The Path Forward

Finding the Path Forward Through the Tao

Kuan Yin's Transformation Games - The Path ForwardKuan Yin has been helping us to transition through a variety of readings, games and Power Circles since 2009. Her advice about finding a path forward springs from the I Ching, an ancient shamanic book of divination that follows the flow of the cosmos.

The Great Conjunction on the Winter Solstice of 2020 marked the official start of what some call the Aquarian Age. Kuan Yin simply refers to it as a New Paradigm based on the Common Good. Ever since then, her main guidance to carry with us comes from the I Ching Hexagram #21 REFORM:

Know what you want, know what makes you feel good about your Self, know what brings you into harmony with others. These are your guidelines and principles. Other factors that assume control of your behavior or your health or that create inner discord are the obstacles that must be overcome. Be firm, unemotional, gentle, and clear in annihilating them and thereby reforming your Self and your environment.” ~The I Ching Workbook, R.L Wing

Finding a Path Forward through the TaoIn this particular Transformation Game, Kuan Yin wants to help us connect with the Tao so we can effectively activate of the Four Elements traditionally accessed for manifestation (Fire, Air, Earth, Water). Along the way, you’ll go through a intimate inquiry with your Soul about how you can properly and safely use them with your true nature to find a joyful path moving forward.

You will:

  • Get in touch with changes in the cosmic flow
  • Put your Soul in charge
  • Let go of harmful, outdated agreements and agendas
  • Activate the Violet Flame to help you clear toxic energy more easily
  • Access the karma you need to create common ground for the common good
  • Clear projections and epigenetic imbalances
  • Establish a joyful path forward and
  • Choose Spirit Animal Tracks and guidance for your journey.
Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar


Phase One: Connect with Your Soul to Find a Safe Path Forward ~

We are all being challenged to REFORM certain aspects of our lives and create a new path forward. What do we need to do to intentionally manifest in the New Paradigm that we’re now living in? How can we create common ground based on equality, co-operation with Nature and balanced prosperity?
New Paradigm - The Path Forward

We know that the status quo is seriously deteriorating and we cannot depend on social norms to keep us safe. The collective unconscious is in a state of confusion about what to do and how to do it.

Access Soul Guidance ~

Begin by gently meditating on Kuan Yin’s Mandala to gather up information from your Soul and the Divine about what is needed.

KY Mandala -Soul Guidance


What corrections or changes need to take place?

What steps would I need to take?

When and in what order should those steps be taken?

Keep something to journal with for important insights you may get.

Mind Body IntegrationBe sure to meditate with each symbol both crossed and uncrossed over the midline of your body for improved mind body integration.



Establish a Sincere and Direct Intention ~

Next, give yourself permission to ask for and receive help from Divine Beings that are here to help us in the Aquarian Age. Many forms of Divinity and angelic guidance from the Piscean Age are no longer available to help us.

Make a sincere request and place it in the center open space of the Circle. Consciously breathe while you send your personal energy or mana to it.

“I request help from Divine Grace and Reiki about __________.”

“I request assistance in creating the _________, ________ & ________ needed to accomplish this intention.”

If you are a Reiki practitioner, this is a good time to beam Reiki directly towards your intention. Continue until you feel a gentle and reciprocal energy returning to you.


Invoke Divine Protection ~

The next step is to make sure that you’re using the generative life force of the New Paradigm to facilitate the process:

“I am flexible and open to receive generative life force.”

“I use Divine Protection to facilitate a clear path forward.”

Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to access new channels of communication. Visualize all the communications lines coming together into the center spoke of the circle.

Feel free to refer to this symbol whenever you get stuck or feel the need to breathe.

Release Agreements that Put You in Danger ~

Use Raccoon Medicine to inquire about unconscious agreements that could be keeping you stuck in the old paradigm or the status quo.

“What family or societal agreements might I unconsciously be a part of that are harmful to me?”

“What agreements need to change so I can really move forward freely?”

“I let go of agreements about _____________.” 

“I release agreements to buy into or perpetuate a false sense of safety.”

Activate the Healing Energy of the Violet Flame in Your Third Eye ~

It will help a lot to use a beautiful violet flame to clear away toxic energies, contracts and obligations.

