energetic doors that might keep you open to the suffering of the past and the old paradigm.
Piranha Medicine reminds you that your personal space belongs to you and how you take care of it has a profound effect on your health and the rest of your life!
Congratulations! Be sure to thank yourself for taking the time to go through Creating Internal Safety – a gift that will make your life a whole lot better!
Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate.
Purifying the Space – When dealing with emotional challenges, it’s often a great help to rearrange or clean out certain areas of the home – and that includes cleaning crystals. Read more about that here…
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
If you feel that Creating Internal Safety has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Could You Be Stepping Into Danger or Taking the Hit for Someone Else? Developing Precognition Will Help You to Stay Out of Trouble.
The Intuitive Learning Circles are great at developing precognition, bringing intuitive hits, hunches and other unconscious information up to the surface to be examined more closely. Especially if you have learning difficulties or your inner guidance is blocked for some reason. That’s why I’m sharing this Mind Exercise from IntuitiveLearning in the New Paradigm. By playing, you’ll have the opportunity to engage your imagination and shed some light on potential situations where you might be better off staying out of the way!
If you’ve ever stepped into a compromising situation or gotten caught in the middle of a fight between people, you know what it feels like to suddenly find yourself caught in the middle of a “no-win” situation. It feels horrible! Especially for highly sensitive people, who often find themselves in the middle of highly charged, emotional conflicts.
“If only I knew beforehand or had some kind of “spidey sense” that there was going to be a problem, I wouldn’t have even shown up!”
But wait. That’s not really so far out of the realm of possibilities. It’s called developing precognition or as I like to say, listening to your intuitive hit.
Clearing the Way for Making Smart Decisions
Use Your Inner Guidance and Gut Instincts to Get Out of the Way and Learn How to Be in the Right Place at the Right Time.
You’ve probably had an experience of knowing that it just felt wrong to go to a certain place at a certain time. Then later, you find out that you were right. Something unfortunate happened in that very same place around that time! That’s your precognition at work and it’s a darn useful skill to have, especially now, when times are so unstable and chaotic.
In the old paradigm based on greed and elitism, it’s been commonplace for people to try to control things by invading other people’s space or interfering with important personal projects or relationships. This can happen on a physical level, but it can also happen on an emotional/mental level, which often causes emotional shock that sits frozen under the surface of our awareness. We have expressions for when these kinds of manipulations happen. “Get out of my space,” or “stop playing mind games with me,” are just a few. Unfortunately, when this happens, emotions can easily escalate out of control and our normal awareness of danger can get blocked!
Developing precognition through accurate intuition is one way to help you keep your mind on your own business and protect yourself from dangerous situations.
Preparations for Developing Precognition
Begin by activating your five senses so that your intuition can come forward and give you the help that you seek. You can use these affirmations:
“I reclaim and reconnect with my senses.”
“I clear them up so that I can accurately sense my environment.”
“I use them to sense what will keep me safe, productive and well.”
“I become aware if I’m intruding on other people’s business.”
“I can clearly sense what will help me to _______________.”
Next, gaze softly at this Circle to help you gently release any shock that might be under the surface for you. Imagine the lines are getting all wavy and loose.
Give yourself more help by making repairs to any chakras that might have been affected by all the chaotic energies in the environment.
“I smooth out any jagged energies, addictions, viruses, reversals or blockages in my field.”
Use this next Circle to help you develop precognition in your current situation by tapping into your unconscious mind. Gaze softly at this Circle and ask yourself:
“Is there a situation coming up where I need to get out of the way?”
“Is there a situation where someone is getting in my way or blocking what I need to do?”
Be patient and relax into your body. The Circle is helping you focus in on pertinent unconscious information. Your answer could come in the form of a feeling, an image, words or a combination of them all.
Let’s get some more information…
Sometimes we’re empathically picking up on someone else’s situation.
Could that be happening in this case?
If so, is there any shared karma? Have you let your protection down?
Do you need to pull your energy back and re-establish protection?
Is there an action you’re thinking about taking that isn’t in your best interests? Do you need increased awareness to take that action?
If the answer you get is “no”, count yourself lucky and keep up the good work staying out of trouble!
If the answer is “yes” or “maybe,” keep going with this exercise to find out more about what’s going on and what you can do about it.
Continue the Mind Exercise for Developing Precognition
1. Slow down and ask for more information about what’s really going on. Use your imagination and see the landscape of your mind slowing down too. Things may simply be moving too fast for you to get out of the way when trouble is about to happen.