Activate the Violet Flame

Open and Connect your 5th Chakra or Third Eye ~

The Violet Flame is activated through a Divine connection in your Third Eye Chaka:

Get help clearing the way from the Third Eye Soul Star Chakra Key ~

Go back and forth between here and Divine Protection to help you integrate the change. Take all the time that you need and repeat as often as you like.


Safely Release Hidden Agreements with Old Ways of Handling Life Force ~

Change your agreements to help facilitate the changes needed:

“I renegotiate how I utilize the behavior of the Elements of Water and Air in accordance with the highest good.”

“I am flexible and adapt to the predominating flow of energy.”

“I understand that the movement of Air is lighter and quicker.
I can move toxic energy up and release it to the Light much easier.”

Continue using the violet flame to safely facilitate change throughout the rest of this exercise.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Phase Two: Inquiry and Activation of the Four Elements.

1 – Earth. Gaze softly at the Soul Prayer Chart for Earth in the picture below for a few moments and relax while you contemplate the question posed. Let the energy of each Circle calm down before you move on to the next step.

“I call on the Element of Earth.”

“What would I like to bring into being?”

The Path Forward - Tomorrow
You can call more than one thing into being – just be sure that they’re related to one another and aligned (we don’t want to bring contradictory situations into being).


“What seeds would I need to plant for this to happen?”

“What conditions would be needed for them to thrive?”

“I would need ___________, __________ and ________________.”
Make notes to help you keep track of the things you’re going to need.


2 – Water. Do the same thing with this Soul Prayer Chart for Water while you gather up information about what kind of emotional support you need or need to work through.

“How do I feel about creating this new beginning?”

“Am I being led by emotions?”
“What decisions have I made about this situation?”
“What have I decided about myself?”
“Are there any new decisions I would prefer or add?”

“I call on the Element of Water.”

“I am in charge of how I feel in this situation.”

Visualize how you would like to handle any emotions you might encounter.

“How am I perceiving this? Am I accessing turmoil or balance?”

If you’re accessing turmoil, consciously adjust the volume and regain balance.

“I perceive my situation clearly.”


3 – Air. Repeat the process with the Element of Air – which is also the Element of Soul. Use this symbol to access your Soul’s energy signature and clear it of any interference.

“My Soul is in charge of this new beginning.”

“Is there any interference I need to be aware of?”
“Is there anyone else trying to be in charge?”

“I call on the Element of Air.”

“What sort of adjustments might I expect? What will be needed?

Visualize how you would like to use your thoughts, words and decisions.
4 – Fire. Use this Element to help you form a clear intention. Bring yourself into alignment with your Soul’s destiny and direction. Then ask yourself:

“What do I want to experience?”

“How do I want to be guided?”

“Are those creative or destructive uses of Fire?”

“I call on the Element of Fire.”

“What is the truth about what my Soul wants to experience?”


5 – Natural Instincts. Use the Animal Spirit of Dragonfly to help you pull together your natural instincts and self-healing abilities. Gather them up, both crossed and uncrossed and give them time to percolate into a dream that has real meaning and purpose for you.

“I gather up my natural instincts and use them to help me create my true path forward.”

“I call upon my Essential Nature and Power Animal.”

If there’s something you’ve been wanting, now is a good time to ask if all parts of your Essential Self are on board with creating the path forward that you’re envisioning.

How about your Power Animal and other nature spirits?
If there’s a problem, can you tell what it might be?


6 – Clear Projections. Take a few minutes to check to see if a projection from the status quo or elsewhere is interfering with your clear vision or intention. Also, make sure that you’re not operating out of a projection of your own making!

Once you’ve cleared them all out, go back to 4 – and ask the questions there again.


7 – Beneficial Energies. It’s important to understand that there are many kinds of energies flowing through the Tao. Some are “auspicious” or beneficial and some are not. You would be wise to tap into the most beneficial energies that you can!

“I decide to tap into the beneficial energies of the Tao to manifest protection and my Soul’s intention.”


Butterfly Medicine - The Path Forward

Scroll down to Divine Protection to help you close down harmful energy channels. 