2. When things are chaotic or moving too fast, it’s easy to get distracted and fall into scams, traps and deceptive mind games. Plus, people are more likely to be mixed up in situations where they really don’t belong. Use this Reiki Chakra Key to open your Third Eye to intuition and common sense. You can use these positive affirmations to help:
“I open my Third Eye and let it balance. I use it to separate what’s true from what’s a distraction or all-out lie.”
Being in the Wrong Place at the Wrong Time
3. Remember the relationship or situation where you think there might be a problem. While you think about it, gaze at this Circle and ask your gut a couple of simple “yes” or “no” questions:
“What is the situation? Is there any danger in it?”
Once you find the situation, ask yourself: “What is the danger here? Can I tell how I’m participating in the situation? Is there an important reason why I’m participating or considering doing this? Is it worth it to put myself in this situation?”
“Am I placing my hopes into something that isn’t in my best interests?”
What does my inner guidance say about this?
4. Continue your self-inquiry:
“Would I be pulled off track or doing harm to myself? Would my projects be harmed? My loved ones? If so, what is the problem?”
It could be timing, placement, priorities, a belief, an agreement, a habit or something else…
Take your time to get as much information as you can.
5. Would being in this situation have a negative effect on your boundaries? Your prosperity? Your health or well-being? In what way?
6. Sometimes, how people see you can be a source of the problem. People often project what’s going on within themselves onto other people. Check in with this Circle to see if anything like that could be involved. Note – what’s being projected onto you could be either unflattering, flattering or both!
“In this situation, am I being projected on?”
So, now you have a lot more information to work with as you decide what to do!
7. What is the best thing to do in this case? If you need to move out of the way, see yourself doing that in your minds eye. If you need to let go or say “no”, see yourself doing that. Whatever message you get, see yourself taking your own advice.
“What do I need to do?”
Finish this part of Developing Precognition with these affirmations:
“I resolve to be in the right place at the right time for my highest good.”
“I stay out of trouble and follow through on my true priorities.”
“I close the doors on old habits, distractions or misconceptions.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Take a moment to thank yourself for Developing Precognition, a gift that will save you a lot of time and grief in the long run! Now is a good time to take a walk or go out into Nature to help this all integrate. Be prepared for new ideas and solutions to make their way towards you.
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Disclaimer: This Mind Exercise is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Navigate Your Karma: Understanding How the Root Cause is the Answer to Resolution ~ with Rheanni Lightwater
Your Root Chakra Is Deeply Connected to Personal and Collective Karma that Influences your Physical Conditions.
Your chakras are part of how you use your energy to manifest your goals and your root energy provides a foundation for your basic physiological and biological needs. This includes your needs for air, food (nourishment), water, shelter, warmth, sex, sleep and method(s) of communication. This exercise is designed to help you navigate your karma, especially around these basic needs by gently reprogramming your Root Chakra.
In these exercises, what is meant by “karma”?
Being human at this time and on this planet is your karma (as well as mine) and we share that karma collectively. In my experience, the most useful explanation of karma is simply the physical and spiritual law of cause and effect. “For every action, there is a reaction.” “What I put out comes back to me.”
Karma = thoughts, decisions and actions that you’ve followed through on.
Whenever you have a thought, decide to follow through on it and then take action, you have created karma. As far as the Cosmos is concerned, there is no judgement about it or suffering assigned to it, only consequences. In other words, for anything that’s put into motion, there will be some kind of effect.
Let’s use the example of your birth. Certain thoughts, decisions and actions your grandparents took caused them to create the circumstances for your parents to conceive you. Congratulations, you incarnated! Your karmic seeds for being a human have ripened, for better or for worse! That goes for me too, both good and bad, or as I like to put it – preferred and unpreferred.
There is always a mixture of preferred and unpreferred karma. It’s never all bad or all good. Even the terms “good” and “bad” are only relevant to your goals and point of view. You may say that your job situation is bad karma, yet to another person, having any job at all could be seen as good karma to them. The individual’s perspective makes all the difference.
Timing and circumstances are also important considerations. For example, you may see that new car as good karma today and tomorrow you get into a bad accident by driving too fast in it. Is it “good,” “bad,” a punishment? No, simply the natural consequences of actions you’ve taken. However, if you decide that it’s a punishment and then you act on that decision, you are technically creating the karma for “punishment.” The Cosmos is neutral, but you have condemned yourself.