8 – Divine Protection. Reinforce your relationship with the new, life affirming energy that’s coming from the Cosmos to help us manifest effectively.

“I have Divine Protection.”

“I adapt to the positive flow of chi’ available in the New Paradigm to the best of my ability.”

“All harmful energy channels from the status quo are closed down.”

“I connect with the new, life affirming channels of communication.”
9 – Balanced Prosperity. 
In this New Paradigm based on Common Ground, a major objective is to experience Prosperity in balance with Nature.
“I call on the Divine to help me direct my energy to nurture and sustain what’s genuinely important and matters in my life.”
Balanced Prosperity

10 – Epigenetic Clearing. Relax with this DNA symbol from Divine Nature Activated and make certain that you’ve cleared family stress and epigenetic tags that block your ability to flow with the Circle of Life.

Being relaxed is really important for DNA symbols to do their best work.


11 – Additional Epigenetic Clearing. 

“The Path Forward into the New Paradigm is clear.”

If it doesn’t feel clear, what number(s) between 1 – 73 might help?

Choose corrections from Divine Nature Activated #1 – 73.

Congratulations! It’s time to get up and take a break before the final phase.

Animal Totem Tracks - Yellow Bar

Phase Three: Call For Guidance.

Kuan Yin always says that “It’s much easier to do the right thing when you are in good company. Following good examples will lead you to success.”

Spirit AnimalIn this final phase, we’re going to call upon Plant and Animal Spirits from Gifts from the Rainforest to be guides for us as we create a path forward into the New Paradigm.

Together, this is how we can make the best progress on our journey…

9 – Old Sol. Once you feel clear, ask Old Sol whose guidance you could use right now – Snake, Jaguar, Condor, Llama or Plant Spirits?

“Considering what I would like to bring into being and what I’m going through personally, is there a Plant or Spirit Animal that would be most helpful to me as a guide?”

Old Soul

Remember to breathe and relax while you contemplate the question.
Which one has the strongest attraction for you?
Snake, Jaguar, Condor, Llama or Plant Spirits?

Wait until you feel a clear choice coming from your heart / solar plexus area. Being centered and trusting your gut is a key element to getting good guidance from your Soul!

Once you have your answer, scroll down to that Plant or Animal’s link and check out the Games, Formulas and Exercises that they recommend and are willing to work with you on.

1. Transmuting with the Snake

Spirit Animal Tracks - Snake

“You have activated your spiritual will and are ready to be done with disloyalty toward’s your Soul’s purpose, like co-dependence and petty dramas. Come back into your power. … Like the snake, you have transcended the limitations of who you thought you were…

2. Develop Determination with Jaguar

Spirit Animal Tracks - Jaguar

“Your creativity and special talents will benefit from an influx of courage and trust in yourself. It’s time to stand tall and unflinching, regardless of what others are saying…

3. Liberate Yourself with Condor

Spirit Animal Tracks - Condor

“You have experienced a serious shock that prevents you from having balance around this situation. Consequently, you are affected in ways that you don’t even know and growth is stunted on account of it…

4. New Decisions with Llama

Spirit Animal Tracks - Llama

“Your heart is asking you to be open to the great unknown, yet you’re finding it hard to take a chance and give your all to your hearts desire. Perhaps the shock of past events has deterred you from making a commitment because your ego is afraid that what happened before will happen again…

5. Balancing with Plants Spirits

Spirit Animal Tracks - Plant Spirits

“You are being encouraged to use natural forms of healing to bring balance back into your situation. Let them teach you about the natural give and take in life and understand how all things are connected…

So, now you’re on your way… Welcome to Plant and Animal Spirit Tracks!

Find Out About Additional Soul Resources Intuition Trainings.


About the Facilitator

Rheanni Lightwater - The Path Forward

Rheanni Lightwater CHT, CKT specializes in online mind body healing,  self-care, personal growth and emotional healing using Reiki Energy Medicine, Hypnotherapy, Feng Shui and the Intuitive Learning Circles

Schedule with Rheanni via Zoom or in person when you visit Santa Fe, New Mexico. Call/ text (505) 271-4612 or email: [email protected]

The Intuitive Learning Circles should not be considered as an exclusive method of managing stress. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered as educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

SOS for Electromagnetic Stress

Chakra Clearing for Electromagnetic Stress

and several additional chakras that will activate a stronger connection to your Spirit above and to Mother Earth below! We’re going to use Reiki Chakra Keys to help you clear electromagnetic stress and other pathogens from your energy system while you balance the polarity of each chakra for increased energy and correct function in the New Paradigm. 

 SOS - Electromagnetic Stress
Rheanni Lightwater, Medical Intuitive

This is a great healing meditation to do while moving or stretching. I often go through it while I’m walking a treadmill or riding a recumbent bike. Because of the increased smoke, debris and pathogens in the atmosphere, I‘ve been guided to go through it on an “as needed” basis.


Self-care Formula: Clearing the Polarity of Your Chakras ~

There are hundreds of chakras located throughout the human body. Aside from the seven basic chakras that are well known, there are secondary spiritual chakras activating new levels of consciousness and essential chakras that govern the proper functioning of your body. That means every organ, gland and joint has at least one chakra. When the polarity of one or more chakras go out of sync with the others, you may feel unstable or off balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

A common sign that you might need this formula would be if your electronics start going haywire. Your own unstable polarity could be interacting with your equipment! If you’re a highly sensitive person like me, you might want to go through it as a daily self-care routine…

Electromagnetic stress and virus’s like RSV or the Coronavirus can also cause the chakras to go out of balance.

SOS - Electromagnetic StressWhen you spend a lot of time around technology, it’s easy to build up a toxic load of EMF’s in your energy system.  As a Medical Intuitive, I see this process beginning when electro-magnetic debris starts zapping around and jamming up the flow of energy in the chakras. If this “shock to the system” isn’t cleared regularly, a person can experience what’s known as electro-magnetic poisoning. The online magazine, Healthline lists possible reactions to EMF’s. Although the symptoms are vague and hard to diagnose, people suffering from electro-magnetic poisoning can experience significant disturbances in their mental health and physical wellbeing.

So, how can we expel toxins and electromagnetic stress?

Fixation and Electro-magnetic PoisoningFirst, you want to make sure that your energy system is cleared of all the little  “shocks” and fixations.

  • On a mental level, these fixations often show up as worry or fragmented thinking.
  • Emotionally, you can get stuck in a low vibration, like fear.
  • On a physical level, the fixations show up as chronic tension derived from conflicts  we’re holding onto.
  • Spiritually, you might be clinging to rigid, limiting beliefs that prevent you from being open to new alternatives.

If you’ve been feeling stuck in any of these ways, this exercise could help.

Preparations for Clearing Electromagnetic Stress:

To shake those fixations up a bit, imagine that you can use Condor’s Intuitive Learning Circle to help you relax. Take a few deep breaths and gaze softly into the center of the Circle. See if you can imagine all the lines going in towards the center going loose and limp. Or you could visualize an iceberg of tension melting away. Let these positive affirmations help you: 

“I relax and release chronic tension from my body. My shoulders are dropped. My jaw is relaxed.”

“I soften my thoughts around extremes or rigid behavior.”

“I relax and melt away the fear and tension to the best of my ability.”

Take your time and move around if you feel the need. Be sure to breathe deeply and often!

Once you’ve done that, you should feel your system beginning to relax. Next, set a simple intention about polarity. For example:

“This is a clearing for me to balance my chakra system so that it’s flowing in harmony with my Soul and life affirming polarity.”

Correction Key

Adapt to Changes in the Elements

The old, Piscean (Water) Age is gone and we’re all learning to adapt to the new energy flow of the Aquarian (Air) Age. In general, that means energy is moving much faster, lighter, quicker and more directly than we’re used to and our subtle energy systems need to adapt. 

To utilize the new protective and generative channels in the new Air energy, take a few minutes and gently meditate on the Divine Protection symbol below. If you like, you can think of it like installing a new “filter” into your chakras. These affirmations will help:

“I am flexible and open to receive generative life force.”

“I use Divine Protection to facilitate effective energy flow.”

Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to access new channels of communication. Visualize all the communications lines coming together into the center spoke of the circle.