Now, let’s say you decide to deny your responsibility for your part in that accident and continue to lie to yourself about it, a karmic pattern begins to form (or continues). Denial only plants the karmic seeds for more denial and lies which then leads to punishment, then more denial, which then creates more lies… and so it goes – on and on and on. In Buddhism, it’s called samsara – the cycle of suffering.
The Way Out – You Can Navigate Your Karma by Setting It Right.
Situations are neutral and more often than not, our unpreferred situations actually can help us to learn and propel us further on our spiritual journey.
Another more poignant example is our karma as it pertains to something collective, like the coronavirus. The overall atmosphere of the pandemic and its accompanying financial upheaval has undeniably been a group experience and therefore a clearcut example of collective cause and effect.
Yet the disruption provides valuable experience as it assists us in understanding why we need to deal with social injustice or climate change. We might also discover ways to create more preferred financial structures or ways to live and communicate more peacefully.
How can we navigate our karma as individuals in the midst of this collective karma?
There are many choices people made during the pandemic and subsequent consequences. Some people made a decision to ignore safety recommendations and follow through by going out without protection. “I went out. I got sick. I should have listened!” Some went out and had little or no immediately perceivable consequences. “I went out. I didn’t catch the virus. I’m all that.” Others might have done everything right and still have a terrible time. “I did everything right. I still got the virus. Why am being punished?”
The structures of the status quo tell us that we are “sinners” and that we need to be obedient to an angry, male god. However, the Cosmos is neutral. We are really our own judge and jury. Our perception and what ideas we buy into are the key factors for how we either resolve the karma or intensify it.
So here we all are, sitting in the middle of our collective karma. What’s the best thing to do? For me, the initial answer is to come clean with it. Accept my part in what’s happening and learn from it. Be open to more life-affirming thoughts and decisions and then take action on them.
Sounds simple, yet so very difficult. After all, there are those pesky consequences to consider!
Here’s what I do, and it seems to work pretty well. I offer it up for your consideration:
I accept what’s happening and how I feel about it (personal responsibility).
I become open to new thoughts about hope and forgiving myself.
I gather my courage and awareness to make a new decision based on what I would now prefer to experience.
I take action on steps 1, 2 and 3 with care and patient consideration.
If you find all this interesting and would like to explore it further, you’re invited to go this Mind Exercise using the Intuitive Learning Circles…
Navigate Your Karma by Taking Care of the Root Cause
Let’s begin by changing our agreements around punishment and being so very black and white, good and bad about everything. Your nervous system holds the energy of those agreements. To let go, start at the bottom of the line and the bottom of your spine. Imagine you can get to the root cause of the very first agreements you made about punishment. As you move up, you can imagine locks unlocking – each vertebrae is being freed from the chains of outdated, oppressive agreements. Go up all the way up to the top of your spine.
“I release my agreement with being a”bad” person. I forgive myself completely.”
“I let go of any agreements I have that karma is ‘bad’ or ‘good’.”
“I surrender other people’s decisions about what’s right or wrong.”
“I give up shame, blame and punishment.”
“I release the stress of all that judgement and let myself off the hook.”
“I decide that karma is neutral. It’s what I decide about it and do with it that matters.”
“I decide to accept what’s happening and learn more life-affirming ways of being, based on what’s needed now.”
“I decide that I’m safe and _____________.”
What other agreements would you like to change?
Consider a current experience you’re having that you would like to navigate differently. One experience might be your fears around astrological events such as Mercury in Retrograde. This regular occurrence is often collectively thought of as “bad” where negative experiences and breakdowns in communication happen more often.
Take a few minutes with this next Circle to turn down the volume and pay attention to how you’re perceiving your current situation.
Once you’ve calmed down, ask yourself:
What karmic experience is a concern to me right now? How am I perceiving the situation?
Is there any opportunity to perceive it differently?
What are my fears?
Am I present in my body?”
Note: You may want to go back and renegotiate some more agreements…
It’s important that you be fully present to make effective corrections.
Continue to relax and let your 3rd Chakra get connected, open and balanced at your solar plexus (the area where your ribs go up in the front).
Your Essential Self is the embodiment of your instinctual nature and the keeper of your personal energy. It’s most efficiently located in the 3rd Chakra to help you manifest, create happiness and maintain health.
In times when you’re experiencing unpreferred Karma, it’s pretty common for the Essential Self to go into a fight or flight response. It may get angry and resist or it could run away, go into hiding or even dissociate. Are you experiencing one of those responses now?
Remind your Essence that you have given up punishment, that it is safe and that you have completely forgiven yourself.
“I decide to stay present, in my body, even when I am afraid.”
Imagine that you can pull yourself back into your center. You can return from places where you are still stuck in fight or flight or “punishment.”
Next, decide to utilize life affirming ingredients to create more preferred life affirming experiences.
“I decide to utilize life affirming thoughts, words, decisions and actions to create my experience.”
“I decide that I will clear life destructive patterns of karma and set them right.”
“My actions are life affirming.”
Integrate Divine Protection into your Root Energy.
“I close down harmful energy channels.”
“My mind and body are open to receive generative life force.”
“I connect with life affirming communications.”
Now, turn your attention to your Root Chakra at the base of your pelvis to check out the energy there. It may feel stuck, detached, wobbly, reversed or clogged. If that’s the case, don’t worry! You can clear it through your intention and attention with the help of the next few Circles…
It helps to imagine the Root Chakra as a brilliant, red vibration swirling in a clockwise direction. Breathe deeply and let this Reiki Star raise your vibration there.
Feel free to move at any time in any way to embody your experience. Take all the time you need to do that.
Repair any damage or reversals in your Root Chakra.
Parts of your subtle energy system might be shut down entirely.
Allow this symbol help you make corrections. If your energy feels jagged or disjointed, stay with the Key until the energy smooths out.
“I repair the glitches, holes and blockages in my energy system.”
“All shut downs and reversals are gently corrected.”
If you need to, go back to the Red Reiki Star and raise your vibration some more. Continue until you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through.
Make room for Joy
Visualize the energy of Joy being placed in the center of your Root Chakra.
Let a joyful, life affirming foundation replace the old, collective foundation of sin, punishment and burden!
This foundation is becoming a base for new preferred decisions and life affirming karmic flow.
Now meditate on the Earth Chakra located just below your feet.
Establish your personal healing connection with Mother Earth.
When you’re ready, visualize the energy of the Earth Chakra connecting with your Root Chakra. Let this connection bring strength, hope and positive grounding.
Note: You may need to return to the Root Chakra to strengthen your connection.
Clear a space for preferred karma to be planted within the Self.
Like clearing a field before planting, use this symbol to dissolve destructive mental and emotional patterns. Visualize letting go of all the punishment, guilt, shame and fight or flight responses you may be holding. See those karmic patterns like dark clouds that you can dissipate into sunlight and clear blue skies. “I dissolve destructive patterns that interfere with my health and happiness and send them to the Light to be purified.”
Notice how much more aware you are about how your health and happiness is deeply interconnected with the health and happiness of others.
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!
Take some time to close any pathways that lead back to punishment, suffering or other people’s karma.
All holes are sealed and healed. I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
“I’m learning to recognize how spirit guides me through events.
Finish by Checking Back Into How You’re Perceiving Your Situation.
Breathe and balance out your senses again. Once you’re ready, ask:
“What is the karmic experience I’m concerned about again?
How am I perceiving the situation now?
What are my fears?
Am I present in my body?”
Note: You may want to go back and renegotiate some more agreements…
Now that you’ve opened up to more productive ways to navigate your karma, you have the opportunity to experience life in a whole, new way!
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
If you feel that this Mind Exercise has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP is an expert in the art and science of soul retrieval, chakra clearing and transmuting past life karma. She has 25+ years experience in Reiki, energy medicine and environmental energy clearing. Contact her if you still feel stuck, confused, or overwhelmed.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission as a Mind Body Healing practitioner is to assist people in creating vibrant health, happiness and prosperity. 505-271-4612 or email: [email protected]
This mind exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul ResourcesLLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
To facilitate mind body integration using theIntuitive Learning Circles, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction to full embodiment is more complete.
Mind Body Integration
The brain and body communicate through different channels when a part of you is crossed over the center of your body. If you feel resistant or stuck, cross or uncross a hand or foot over the midline of your body and go back to the Circle, breathing patiently. See if your thinking starts to move again. Let negative self-talk go by breathing through it.
Fixated Thoughts, Conflicts or Shock
If you go completely blank or are unable to access anything, the question or subject may have brought up an inner conflict. If that happens, look at this Circle (#32 Condor from Gifts from the Rainforest). Follow these directions:
Take several deep breaths and relax while you gaze into the Circle. Imagine that you can use it to focus in on a thought, experience or conflict that’s causing a problem for you, like a bull’s eye.
Imagine the problem is melting or send a beam of light directly to the blockage. Allow your laser beam to break up the fixation or melt it until it’s gone. Take all the time you need and don’t forget to add any stretching, movements, rolling, shaking, etc., you may need to completely clear the energy.