Feel free to refer to this symbol whenever you get stuck or feel the need to breathe.

Directions for Using the Keys:

Start going through the Reiki Chakra Keys for each chakra in the order laid out below. Spend approximately a minute or two meditating on each symbol. The Keys help you to shift harmful polarity and let go of electro-magnetic static and poisoning. I use them with Reiki to move static and toxic viral energies out and away to the Light!

You’ll probably feel a lot of energy moving. That’s all right, it simply means the symbols are working to cleanse toxins out of your chakras and then balance them.

As you meditate on each Key, consciously visualize the toxic energy clearing out and going to the Sun. That way, you can be sure that you’re not dumping debris on others or our precious Earth. You will know you’re done when the energy calms down. Then you can move on to the next Key. At the end of the sequence, additional Circles from Soul Prayer Charts will help you get your energy settled and grounded.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending destructive energies into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not chaos and death!

So, let’s get started with Part One of the Clearing!

Begin with the Fourth Chakra Key (Heart):

Think about someone or something that you love very much. Feel that tender feeling in the center of your chest. That is where the Fourth Chakra is located and its energy radiates out, like a star with positive “Yang” energy.

A balanced and clear Fourth Chakra vibrates with the color GREEN. This is the center of your Being and the focal point for a healthy chakra system in the New Paradigm. It’s often called the Heart Chakra (please note that you have other chakras that bring energy in and out of your actual physical heart and their polarity generally runs more Yin or receptive). To balance the polarity in your 4th chakra, gaze at the Circle while using this affirmation:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - The 4th Chakra

Visualize any toxins or electromagnetic debris going to the Light.


The Fifth Chakra:

Next, gaze at the Fifth Chakra Key for the chakra located at your Throat:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Fifth Chakra vibrates with the color BLUE. Visualize any blockages or heaviness going to the Sun.


Sixth Chakra or Third Eye:

Continue with the Sixth Chakra Key for your Third Eye at the center of your forehead:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Sixth Chakra vibrates with the color PURPLE. Send toxic energy out and to the Sun.

This is a good opportunity to activate a healing energy known as “the Violet Flame.” This gift from Divine Mother is activated in the Third Eye and is especially effective for gently clearing out toxic metals, debris and chemicals.

“I utilize the divine healing grace of the Violet Flame for my highest good.”

Violet Flame

Take several minutes to scroll back and forth between the Sixth Chakra and this symbol. With enough time and patience, it’ll start moving stagnant energy out of the chakra, even if it’s gotten very clogged up.

Once you’ve activated the Violet Flame, you can use it to help you gently clear toxins out of your entire system and it works especially well with Reiki energy!


At the top of your head is the Seventh Chakra Key, often called the Crown Chakra:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.” 

Primary Chakras - The Seventh Chakra

A balanced and clear Seventh Chakra vibrates with the color WHITE. Feel the toxic energy moving up, out of the Crown Chakra like a fountain and going to the Sun. Continue until you feel calm and stable.


Connect with the Soul Chakra:

Keep moving up now and imagine an energy center located about 2″ up from the top of your Crown Chakra. This is what I call your Soul Chakra and it connects you with your Soul energy coming from the Divine Mind:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

A balanced and clear Soul Chakra vibrates with your unique SOUL COLOR. Let the positive energy of your Soul calm and strengthen your entire system. It helps for you to think about activities and things you’ve created that fill you with joy!


Your Divine Mind Chakra:

Just above your Soul Chakra is the Divine Mind Chakra, which transmits Divine Love energy through your unique connection with Divine Source.

“I connect with my Divine Mind Chakra to receive pure, Source energy.

Grail Reiki Healing - Divine Mind Chakra

 Depolarize your Life Path Chakras:

These chakras are positioned on either side of the Crown Chakra about one inch out and carry your potential coming into this lifetime.

“These chakras flow with positive, life affirming polarity.”

When the polarity between these two chakras are positive and balanced, a treasure chest of gifts is unlocked that can help you on your path. Keep breathing!

Dissolve Destructive Blueprints:

Use this symbol to help you surrender any mental/emotional patterns that may be blocking positive energy.

Consciously relax and then tune in for a minute. Visualize the toxic energy clearing out of you and going to the Light.