Once you’re finished, go back to where you left off and complete whatever you were working on.
Somatic Movement Re-Patterning
The Corpus Callosum is a part of the brain that facilitates communication between your left and right cerebral hemispheres. When dealing with learning difficulties, it may help to perform simple cross crawl movements while you gaze at this Chakra Key to balance the chakras at the corpus callosum.
Feel free to move at any time in any way to help you embody your experience!
Homeopathic Readiness
The Intuitive Learning Circles are like homeopathic remedies that work on a vibrational level. If you don’t need the remedy, it will do nothing.
So, if you’re already clear and in balance, looking at a Circle will do nothing. If you don’t really need a process you’ve chosen, the Circles will do nothing.
Individual Circles can, however, help you access answers. Just ask, “what do I need here?” Then trust the answer that comes. Maybe there’s another kind of process that would help you better at this time.
Finally, relax! The Intuitive Learning Circles aren’t about “doing it right,” they’re about opening up to the possibilities!
The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of treatment. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment if there is any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as an adjunct to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Intuitive Guidance Using the Loyalty and Clear Perception of Dog Medicine:
Your gut instinct is an awesome inner guidance system and has access to all kinds of information that you’re not consciously aware of. The only trick is that you need to be paying attention! Luckily, you can learn to use Dog Medicine with this Mind Exercise to hone your intuitive abilities and develop clear perception about where you’re heading.
This symbol accesses inner guidance about protection. Gaze at it softly and ask:
“Am I heading in the right direction?”
If the answer you get is “yes,” you don’t need this particular exercise right now.
If you don’t get a clear answer because your mind has gone blank, you would be wise to go through Formula #1 Healing Emotional Shock first, and then come back to this one.
However, if your answer is a clear “no,” take some time out of your schedule and go through this Mind Exercise. A few minutes now could save you a lot of time and trouble later!
First, a word about environmental changes and getting a grasp on the larger picture…
Most people know on a conscious level that a major shift has occurred. However, the unconscious mind may still be operating as if everything’s still the same.
In order to ADAPT effectively, it helps to have signs and maps to assist us as we update our minds to navigate through the new terrain. That is the reason and purpose for all the symbols and Intuitive Learning Circles on this site.
For example, if you meditate on the “map” available in this image, your mind can get a better grasp of how it can reorganize your energy in the New Paradigm we’ve entered…
This is an imprint for “Common Ground for the Common Good” based on peaceful cooperation, equality and balanced prosperity. This template encourages us to work with the Planet, rather than against her.
If You Want To Navigate Your Journey with Clear Perception, You Need to Know When You’re Heading in the Wrong Direction and What To Do About It ~
There are several reasons why you might be unconsciously heading in the wrong direction.
For example, your senses may have gotten all knocked out of balance.
With so much going on, it’s easy to be distracted and confused by all the intense change and contradictions that are going on around you.
Fortunately, dog energy works incredibly well to help you with your inner guidance system – warning you to slow down and get your feet back under you.
Gaze softly at this Reiki Chakra Key to get your bearings again. Take a minute or two to consciously gather up all your senses and really connect with them for greater awareness.
Anotherpossibility could be that your energy is having a difficult time adjusting to all the significant environmental changes that are taking place. Sudden reversals, blockages and changes in momentum can cause our subtle energy fields to react in unusual ways.
This Correction Key can help you correct any rough glitches or reversals that you may be experiencing in your energy field.
Relax with it for a few minutes until things smooth out and you feel more like yourself again. Be sure to do that both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body.
Your senses could be turned up too high or too low.
That often happens during conflicts or other times when our emotions get out of balance. When we spend too much time in the watery depths, we can start to fantasize about how we would like things to be, rather than acknowledging how they actually are.
It’s natural to do that, however, we need to be able to pull back into the here and now so we can get back on track.
Imagine you can use this Circle to adjust the volume for all your senses, especially your intuition! Breathe in and relax. Take all the time you need.
You don’t want to miss some important information or an opportunity that you need to take advantage of. Dog medicine is here to tell you that something really important is happening right now and you need to be paying attention!
Connect to the new flow of Chi’ based on the Element of Air. Before you continue, let this symbol help you make changes and connect with the generative energy flow of Air in the New Paradigm.
“I close down harmful energy channels from the past.”
“I adapt to the positive flow of chi’ available in the New Paradigm to the best of my ability.” “I connect with new, life affirming channels of communication.”
Your energy may be scattered because you’ve been so stressed. So much is going to change. Because of that, your timing could be off, causing you to jump ahead before it’s a good idea to do so.
Take a moment and bring yourself back into the present. Open and close your hands, take a look at the date and time. Remember your name, the city you’re in or how old you are. Doing these things can really help you get present and aware of what’s actually going on around you.
Once you feel present, ask yourself:
“Am I jumping to any conclusions about my situation?”
If your answer is “yes,” stop and reconsider before you make any moves. Retrace your steps and see where the error is.
Taking steps one at a time is essential whenever you’re in unfamiliar territory! What else might you need to be aware of?
You may have gotten disconnected from your true Self and instinctual nature.
Use the Circle to help you reconnect so that you can get back in touch with your gut instincts, your environment and the things that really matter.
Once you feel connected again, ask yourself: “Am I getting instinctual messages about things I’m doing or not doing?” “Is there any part of me that’s holding onto old energy, operating out of falsehoods or keeping me unhappy?”
If your answer is “yes” to that last question, it would be wise to stop and follow the guidance you get if you can.
Finally, your energy could be misdirected. We can use intuition to guide us properly, or we can misuse it by giving into wishful thinking, illusion, paranoia or buying into the agendas of those who would love to sell us up the river with false claims.
Do you sense any holes that you’re about to fall into? Is there an old habit that needs to be deconstructed or something that’s draining your energy?
When your intuition and instinct are in balance, you have a much better chance of catching things that you really need to watch out for.
Having clear perception alerts you when something really important is happening that you need to be paying attention to!
So, before you step into the great unknown, it would greatly behoove you to take a few more minutes to go through this centering exercise, Develop Clear Perception. This is where you canmake friends with dog energy to get all kinds of insight and guidance as you take your next steps.
Slow Down and Get Your Feet Firmly Planted On the Ground ~
Gaze softly at the center open space of this Circle while you go through a few positive affirmations. If there’s a question, just be open to your gut response.
“I slow down because things may be moving too fast for me to sense the truth.”
“I’m willing to admit I don’t know what’s going on. Asking for help is a blessing.”
“Is my inner guidance sending me a warning?”
“Do I need to let go of something? Change something?”
“Do my instincts want to redirect my attention to a solution or something else?”
“In either case, am I willing to listen and learn?”
You may be surprised at the answers that are coming to you. If it didn’t work, relax! You can go back and do it again. Journaling is often a help.
Be sure to check the directions again and follow them if you’re not sure.
Use this next Circle in the same way with this affirmation:
“I allow clear perception to heighten my instincts and intuition.”
Then ask:
“Am I willing to trust in the power of balanced intuition and instinct?”
“Is the ‘vibe’ around me helpful or harmful?”
Very interesting, isn’t it? We instinctively know when the “vibe” is right or wrong, but we often don’t trust the messages we get. We doubt and second-guess ourselves or we might willfully ignore our inner guidance system and try to force our way through.
Look at the Circle again and ask, “Am I heading in the direction of my best interest?” “Am I making decisions that are in my best interests?” “Am I taking actions that are helpful, harmful, misguided or simply ineffective?”
If you’re not clear yet, keep going with the exercise. You may need a few more easy corrections before the truth emerges.
Clear Perception and Being Present
Often, how well we listen to our inner guidance is affected by how present we are in our bodies. It’s called gut instinct because when we’re really present, we can feel it in our solar plexus (the soft area in the front where our ribs go up).
In times of confusion and stress, the solar plexus chakra can close down or get blocked off. Use this Chakra Key to make sure it’s open and functioning properly.
You can use the
Grounding Your Essence Chart to help you become more centered and aware in that solar plexus area. Just relax and breathe while you gently look at it for a few minutes with the positive affirmations below. Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience…
“I detach from confusion and chaotic energy.” “I am present, upright and facing forward. I am willing to hear the truth.” “I maintain a position that keeps me balanced, centered and grounded in the truth.”
Once you’ve finished centering yourself, hopefully, you’re feeling much better!
Use Dog Medicine to Handle Your Agreements Appropriately:
Another big reason why we might get off track is when there’s a problem with an agreement or commitment we’ve entered into on some level. In this busy, modern life, people tend to take their agreements too lightly and don’t realize how important their word is.
Perhaps paying attention to what we say seems like too much effort or too complicated. Yet, if you really want to be be loyal to yourself, being clear about your word and your agreements is super important. Especially agreements that you’ve made with yourself!