Please note: It’s time to stop sending destructive or toxic energies down into the Earth, she already has too much to handle now. Use the Earth for planting seeds of happiness and life – not death!

You will know you’re done when the energy calms down. Then you can move on to the second part of the clearing!

Part Two:

Open the Third Chakra:

Now that you’ve balanced the upper chakras, let’s move down to the center of your body to the Third Chakra, located at your solar plexus (the soft area where your ribs go up):

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Electromagnetic Stress Third Chakra

A balanced and clear Third Chakra vibrates with the color YELLOW. Remember to let the chakra relax and release any stuck or fixated energy, sending it to the Light. It may take a while for the chakra to repair itself if there’s been a lot of damage.


The Second Chakra:

About 2″ below your navel is the Second Chakra. It’s also known as the Spleen Chakra because of its deep connections with emotions, nourishment and immunity. View this symbol to help you adapt to the appropriate structure, function and connectivity needed for your health at this time:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - The Second Chakra

A balanced and clear Second Chakra resonates with the color ORANGE. Visualize any toxic energy or entanglements going to the Light.


Clear your First Chakra:

This one is located at the base of your pelvis (sometimes called the Root or Sacral chakra). When there is a problem here, you could be holding onto particularly destructive here. It may be time for you to release some old connections to harmful patterns from the past:

“This chakra is connected and flowing with life affirming polarity.”

Primary Chakras - Root Chakra

A balanced and clear Root Chakra vibrates with the color RED. Visualize any heaviness, illness or toxic energy expelling to the Light.


Find the Earth Chakra:

Now it’s time to connect with the Earth Chakra, located directly below your feet. This chakra connects you with common ground for the common good or the New Paradigm.

“I connect with Mother Earth and am grounded in life nourishing energy.

A balanced and clear Earth Chakra vibrates with your unique energy signature or Soul Color. Consciously feel your feet joyously connecting to the ground.


Access Divine Protection in the New Paradigm:

Before you finish, use this Chart for Divine Protection to close harmful energy channels from the past. Then, let it help you adapt to the new energy channels that affirm life through the Element of Air. Stay with it until you feel centered and protected with beneficial energy flowing through you.

Once you’ve got that, you’re ready to access new channels of communication. Visualize all the communications lines coming together into the center spoke of the circle. 


The Hara Lines:

As we finish this clearing, let’s strengthen the hara lines that connect all the chakras, like a beautiful web of life.

“The hara lines between my chakras are mending, healing and strengthening.

Imagine that these tiny lines are healing themselves throughout your body and reorganizing around optimal health.


Make Repairs to your Auras:

Finally, take several minutes to let the auras around your body repair and refocus themselves. Imagine that Violet Flame is moving all that debris out and to the Light!

“I repair and refocus my auras.”

“My auric field is strong and organized to create, sustain and protect my health and spiritual autonomy.”


You’ve balanced the polarity of the seven primary chakras and connected additional chakras that will enhance your health, intuition, personal growth and creativity. Now, your energy will be much clearer – more stable and grounded. Remember, a person whose energy is balanced and grounded benefits everyone. Be sure to take some time to relax and rest.

Go through this process as often as you need to. Let it help you stabilize from extreme weather events and other changes in the Universe.

This Transformation Game uses healing symbols and affirmations from Soul Star Reiki and Reiki Chakra Keys for advanced chakra balancing and clearing.

If you’re looking for deeper healing, you may need a private energy clearing or it may be time for you to be attuned to the Reiki energy yourself.

Soul Resources, LLC offers Mind Body Healing in Santa Fe with Intuition Training, Chakra Balancing and all Levels of Reiki Training and Attunements >>

This Mind Exercise is Part of Spirit Animal Tracks for Self-healing ~

Spirit Animal Tracks

Find out about Intuition Training for Personal Growth with us!


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Chakra clearing for electromagnetic stress should not be considered as an exclusive method of physical or psychological stress relief. The appropriate medical or psychotherapeutic authorities should be consulted for the diagnosis and treatment of any medical or psychological condition. The information and practices described on this website are best considered educational and complementary to orthodox medical or psychological treatments.

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