An agreement is an investment of your energy.
Are you investing your energy in something that is no longer viable? Are you investing your emotional energy into something (or someone) that would be harmful to you?
Here’s some tips about how to handle agreements successfully:
You can keep your agreements and stick with what you previously decided.
You can release agreements when they’re complete or no longer serve you.
Or, you can consciously re-negotiate them when they need to be updated.
By the way, it’s also a good idea to pay attention if someone hasn’t been keeping their agreements with you. If that’s happening, it’s best to deal with the indiscretion asap. When we allow someone to break their word with us and then say or do nothing about it, we lose our own integrity by being disloyal to ourselves.
An agreement is an investment of your energy.
Are you investing your energy in something that is no longer viable? Are you investing your emotional energy into something (or someone) that would be harmful to you?
Stay Calm and Take a Few Deep Breaths ~
It’s okay. Our situations are changing at a rapid pace and so are our priorities. To help you identify problem agreements, use this Circle to help you slow down again. Focus on yourself and your current goals. Ask yourself:
“Have I been trying to keep agreements that are harmful to me? Is it time to renegotiate a pertinent agreement?” or “Am I overlooking an important agreement that I need to follow through on?”
If so, can you tell what those agreements are about? Take all the time you need with this… what insights do you get? If you ignore them, they may turn around and bite you!
Use this Soul Contract Circle to imagine that any harmful agreements you may have are like contracts that can be melted down to adjust for what’s needed or burned up entirely. Use the Circle to visualize all harmful contracts interacting with a sacred, violet flame. Here’s some affirmations to assist you if you like:
“I release all agreements that no longer serve me.”
“I let go of ___________. I reframe ____________. I stop ____________.”
Possible new agreements could be:
“I am loyal and true to my Self. My needs are a priority.”
“I have faith. I listen to my instincts and take good care of my Self.”
“I ________________________________.”
Use Dog Medicine to Help You Find A Way Through ~
Now it’s time to redirect your attention to helpful people, opportunities and places. For additional help, ask these questions:
“What is my priority at this time?” “What is my natural place in this situation – where do I belong?” “Am I operating in the New Paradigm based on equality, co-operation and balanced prosperity or the old paradigm of fear, dissatisfaction and greed?”
“Does something need to change?” “Is something out of place, missing or out of order?” “Am I listening to bad advice?” “Am I heading in the right direction?”
Dissolve Destructive Blueprints
Use this symbol to help you gather up any misunderstandings, mistaken ideas or miscommunications and release them to the Light.
“I release all obstructions to clear perception.”
Let any confusion or heaviness you may feel lift up and out of you like dark clouds dissolving into beautiful sunlight.
Please note: Never send destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!
Close the Door on Confusion and Turn Your Energy Around.
Finally! It’s time to close the door on all those misuses of your time, attention and energies!
“I close the door on any drain or strain on my time, space, attention or energy.” “I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
“I trust the wisdom of balanced intuition and instinct.”
“I have clarity about which direction I need to go.”
You now have clear perception about what’s really important to you and some guidance about what to do about it. Not only that, you’ve just gotten a key insight that’s going to save you a lot of trouble in the long run!
Specialized Energy Clearing with the Author of Soul Oriented Solutions
If you feel that Clear Perception has helped, but hasn’t addressed all of your needs, Rheanni Lightwater, BFA, CHT, CKP has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel off track or distracted.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy and Feng Shui space clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
This Mind Exercise should not be considered as an exclusive method of handling stress. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment for any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.
Many people realize how important grounding in the truth is because external power struggles can so easily uproot us from the truth about what’s best for us.
Staying centered requires that you know how to use the power of your mind to control your own energy.
To find out if this Mind Exercise can help you, gaze at the symbol in this picture for a moment and ask:
Are you having difficulty getting and staying grounded?
Do you feel caught up in a power struggle?
Do you need to disconnect from a meddling or intrusive person?
Are you feeling trapped by other peoples agendas?
Have you been wasting energy on the past?
Are you worrying or fearful about the future?
Is it hard to think straight or get dependable guidance?
Here’s how Grounding in the Truth works:
Put both feet flat on the floor and start with your arms and legs uncrossed. Simply gaze softly at the images while you repeat the affirmations that go with them for several minutes. Relax and breathe. Here’s an example:
“I reclaim and balance my five senses.”
“I use them to be present and aware so that I can actualize my Soul’s purpose.”
“I use them to help me protect myself and resolve my concerns appropriately.”
“I am aware of what’s most important.”
In times of difficulty CONFLICT or CONTRADICTION, your energy might feel very jagged or erratic. Take a moment to smooth things out with this Correction Key.
You will probably feel a lot of energy moving – that’s all right. It just means that the Circles are working to focus your mind and clean up your energy.
You will know you’re done when the energy calms down and you can begin to feel the energy of your Soul coming through. Then you can move on to the remaining Circles with each of their affirmations to complete the process.
Once you’re done, remember to relax and allow your energy to settle.
Mind Body Integration
For best results, look at each symbol both crossed over the midline of the body and uncrossed so that the correction is more complete.
Feel free to move at anytime in any way to help you embody your experience!
Step One: Establish a strong intention stated in the positive.
You might want to write it down. Examples:
“I maintain my integrity and am true to myself.”
“I gather my resources to be successful in my current endeavors.”
“I disengage from this power struggle.” etc.
“I ________________.”
Step Two – Integrity
Strengthen your resolve by detaching from harmful sub-conscious distractions:
“I stop wasting my energy on lies, harmful agendas, mind games and no win situations.”
“I stop feeding unproductive projects and inappropriate people.”
“I let go of subconscious agreements to tap into other people’s energy or to allow them to tap into mine.”
Step Three ~ Self-determination
Engage with your potential and bring it into positive balance.Breathe deeply with these affirmations:
“I open up to my positive potential.”
“I follow my own life path.”
“I bring ease and flow into my true life’s path.”
Step Four – Soul Guidance
Continue to relax with your breath and affirm to yourself:
“I reclaim the energy, power and gifts of my Soul.”
“I use them to be present and alert.”
“I integrate them to create my Soul’s true purpose.”
Step Five – Centering
Bring your awareness and vibe to your heart center and keep breathing:
“I am centered and my energy radiates out.”
“I open to my inner guidance and am present with it.”
“I connect my heart center to Love, joy and gratitude.”
“My core is protected and my energy is my own.”
Step Six – Balance
Take all the time you need with the Earth Chakra Key until you feel stable and balanced. See if you can still feel your Soul Vibration.
“My feet are firmly planted on the Earth.”
“I slow down and step carefully.”
“I am present and grounding in the truth.”
Step Seven: Direction
As you move forward, what is the Truth about what’s next?
Are you positioned correctly?
Is something blocking you or are you blocking yourself?
Are you in someone else’s way?
Are you using the kind of emotions or energies that will take you where you want to go?
Step Eight – Truth
Empower yourself to make the necessary changes:
”I exist. What I say and do matters.”
“I am empowered to create and maintain healthy boundaries.”
“My life is my own.”
“I am empowered to maintain my own Soul’s purpose and path.”
Step Nine: Integration
To help you integrate, gaze softly at this symbol with these affirmations:
“I close down all harmful energy channels.”
You’ll know that the harmful channels are closed when the emotional chaos and mental chatter stops. Once that happens, confirm:
“I allow myself to receive generative life force and connect with life affirming channels of communication.”
Cross and uncross your hands over the midline of your body as many times as you like until the transformation feels complete.
Step Eight: To Each Their Own
Gracefully release all issues, karma and emotional baggage that don’t belong with you:
“I surrender other people’s issues, emotions and karma so I can uncross my own path.”
Once that feels complete, call back what genuinely belongs with you:
“I set things right so that I may move forward in peace.”
Step Ten: Completion
Close off the doors and pathways that lead you away from your Soul’s intended path.While gazing at the Circle, imagine any holes or pathways that might have come open during this meditation. They are the ones that are finished and you are done with.
“All completed holes and pathways are healed and sealed.”
“I follow the direction of my Soul’s protection.”
Congratulations! Your energy is more your own and you’ll have a much easier time staying grounded now. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and grounded benefits everyone. Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.
This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing
Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT lives and practices in Santa Fe, New Mexico and has 25+ years experience in the art and science of mind body healing. Contact her for a private session if you still feel like you need support.
Ms. Lightwater’s mission is to assist people in creating healthy balance and harmony in their lives through Reiki, Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and Shamanic forms of clearing. Sessions are available online or when you visit Santa Fe. Contact her at 505-271-4612 MST or email: [email protected].
Disclaimer: Grounding in Your Power is not intended take the place of appropriate medical and/or psychiatric care. Soul Resources LLC and Rheanni Lightwater are not licensed to practice medicine. If you are having prolonged or increasing bouts of anxiety, depression or suicidal thoughts, seek immediate medical help. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.